Mesmerized: Spellbound (Book One) (3 page)

BOOK: Mesmerized: Spellbound (Book One)
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Chapter Five

“What happened to you all afternoon,” Kat asked as soon as I walked through the front door.

I was at Alexi’s vineyards. We had lunch.”

Do you really think you should be getting involved with someone like that? You’re a long way from home,” said Sarah.

Am I really hearing this from you two? You sound like my mother. Did you guys make some chastity pledge or something?”

Geez Julia. It’s just, men like that can be dangerous. You're American, you don’t know very much about what it’s like out here. It’s like the Wild West,” said Kat.

That was the second time I
’d heard reference to the Old West in two days. I was beginning to think Europeans didn’t know very much about America. The questions died down as we ate our meager dinner.

Kat and Sarah had both
seen of Alexi; they knew exactly how hot he was. I’m sure both of them would do exactly the same thing in my position. I didn’t know them very well, but they didn’t seem like total prudes or anything. In fact, they seemed like the kind of girls who had one nighters. So what were they getting all up in my business about Alexi for? Where they jealous?
Who knows? Who cares?

I could feel myself longing for him.
He had some kind of spell over me. It didn’t matter that I’d only known him for two days; it didn’t matter that I
kissed on a first date. It didn’t matter that I was in this strange Eastern Bloc country were people disappeared without a trace on a regular basis, and the whole government and economic systems were run by gangsters. None of that mattered to me one bit. I was becoming a different kind of woman, the kind of woman I always imagined myself to be, the kind of woman who took risks, and he was a key part of my transformation.

That night, I l
aid on my cot; I fell asleep thinking of the feeling of his lips against mine, the feeling of desire that had awakened in me like a sleeping lion. Where had that been all my life? I’d had sex before, plenty. It wasn’t like I was a virgin, but no guy had ever made me feel like that, even in the throes of orgasm. And this man, this strange man, made me feel something so huge, so unknown and dark, so deep from within, with just one kiss. I sighed, thinking about him, and fell into a deep sleep.

In my
dreams, he looked down at me as I sat below him in a chair. My hands were tied behind my back, my breasts exposed, my legs wide open under a short skirt. I was waiting for him to command me, to teach me about myself and uncover my deepest desires. Hot wax dripped from a blood-red candle onto my sharply erect nipple. Pain and pleasure surged through my body. In the dream he came towards me, but I shot up in my bed breaking from the fantasy. I could feel myself still throbbing inside my panties. I moaned under my breath, and laid back down. What the heck was that?

In the mor
ning, he arrived again at 10 am. When I saw him, the trance state washed over me so quickly I almost fell down before I opened the door. This time, the trance was coupled with a new feeling of dark, forbidden arousal. The newly awakened lion inside me burst through the door and pounced on the back of his motorcycle. I was wearing a short dress, and it flew up around my thighs as we rode. I could feel the rumble of the motorcycle under my pussy as I clung to his back, and I inhaled the deep spicy scent of his skin.

He drove
to downtown Odessa, showing me the tourist sites. It was so very different from the countryside. Fashion posters and upscale boutiques dotted the streets. Italian Baroque and Rococo architectural marvels towered above us as we sped past. We drove down a narrow street of luxury buildings near the magnificent Odessa Opera House. He pointed to the third floor of a three story building.

That is my flat,” he said over the rumble of his motor.

He parked and led me upstairs.
His apartment was a sharp contrast to the cottage he’d grown up in. It was the height of understated modern luxury. He had a huge kitchen full of stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops. It opened into a living room with long leather couches and walls hung with massive canvases of modern art. It overlooked the Opera House from the enormous windows on the back side of the condo. I stood in front of the window looking down at the busy street below, eying the magnificent buildings that were older than anything in my own country. He came up behind me and breathed into the back of my neck, making goose bumps rise down my arms and legs.

Let’s go out to the patio,” he said opening the sliding door.

We walked
outside, and a warm breeze ruffled through my hair as I leaned against the railing and surveyed the view. He stood nearby, copying my pose. I could feel him near me: the electricity of his body, the strange trance that he induced in me. I waited for him to touch me again, but I kept my gaze out across the Opera House and toward the sea beyond. This was a million-dollar view if I’d ever seen one. His arm slowly encircled my waist as he stood close to me.

What do you think?”

It’s amazing.”

I am glad you like it,” he said.

I looke
d up at him. The breeze ruffled his shirt, revealing those strange tattoos beneath. His blue eyes blazed down at me; his mouth curved in a slow smile. He moved his lips toward mine, but didn’t kiss me; he let his lips gently brush against my cheek. The contact made my body tense, waiting for more.

Come inside,” he said.

I followed him into his bedroom. His bed was huge, with a big padded wall behind the headboard. I stood in the doorway, not knowing what to do. I could sense we were about to fuck, and somewhere in the ba
ck of my mind I was screaming, “What the hell are you doing, Julia!” I didn’t want to listen to that voice in my head. Every time he touched me, every time he even looked at me, I felt more sexually aroused than I ever had in my life. Today, I was going to break my rules.

Sit down on the bed,” he said softly.

