Mercury's War (39 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Mercury's War
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    He kept his grin to himself. There she was. His woman. All attitude and fire and heated arousal. He nodded slowly, picked up his magazine and pretended to read it. He’d been reading the damned thing a month now. He still didn’t know a single article in it.

    “And it would help you to read that magazine if you turned it right side up,” she said carefully. “If you’re just going to pretend to read it, then pretend with at least a show of decorum.”

    He grinned behind the magazine. But he didn’t turn it right side up. And here he’d thought she hadn’t noticed.




    Ria hadn’t imagined the agony of need Elizabeth Vanderale had once described to her as she explained mating heat. She couldn’t have understood, she told herself later, feeling her womb spasming violently as a fire burned just under her flesh.

    Sitting at her desk, her thighs clenched, her clit throbbing in heavy demand, Ria knew she was on the verge of screaming for relief.

    She glanced through the screen of her lashes to where Mercury sat across from her. The comfortable easy chair that had been in the corner of the room for him held his large body easily. He was sprawled out in it, his long legs stretched out before him, the bulge between his legs thick and pressing against the black leather pants. His T-shirt conformed to the rippling muscles of his abs, and as she watched, those muscles bunched, his thighs shifted and she could have sworn his cock throbbed beneath the leather.

    Moving up, her eyes finally met his. His eyes were brilliant with hunger. The sharp, crisp blue almost flamed within his dark face as he watched her. Yet he hadn’t tried to touch her. Each time she walked by him to get more files, she prayed to find him against her, to have him reach out for her. She wanted him with a violence that was beginning to eat away at her nerves, but other than the bulge straining at his pants, he showed no signs of the same hunger eating him alive.

    The need was like a steadily growing flame working over her nerve endings, building in her sex. The need, not just to fuck, but to rub against him, to have his arms around her, to stroke him and pet him, had her entire body heating like an inferno.

    She forced herself to lower her gaze back to the transmission Jonas had loaded onto the computer. It was definitely coded, though the code was much shorter, more hurried. Ria rubbed at her forehead as she pulled up other transmissions from the night before and worked those alongside it.

    There had been a pattern, until this one. The culprit leaking information had found a system that had managed to keep itself from detection by snagging outgoing transmissions already in the works, attaching the code and then freeing them to their destinations.

    Each transmission had gone to a subsidiary of either Engalls Pharmaceuticals or Brandenmore Research. The majority of them went to a subsidiary company on the research arm, and one fairly popular within Sanctuary for ordering innocuous supplies such as aspirin. Breeds were prone to mild headaches as the seasons changed, and they used aspirin in vast quantities.

    There was also an order for another headache medicine, though. One a bit stronger. Ria frowned, tracking the orders and the transmissions attached to them as she moved them through the ghost drive.

    In the past year the orders for the drug had grown, and were all being delivered to the same Breed. Dr. Ely Morrey.

    As she shifted in more files, frowning over the findings, a heavy knock landed on the door.

    “It’s Jonas,” Mercury told her quietly as he unlocked the door and allowed the other Breed to enter the room.

    Mercury moved to the side of her desk as she glanced at him suspiciously. Did he think Jonas was going to turn rabid and attack or something?

    Nearly shaking her head, she lifted her gaze to Jonas as the door closed and locked behind them. At the faint click, Ria’s eyes shot to the lock.

    “Ely’s called the Ruling Cabinet together,” Jonas announced. “An emergency session. They’re convening day after tomorrow.”

    “She’s going to demand Mercury’s confinement?” Ria knew that was the reason behind the emergency session.

    Jonas nodded, his hard, arrogant expression tightening further.

    “She’s already begun calling the cabinet members, who in turn are calling Callan. She’s not going to get the support she needs, but she could manage to force the tests for feral displacement and mating heat.”

    “What about the blood you took yesterday?” Mercury asked, drawing Ria’s surprised gaze.

    “What blood?” she asked.

    Jonas’s gaze met hers. “After you left yesterday, Mercury submitted a sample of his blood for feral displacement and mating heat. Which means we’re going to need a sample of yours.”

