Mick Jagger (91 page)

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Authors: Philip Norman

BOOK: Mick Jagger
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Some Girls (rerelease), 595

“Something Better,” 335, 336

“Something Happened to Me Yesterday,” 220

Sonny and Cher, 172, 390

Southern, Terry, 325, 436

Spector, Phil, 94, 99, 100, 101, 129, 130, 131, 145, 179, 180

Spector, Ronnie, 147

Spellman, Benny, 114

Spielberg, Steven, 10, 474, 477

Spinks, David, 32

Spinks, John, 24

Springfield, Buffalo, 206

Spring-Heeled Jack legend, 284

Springsteen, Bruce, 6

Staple Singers, 169, 374

Stardust, Ziggy (Bowie), 460–61

Starr, Ringo, 115, 129, 170, 329, 421, 442, 461, 467, 479, 579

and Beatles, see Beatles

“Star Star,” 462, 471

“Start Me Up,” 3, 507, 512, 594

Status Quo, 535

Stavers, Gloria, 151

Steele, Tommy, 32, 47

Steel Wheels (album), 541, 543, 546, 547, 556, 557

Stewart, Dave, 537, 567, 576, 581, 595

Stewart, Ian “Stu,” 71, 282, 535, 540

and Brian, 164–65

death of, 536–37

and female fans, 74

and recordings, 83, 427–28

on the road, 68, 98, 145, 150, 190, 439, 536

and Stones formation, 64, 65, 66, 67

Stewart, Rod, 84, 86, 205, 460, 469, 470, 482

Sticky Fingers (album), 410, 417, 459, 549

Stigwood, Robert, 181, 469

Stills, Stephen, 366, 424

Sting, 594

“Stoned,” 114, 144

Stone Productions, 362, 365

Stones in Exile (documentary), 586

“Stop Breaking Down,” 432

Stow Hill, Lord, 261–62

“Stray Cat Blues,” 301, 320, 556

“Street Fighting Man,” 5, 289–90, 301, 302–3, 354, 369, 385, 525, 536

Streisand, Barbra, 461

Strong, Barrett, 134

Studio 54, New York, 489–92, 495, 496, 510

“Stupid Girl,” 204

Sullivan, Big Jim, 140

Sullivan, Ed, 160–61

Summer, Donna, 491

Summer of Love, 245, 286

Sunday Night at the London Palladium (TV), 219–20, 222

SuperHeavy, 595

Supremes, 161

Svengali, 93

“Sweet Black Angel,” 432

Swift, Jonathan, 7

Sylvestre, Cleopatra, 78–80, 85, 286, 338

“Sympathy for the Devil,” 291–92, 298, 300, 301, 302, 320, 321, 331, 332, 333, 335, 355, 359, 369, 383, 397, 562

Sympathy for the Devil (film), 290–94, 297, 299

Tabloid (film), 596–97

Taft, Gene, 475

Taj Mahal, 308, 318, 320

Tarle, Dominique, 586

Tattoo You (album), 507–8, 524, 525, 535

Taverne, Dick, 244

Taylor, Dick

and blues, 34–35, 38, 50

and Stones, 64, 65, 66, 74, 75

and unnamed blues band, 37, 38, 40, 41, 51

Taylor, Elizabeth, 490, 492, 513

Taylor, James, 446, 466

Taylor, Mick, 366, 423, 455

and finances, 344, 468, 471, 557

in France, 426, 446, 449

and Hall of Fame, 540

joining the Stones, 344, 350

leaving the Stones, 468–69, 554

in performance, 344, 353, 368, 464, 468, 553

and reunions, 540, 596

Taylor, Robin, 35

“Tell Me,” 141, 151

Temple, Julien, 525–26

Temple, Keith, 153

Temptations, 585

10cc, 488

Tennant, Hon. Colin, 518

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 140

Terry, Sonny, 36, 73

TFI Friday (TV), 565

“That Girl Belongs to Yesterday,” 137

“That’ll Be the Day,” 31

Their Satanic Majesties Request (album), 276–78, 283–84, 285, 300, 303, 316, 327, 333, 554

