Microsoft Word - FortunesFool.rtf (5 page)

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firmly to her skin, sliding a small compartment open and jabbing her

with a very fine needle.

Adele started coming around almost immediately. Her groggy eyes

opened and Dave breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Her voice was still weak, but Dave was happy to hear it.

"You got a dose of sleep gas before we made it into this bolt hole."

"Why am I naked?" She leaned up and tried to gather the gaping cloth, but her arms were constricted by the under-tunic, still resting

around her middle.

Dave flashed her a grin. "I may have overreacted a little." He gently pried the med unit off her skin, tracing the red marks left behind on her 32


soft breast. "I was afraid the gas might've been more than just sleep inducers, so I dug up a med unit to check for poison."

"Was it?" Her voice had a breathless quality as his fingers continued to trace over her soft skin. "Poison, I mean." Her gaze shot to his as he brought his palm down over her breast, squeezing slightly.

Dave moved closer, tossing the med unit aside. "Just sleep gas,

sweetheart. I administered a counteragent so you'd wake up." He moved closer as he felt her nipple harden to a sharp point against his palm.

"Thanks." The word whispered against his lips as he kissed her, slow at first, then with increasing urgency. She was beautifully made, a perfect fit for his big hands. He teased her nipples, rolling them between his fingers, pleased when she squirmed and moaned into his mouth. He

had to taste her.

Breaking away from her lips was hard, but he needed the salt of her

skin just as badly. He nibbled his way down her throat, pausing to suck

her earlobe in a move that made her giggle. It was a hot sound, innocent and seductive all at the same time. He got harder just hearing her laugh.

Hell, all he had to do was see her walk into that bar to make his cock

stand up and take notice. She was that powerful. Like a drug to his


Dave feathered his lips over her delicate skin, his hands moving

lower to push the under-tunic away completely and slide the rest of her

clothing down her long, luscious legs. He'd savor them. Later. But first he had a craving he needed to fulfill. Hers…and his.

"Do you feel it?" he asked, his lips sliding along her skin, skirting her nipple, waiting for the moment he would taste her. "Do you want me, Adele?"

"Oh, God, yes! Yes, David." Her whispered answer pleased him


"Whatexactlydo you want, sweetheart? Tell me. In detail."

She hesitated long enough that he knew she'd never done this

before. He looked up, meeting her eyes and saw fascination and a tiny bit of fear there. Fear of the unknown. But he also saw how the idea of

speaking her desires out loud excited her. He decided to push a bit


"Do you want me to lick your nipples? Suck your luscious tits? Tell me, sweetheart. I won't do anything you don't ask for." He dared her, enjoying the way her heart sped under his hands, her panting breaths



broadcasting her excitement. "Tell me, Adele. Tell me and I'll give you anything you want."

"I want—" She licked her lips and his cock twitched. "I want you to kiss me."

"Like this?" He teased her with little, almost chaste kisses going all around her nipples, but not touching the hard peaks that so obviously

hungered for him.

"I want you to lick me, David." The words panted from her lips as she watched him. He could feel the soft stir of her breath against his

head, making him hotter.


"My nipples, David. Please." The last word was lengthened into a little moan so sexy, he decided to give her what she wanted. What he

wanted too. He zeroed in on one nipple, plying the other with his fingers while his tongue flicked and traced the hardened peak. Adele made the

sexiest little sounds at the back of her throat as he moved closer, sucking her deep, meeting her eyes as he tongued her, drawing hard and testing

her reactions.

She liked it a little rough, which surprised him, but pleasantly. It just so happened, Dave liked it too. He could give her as much as she could



Oh, he liked the sound of that breathless plea. He pulled at her,

drawing on her skin with his teeth as she moaned, then let go with a little sucking sound. He treated her other breast to a loving lick and a little nip that had her crying out in pleasure. Dave teased her soft flesh, raising her temperature.

All the while, his hands learned her. He'd pushed the cloth out of his

way and now made short work of her panties, tossing them across the

compartment. His hand settled into the apex of her thighs, the middle

finger parting her folds and seeking within. She was slick and hot, wet

and ready. He stroked over the little bud of her clit and she squirmed,

then he slid his finger inside, testing her wet warmth.

She was tight. Her body stretched to admit his finger, but it was a

gloriously snug fit. Used to professionals and women who sought out

soldiers for a good time, David had never had such a tight pussy. He'd

have to go slow and make certain she was ready because he wasn't a

small man, but he'd make sure she loved every minute, every stroke,

every spasm.



He fucked her with his finger, sliding through her fluids, ramming

her tight hole, but slowly, with great care. She rode his hand. He liked her response. Everything about her tantalized him. She was fresh and

beautiful in a way he'd never had in real life. Oh, he'd dreamed of just such a woman, but he never thought one like her would actually come

into his life, much less be panting under him.

When he judged she was ready, he added another finger. It was

difficult at first, until her body stretched to accommodate him. One more finger and he knew she'd be ready for his cock. It couldn't be a minute

too soon for Dave. He was about ready to come in his pants. The woman

was that explosive.

"Take off my shirt," he ordered, placing nibbling kisses over her breasts and throat as she whimpered under the onslaught of his hand. "I want your hands on me, Adele."

Her head shot up, wide eyes meeting his. Eager little hands roved

over his chest a moment later, searching out the fastenings of his

military-style flight suit. After some searching, she found the latches and pushed the fabric aside. He had to leave her hot body for a moment to

slide the sleeves over his hands, but when he went back to her wet pussy, he was able to introduce three fingers, stretching her even more. She

fumbled with his clothing as he renewed his assault and cried out with a small completion, flooding his hand with welcome wetness.

