Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon (28 page)

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“How did you know that I was their Queen?” Brigid asked, hesitation filling her voice.

A great hush fell over the inhabitants of Broceliande. Every one seemed to be waiting on baited breath.

“Because you have the regal bearing, and I noticed the royal mark on your back when you turned around. “ Molly smiled. Lady Brigid tilted her head to the side. She seemed to be considering what Molly had told her.

“Very astute of you, Princess Mary,” she said; waving her hand, her true form was revealed. Brigid was draped in a glittering white gown that seemed to reflect every color of the rainbow. Atop her head, she wore a breathtaking gold crown. Diamonds sparkled in the crown, giving the impression that Brigid had scooped the stars out of the sky and put them into her crown.

‘Why do you always keep your true identity a secret?’ Molly asked, this time mentally voicing her thought.

“Why do you hide from your destiny?” Brigid returned, articulating her question in voiced speech. “Farewell, Molly, we shall meet again. May your journey be blessed. “ she turned away from Molly again, as a thick white mist brewed up in front of her. In a few seconds, Brigid had disappeared.

When Molly searched for the other faeries she found that they too had vanished.

“They have left. “ Molly was genuinely disappointed to think that they had lost the presence of the faeries on Earth.

“Nay, they are still here. But Brigid knew that you would not leave unless you realized they were safe. They will only return when you are in dire need of them, or when it is time to celebrate,” Branden clarified, gazing at her with his intense blue eyes.

Now it was time for her to face her ever-changing destiny. But what would that unpredictable destiny bring?


Chapter Fifteen

Wind Spirit’s giant hooves pounded over the wet ground. The moon glowed in the sky, giving them just the right amount of light. Coupled with the sparkling stars it was quite a majestic looking night. If only she wasn’t dealing with such shattering losses. Collin kept glancing her way, and she knew that he watched her to make sure that she was still maintaining her composure. The weight of the world rested on her shoulders and she didn’t know how to cope with the responsibility. A thick Faerie silk cloak covered her nearly sheer white dress. It had been a gift from a noble faerie. It would protect her against weather and certain forms of evil magic. To be presented with such a valuable present had truly been a blessing.

The temperature had dropped considerably and Wind Spirit’s breath was visible as it came out in large white puffs through his pink nostrils.

She clasped the reigns tightly beneath her bare hands, as a deep melancholy flowed through her. They would be at Vivienne’s lake soon. She didn’t even want to imagine what horror she would find there. It was hard to comprehend how Lord Cardan’s magic could have taken down Merlin, her father, and the powerful Water Faerie, Vivienne. She had always thought that she’d be able to count on them in times of stress, and now it seemed as if they were waiting for her to be their savior. Was she up for the challenge? She closed her eyes. Of course she was. She’d show Lord Cardan that he’d messed with the wrong warrior witch!

The ancient druidic trees whispered around them. They sang of death, glory and honor.

Soon, Merlin’s magnificent battle with Lord Cardan would be legend. It would fall into the tales of folklore, while the world would remember Arthur much differently. She could see Vivienne’s giant rushing waterfall in the distance. It still flowed, and yet, unless her eyes were playing tricks on her, it was now the color of midnight. Wind Spirit, being the smart horse that he was, stopped a few paces away from the black lake. He let out a troubled neigh. She could fully understand his anxiety.

She slipped off of Wind Spirit’s back, and with halting steps she walked toward the ice-encrusted lake. The others followed her, as a deadly hush fell around them. No birds chirped, the rustling of the leaves had become still, and no lone wolf-cry could be heard. Nature had become frozen in time. She didn’t know much about the magic aura of nature but she knew enough to know that things had gone terribly awry.

She stopped in front of the lake and felt a horrified sob lodge in her throat. It could not be. She’d so been hoping that Galahad had been mistaken somehow. She unsheathed Excalibur, and its blade lit up with Elvin fire. Elvin blades were very useful. When one was in need of a torch, they did the job quite nicely.

She could hear Branden murmuring an Elvin prayer in his soft musical lilting voice, as the water faeries conglomerated together and began to follow Branden’s lead.

