Merrick: Harlequins MC (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Stephens

BOOK: Merrick: Harlequins MC
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“That’s probably a good idea. Right now we have all our eggs in one basket,” Kyle said.


“True,” Merrick agreed. “But we also have less potential leaks because only a few know what we do.”


Kyle shrugged with a grin, conceding the point.


“That’s where I’ll start. Anything else?”


“Anything on the movie?” Kelly asked.


Merrick shook his head. “Nothing. “I’m sure they were fine last night since they were inside. Today, down on the river, is a different matter, but it took them a week to give up the last time. I’m not surprised I didn’t hear from them. I’ll give them a couple of days, and if I still don’t hear from them, we’ll turn the heat up on them.”


“I can’t believe they fired us over that Poppy bitch. I’d like to get her out behind the shop for ten minutes,” Pete growled.


“Is that as long as you can last?” Tim asked with a grin.


“Longer than you, at least according to Haven.”


Tim snickered then gave him the finger as the rest of the Harlequins chuckled.


Chapter Nine

“Capra,” Merrick said, sticking a finger in his other ear to block out the noise of pneumatic hammers and power saws.


He was on a construction site trying to get the contractor’s head out of his own ass. The guy was new to the business and didn’t have a clue on how to schedule. Now the contractor was breathing down his neck to finish because his electrical and plumbing guys were supposed to start and the house wasn’t even dried in yet, even though his crew was actually a half-day ahead of the schedule he’d given him.


“Merrick, this is Taylor Goode, with Brand B Pictures.”


“What do you want, Taylor? I’m a little busy at the moment.”


“I want to talk to you about providing location security again.”


Merrick smiled. “I’m in the middle of something at the moment. Give me an hour to get this sorted and I’ll call you back,” he said then ended the call.


He then turned back to the contractor. “Let me explain something to you. When I give you a schedule, don’t fucking change it. I’ve been doing this since I was sixteen. I know how long it takes to put the walls up, and I don’t give a shit what your fancy Gnatt chart tells you. So you get your ass on the phone and tell the electrician and the plumber it’s going to be three more days before the rough in is ready. Got it?”


“It shouldn’t take you this long to dry a house in!”


“Says who? You? How many houses have you built?”


“That doesn’t matter! The standard—”


“Fuck what the book says! I’m telling you what it really takes. If you think you can find someone who can do it faster, then knock yourself out, but I’m telling you any reputable framer will tell you the same thing.” He watched the guy as he looked away. “You already found that out didn’t you? This is your fuck-up, not mine, so you straighten it out.”


“Okay, look, I thought you were padding the schedule, and I’m sorry. If I miss my window it’ll be two weeks before I can get on their schedules again. Help me out here!”


Merrick softened. “We’re going as fast as we can. I’ll see if the crew wants to work over, but that’s going to cost you more.”


The man shook his head. “No. I’m going to be over budget as it is.”


Merrick grinned. “Don’t worry about it. I lost my ass on the first few houses I framed, too. My dad taught me everything I know and I thought I knew all these ways to speed stuff up, to do it faster and cheaper. Turns out there’s usually a reason things are done the way they are. Here’s a bit of advice for your next house: ask the contractor what it’ll take, then listen to him. You’ll sleep better at night.”


The man nodded and Merrick shook his hand. As the man pulled out his phone, Merrick found his site supervisor.


“Did you get him straightened out?” Bud asked.


“Yeah, I think so. He’s new, so help him out if you can.”


Bud grinned. “We’re doing the best we can. If we don’t have any rain delays, and it doesn’t look like we will, we should be done by early Friday.”


“Is that firm?”


“Pretty firm.”


Merrick nodded. That was a day early. “I’ll let him know. If you make it Thursday, buy the guys a beer on me.”


Bud chuckled. “What do we get if we finish Wednesday?”


“A kick in the ass for being lazy all the other times.”


Bud burst into laughter. “I’ll let them know.”


Merrick grinned. Bud ran his best crew. If anyone could get it done Thursday, this crew could. He sat down in his truck and started it to get the air conditioning going. He had one more stop to make to look at some rework, then he would call Taylor back. It wouldn’t hurt Taylor to sweat a little.




“Taylor, Merrick Capra, calling you back.”


“Thank you for calling me back, Merrick. Listen, I want to apologize for what happened the other day. I should have given you better instructions. Are you available to provide security again?”


“Yeah. It’ll be two thousand a day.”


“Two thousand! It was only fifteen hundred before!”


“That was before you pissed me off. Now it’s two thousand.”


There was a long pause. “Fine. Two thousand a day,” Taylor said, his voice flat.


“Same agreement as before.”


“Yes, but I want you to leave Poppy alone and treat her with a little more respect.”


“I treated her the same respect I treated everyone else, from you all the way down to the guy who picks up trash when you’re done.”


“Okay, then, treat her with more respect.”


“I’m not going to let her push me around, Taylor. If you want some toady for her to shit on, find someone else.”


“Merrick, that’s the way it has to be.”


“Then I guess this conversation is done. Good luck with your picture,” Merrick said and ended the call. He grinned and debated demanding twenty-five hundred a day if Taylor called back but decided that was being a little too much of an asshole, even for him.


