Michaela (17 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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She struggled to break free, pushing against Korkla and Raxstad’s chests while trying to kick loose from Govi. The men held her easily. They spoke words that soothed and frightened as they continued to drive her beyond the point of endurance.

“Easy, little one. Lie still for your fucking.”

“You’re not going anywhere. Not until you’ve come for your Imdiko.”

“Nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. Let it happen, Michaela.”

A fissure opened up inside her, ready to spill her life’s force out. Michaela quaked under the excruciating assault as fire licked through her, ready to devour. She couldn’t move away from the coming devastation. She couldn’t run.

“That’s right. No escape, not from us.”

“Feel those cocks inside you, ready to fill you with cum. Feel that hand on your cock, milking you.”

“Let it go, little love. Give in to us.”

Something deep inside Michaela’s pussy seized. At the same time, the lava boiled up from her balls, shoving a steaming river up through her cock. Her body strained, her back bowing in a curve against the strength of Korkla and Raxstad. She erupted, sending hot fluids out to shower on her belly. She screamed and Govi answered with a hoarse shout as he too succumbed to pleasure.

The Imdiko released her cock as he lost control. However, Korkla’s hand was there to replace Govi’s, coaxing every possible drop from Michaela. Meanwhile, Raxstad stroked her clit as Govi shuddered and strained, lost in carnal ecstasy. Under their sweet tormenting care, Michaela’s orgasm stretched until her body could not emit another pulse of release.

The cries of other lovers drowned out the wild beating of Michaela’s heart. It seemed an eternity passed after the final tremors of climax faded before she could open her eyes again. When she did, it was to the sight of three masculine faces looming overhead, watching her with almost identical expressions of mingled concern, devotion, and joy.

Seeing Michaela coming to her senses, Korkla grinned. His features, stark next to Govi’s beauty, became stunning in their own right. A surge of surprising adoration flooded Michaela’s heart.

The Dramok whispered, “Welcome to my clan, my Michaela.”

She grinned back before giving all three a pretend scowl. “What took you so damned long?”

They laughed at her, kissing her to seal the deal.



Chapter 9


Michaela moved her belongings into her clan’s quarters on Plasius the day after the festival. The next few days were a haze of joys both emotional and sensual. She didn’t see the outdoors for what felt like ages and didn’t care. She plunged into the paradise of loving and being loved ... and being open in every way about who she was.

She often thought it could only be a happy dream that she would soon wake from. Surely this couldn’t be her life? She was surrounded by three men who doted on her from the moment she opened her eyes in the morning until she fell into a satisfied sleep at night, safe in their arms.

Michaela would have counted herself lucky to be tolerated by a Kalquorian clan. She would have settled for men who could put up with her. To have fallen in love with these three men ... and to hear them say they loved her in return ... was beyond belief.

Several times a day Michaela would look at Korkla, Govi, and Raxstad and wonder,
How could this have happened to me?
She still wasn’t sure what it was they saw in her. She couldn’t imagine how they overlooked the strangeness that was her body. Yet, they did. Warmth shone from their eyes. They touched her all the time with no signs of anything but adoration.

Even Raxstad’s frequent spankings were delivered with a sense of caring. Most of Michaela’s punishments came as a result of her deliberately provoking trouble. She’d discovered she liked being disciplined with the Nobek’s hard, heavy hand.

Michaela wasn’t sure why she found it exciting to submit to discipline. There was something about draping her smaller frame across Raxstad’s thickly muscled legs, knowing what was about to happen. Feeling the powerful thighs beneath her belly, the strong hand settling firmly on the middle of her back to hold her down, the other hand massaging her vulnerable ass as he prepared to redden it ... it was the height of anticipation for Michaela. Even the pain, stinging and raw enough to make her sob in agony, was a source of strange pleasure. Being spanked hard by her Nobek settled Michaela’s emotions as nothing else did. She achieved serenity from the punishment. Even though torment pulsed from her ass, her mind went quiet and dreamy. All her insecurities vanished under the precise chastisement from Raxstad.

