Michaela (39 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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“You sneaky bastard! How did you slip past my elite guards?”

“Ha! The sixth district is now cut off from supply lines. I’m going to starve your troops out. That’s what you get for the second district massacre.”

“At least I give you a stand up fight, you underhanded fiend.”

Their voices faded as Michaela moved down the hall, heading towards the front of the home. She was halfway down when she heard the in-house transport door open.

“Korkla’s home!” she screamed and ran for the greeting room.

Her Dramok’s face wreathed in a grin when she burst in. She flung herself at him, and he caught her in midair. He laughed as she covered his face in kisses.

“My Matara, I am just as happy to see you too,” he said, returning the enthusiastic embrace.

She was quick to naysay him. “You can’t be as happy that you’re home. It’s not possible.”

Korkla chuckled. Michaela looked into his face, searching to assure herself he was home and healthy. She thought he looked a bit tired, but other than that, her Dramok seemed perfectly ... perfect. He felt even better when he gave her a good, proper, toe-curling kiss.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” she told him with feeling.

He smiled even bigger, smoothing out the sharp planes of his face and making him handsome. Korkla carried Michaela halfway across the room where Govi and Raxstad met him. Korkla did not put Michaela down as he accepted his male clanmates’ hugs and greeted them with ardent kisses.

Looking relieved and happy, Govi said, “Welcome home, my Dramok.”

“It’s good to be back, my Imdiko. Raxstad, how are you feeling?” Korkla’s intent gaze looked at the healing marks on the Nobek’s upper arms. The new scars were shiny and red.

Raxstad also looked at his marks of honor and puffed up with pride. “I’m good and strong again. I should be cleared to return to work in two days or I’ll pull the legs off my doctor.”

That earned him some laughter. Korkla leaned close to kiss Raxstad again, the only indication he made about the worry he’d suffered over his clanmate.

Michaela waved a finger at the Nobek and Dramok in turn. “No more injuries and no more going away. Between the two of you, Govi and I were miserable.”

Korkla hugged her close before setting her on her feet. “We’ll do our best, my love, but duty doesn’t always obey Mataras’ wishes.”

Govi’s voice was hopeful as they made their way to one of the nearby lounges and sat down. “The news vids make it look like your trip went well.”

Korkla shrugged. “It wasn’t bad. Princess Jessica made a good impression, but I doubt it will be enough to swing the vote in her direction.”

Michaela drew a sharp breath. “Oh no. Is she going to lose Clajak and the others?”

Korkla’s expression was bemused as he shook his head. “Clajak, Bevau, and Egilka have a plan if the vote goes for Narpok and against Jessica. They will abdicate the throne.”

Govi and Raxstad gasped in shock. The Imdiko asked, “Can they do that? What will happen when the current emperors can no longer serve?”

Raxstad added, “Clan Clajak’s child won’t be old enough or clanned before Clan Zarl must retire.”

Korkla’s brow rose. “Clan Clajak plans to ask Clan Rajhir to rule as regents until such time as the rightful heirs can assume the throne.”

Govi and Raxstad were newly shocked. “Will the Royal Council go for such a scheme?” Raxstad asked.

“Well, they can’t force the crown princes to assume rule. The main opponent, Pwaldur, has no surviving clan, so he can’t take the throne as regent. Dramok Rajhir has a blood relationship to the Imperial Clan, which will give his clan’s assignment as regents plenty of traction.” Korkla’s expression hinted that he was hopeful. “There is a chance the council will vote in their favor.”

“My partner is Rajhir’s Nobek. I’m trying to imagine Breft as regent.” Raxstad chuckled. “There’s word he’ll be made our district’s supervisor when the current one retires next year. Breft is already moaning about the administrative tasks of the job. I can only imagine the bitching he’ll do if he’s responsible for the Empire.”

Michaela felt happiness expanding. Jessica’s clanmates were willing to give up everything for her. Her delight for her friend was overwhelming. “Wow. Smooth move. And good for the princes.”