“We must be able to do something!” Adria cried. Adria drew Ely and dashed toward the frozen lake. Molly shook her head, Adria didn’t know what she was about to unleash.

“Adria…no!” Molly and Branden said in unison, as Adria held Ely aloft, and then plunged her blade down into the darkened ice.


Adria let out an anguished scream as she was hurtled high in the air. Ely went flying out of her hand and went arcing downward. Collin deftly caught the Elvin blade, while Branden rushed to catch Adria. Molly was hot on Branden’s heels, as were the other Light Bearers.

“Are you hurt?” Molly asked, sheathing Excalibur. She surveyed Adria for any sign of blood. Her breath caught in her throat. As soon as her heart stopped skipping up into her mouth, she’d be fine.

She had to protect Adria at all costs. If Adria were to die a premature death, then Collin would disappear and hope for the future would be lost.

“I do not think that I am hurt,” Adria muttered, uncertainty entering her eyes. She began rubbing her sword arm. “It felt as if I had been hit by a lightning bolt. That gave me one hell of a shock. Molly, something is terribly wrong with Vivienne. “ Branden ran his hands over her, as healing magic began glowing from his fingertips. Molly was surprised to see that Adria didn’t fight Branden in any way…in fact, she almost seemed delighted by Branden’s gentle ministrations.

“Many thanks,” Adria whispered; her green eyes sparkled with tenderness. Molly knew that look all to well. Adria was falling in love. She didn’t know whether to be concerned that Branden and Adria were being united far before their time, or to rejoice that the two soul mates had found each other. What could this possibly mean for the future timeline? Moreover, what could this mean for Collin’s future? She was really concerned about that, in light of their new relationship. She couldn’t lose him, and she wouldn’t risk losing him.

“Are you able to stand?” Branden asked, offering his arm for support.

“Aye, with your assistance, I shall. “ Adria glanced at Molly and beamed. Molly thinned her lips and took a deep cleansing breath.

“The lake has been enchanted by powerful black sorcery,” Lady Bell, one of the water faeries said, as she came sailing down to stand beside them. “My faeries and I think that we may be able to break the spell, but if our counter charm does not work, then we shall require a miracle to save our Lady. “

Lady Seraide, another water faerie, came forward to stand beside Bell. “My Lady Mary, you and your Light Bearers would be better protected, if you moved to a safe distance. Your Highness,” Seraide said, bowing respectively to Branden. “We may be able to use your assistance. You have been born in the mystical Elvin lands; your pure-blooded magic may be able to further our cause. “ Branden reluctantly released Adria, and sauntered forward.

“Hail, Lady Seraide. I shall do whatever I may to help you and your sisterhood of Water Faeries,” Branden vowed, pressing his hand over his heart.

Something prickled at the back of Molly’s mind. This seemed to be the wrong course of action, though she doubted any of the faeries would heed her advice.

“Indeed, we thank you. Come, we must start the spell before the witching hour passes,”

Lady Seraide murmured.

Molly held up her hand for a moment of peace, and traipsed toward the Lake. She fell to her knees, then gently passed her hand over the darkened lake. It neither felt cold…or warm. It was a chilling sensation indeed.

Lady Vivienne was suspended beneath the water with her violet-blue eyes wide open.

Molly swallowed. The sight of her suspended beneath the water with her eyes peeled open spooked the shit out of her.

“They shall have you free in but a moment, my friend,” she whispered, as her hand began glowing with blue fire. She blinked her eyes, and shook her head. For one split-second, she LADY PENDRAGON MARLEY MATHEWS 119

could have sworn that Vivienne had actually smiled encouragingly at her. Surely, her mind had begun to play tricks on her, beneath all of the strain.

“Come away from the lake, Molly,” Collin said, gently helping her to her feet and guiding her away from the lake.

“I have a weird feeling about this, Collin,” she whispered. “If Adria was repelled, what makes Lady Bell and Lady Seraide believe that their magic will prevail? It makes no sense. “

She shook her head adamantly, and leaned against Collin.

