Michaela (11 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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Govi knew it might be a mistake to linger, and yet he had another worry. He was concerned that if they did not accept Michaela’s invitation, she would take it as rejection. She was fragile when it came to how she thought others perceived her. He didn’t dare upset these first motions of trust.

I’ll just have to keep myself and the other two in check. I have to keep in mind the damage she’s endured and not let my cocks rule my brain.

The Imdiko smiled at his would-be Matara. “One drink would be all right. Thank you, Michaela.”

Her face lit with delight, and she led them into her room. Moments later, she poured leshella into glasses for them all.

Michaela settled on the small lounger in the middle of the room, and Korkla and Govi sat on either side of her. Raxstad settled cross-legged on the floor at their feet.

Conversation hit a lull. Govi was all too aware of the Earther sitting next to him, sipping delicately at her leshella. His arm touched Michaela’s. Her skin felt warm and soft her skin against his. That led to all sorts of other thoughts, thoughts he had been determined not to have. Coming in for drinks had been a mistake.

Fortunately Michaela got the conversation going again, in a safe direction. “I wonder if Jessica got in all right.”

Korkla smiled reassuringly at her. “I’m sure she’s fine. Prince Egilka is not the warmest Imdiko in a social sense, especially with those he doesn’t know well. However, I can assure you he’d never cause a woman harm.”

Govi nodded. Egilka did tend to be aloof around strangers, and sometimes even in the company of those he counted as friends. It was no surprise, given his history and recent events. The Imdiko prince had weathered much sadness in his past, and the latest news had no doubt rattled the usually stoic man. There had been a lot of pain behind his anger tonight.

Govi told Michaela, “Egilka is a good man. Unfortunately, you saw him after he got devastating news.” He directed a question to Korkla. “Did you know his research was being cut off?”

His Dramok nodded, his expression grim. “The word came just a few days ago. Clajak was struggling with how to tell him. I’m surprised he let Egilka take off on his own after getting the news.”

Raxstad sighed and stared moodily into his half-consumed drink. “I guess that’s that. The Empire is officially giving up on our existence.”

Michaela blinked around at the men surrounding her. “What are you all talking about?”

Govi said, “Prince Egilka heads up a research team that has been trying to find a way to restore fertility to our own women. In the last few years most of the research community has given up all hope of doing so, but not Egilka.”

Korkla added, “Saving us from extinction has been his passion for decades. Poor man. Despite all the evidence that showed we couldn’t be saved, he kept right on trying.”

Raxstad still glared at his drink. “I hope Clajak and Bevau have the good sense to not let Egilka bankrupt himself to continue working on his own. He’s stubborn enough to do it.”

Korkla said, “They’ve already discussed how to cope with such a thing following this disappointment. They’re ready to take over his accounts temporarily to keep him from doing anything so ill-advised. Egilka’s no fool, though. It helps that he’s dedicated to duty. In the end, I believe he’ll concede to the emperors’ and council’s wishes.”

Govi hoped so. He was one of the few who knew how much restoring Kalquorian women’s fertility had meant to Egilka and why the prince had been determined to do so.

Michaela looked confused. “I thought you wanted Earther women so you wouldn’t go extinct. Isn’t that the point of us being together? I’m sorry for Prince Egilka, but why exactly is this such a big deal?”

Korkla explained, “Up until a decade ago, most of us had hoped to rescue our species by restoring our own women’s fertility. It became apparent that wouldn’t happen to everyone but the most devoted scientists, of which Egilka was one. His work was our last chance to survive as the species we currently are. However, the Empire has at last acknowledged that nothing he can do will save us.”

“Oh.” Michaela’s face lit with understanding. “So now Prince Egilka is being forced to face it too. Only he’s not taking it well.”

Korkla nodded. “Our race as we know it will die out. But with Earthers, our culture can continue. That is what we hope, anyway.”

Govi smiled at the pretty Earther. “Kalquor will welcome a new race. It is our only hope now. I, for one, am not saddened by it.”

To prove his words, he leaned over and kissed Michaela before he thought of the ramifications. He’d gotten swept up in the moment, and he was about to pay the price.

For a moment, she froze. The next instant, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her lips moved against his. What Michaela lacked in finesse, she made up for with enthusiasm. When her lips parted and her tongue found the Imdiko’s, arousal roared in his groin. The young, sweet body against his held promises his cocks demanded the Earther keep. He felt his clanmates touching her too, making her give off that exciting smell that said she was eager for carnal exploration.

Govi knew Michaela could not deny them right now. She was theirs for the taking.

* * * *

Michaela moaned as Govi’s tongue swept into her mouth, tasting her with passion. Hands moved all over her body, the men responding to her sudden ardor. Why they responded, she couldn’t imagine. By now, they should have realized she was not what they wanted. Yet as their touches grew more demanding, fingers plucking at her nipples, palms rubbing against her filling cock and warming pussy, hands clutching her buttocks, passion eclipsed her worries. It was enough that they wanted her right now. It was more than enough; it was all that mattered. Michaela had decided she would give the three men anything if they would have her.

When Govi abruptly pushed away, it shocked Michaela. Even more stunning were the words that came from the handsome Imdiko’s mouth. “I think it’s time we say good night.”

Raxstad actually growled at him, his expression thunderous. It was his big bear paw rubbing so excitingly against Michaela’s crotch. For one breathless moment, she thought he would dismiss his clanmate’s statement. However, the Nobek pulled away, releasing Michaela and jumping to his feet.

Korkla sighed and also let Michaela go, leaving her tingling breasts feeling lonely without his touch. He also stood and stepped back, out of reach.

Michaela looked around at the men, confused and more than a little frustrated by the sudden cessation of carnal pleasure. “But – damn it, do you want me or not?”