Korkla sighed, concern worming its way back into his outlook. “If they can get it past the council and the emperors.” He gave his Earther mate a warning look. “Michaela, the princes have not told Jessica about this plan yet. You must let them share it with her, so keep it to yourself for now.”

She waved him off. “No problem. The debate and vote are tomorrow anyway, and I probably won’t see her before then.”

“She asked if you would come to her quarters after we said our hellos. Jessica is desperate to talk to you. I can’t tell you how many times I heard her say, ‘I wish Michaela was with me’.”

Michaela stared at him. “Listen, I love Jessica with all my heart, but can’t it wait? I mean, you just got home. I want to be with you. I haven’t seen you in forever.”

Korkla laughed, his eyes bright at her exaggeration. “I know. It feels like that to me too, but Jessica is in a terror right now with everything to be decided in the next few hours. As loath as I am to give you up at this moment, she does need her best friend.” He gave Michaela an apologetic kiss. “Such is the life of those connected to the Imperial Family. Sometimes we must set our own wishes aside for the good of the Empire.”

Michaela understood. She’d been warned early on about how Korkla’s duties to the future rulers of Kalquor could scuttle plans and interrupt their lives. Plus, Michaela’s life was set while Jessica’s future happiness hung in the balance. Now was not the time to be selfish.

Michaela gave Korkla a lingering kiss, a hint of what she planned to give him later when they were allowed to properly celebrate his return. “You are right as always, my Dramok. Fine, I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

He answered with a little bit of a growl in his voice. “I’ll be waiting.” To underscore that, he gave her a kiss that promised he had plenty in store for her later too. It took all of Michaela’s willpower to not cling. To not stay. To not jump in his lap and make him forget about duty to Empire and friends.

She stood and smoothed out her skirt, making sure her semi-erection didn’t show. She arched an eyebrow at her Dramok mate. “This responsible-type stuff we’re doing for the Crown Prince Clan?”


“I’m not a fan.”

All three men laughed. Still feeling Korkla’s amazing kiss tingling her lips Michaela stomped to the transport, her face cloudy with a pretended pout.

* * * *

It took only a matter of seconds for Michaela to reach the Crown Prince Clan’s quarters. She had permission to enter whenever she wanted, but she wasn’t about to barge in on the foursome. It wasn’t her home, after all. Assuming she could just walk in even with Jessica’s invitation seemed rude. Instead, the moment the in-house transport opened its door, she announced to the home’s entrance, “Do not open. Announce me and wait for an invitation from a member of Clan Clajak.”

“Understood,” the electronic voice answered. “Announcing Matara Michaela at the door now.”

Moments later, the door opened. Imdiko Egilka stood on the other side, giving her a smile and a bow. “Thank you for coming quickly, Matara Michaela. I apologize for taking you away from Korkla so soon after his return, but Jessica is ... worried.”

Michaela laughed and patted his arm. “You have a gift for understatement, don’t you, my prince?”

Egilka chuckled and dropped a chaste kiss on her cheek. Michaela warmed under his regard. For an Imdiko, Egilka was a stuffy thing until he got to know a person. Once someone was a part of his inner circle, however, he was as warm and kind as any member of his breed.

He gestured towards the doorway leading out of the greeting room to the rest of the house. “She’s out on the balcony, little dancer.”

“I know the way. Go have a drink. I have no doubt you need it.”

Egilka winked at her as she left him. He seemed to take heed of her advice; she heard the clink of glasses near the bar area as she moved into the tiny kitchen.

From there, Michaela continued on through the grand dining room, which led straight out to the balcony. The Crown Prince Clan’s public rooms were elegant, but nowhere near as grandiose as the ones in her home. Only the most trusted advisors and councilmen were ever invited into the royal suites.

The balcony that Michaela stepped out onto was also smaller than her home’s. Rather than being like the one great ledge that stretched the length of Clan Korkla’s apartments, the ones on this level were broken up. Each room along the cliff face had its own balcony. Other than two seating arrangements, there was nothing else furnishing this particular space.

