Michaela (51 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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Govi was already moving towards the door when Korkla said, “Let’s go.”

* * * *

Michaela drifted aimlessly through the otherwise deserted cliff top garden, her thoughts in a whirl. She didn’t notice the ponds, the trees, the flowers. She took no interest in the delightful mix of sea breeze, earthiness, and floral perfumes. The brilliant sunshine overhead made no impact on her, nor the soothing rumble of the ocean.

Instead, she saw Feyom kissing Govi. That horrible woman had been kissing Michaela’s Imdiko. She heard Feyom’s laugh.

“Oh dear. We’ve been caught, Imdiko.”

But it hadn’t looked as if Govi kissed Feyom back. Hadn’t he curled his lip in the instant before Michaela had cried out? Hadn’t he been jerking away? Or was it just wishful thinking on Michaela’s part that he’d done so?

Why had Feyom been there at the hospital visiting him? No doubt she’d known the encounter with Michaela in the market had rattled the Earther. Maybe she’d guessed Michaela would go to Govi, asking for another fertility test. Was it too farfetched to imagine Feyom hurrying over just so Michaela could catch her Imdiko in a provocative situation? Or had the Kalquorian woman gone to her lover to laugh with him over what she’d done, never suspecting Michaela would show up?

“What the fuck am I supposed to think?” Michaela moaned.

The trouble was that Michaela didn’t know for sure. Tears spilled down her cheeks.

She knuckled them away, angry at herself for how she handled the situation. In the first place, she never should have run away. Michaela knew she should have marched up to the pair and demanded answers. Hell, she should have marched up and punched Feyom in the mouth.

“Try kissing my clanmate with a busted lip and some broken teeth, you bitch,” she snarled at the breezy air. “Fuck me, why did I run?”

Lacking Feyom’s face, Michaela punched her own thigh. The pain helped clear her thoughts a little.

She realized the underlying problem wasn’t Feyom at all. It wasn’t even that Govi or the rest of her clan might find their former lover enticing. The problem was that Michaela was not good enough for Korkla’s clan.

She knew it. No matter what the three men told her, she didn’t deserve them. Even taking her physical issues out of the equation, Michaela did not merit Clan Korkla.

“I’m too young. I’m not educated enough. I curse too much, spend too much of their money on stupid things, and I whine all the damned time.”

Michaela kicked a rock in her path. All that stuff could be fixed. She’d get older and gain life experience and maturity. She could take classes and learn something worthwhile. Given time, she’d figure out something to make her own spending money.

“And I can stop bitching. I can stop crying about being what I am,” Michaela told herself.

What else did she have in her favor?

“I love them. I love them with all my heart and soul, and that’s something Feyom is not capable of. No one can love those three like I do. No one.” Of that, Michaela was sure.

Still, the worries kept trying to crowd in. Did Govi return Feyom’s kiss? Did anything happen when that bitch visited Raxstad in his hospital room?

“It comes down to this,” Michaela told herself. “Do I trust them? I may never feel truly worthy of them, but do I have faith in my clan?”

She thought hard about that. She examined all she’d seen of the three men since meeting Clan Korkla back on Plasius. It all came back to her: the carefulness, the ardor, the patience, the guidance, and the protectiveness. They had not been forced to clan her. They had freely chosen to make her a part of their lives forever. Any fool could see Korkla, Govi, and Raxstad were men who would not go back on a vow, not even if they realized they’d made a mistake and could have done so much better than Michael-Michaela Blake. They were steadfast and would not turn their backs on her, no matter what. They were in this with her for better or worse.

It was as if seeing the sun break through clouds after a hurricane. “Yes. Yes I do trust them,” Michaela breathed. “I can always trust them.”

Nothing had happened between Raxstad and Feyom in the hospital. Govi had not kissed Feyom in return. Having committed themselves to Michaela, they would never seek out another woman, not even a real woman. Not because Michaela was wonderful, but because the three men were. 