"That's it, sweetheart. Just a bit more and then I'm going to fuck you so good, you'll be ruined for any other man."

She chuckled at that, her eyes misty with arousal. "I think I already am."He took that as a challenge. "You ain't seen nothing yet, Adele." He maneuvered her into a prone position. "Lie back, sweetheart. The first time's gonna be quick and simple, but we've got a few hours 'til the gas vents. We can go slow next time." He shucked his clothes, throwing

them across the compartment. "Woman, you set me on fire. I want to

fuck you twenty different ways, but I think we'll have time for three.

Maybe four."

Her mouth opened in shock and gave him ideas for next time. What

he wouldn't give to slide his cock between those perfect lips.

"That many? I thought men had to, um, recover a bit in between."

"You've never been with a soldier though, have you? And you

definitely have never been with me." He grinned at her as he knelt

between her legs. Her eyes went immediately to his cock, making it even



harder, if that were possible. The innocent, yet sultry way she watched

him made him want to fuck her so bad, he doubted he could wait a

moment longer.

Good thing he didn't have to. She was ready, he just wanted to bring

her a little higher before he took the plunge because once he was inside her, he doubted he'd have enough control this first time to be certain of her pleasure.

It was a humbling thought. He'd never been so overcome by a

woman before in his life. But Adele was special.

He spread her legs wide, one falling off the side of the bench as he

settled between them. She had a pretty, pink, incredibly wet pussy.

Leaning down, he couldn't resist a little taste.

She jumped when he licked her clit, but he held her steady, one

hand on her small tummy. She was round and womanly, soft in all the

right places and delicious. He licked her some more, sucking her clit into his mouth for a little tongue action. Like a shot, she came, harder this time, crying out as her abdomen rippled under his hand.

It was time.

Rising over her, he settled his cock between her luscious thighs as

she continued to shudder beneath him. She was on a high and he aimed

to keep her there. He hadn't been kidding. This first fuck was going to be fast and furious. He'd never been so hard or hot for a woman in his entire life. Just sinking into Adele was better than the best orgasm he'd ever

had. Chances were, when he blew, he'd fly into orbit and might never

return. But what a way to go.

He eased his way inside her tight hole with little pumps of his hips.

He was careful not to hurt her, but she seemed oblivious. Her heels dug

into his ass, pulling him deeper. He liked that.


"Ssh, sweetheart. I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not hurting me! David, I want you now. Hard and fast!"

He swore and pushed home, loving the tight, hot depth of her. She

cried out.

"Damn, woman, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, but if you don't start moving your ass right this minute, I'm going to kill you."

He leaned down to kiss her, grinning like a fool.

"Your wish is my command, darlin'."



He stroked deep, relishing the feel of her. Like warm, soft velvet

against his most sensitive skin, she gloved him, giving him the ride of his life. Hard and fast, she'd said, and he took her at her word. He settled lower, stretching her thighs around him, seeking to bury his cock as deep as he could go into her heat.

Speeding his strokes, he neared the point of no return, but knew

Adele was with him. Her keening cries were music to his ears as he

jumped over the cliff with her, freefalling for a long time as his body

jerked, his cum shooting into her womb with powerful force.


He shouted her name at the last. Something he'd never done before.

Nothing about this encounter had been familiar. It all felt fresh and new, and damn near mind-bending.

Could it be the woman who made the experience so special? He

didn't know and frankly, didn't have the energy to analyze it as his body blew apart and reassembled into a satisfied, happy mass.

He'd rest a bit, then he'd fuck her again. And again. In as many

varied ways as he could manage before reality intruded on their little




Chapter Eight

Adele stretched like a kitten as she woke from a light doze some

time later. Dave watched her with an indulgent grin. The woman just

made him happy in a way no woman ever had before.

He leaned down and kissed her, enjoying her startled response that

settled into warm encouragement within seconds. She was so responsive

to him. It was a marvel.

"Mmm. What a nice way to wake up." She smiled as he pulled back.

He loved the light in her eyes, the simple joy in her expression. She truly wanted to be there, in that dusty little compartment, with him. He could read it on her beautiful face.

No woman had ever wanted so badly to be with him that it showed

plainly in her eyes. He wanted to see that expression again. And again.

Perhaps for the rest of his life.


That thought gave him pause. It hit him like a punch to the gut,

robbing him of air and making him wonder if he wasn't just a little crazy for even considering it. No way would a beautiful, cultured, educated and intelligent woman like this want to settle down with a rough soldier. She could have anyone. Why in the world would she settle for him?

* * * *

A ring away, in the other hidden compartment, Alex kept his eyes

on Della. She fascinated him. She'd done so since the moment she'd

walked into his bar a few weeks ago. He'd never been so instantly

attracted to a woman, but this woman was off limits.

Oh, he'd vowed to protect her with his last breath, and he flirted—as

was his nature—but he'd never let it go any further. He'd wanted to

pursue her when he'd first seen her, but then she'd stumbled into his

arms, in the grip of a strong prophetic vision. When she recovered, she'd come clean with him about her psychic abilities, and that clinched it. She was way too special for the likes of him on a personal level, though he



would take advantage of any precognitive words of wisdom she might

want to share. He was a spy, after all.

"How much longer, do you think?" She sat next to him along one wall. The other men were cleaning their gear or servicing their weapons

as they waited quietly for the gas to clear.

"A few hours." Alex watched her quiet nod. She hadn't even batted an eyelash when he'd uncovered the secret passageway. Most civilians

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