This Is Spinal Tap (film), 5

Thomas, Dylan, 573

Thomas, Irma, 158

Thomas, Maldwyn, 391

Thomas, Rufus, 141

Thomson, David, 195, 403

Thorogood, Frank, 348

Through the Past Darkly (album), 365

Thurman, Uma, 559, 560

“Time Is on My Side,” 158, 160, 334

Times, The, 255–56, 257, 424, 530, 594, 596

Todd, Richard, 24

Toklas, Alice B., 237

Tolstoy, Leo, 18

Top of the Pops (BBC), 115, 349, 493, 526

Townsend, Philip, 98

Townshend, Pete, 50, 318, 331, 349, 530, 534, 537, 548, 577

Transcendental Meditation, 272

Troup, Bobby, 141

Troy, Doris, 334, 424

Trudeau, Margaret, 494–95, 504

Trudeau, Pierre, 437, 494

Trump, Donald, 549

Tull, Jethro, 273, 318, 319

“Tumbling Dice,” 432–33, 507, 553

Turing, Alan, 574

Turner, Ike, 211, 212, 365, 372, 373, 376

Turner, Kathleen, 568

Turner, Mike, 32

Turner, Tina, 211, 212, 365, 372, 373, 376, 475, 535, 542, 591

“Tutti Frutti,” 29

12 x 5 (album), 158, 167

“2000 Light Years from Home,” 277

Tyler, Wat, 15, 260

Tynan, Kenneth, 254, 339, 413

U2, 6, 535, 575, 595

Undercover (album), 525, 531

“Undercover of the Night,” 525–26

Underground, 287–88, 290, 424

“Under My Thumb,” 204, 254, 346, 384, 385, 512

“Under the Boardwalk,” 168

United Arab Emirates, cricket in, 572

Urban Jungle (tour), 547

Ure, Midge, 559

Vadim, Roger, 240, 422

Valens, Ritchie, 41, 53

Valentinos, 146, 149, 153

Vallee, Rudy, 132

Van Horne, Harriet, 444

vaudeville, 110, 112, 114

Vaughan, Frankie, 35

Vee, Bobby, 148, 401

“Ventilator Blues,” 432

Verushka, 490

Vicious, Sid, 493

Victoria, queen of England, 16

Vietnam War, 206, 287–90, 337, 363, 371

Villa, Madame, 426–27, 446

Vincent, Gene, 30, 31

Virgin label, 557

Vogue, 86, 144, 199, 589

Voight, Jon, 560

Voight, Marcheline, 560–61

Voodoo Lounge (album), 557, 586

Vreeland, Diana, 144, 490

“Waiting on a Friend,” 507–8

Walker, Scott, 188–89, 287

Walker, T-Bone, 73

Wall, Max, 112

Wallis, Dave, 186

Wandering Spirit (solo album), 553

Warhol, Andy, 10, 159, 471–72

and Bianca, 491–92, 516

contacts of, 173, 474, 479

and media, 441, 491–92

socializing, 444, 486, 490, 491

and Stones’ recordings, 417, 472

Warner Bros.—Seven Arts, 299, 315, 402, 413, 417

Waters, Muddy (Morganfield), 41, 58, 61, 64, 68, 82, 149, 150, 393, 444

Watts, Charlie, 10, 56, 98, 110, 325, 345, 349, 455

Charlie Watts Orchestra, 538

and female fans, 121, 122

and finances, 594

in France, 426, 446

and internal politics, 164, 195, 317, 468, 532–33, 534, 537

joining the Stones, 81, 106, 596

in performance, 67, 102, 108, 113, 116, 320, 353, 368–69

and recordings, 336, 546

and Rockett, 88, 535

socializing, 87–88, 155–56, 400, 423, 527–28

on tour, 145, 156, 187, 239, 274, 366, 367, 563

Watts, Michael, 461

Watts, Shirley Shepherd, 155–56, 194, 325, 366, 520, 532, 533

Weber, Tommy, 421

Weidenfeld, George, 526, 530

Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 9, 526, 528, 529–30

Weld, Tuesday, 310

Wells, Junior, 405

“We Love You,” 268

Wenner, Jann, 277, 577

West, Carintha, 495

West, Mae, 7, 227

Weston, Jonathan, 571

Wet Dream Film Festival, 315

“We Were Falling in Love,” 136

Wexler, Jerry, 392

When Harry Met Sally (film), 7

White, Jack, 583

White, Kevin, 443

Whitehead, Peter, 187, 268

Whitehouse, Mary, 309

White Stripes, 583

Who, the, 4, 180, 244, 254, 318, 319, 331, 338, 363, 475, 535

Wilde, Oscar, 224, 246, 252, 258, 268, 279, 288, 429

Ballad of Reading Gaol, 138, 277

death of, 302, 349

Housman’s poem about, 254

“Wild Horses,” 361, 374–75, 389–90, 393, 481

“Wild Old Men,” 488

Wilkins, Rev. Robert, 301

Wilkinson, Walter, 22

William Morris agency, 362

Williams, Dan, 590

Williams, Hank, 468

Williams, Thomas, 228

Williamson, Nicol, 211, 339