Michaela became aware of her surroundings. She’d arrived at the boundary of the cliff face, overlooking the beach and sea. She went right up to the edge and drew in a deep breath of sea salt, filling her lungs as much as she could. The air tasted like freedom, like how she felt inside.

She was free. Trust in her clanmates had given her that. Michaela had nothing to be afraid of, not ever. She was safe and she would make herself the best Matara possible for the men she loved. She would give them everything she possibly could.

Michaela decided that in a moment she would go find Govi and apologize for being an idiot. A faithless, frightened idiot who had doubted him when there was no reason to. The best part of it all was the knowledge that he would forgive her. No, the best part was knowing he nor the other two would toss her aside for her foolishness.

For now, she wanted to drink in the realization of all these wonderful things. Just for a few seconds. She could be selfish for that much longer. After a moment’s wallow in her profound joy, she would go to Govi. From that moment forward, she would put her clan before all else, forevermore.


* * * *

When Korkla saw Michaela standing at the edge of the cliff looking out over the beach, his heart nearly stuttered to a stop. Govi’s fears were well-founded; their beloved contemplated the unthinkable.

He barely noted the Imdiko’s stricken expression or how Raxstad tensed, ready to run over and snatch Michaela back to safety. Korkla’s despairing shout roared into the wind.


She started at the yell, whirling around to face them. The action dislodged a stone under one of her feet, making her teeter. Her eyes went wide with fear as she registered her position and the danger she was in of going over.

Then her dancer’s grace took over. Michaela caught her balance an instant before Raxstad sprang forward and yanked her away from the cliff’s edge. Korkla and Govi were there in an instant, crying out their terror.

Michaela snatched free of Raxstad to shove against Korkla’s chest. “Son of a bitch! You startled me, you big oversized alien! Don’t yell like that again unless someone’s about to die.”

Korkla’s legs nearly went out as relief flooded him. Govi’s knees did buckle, and he went to them, kneeling before Michaela. Raxstad raked his fingers through his hair, setting dreadlocks in disarray.

“Fuck,” the Nobek gasped, his face paler than Korkla had ever seen it before. “Fuck.”

Korkla grabbed Michaela by the shoulders, fighting the urge to shake her senseless. “Why were you so close to the edge? I should wear your ass out for being so careless!”

Michaela looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. “Careless? Govi said there is a catch field that keeps people from harming themselves whether by accident or on purpose. I was in no danger of falling anyway, at least not until you opened your big mouth.”

“That’s true,” Govi muttered. “About the catch field, not your big mouth, my Dramok. I forgot that I told Michaela about that.”

Michaela blinked at them. “Shit, did you think I wanted to kill myself? Is that what you’re freaked out about?”

From his kneeling position, Govi wrapped his arms around her waist. “I didn’t know what to think after the stunt Feyom pulled. The look on your face – Michaela, I would never in a million years have intimacies with another woman. Especially not that one.” He looked at her, beseeching with a tragic expression for her to believe him.

Michaela gave him a soft smile. She stroked his hair back. “I know. I’m slow, but I’m finally starting to figure a few things out. I’m sorry I ran like that. It won’t happen again.”

She wrapped her arms around the Imdiko’s neck, clutching him close. He hugged her hard. Korkla saw how Govi trembled as he did so.

The Dramok needed to be close to them after the scare. His arms circled around his two lifemates, holding them as if he could shield them from all bad things forever.

A heavy arm fell across his back. Korkla looked up to see Raxstad joining in the embracing, his long limbs tying the group together. At their smiles, he reddened.

“Hey, Nobeks need love too.”

They laughed, and the tension eased away. Korkla allowed himself to relax – a little.

When they broke apart, the Dramok asked, “My Matara, are you really all right? After what Feyom did?”

She shrugged. “I guess. I’m kind of pissed that I didn’t take the opportunity to kick that bitch’s ass though.”

