Midnight Call (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

Read Midnight Call (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Online

Authors: Keyonna Davis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Midnight Call (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I think we pushed Nadia a little too hard.” Greg sighed. “I gotta tell you, though, she felt damn good in my arms.”

That was typical Greg, always looking for the positive in a messed-up situation. Greg had more of a “go with the flow” type personality. If Jackson had to guess, he would say both of them touching Nadia at the same time hadn’t fazed him. As long as it made her feel good and happy, Greg would be all for it.

Now Steve on the other hand, he was the “thinker” of the group. He had to analyze every possible outcome and come up with the best solution. He always had a plan A, B, and C. Jackson had the feeling Steve would be the one they’d have to convince if they went the route they were headed. And he was indeed headed down that route because he wanted Nadia more than he’d ever wanted any other woman. If that meant he had to share her with his two best friends that already shared everything else with him, then he would have no problem with that. He decided to save thinking about why the thought of sharing turned him on so much for another time.

Jackson cleared his throat. “I think there is something we need to discuss, guys.”

Steve nodded like he, too, had come to a decision and sat forward in the chair. “I think we can do this without being jealous of one another, but it’s not our decision. The question is whether Nadia will go for it?”

Jackson just stared at Steve with his mouth hanging open. He knew they were close, but how in the hell had Steve figured out what he was thinking that fast?

“Don’t look so shocked,” Greg said as he reached over to close Jackson’s mouth. “It’s something we have been thinking for a while now. It just took you long enough to catch up with us.”

“You mean sharing her, right?” At their nod, Jackson continued. “If this is something you two have already been thinking about, why haven’t you brought it up sooner? I have seen the way both of you look at her when she is in the room. I’m sure it’s the same way I look at her.”

“We didn’t say anything because this is a decision you needed to come to on your own without any influence from us. We made a pact when we were young that we wouldn’t go after the same girl, but if we are all willing to play nice and share, then I don’t see why we can’t all have what we want. Steve is right. This is ultimately up to Nadia, but we need to set ground rules up before we even think of approaching her with this.” Greg finished and sat back like the decision had already been made.

If truth be told, the decision had already been made. Jackson figured they all wanted her enough to take the chance. Greg was right. There needed to be ground rules because he was not willing to risk their friendship for anything.

“Okay, if we do this, we do it right. Not getting jealous of each other should be rule number one,” Jackson said.

Steve nodded. “I agree. I also think we each should be able to have our own alone time with her.”

Jackson had no problem agreeing to that. He looked over to see Greg nodding to that as well. “Anything you want to add, Greg?”

“That all sounds good to me. The only think I have to add is that, if one of us feels this isn’t working out, we all sit down and discuss it again. No hard feelings and no one should feel left out about anything.”

Everything sounded reasonable to Jackson, but all the planning in the world wouldn’t be enough if Nadia wouldn’t agree to share three men.

“Okay, so how do we get Nadia to agree? Who gets to be the lucky one to tell her that we discussed this and decided she will be with all three of us?”

The look that Steve and Greg gave him answered Jackson’s question for him. He hated when they did that to him. There was no use arguing. It was two against one, and he was voted to be the messenger. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans when he rose to head to Nadia’s room. Hopefully, the messenger wouldn’t get shot. He would rather have a kiss instead.


* * * *


Nadia was debating getting out or adding more hot water to the cooling tub when there was a knock on the bathroom door. She quickly grabbed a towel and draped it over herself, not caring it was getting soaked. When she was sure she was decent, she finally yelled for whoever was at the door to come in.

“What’s wrong, Jackson? Is it Addison?” She’d started to rise when he held up his hand to stop her.

“No, don’t get out. Addison is fine. I just checked on her. She’s still sleeping.”

Nadia wondered what Jackson needed to talk to her about that couldn’t wait until she was dressed. She took a good look at Jackson and saw he was blushing. He wouldn’t look at her, and he was rubbing his palms up and down his thighs. If she had to guess, Nadia would say Jackson was nervous about something. She had a feeling his nerves didn’t come from her being undressed either.

“Jackson, is there something wrong? What did you want to talk to me about?”

“I just wanted to make sure we didn’t freak you out back there with the massage,” he rubbed the back of his neck.

Nadia definitely hadn’t been freaked out. Turned on, but not freaked out. “I’m okay. Just tired from earlier, but the bath helped.”

She watched as Jackson looked everywhere but directly at her. She could tell he had something more he wanted to say so she sat quietly and waited. She watched his expressive face as he fought whatever battle he waged in his head. She didn’t know if he won or lost the battle because she was too shocked at what came next. Jackson marched right over to her and knelt down next to the tub. He didn’t give her time to speak before he clamped his lips on hers in a rough passionate kiss. She was too stunned to move at first, but her body finally went on autopilot, and she sighed. Jackson took full advantage of her open lips and slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Moaning, Nadia sucked on his tongue.