Not all spankings were delicious to Michaela, however. Not when there was real disappointment behind them, as tended to be the case when she was disciplined for calling herself a freak.

The clan was determined to break Michaela’s often unconscious self-judgments, the ones in which she casually referred to herself as less than human. She herself had not realized just how ingrained her loathing of her own body was until she became a part of Clan Korkla. The interior chatter of her brain was seldom kind when she thought of herself, and it spilled out at least once a day. Fortunately for her ass, Korkla had determined
was the only word thus far that would result in physical discipline. It was evident he and Raxstad abhorred that particular description with utter loathing.

The rest of the insults she heaped upon herself were dealt with in-depth by Govi. The Imdiko would sit with Michaela and take apart the feelings that had led to her calling herself something ‘un-loving’, as he put it. Those intense sessions were almost as unpleasant as having her ass worn out for calling herself a freak. Michaela often felt wrung out emotionally from the conversations with her psychologist clanmate.

Even when she was left limp from self-examination or sore from a spanking, Michaela was the happiest she’d ever been. The unpleasant moments were still caring moments. How could they be anything else when the clan put their consideration for her on display? They made her the center of everything. She realized they were in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, yet Michaela thought the three men would continue to make her feel important through the years that lay ahead.

Michaela rejoined the world outside her clan with reluctance. However, the time drew closer to the clan leaving Plasius and setting off for Kalquor. Raxstad was in charge of seeing it safely done, and he spent hours at a time discussing the matter with Prince Bevau. Michaela had the inkling that getting past the Earther battlecruisers orbiting Plasius would be no small task. Yet when she asked about it, Korkla simply smiled his beautiful, comforting smile.

“We will get you safely home, my love. Do not doubt that for a moment.”

Korkla’s assertion was put to the test more than once before Michaela set foot on Kalquor. While still on Plasius, she and Jessica were attacked by marooned Earther soldiers one night. The women had been out shopping when the men confronted them with the intent to murder. Michaela had managed to escape mostly unscathed, but Jessica’s life had been endangered. Emergency surgery had been required to save Jessica, during which they learned she was pregnant with Clan Clajak’s child.

Michaela had been thrilled for her friend, who had fallen in love with the princes despite all her attempts not to. For their part, Clan Clajak was every bit as besotted with the fiery tempered Jessica and had been quick to clan her. It was certain the union would be challenged since the princes were already promised to a Kalquorian woman named Narpok. Narpok’s father, Dramok Pwaldur, was the Head Councilman of the Royal Council and apparently not someone to cross. Yet Clajak, Bevau, and even Egilka were determined to keep their beloved Jessica. If they managed to be successful, it would eventually lead to her becoming Empress of Kalquor.

That had been exciting enough, but getting past Earth’s blockade of Plasius had been fraught with danger as well. Govi and Michaela came within a hairsbreadth of being made space debris when a battlecruiser fired on their escape pod. However, they had made it to a cloaked Kalquorian transport, which waited for them just outside the battlecruiser’s firing range.

Clan Korkla and Clan Clajak were immediately welcomed by the Imperial Clan themselves. It was a surprise to everyone when Emperors Zarl, Tidro, and Yuder entered the landing bay to greet the two clans.

Michaela saw how Jessica’s surprise clanning shocked the emperors. For all their concerns about Clajak’s clan shunting Narpok to the side in favor of Jessica, they were polite, if momentarily distant. When they learned they were to be grandfathers however, Zarl and Tidro warmed to their new daughter-in-law in an instant. Yuder, being a suspicious Nobek, was not so inclined towards immediate acceptance. Even so, he showed Jessica respectful regard.

Michaela was almost grateful for Jessica’s drama, as much as it stressed everyone around her. It meant no one outside Clan Korkla paid much attention to Michaela. She’d worried over being judged and found wanting by other Kalquorians who might not be so forgiving of her intersex nature. With the focus on Jessica’s unforeseen clanning to Clajak, Bevau, and Egilka, Michaela received little notice at first.