I sat at the edge of the bed and waited. He glided over to me and stood above me, his cock bulging under his pants right in my face. I wanted to unzip his pants and put it in my mouth, suck it and s
uck it until he came while I stroked myself, but I didn’t; I couldn’t move. I was too excited to think straight. It was like I was restrained, body and mind.

My short flowing skirt was hiked up around my thighs from how I
’d sat down, and the crotch of my panties peaked out underneath. He reached down and lightly brushed the exposed mount of my panties, sending a shock wave from my clit through my whole body. I gasped. He chuckled, quietly under his breath.

Soon he was down on his knees in front of me as I
sat there not moving, not knowing what to do, unable to act. He bent in to kiss me so deeply I could barely breath. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I wanted him inside of me more than anything I’d ever wanted in my life.
Oh God, fuck me now!

hands worked at my panties and pulled them down around my ankles. He slowly disengaged from our kiss and moved his mouth down to my crotch. Usually, I hate getting head; it makes me feel self-conscious, but as soon as his tongue touched my clit, I wanted him to eat me until I came. He opened my legs wide, and I fell back on the bed. His mouth sought my darkness, sucking my mound; his tongue lapped at my clit like crashing waves of desire.

With his left
hand, he reached up inside my bra, kneading my breast and pinching my hard nipple. He drove his fingers into my pussy while he tongue flicked my nub. I tightened my legs around him and bucked into his pumping fingers, his knuckles pounding against my tender flesh. I soaked his hand with my inner juices, sloshing onto the bedspread. I could feel my orgasm rising; it was seconds, seconds away from sweet, dark release. But he pulled back just as my orgasm was about to peak.

No, don’t stop,” I said squirming on the bed. 

You aren’t ready yet,” he said. Then he whispered in Russian or Ukrainian or something. I was too excited to care what he was saying, too close to climax and left wet and sloppy on the bed. I put my hands down to my pussy and started to rub myself.

No,” said, grabbing my hands and holding them above my head. He was on top of me now, straddling me. I could feel his cock hard on my stomach.

Why?” I moaned pitifully.

You aren’t ready,” he breathed into my neck.

I need you,” I whispered in his ear.

That just made him
laugh more. His laugh was quiet and controlled. He got off of me, and went to the bathroom to wash. I put my panties back on. My crotch was sopping wet from his mouth and the flowing juices that had readied my body for him to enter. But there was nothing I could do about it; I was just going to be wet. He took me back downstairs and across the street for a light lunch and coffee at a street-side cafe. We sat on the patio, the breeze ruffled under my skirt against the dampness of my panties. It was unbearable.

When are you leaving Julia?” he asked me.

I don’t know,” I said. He kept asking me that, and every time I got a little more confused. Somehow, I didn’t feel like I was leaving any time soon. 

lunch, we went back to his motorcycle to drive home. The rumble of the motor under my body and the feeling of him tight against my chest was too much. The stilted climax was so close to the surface, it had never really gone away. I hugged him tight to me and let the motor vibrate under my pussy. We were half way back to my flat when the climax finally broke through.

Oh god, oh god
,” I moaned in his ear, tightening my hold on him as I came.

He drove back to my flat and parked. I got off and put my arms around him. Not caring who saw us.

“You cheated,” he chided.

I couldn’t help it,” I said blushing.

You are forgiven, this time. I will pick you up again tomorrow. Tomorrow you will be ready.”




Chapter Six

I could barely sleep. I tossed and turned in my cot, wishing I was in his bed
in his luxurious flat. When I did sleep, I dreamed that I was lying in red silk sheets while he stood nude above me, chanting in a strange unknown language. His tattoos glowed black and red across his skin. His cock was hard, brushing his stomach. I wanted to move to my knees, but I was chained down somehow, bound hand and foot to the bed. I couldn't move. The chanting accelerated and then he began to stroke his cock. I wanted to do that! I wanted it in my mouth, in my pussy, in every part of me.

But he stood stroking himself above me, not letting me touch hi
m, not touching me. He pumped faster and the chanting rose to a fever pitch. Then he exploded his cum, hot across my body. I woke from a tight and painful orgasm. I squeezed my legs, trying to make the pain subside as I willed myself to go back to sleep.

When the first rays of sunlight broke through the windows, I shot out of bed and turned on the
hot-water heater. I fed myself— somehow I knew I’d need to have stamina for the day ahead. Then I showered, put on makeup, did my hair, got dressed, and waited. I was ready at 8am and looked out the window every five minutes.

At least he’s bringing you back,” said Kat.

For now,” said Sarah.

Keep your passport safe,” said Kat.

You don’t want to be sex trafficked,” said Sarah.

I’m an
in the Ukraine, doesn’t sex trafficking usually go the other way around?”

Still, she had a valid point. I was falling under his spell, who knew what he could ma
ke me do. But did I really care? Just the thought of having his cock inside me made me feel like mortgaging my entire future. Grad school, work at some office for the rest of my life, those goals seemed pale and stupid in comparison to the electric shock of his tongue on my body.