Williamson, Sonny Boy, 52, 58

Willie and the Poor Boys, 535

Willis, Bruce, 552

“Will the Circle Be Unbroken?,” 571

“Will You Be My Lover Tonight?,” 136, 137

Wilson, Brian, 578

Wilson, Gillian, 80–81, 110

Wilson, Harold, 285, 559, 579

Winehouse, Amy, 13, 584–85

Winner, Michael, 186

Winslet, Kate, 574–75

Winter, Johnny, 353

Winwood, Stevie, 273, 346

Wohlin, Anna, 344, 347

Wolfe, Tom, 206, 207, 552

Womack, Bobby, 146, 150, 152, 182

Women Against Violence, 481

Wonder, Stevie, 146, 438, 444

Wood, Art, 61, 66, 469

Wood, Jo, 568

Wood, Krissie, 470

Wood, Ronnie “Woody,” 50, 61, 421, 548–49, 568, 576

and finances, 482, 554–55, 557, 563, 594

joining the Stones, 469–70, 471, 482, 554

and Keith, 469–70, 482, 511, 525

memoir of, 495

and New Barbarians, 505

and recordings, 534, 535, 553, 555

and reunion, 540, 596

and songwriting, 534, 554–55

and tours, 471, 472, 482, 511, 538

Woodstock, 363, 376, 378

World in Action (TV), 259–62, 269, 285

World War II, 16, 17–18

Wyman, Bill, 110, 273, 292, 325, 336

autobiography of, 529, 538, 555

and Brian, 164, 165

and fan reactions, 112, 121, 166

and finances, 391, 554, 557

in France, 426, 446

“In Another Land,” 277, 554–55

and internal politics, 195, 317, 455, 468, 534, 553, 556

joining the Stones, 76–77, 80, 81

leaving the Stones, 553–58

and Mandy, 555–56

and Mick, 121, 423

in performance, 102, 108, 111, 113, 116, 353

and restaurant business, 557–58

and reunion, 596

“Si Si Je Suis un Rock Star,” 555

solo work of, 532, 555

songwriting, 277, 284, 554–55

on tour, 168, 207, 239, 274, 366, 438, 494

Willie and the Poor Boys, 535

Xpensive Winos, 538

Yardbirds, 103, 303

Yentob, Alan, 587

“Yesterday’s Papers,” 220

“You Better Move On,” 134

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” 320, 334

“You Don’t Move Me,” 538

“You Got the Silver,” 343

Young, Paul, 523

Zappa, Frank, 400

Zardoz (film), 475, 480

Zarvis, Vivienne, 391, 398

Zeffirelli, Franco, 474, 478

Zephyrs, 153

About the Author

PHILIP NORMAN is an English novelist, biographer, journalist, and playwright. He is the author of the bestselling biography John Lennon: The Life and the history of The Beatles Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation. Norman has also published biographies of Buddy Holly, the Rolling Stones, and Elton John, as well as six works of fiction and two plays, The Man That Got Away and Words of Love. He lives in London.

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Also by Philip Norman


Slip on a Fat Lady


Wild Thing

The Skaters’ Waltz

Words of Love

Everyone’s Gone to the Moon


The Stones

The Road Goes on Forever

Tilt the Hourglass and Begin Again

Your Walrus Hurt the One You Love

Awful Moments

Pieces of Hate

The Age of Parody

The Life and Good Times of the Rolling Stones

Rave On: The Biography of Buddy Holly

Elton John

Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation

John Lennon: The Life


The Man That Got Away

Words of Love

This Is Elvis: Viva Las Vegas

Laughter in the Rain: The Neil Sedaka Story


MICK JAGGER. Copyright © 2012 by Jessica Productions Ltd. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.


ISBN 978-0-06-194485-7

Epub Edition OCTOBER 2012 ISBN: 9780062200327

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Cover design by Allison Saltzman

Cover photograph: Mick Jagger in 1980 © Marcia Resnick/Retna Ltd.

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Table of Contents


PROLOGUE | Sympathy for the Old Devil


ONE | India-Rubber Boy

TWO | The Kid in the Cardigan

THREE | “Very Bright, Highly Motivated Layabouts”

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