    “For Dr. Morrey to screw with?” She stared back at him in disbelief. “I really don’t think so, Jonas.”

    Jonas glanced at Mercury again, his expression questioning. At Mercury’s slightest nod, Jonas turned back to her.

    “We do have another scientist.”

    Ria smiled knowingly as she leaned back in her chair and stared at him mockingly. “You have Jeffery Amburg, don’t you, Jonas?”

    Jonas crossed his arms over his chest and turned his gaze to Mercury.

    “Do you trust him to do the tests?” he asked.

    Mercury shrugged. “He’s a murdering bastard, but nothing matters to him but the tests and the results. He’s a scientist, Jonas. The worse sort. But he’ll follow through on whatever he finds.”

    Jeffery Amburg, Ria knew, had been one of the scientists assigned to Mercury’s lab. He’d also been the scientist that helped develop the drug to control the feral displacement when Mercury had gone insane with rage at the news of Alaiya’s death. He had also been the scientist researching the hormone that showed up in Mercury, which was known to be the precursor to mating heat.

    She was surprised by the hard pinch of pain that brought to her chest. She should have grown accustomed to the situation as it stood by now.

    “He doesn’t touch her.” Mercury jerked his head toward Ria. “A Breed can take the blood and saliva samples. Nothing more.”

    Jonas’s jaw clenched.

    “Wouldn’t that be my decision, Mercury?” Not that she wanted those tests, but the arrogance in his voice raised the hairs at the back of her neck in both primal warning and irritation.

    He shot her a glare. “Do you want Amburg to come out of there alive, Ria? If I saw his hands on you, knowing the blood that coats them, I wouldn’t be able to restrain myself.”

    She ignored the declaration and turned back to Jonas.

    “Is Alaiya being tested?”

    His gaze moved to Mercury again.

    “I didn’t ask Mercury, I asked you.”

    He nodded shortly. “One of our enforcers escorted her to the lower-level labs we have Amburg in now. Her samples were taken several hours ago.”

    “And was she showing signs of mating heat?”

    Jonas didn’t speak. Ria felt her heart tighten, felt it burn like a live coal in her chest.

    “I see.” She leaned forward, straightened the papers on her desk and stared sightlessly at the screen. “Let me know when you need me to give you the blood and saliva. I’ll be working until then.”

    Silence filled the room for long moments.

    “I’ll send Amburg’s tech up when I leave. She’s a young Breed; she worked in another of the labs, assisting the scientists there, before the rescues. She’ll take care of you.”

    Ria nodded and moved another transmission into place.

    She focused on work. She had always focused on work. It didn’t betray, it didn’t consume, it didn’t eat away at her emotions. “By the way, your transmission last night came from the Breed barracks, rather than the estate house as you assumed. Low-level, it piggybacked on an outgoing transmission and ended at the hotel in Buffalo Gap.”

    She pushed her chair back from the computer as Jonas edged from the desk. Rising from it, she gave him the seat and moved around the desk as he sat down. He stared at the transmission display she’d had running within a tracking program she’d downloaded from the Breed satellite once the computer in the office had been linked directly to it.

    “How did you find it?” Jonas’s fingers were moving across the keyboard. “We don’t have this program.”

    “Sanctuary’s security level hasn’t been raised sufficiently to allow use of the program,” she told him. “I had clearance to use it personally, granted by Leo himself when I awoke this morning and checked my messages.”

    Which meant Dane had come clean with him. For some reason, that had made her feel less like an outsider. Dane had called Leo when the situation had grown out of her control. He had been ready to face Leo’s rage to bring her back to South Africa.

    She crossed her arms over her breasts, pushing that knowledge aside as she frowned at the other information she had found.

    “Why is Ely ordering codeine from one of Brandenmore’s subsidiaries?” she asked. “I would have thought all medications and research supplies ordered outside Vanderale or Lawrence Industries would go through Engalls.”

    Jonas paused and lifted his gaze, his eyes sharp, deadly.

    “Breeds don’t take codeine,” he told her. “It doesn’t work as well with our systems as it does with non-Breeds.”