Lachlan had fallen peculiarly silent, and he had lit his pipe again. He and the rest of his warrior leprechauns seemed quite tense. She understood how they felt. The air crackled with uncertainty.

“I’d warrant we’ll be getting quite a show soon,” Lachlan said, between puffs. He stared at Molly with his moss-green eyes, and smiled softly.

The water faeries formed a circle with Branden placed in the middle. They joined hands, as globules of colorful light rose up around them. They summoned their magic. As their combined powers manifested and intensified, a large circular object resembling a wild whirlpool raced down toward the black Lake.

Molly didn’t like what they planned to do. She wanted to rush toward them and tell them to stop, but for some unexplainable reason, she became transfixed with the dazzling display.

Perhaps, magic could not be used to free Lady Vivienne. What if what they needed was something that only one of them possessed? She glanced toward Collin, and thought of the mortal sword he carried. Merlin worked in mysterious ways, but she had found over her years spent as his pupil, and friend, that his mysterious ways normally revealed their reason in the end.

A cold numbing sensation began to seep through her body.

“Stop!” she cried.

Lachlan stood up straighter and reached to rest his hand on the hilt of his sword. They exchanged one quick frantic glance. She could see in that glance that Lachlan had come to the same conclusion she had. He might have a tendency to run off at the mouth sometimes, but Lachlan was about as clever as they came.

“Saints preserve us, we shall be destroyed,” he murmured, his mouth gaped open. His eyes sparkled. “We will all be blown from here to kingdom come. “ Lachlan could be a smart ass at times, but he’d definitely inherited the cunning intelligence of his leprechaun forebears.

“Lachlan, I’m going to need your help, and your magic. “ She inched closer to him until they stood side by side.

“Ye have it, my friend. Lass, I’ve always known you’ve harbored a soft spot for me,” he winked, and then tried to pull off a convincing chuckle, but it sounded as hollow as a piece of driftwood.

“Collin, take my hand, you’ll have to be protected. As soon as that whirlpool of magic connects with the lake, there will be an explosion the likes of which you have never seen and if you aren’t given the proper protection you will be killed!”

“My warriors and I shall protect the water faeries. Prince Branden should not be harmed; he possesses magic the likes of which we shall never be able to understand. “ Lachlan flew into action, gesturing for his leprechauns to follow. Lachlan shouted out a few more orders, as the leprechauns quickly flew into formation. For once, she actually thanked God for having Lachlan in her life.


“We must keep the blast from destroying the nature around us. The concussive force of it may even affect Tintagel. My Light Bearers, unite. “ Her voice boomed out across the darkened landscape.

Morgause and Thaney joined their circle. Molly pushed Collin into the center of it, and told him to stay there. They couldn’t afford to lose him. They were all moving in fast-forward motion and she knew they had to look like blurs to Collin’s un-magical eye. Now she really wished, yet again, that she and the other members of the High Order hadn’t bound his powers at his birth.

“Prepare for a force that will nearly bring us to our knees,” she screamed above the sudden whistling noise that met her ears.

“The apple blossoms shall bloom,” Thaney muttered.

Molly stared at her in open-mouthed amazement, but she didn’t have time to question her cousin further. Thaney’s mixed up mutterings were going to be the death of her.

The whirlpool descended and collided with the lake. As she had suspected, the white faerie magic and the dark magic repelled each other. The resulting explosion was loud enough to deafen Molly. Her Light Bearers rocked from the blast, yet they held their positions. Their determination could not be swayed. Somehow, they managed to remain aloft. Weakened by the powerful onslaught, Molly heaved a shaky breath and heard the others do the same. She glanced toward the water faeries and noticed their stunned expressions, though they were unharmed, thanks to the leprechauns’ protective shield.

They slowly lowered their shields and she smiled, when she heard Lachlan’s happy voice.

“We did it, Molly,” he crowed, doing a backward somersault in the air. His legion of leprechauns let out a jubilant cheer. She couldn’t help but laugh herself. She hugged Collin and held him tightly.

Then, a rumbling that slightly resembled thunder could be heard across the landscape.

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