Jessica stood about midway down, leaning over the stone rail. She looked out at the emerald sea beyond the sparkling beach. She detected Michaela’s light step and turned with a weary smile. Because she looked as if she needed a hug, Michaela gave her one.

“Korkla says the tour went well.”

“For a lost cause, it wasn’t too bad.” Jessica bit her lip and stepped back to the granite railing, staring out at the water once more. “Michaela, what am I going to do when I lose them? And what happens to our child?”

Michaela also leaned on the rail. She gazed at the glittering expanse of sea. “You’re putting the cart before the horse, Jess. Have some faith. Korkla said the Kalquorians liked you.”

“I did my best to be charming. Very few seemed to find me offensive, believe it or not.” She managed a self-deprecating chuckle before she sighed with resignation. “Merely being a likeable person will not win me my clan.”

Michaela wished with all her heart she could tell Jessica that her men were willing to give up an entire empire for her. Yet she’d promised Korkla she would leave that to Clajak, Egilka, and Bevau.

Three princes are giving up their thrones for one woman. It might be the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard of. I wonder if my clan would walk away from so much for me.

Michaela was startled to realize that Korkla, Raxstad, and Govi might be willing to go that far. For her. For intersex Michael-Michaela Blake. It made her feel faint for an instant.

With real conviction, she told Jessica, “It’s going to be all right. I know it will. Don’t give up a fight you haven’t lost.”

“I’m trying to be optimistic, but I’m not one to tell myself lies. I have to face the fact that I may lose my clan.” Jessica’s eyes filled with tears that she knuckled away angrily. “Distract me from this mess. Tell me about that bitch Feyom. Korkla wouldn’t say anything beyond she’d given you a hard time.”

Michaela’s mouth dropped open. “He told you about her? Damn it! When I get back to him I’m going to teach him a thing or two about keeping his mouth shut.”

Jessica gave her a little shove of impatience. “He was worried about you. He’s concerned about how jealous Feyom is of the attention you’ve been getting.”

Michaela snorted her disbelief. “It’s crazy, isn’t it? Apparently on Kalquor I’m not the demon spawn Earth would label me as. These guys seem to think I’m some kind of prize.”

Jessica laughed. “And some women are threatened by that, particularly Feyom. She’s supposed to be a real bitch, I guess.”

“I won’t be inviting her over on our girls’ nights out,” Michaela joked.

“I should think not. When Raxstad commed Korkla about her confronting you, your Dramok said some words that no one has taught me yet and no one will interpret. He’s no fan of hers.”

“That’s good to know.” Michaela was reassured to hear of Korkla’s reaction. He and Raxstad seemed adamant that they wanted nothing to do with Feyom.

Jessica’s tone was careful as she asked, “She was once a lover of theirs?”

“Long ago and far away is my understanding. She’s got a history of cheating on her clan, and my guys find her utterly disgusting.” That Michaela felt confident of her men’s attitude gave her a reason to smile. However, she couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy that made her add, “She’s so beautiful though, Jessica. You should see her.”

Her friend snorted. “Beauty is what beauty does. You’ve got nothing to be worried about where your clan is concerned, sweetie. No sleazy Kalquorian sperm bank can compare.”

Michaela laughed loud over that description. It was too bad she hadn’t made Jessica feel nearly as good as she did right now. However, her friend’s clan would soon take care of that. In the meantime, Michaela could be her support.

They were two women with problems to be sure, but they also had each other. No matter what, Michaela felt sure they would both be okay.

* * * *

An hour later, Michaela returned to her own home. She found Korkla waiting for her in the greeting room right where she’d left him. Renewed joy to have him back after the long week burst through her heart. She flung herself in his arms once more.

Before he could do more than greet her, Michaela demanded, “Don’t you dare try to send me anywhere else. I want to be with you.”

He clutched her close. “Good, but I am sending you somewhere. We’re going to the playroom.”

She wriggled with delight, making sure to rub her crotch against his with insistence. “Oh, I can handle that. Is that where Govi and Raxstad are?”

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