It had been three days since the Harlequins had been fired. He’d ridden by the river twice, not stopping, but seeing the crew was still there. Will had said they wanted to try to get three scenes in one day, so they must have been having problems if they were still there. Maybe he would ride by later and see if they were
on the river.


He was pulling into his house when his phone rang. “Capra.”


“Can you start today?” Taylor asked softly.


Merrick smiled at the sound of defeat in Taylor’s voice. “When?” he asked.


“Now. As soon as you can get here.”


“Where are you?”


“At the river. Will said you would know where.”


Merrick glanced at the clock in the truck. It was almost eleven. “Have the crew take a break and have them ready to work in two hours. Are you having problems with people on the river?”


“Yeah. People are out there in canoes and kayaks.”


“Then I need two boats. I don’t know where you’ll find them, but we’ll need a way to get out there. Try Southpoint Marine, they may have something you can rent or buy cheap.”


“Okay. I’ll get on it.”


“Call me if you find something and I’ll go get it. And Taylor…”


“What?” Taylor asked when Merrick didn’t continue.


“You fire us again, don’t bother calling back.”


Taylor sighed. “Understood.”




Merrick stopped his truck and he and Jason stepped out. Most of the Harlequins were already there and had started chasing off the troublemakers. Most of those there knew the score and were there as a favor to the club, so they packed up the moment the Harlequins showed up and explained the situation to them. There had been a few stragglers who wanted to cause trouble, but as the Harlequins began to assert their control, they, too, left.


The only people left were the half-dozen boats floating in the river. Merrick, Jason, and six other brothers slid the two aluminum boats out of the back of Merrick’s truck. Southpoint had been delighted to rent them the two boats to have their name included in the credits of the movie…that and the rental for the two boats for two days was half the cost of buying one.


The four men slid the boats in the river and pushed off, two men to a boat, and they began to paddle out to the boats station keeping in the river.


Merrick wasn’t the most experienced boat captain as he and Tim cut a weaving path toward the boats while Jason and Randy did the same on the other side of the camera.


“You’re going to have to move back,” Merrick said as they drifted to a stop beside them.


“You don’t have the authority to order us off the river,” the man said.


“You’re right, I don’t. I just want you to move up the river about two hundred yards. Where you’re sitting you’re in the scene.”


“That’s their problem.”


“It’s going to be your problem if you don’t do what I said. Everyone, I want you to move up the river about two hundred yards.”


“What if we don’t?” the man asked even as a couple of people began to paddle away.


“Then you won’t like what happens next.”


“What are you going to do, tough guy?”


Merrick reached over and gave the man a push, rolling his kayak upside down and dumping him in the water. The man tried to right the kayak and Merrick pushed him under again with his paddle. When the man came up the second time, Merrick waited until he gasped a breath then pushed him down with the paddle again.


The second time he came up, Merrick grabbed him and hauled him up straight as the man spluttered. “Any more questions?”


“You fuck!” the man snarled, taking a swing at him with his paddle. Merrick blocked it with his own paddle then jabbed him hard in the side with it. The man grunted and winced, covering his ribs. “Fuck! That hurt!”


“It’s going to hurt a lot more if you don’t get your ass out of the shot!”


“I’m going to sue you for this!”


“Really?” Merrick rolled the man over again, the kayak much easier to flip than his own wide and stable craft. He kept poking the man under until he had to swim out of the kayak or risk drowning. He popped up beside the boat.


Merrick grabbed the man’s boat and began pushing it along out of his reach. “Let’s go,” Merrick said as he placed his paddle in the water and began to stroke toward the other boats, grabbing the kayak to keep it moving.


“You fucking asshole!” the man snarled as he swam after them.


When they reached about the halfway point, Merrick gave the kayak a hard push to send it on its way. The man was panting hard. “Don’t make me come out here again. I don’t like boats and it will piss me off.”


“Fuck you!” the man panted as he grabbed his boat. Swimming against the current was hard work and he was panting hard as he began to crab around the side to bail the boat out.


Merrick slapped the water with his paddle, splashing the man, before they turned their boat toward the shore. They pulled the boat well out of the water, but left it where it was. It was faster for them to walk back than try to paddle.


The Harlequins had been on location less than an hour and they were ready to shoot. Jason and Randy paddled up to the crew and stepped out. They hadn’t had to dunk anyone, but only because Merrick did it first, which made believers out of everyone else.


As they hauled the boat out of the water and carried it behind the cameras, the cast and crew began to clap, all but Poppy, who sat under an umbrella and glared at Merrick. He ignored her as he grabbed a water out of the cooler and chugged half of it down. Paddling a boat was hard work when you didn’t know what you were doing.


“If we have to go out there again, you go,” Merrick said to Jason as he stepped up. “You obviously know a lot more about boats than I do.”


Jason laughed. “I used to fish with my dad. Randy and I were laughing at you and Tim. You two looked like you were drunk the way you were paddling. You paddled twice as far as you had to because you couldn’t go straight.”


Merrick grinned at Jason’s ribbing. You couldn’t be good at everything, and if he was going to suck at something, paddling a boat was a good a choice as any.


He and Jason had just finished their water when Taylor approached with Blake on his heels. “I can’t say I approve of your methods, but you’re effective, I’ll give you that.”

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