    Ria shrugged. “Check her order transmissions, the ones with the attached coding on them. She’s made several orders over the past six to eight months, with increasing frequency. She’s also ordering pain medications of increasing strength. Morphine was added to the list last month.”

    “There haven’t been any requisitions or payments for those drugs,” he told her. “I’d know if there were.”

    “Then maybe she’s paying for them another way.”

    The silence, the heavy, dangerous tension, that filled the room had the hairs along her arms and her neck lifting in response.

    Jonas pulled a communicator from the side of his belt, attached it to his head and pulled the mic to his cheek.

    “Jackal? Secure Dr. Morrey’s office and place enforcers Blade, Noble and Mordecai within the labs until all computers can be confiscated. I want Ely confined to her quarters, and inform Callan and Dane I’m on my way to Callan’s office for an emergency meeting.”

    He disconnected the link, pulled the headset off and stared at Ria, fury swirling in his eyes.

    “When did you find this?”

    “Just before you came in.” She shrugged. “But I’d be careful, Jonas. It was too easy to find and I don’t like that.”

    “Ely is no electronics wizard.” He sighed heavily. “She hates computers just to begin with. If it’s not scientific equipment, then she has no use for it. They would have to keep it simple.”

    His voice was heavy, filled with regret, as he rose to his feet. “Get this information printed out, pull the program here, and I want it installed on the personal network we’re putting together for in-house use.”

    Ria smiled tightly. “Not without clearance, Jonas.”

    “We need this program, damn you!” His hands flattened on the desk as he growled back at her.

    “Jonas.” Mercury stepped between them, his large body tense, his voice warning. “Pull back.”

    Jonas jerked back from the desk and glared at Mercury.

    “Fuck this shit! When this is over, I’m joining Lawe in the damned monastery. I’ve had enough of overly territorial Breeds and the mating heat bullshit that makes my job hell. Watch it, Mercury. I’ll give
my job.”

    He pushed his hands over his short, dark hair and breathed out heavily before turning back to Ria. “Can you at least print out the information and bring it to Callan’s office? I need proof, Ria. Not supposition or information on a program we’re not allowed to have,” he sneered.

    “I can install the program on Callan’s computer. It can ghost for up to seventy-two hours before it deletes itself and becomes inoperable and undetectable to the main network. Or any other private network.”

    He nodded sharply as he moved from the desk and allowed her back in her chair.

    Sitting was agony. It clenched her thighs around her clit, reminding her of the emptiness inside her core, and tightened her womb spasmodically as the need for sex began to eat her alive.

    She restrained the need to place her hand against her lower stomach in protest of the pain, and she feared that the next few hours were going to be impossible to get through.

    She typed in the key to release the program from the computer, inserted another ghost program to clean it from the drive and the network, then pulled the small external drive that held the information they needed.

    When she looked up, it was to see Mercury’s gaze on her, that hard blue color of his eyes burning within his face. He needed too, and yet he did nothing to ease either one of them.

    If she wanted him, she would have to take him.

    She stared at him, almost feeling the sweet relief, the burning need as if she had forced his heavy erection inside her, taking him to the hilt and feeling all that heat and power at her control. That could become more addictive than the mating heat itself.

    Her breasts became more swollen, her nipples painfully hard beneath the lace of the bra she wore. She felt like panting. Like going to her knees and taking what she wanted.

    “Today, children,” Jonas cleared his throat, breaking the spell weaving around them. “Sometime today, if you don’t mind.”

    Ria rose to her feet and forced her gaze back to the files she had laid aside to back up the information on the external drive.

    She wanted to shake her head, to attempt to clear it and the emotions striking through her-anger and need, heartache and the certainty that living without him wasn’t an option now.

    He had done this to her, she argued inside. He had made the choice to take her rather than the woman that nature had meant for him.

    And if that woman was suffering as a result?

    She shook her head. It didn’t work like that. Elizabeth’s research proved that mating heat required an exchange of the hormone; a kiss, a sex act-more than just a desire. The hormone could only show up with mating heat in full force. The Breed tongue might itch, but the glands would swell only minutely at first unless further contact was initiated.

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