However, the trip to Kalquor was a six-week journey. It was a wonderful honeymoon period for the two clans and their new Mataras, but everyone acknowledged there was only so much fucking they could do. In addition, the closer they got to Kalquor, the more duty appeared to disrupt carnal play. Clajak’s clan and Korkla were needed to discuss strategies with the emperors on how to best handle the announcement of Jessica’s clanning and the unborn heir.

One thing they agreed on was Jessica needed to begin training as a future ruler as soon as possible. Emperor Zarl, confined for the most part to a hover chair due to horrific injuries suffered in a shuttle crash several years prior, took it upon himself to teach her how to speak Kalquorian. Michaela was invited along for lessons as well, which her clan heartily approved of.

It turned out Jessica had a natural knack for the language. Michaela found learning the guttural tongue, which was spoken in staccato barking-like bursts, more difficult. She struggled, often making mistakes that made her clan howl with laughter. Fortunately she was able to keep a sense of humor about her mispronunciations. It helped that her clanmates demonstrated great pride when she got it right.

Plus accidentally saying things like, “Raxstad, Korkla wants you to stop chewing on Govi’s butt” when she meant to say, “Raxstad, Korkla asked if you would help Govi find his handheld” was pretty funny. Especially when once Raxstad stopped bellowing laughter, he threw Govi down on a lounger, pulled his pants down, and bit the yelling Imdiko’s ass.

Between sex, speech lessons, therapy sessions with Govi, worrying for Jessica, and laughing until she cried, the six weeks of space travel flew by for Michaela. She thought she might have been perfectly happy for the trip to never end. It seemed only days had gone by when the transport entered Kalquor’s atmosphere, arriving at her new home.

Michaela stood in an observation room, surrounded by her clan as they hurtled down through a veil of clouds. Korkla stood behind her, his arms surrounding her in a comforting embrace. Govi stood on Michaela’s left, his eyes moving from side to side as he watched for the first glimpse of Kalquor’s landscape and checked Michaela to gauge her reactions. Raxstad stood on her right, as big and immoveable as a mountain. His rough face wore a hint of a smile, telling Michaela how happy he was to be home again.

Nearby stood Jessica, surrounded by her clan. The Imperial Clan also peered through the windows, Tidro and Yuder flanking Zarl’s hover chair. Michaela noted Zarl seemed delighted, though his face was strained with pain. She felt a throb of sympathy for the emperor whose broken body was too often a prison of torment. Not even advanced Kalquorian medicine could relieve the worst of his anguish.

Zarl had shown Michaela compassion and care during the trip, never once exhibiting any sign of curiosity about her condition. He treated her like a woman, with respect and chivalry. If he seemed to dote on Jessica a little more, it was only because of her pregnancy and the fight that was to come over her clanship to Zarl’s son.

Being treated normally was better than the careful handling that Michaela had thought was the best she could hope for. For that reason alone, she adored Zarl as one might a beloved uncle.

Michaela turned her attention back to the window vid just as the ship dove through the last of the cloud cover. She gasped at the world lying beneath her.

This part of Kalquor was a kaleidoscope of rich colors, laid out like a jeweled tapestry. The sea immediately beneath the racing transport was emerald green, dazzling and glinting where the sun peeked through the clouds. White-tipped waves swept towards a pink-sanded beach, above which silvery cliffs reared. On the ground beyond the cliffs lay a blanket of trees, their foliage looking as if painted by a rainbow. Michaela goggled at the leafy puzzle pieces of green, blue, yellow, and red.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered and immediately wished she hadn’t spoken. No words could have ever adequately captured the stunning vista.

She overheard Prince Bevau tell Jessica, “There is the royal home.” He pointed at the cliffs that were growing larger by the second.

Michaela had already begun to wonder what the many arched holes in the face of the cliffs were. Even as Jessica said, “I don’t see anything,” she realized what they were: doorways.

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