The unusual darkness of Govi’s anger crossed his gorgeous face. “I would have appreciated that. She won’t be an issue anymore, Michaela. I swear to you. If I ever see her heading my way, I will run in the opposite direction.”

Korkla scowled. “Feyom has done more than her share of damage. She’d better not show her face around any of my clan again or I will take the matter up with her Dramok. It’s time that clan held Feyom accountable for her actions.”

Raxstad shook his head as he rubbed Michaela’s back. “You know that’s easier said than done. Once a Matara owns your heart, it’s damned hard to see anything but her beauty.” He smiled at Michaela and she beamed back.

Then she gave them all an impatient look. “What a sentimental bunch you are. You’re acting like a bunch of sissies, you know. Why don’t you take me home and fuck me before I figure out I’m the man of this group?”

The three men growled at Michaela. At least they tried to, but it was damned hard when they were laughing at her antics. Korkla smacked her ass for calling him a sissy, and  then Raxstad did too. Govi decided he would join in the fun. They all did so carefully, however, remembering the bruises she still wore.

With hands lightly spanking that delicious derriere, they drove Michaela towards the hospital’s conveyance. She offered little shrieks as they moved her along, but her face was huge with a smile.

Korkla chuckled with his clanmates, his gaze soaking in the shining, happy face of his Matara. He hurried her along in a joyous procession, eager to get her home where he could put her in her proper place ... under him.

Even as he looked forward to that, he noticed how he ached from his chest to his gut. Damn it, he loved her so much it fucking hurt.



Chapter 26


Michaela hummed to herself as she strolled through the marketplace. One more stop was left to make before she was due to join Govi for lunch on this beautiful late spring day: the confectioner’s shop that Master Imold had recommended. She had sweet treats to sample and order for her clanning day’s celebration.

She nodded in answer to the bows she received from passing Kalquorian men. It was fun to be flirted with, she thought. All Earther women who came to Kalquor were spoken for at this point, but that didn’t stop the single men from smiling and calling ‘hellos’ and ‘good mornings’. Michaela wished them all lovely ladies of their own in the future. Unfortunately with the warlike rumblings from Earth, she had the feeling that hope would not soon be realized. If fighting broke out between her former home and Kalquor, things could get ugly. With Earth’s superior numbers and Kalquor’s advanced technology, it was anyone’s guess as to which would win.

fighting broke out. Michaela hoped it would not.

At any rate, there is no reason to worry about it right now. It’s beautiful weather, Zarl is recovering, Jessica’s pregnancy is terrific and everyone loves her as their new empress, next week is my clanning ceremony, and I have the best clan in the whole Empire. Plus I have an amazing job—

“Look at this little Earther, all smiles. Why so happy, Michaela?”

The too-familiar voice froze Michaela in her tracks steps away from the confectioner’s shop. She turned to face Feyom.

The Kalquorian woman was as lovely as ever, her sly smile stretched across her beautiful face. She looked statuesque in her red and gold gown that molded to her perfectly curved figure.

Michaela’s fists clenched in reaction. It was only with the greatest control that she was able to make them open again. She inclined her head in a curt nod. “Matara Feyom.”

“Shopping again?” Feyom chuckled throatily. “It’s no wonder you’ve had to get a job. Or is the gossip about you giving other Earther females dancing lessons wrong? It’s too bad you couldn’t attract a more prestigious clan, one with better earning ability to keep you satisfied.”

A couple of passing men overheard Feyom’s remarks. They stopped and gawked at the women.

, Michaela thought.
It would be a shame if my rehearsed speech was wasted on just her alone.

She stood up straight and spoke clearly. Michaela was determined Feyom could not ever claim she misunderstood any of what she was about to be told. “I am not interested in your innuendos, Feyom. However, I am glad to get the opportunity to tell you that if you ever come near the men of my clan again, if you so much as smile at any of them, I will forget that men have no business hurting women. Yes, I am a man as well as a woman. It’s only that which keeps me from punching you in the face right now, even though you more than deserve it.”

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