Raxstad patted his livid groin, the stretchy material of his formsuit displaying an immense erection. “I think the answer is rather obvious.”

Govi blew out a breath and tried to smile at her. “The trouble is, you’re not sure yet, Michaela. One moment you’re completely in the moment, the next you pull back. You’re not ready, little one. We excite you, which is good, but you’re still too frightened for us to test your trauma.”

Michaela tried to figure out how to convince Govi to manhandle her some more. Anger flared when she couldn’t. She had the urge to punch him right in his pretty face so she wouldn’t want him so much.

Scowling at him for all she was worth, she said, “I’m not frightened right now. I’m more than ready to move along with this.”

“I don’t think you are. You need more time to think this through.”

The old doubts assaulted Michaela. “Maybe it’s you who needs to think about it. Maybe you’re the ones who don’t know if I excite or scare you. I think you’d better figure it out soon though. Shit or get off the pot, already.”

The three men blinked, their confusion apparent. Govi asked hesitantly, “You want us to – to defecate?”

“That’s a bit much for me,” Raxstad muttered. “That is definitely something I don’t find arousing.”

If her cock hadn’t been so hard and hurting, Michaela would have bellowed laughter at their misunderstanding of Earther slang. Instead, she was getting madder by the moment.

“It means stop teasing and toying with me! Fuck me if you’re going to, or stop getting me excited!”

Korkla looked at her crotch and winced. “I’m sorry, little girl. We shouldn’t have gotten you so aroused. It’s not fair to you.”

Govi moved close and stroked her curls. “This is my fault, and I beg your forgiveness. I still say we have to take this slowly. You can be assured that we do want you.”

Raxstad glowered at the Imdiko. “Some might say desperately.”

Govi sighed. “I agree. However Michaela, you despise yourself to the point where you’re not ready to believe we do want you. This is not something to be rushed.”

Michaela glared at him, still not quite believing they would refuse to have sex if they wanted her. Govi stared back steadily, his expression filled with regret.

She supposed that if he was really rejecting her for fear of damaging her psychologically, she should be touched by his concern. Yet for all Michaela knew, Govi was repulsed despite the cinnamon smell that came off him and his clanmates in chokingly thick waves.

One thing was for sure. Govi was not going to relent, and Korkla and Raxstad were letting him run the show. Michaela pushed past the Imdiko, getting away from the three men. She jerked her head towards the door.

“I think you should go now.”

Korkla sucked in a breath. “I’d rather not leave you angry with us, little one.”

“Too fucking late. Go. Get out. I want to be alone.”

She folded her arms over her breasts and turned away. Even with her back to them, she could sense the three Kalquorians looking at each other. She could feel their emotional distress as if it was her own.

Good. She wanted them to be upset. They deserved to be.

Korkla’s voice came from right behind her. It was all Michaela could do to not jump as he spoke. “May we visit you tomorrow?”

Misery filled her. She kept her tone cold as she asked, “What’s the point?”

“The point is, we want to see you. I’m not going anywhere until I know you’ll let us talk about this later.”

His voice was gentle, but at the same time there was steel beneath the words, letting Michaela know the Dramok would compromise only to a point. Feeling the command hidden in his statement gave Michaela a shiver down her spine.

She said in a clipped tone, “Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The men filed past her. Govi and Korkla looked despondent. Raxstad looked both wretched and angry. Michaela did not accompany them to the door, and she did not answer their calls of ‘goodnight’.

Had she really expected to be wanted? To be seen as anything but a freak?

Korkla sighed and made one last attempt before the door closed behind him. “I’m sorry we’ve made you unhappy, Michaela. I hope we can make it up to you soon.”

She simply stood, closed off and unresponsive. The door shut and the clan was gone.

Michaela managed to keep the tears at bay until she went into the bath facility to wash her makeup off. She looked into the mirror over the basin, at the pretty girl in the reflection who was a lie. Then the sobs broke free. 

She ducked her head so she couldn’t see herself anymore and bawled like a baby.



Chapter 7


Michaela rose early the next morning and went to her dance studio. It was no more than a space with a hidden music system, wooden floors, and mirrored walls. Israla had renovated the room just for Michaela and Jessica’s practice sessions. The young woman had cause yet again to appreciate her hostess. For whatever reason the Saucin adored Michaela, and the Earther returned that love with all her heart.

Today however, Michaela’s thoughts were far from Israla’s kindnesses. She couldn’t make herself concentrate on her steps either as she rehearsed. It didn’t matter that the Coming of Age Festival, which she and Jessica had agreed to dance at, was only a few days away. Instead, Michaela kept thinking about Clan Korkla.

She didn’t want to think about the three alien men. They were the last people she wanted on her mind, yet they refused to stay out of her head. As a result, her dance moves were hectic instead of seductive. In the mirrors, Michaela looked more like she challenged someone to fight instead of entreating them to fuck her.

It was no wonder. Last night had left her angry and hurt and frustrated. Michaela couldn’t figure out what Korkla, Govi, and Raxstad were about. They seemed to want her, but they wouldn’t do more than tease. Govi in particular drove her crazy with his caution.

If only they’d ignore her fears and fuck her! Sure, she was scared. Michaela had admitted that to them. She was terrified, not simply because it would be her first time, but because she worried that her freakish body would somehow betray her. Or, even worse, the men would discover they were revolted by her after all.

Yet Michaela knew that until they crossed that barrier, she would remain frightened. Nothing but committing the act of sex would remove the fear. Until fucking happened, terror would remain.

The only thing that kept her sane right now was that the clan kept coming around to see her. That meant they were at least still curious, if not outright serious. Yet they refused to do the one thing that would show Michaela they truly wanted her, that she didn’t disgust them.

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