He was there at ten on t
he nose, looking tan and polished; his hair slicked back in a low ponytail, his eyes gleaming in the sun. I jumped on the back of his bike, and we sped down the highway, past the acres of open farmland, up into the village were his vineyards lay tucked away between lake and dense forest. He took me into the cottage, into a dark bedroom with a rustic metal-framed bed covered with a handmade quilt.

wanted to fuck me in the shack, and I was fine with that. It was kind of kinky in a way. Play acting that we were peasants in some far-off past life. I waited for him while he lit a mass of beeswax candles scattered across the room. He stood over the candles muttering something I couldn’t hear. I was getting inpatient. I had already waited too long for this. What he’d done to me the day before was cruel. I wiggled in my loose-fitting pants. I wanted to take my clothes off and lie naked on the bed, but I didn’t know what to do. Something about his presence made me unable to act. All I could do was wait for his instructions.

When he was
finished, he turned to me and told me to remove my clothing, which I did without a word. A breeze blew through the window and caused the curtains to billow and raise goose bumps across my skin. I stood in the room naked, shivering even in the heat of the day. My nipples were hard under his gaze, I felt myself flush as he regarded me. He reached out a hand to squeeze my breast and tweak my nipple, but he did not move toward me or kiss me. He did not remove his clothes. I could feel my juices flowing, wetting the inside of my thigh. I saw his cock grow hard and bulge in his pants as he looked at me.

he was behind me, rubbing my flesh with his palms, cupping my breast with one hand and fingering my pussy with the other. I felt him hard against my ass.
This is it!
Then he yanked my arms behind my back and tied my wrists with smooth rope. When he was finished tying me, he walked around to face me. The look on his face was chilling. His eyes gleamed as he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me hard. I reached my leg around his, but he pulled away and put his arms on my shoulders, pushing me back to sit on the bed.

He stood there in front of me, and opened his pants just enough to reveal his huge
erection which he promptly thrust down my throat. I wanted him in my mouth, but I wanted him in my pussy more. I screamed in protest, but it was muffled by his cock. He slowly and methodically face fucked me. Thrusting deeper and deeper into my mouth as he held the sides of my head. Spit ran down my chin, and I almost gagged. Every few thrusts, he let me breath, but as soon as I caught my breath, he thrust even deeper into me. My breasts giggled, and I could feel him growing tenser, harder. Then he pulled out and came all over my tits.

Needless to say, I was disappointed. Not that it wasn
’t hot, but at this point my pussy and tits were so swollen I was about to start rubbing myself on the bed to make myself come. If my hands hadn’t been tied around my back, I would have finger banged myself into oblivion.

Lie down,” he said, his gleaming blue eyes shining.

I l
ay down and waited. I had to shift my tied hands to rest around my hip. It was uncomfortable, but I was hoping that if I complied, he’d rally quickly and stick it in. Then the strange chanting started, and he rubbed his cum all over my tits and down across my stomach and pussy. It was kind of gross, but if that got him off, I was fine with it. He raised his hands above my body, and I could feel a sensation of heat and pressure radiating out from his palms.
Now, that was weird.
Was I so horny that I was hallucinating? Was that possible?

Then he stood and whispered something in the doorway
, made a hand gesture, and abruptly left.
What the fuck?
He just left me in the room without a word. My arms were starting to fall asleep, and I was beginning to get pissed. This little game was becoming less than fun. He tied me up and didn’t even have the decency to fuck me, then he left! I sat up on the bed, my arms still tied. I tried to wiggle out of the bonds, but they were too tight. Unfortunately, I was still highly aroused, even though I was feeling pretty pissed.

Fifteen minutes later he returned with a bucket of water in one hand and a knife in the
other. Now I was feeling kind of nervous. He approached me with the knife, and my heart pounded. Were Kat and Sarah right? God, my mom would kill me if I got murdered in Eastern Europe, I’d be hearing "I told you so" for all eternity. But he used the knife to cut me loose. Just as I felt the relief of my hands being freed, he dumped the bucket of water over my head.

Oh my God!
What a freak! That was enough. I wasn’t going to take this anymore. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him down on the bed. The lion inside me roared. I tore open his pants. He was already hard, and I gripped his dick in my hand. My body was screaming for it. I pulled his pants down just below his waist and looked into his singing blue eyes. He smiled triumphantly.

Now you are ready,” he said as I slid his dick deep inside me. I came almost instantly. But it wasn’t enough.

I started to buck on him, willing him to thrust into me, but he picked me up
and set me down beside him on the bed. Then he stood and zipped up his pants.

It’s time to go, my Darling.”

But I... I want more,” I said. My hands locked between my thighs.

I know my Darling, but now is not the time.”

You said I was ready.”

You are ready, but the time is not ready.”

This was too conf
using. Why couldn’t he just do me like a normal guy? But then I caught myself. He was definitely not what I knew as a normal guy. And that was exactly what I liked about him. I stood, still nude and embraced him, drunk in his deep, spicy scent. I was sopping wet from the water and from my own juices, and I had him to thank for both. I would have begged him to give me more if I’d been willing to lower myself to that. And I wasn't
there yet.

I have special plans for you Julia.”

What special plans?” I said stepping back.

I will tell you soon, my sweet little Capitalist.”

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