She had been fantasizing about kissing this man since she’d first seen him, and finally, it was happening. Reality was so much better than she’d imagined. Nadia wrapped her arms around Jackson’s neck to pull him closer. He seemed to relax and eased up on the kiss when she began participating and not pulling away. That was something he didn’t even have to worry about. She had no intention of stopping. They kissed until both desperately needed air. Only then did he release her, but not before he nipped her bottom lip lightly. That one small move almost caused Nadia to come right there in the tub. She moaned as he trailed kisses and love bites down her neck. The man knew what he was doing and left her in a daze as he pulled away and stood.

“That is not what I had in mind when I came in here,” he said panting.

“Not that I’m complaining or anything, but what brought that on? It was great by the way. I’m just not sure what’s going on.” Nadia wanted to be clear on what was happening so there were no mistakes made or regrets later on.

“There is no easy way to say this, so I am just going to come out and say it.” He took a breath as if bracing himself for what was to come and continued. “The guys and I talked, and we decided…well, it’s really up to you, but we decided that, rather than mess up our friendship, we would share you. Not saying you are easy or anything. And like I said earlier, it is all up to you, but if you are interested, then we would all three like to date you. Okay, there I said it, and I’m going to shut up now because I’m rambling, and this is not at all how I wanted to tell you.”

Jackson leaned back against the counter and stared at the floor. It seemed that he thought he might have messed up and couldn’t bring himself to look at her. The man had said a lot, and it took a minute for Nadia to sort through everything and let it sink in. The first thing she thought was how damn sexy Jackson looked standing there rambling, trying to get out what he wanted to say. Had he actually thought she would be opposed to the idea of sleeping with three guys? Yeah, that probably made her a slut in most people’s eyes, but Nadia didn’t care. There was no way she could choose between three caring, loving men, so what Jackson was offering was the perfect solution for all. He was right to worry about sex coming between him and his best friends though, and she made a vow to be open and honest with all three of them. The minute she realized their arrangement wasn’t working out she would leave. It would probably rip her heart to shreds, but it would hurt even more to know she’d broken up a lifelong friendship. There was no way she would let that happen, especially because of someone they had only known for a few weeks.

Evidently her silence made Jackson think she was upset because he turned and headed for the door, apologizing.

“Wait. Don’t go. I’m not upset. I was just thinking about all the ways what you are offering could go wrong. Before I give you an answer, did you guys stop to think what this might do to your friendship? I refuse to come between the three of you.”

“Believe me, we covered everything, and we all still want you. This is the only way it will be fair for everyone. We understand if this is not something you want. Sharing is not something we have ever done before, so we are going into this blind. We think if everyone is open and honest we can do this.”

Jackson said the magic words, open and honest. Those were the same words she had just been thinking. Maybe this could work after all. Not that she would turn down the chance to be with all three of them anyway.

“So how did you end up being the messenger?” she asked him with a grin.

“Two against one vote. They ganged up on me,” Jackson said, trying to look as pitiful as possible.

“I’m not the type to shoot the messenger, but I have been known to reward a few from time to time. I think you deserve a reward. It was very brave of you to come in here not knowing how I would react,” Nadia said as she removed the towel she had draped over her and leaned back against the tub.

She could tell the instant Jackson realized she was willing to share them because his face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. He turned and started toward her, but Nadia had other plans.

“No, I want you to lower the toilet lid and sit down,” she said, pointing to direct him. “I want to watch you, and I want you watching me as well.”

Nadia hoped that her nerves weren’t showing. She had never been this open with a man before. There was just something about Jackson, Steve, and Greg that made her comfortable enough to try new things. She figured that willingly letting three men share her gave her the right to be creative.

“Why don’t you get out of those pants? They can’t be very comfortable right now,” she pointed to the bulge she could see pressing against his zipper.

She watched as Jackson stood and removed his shirt. She silently moaned when he revealed his smooth chest and flat stomach. His small pink nipples were hard, and Nadia wanted nothing more than to lick and use her teeth on both of them. She had to press her thighs together to keep from reaching down and touching herself. She wanted to wait for Jackson. Pleasuring herself while someone watched was a fantasy she’d had forever. Nadia was about to use Jackson to make that fantasy come true. She was improvising a little by watching Jackson pleasure himself as well, but there was no way she was complaining about that. Who in their right mind would?

Nadia’s gaze was drawn to Jackson’s crotch when his hands went for the waistband of his jeans. He undid the top button and stopped. After a couple seconds, she finally looked up to see what the problem was. He was standing there with a crooked grin on his face. The bastard was teasing her. Well, two could play that game. Nadia smiled and slowly parted her legs and rested her hands on her knees. She arched her back and lifted her breasts out of the water. Her nipples were rock hard, but she couldn’t tell if it was because she was so turned on or because of the slightly chilled water. Either way she didn’t care. Her little move got the results she expected. Jackson forgot all about teasing her and was hopping on one leg to get his jeans off. Nadia giggled.

“Now is this what you wanted?” Jackson said when he was completely naked. He stood with his hands on his hips, his cock jutting proudly out in front of him.

Nadia had never liked giving blowjobs, but her mouth watered at the impressive sight of Jackson’s cock. For this man she would willingly drop to her knees. Jackson was impressive. His cock was thick and heavily veined. His pubic hair was neatly trimmed and cut low. She liked that he took the time to groom himself. She figured that, if she spent time shaving, then so should a man. “I want you to sit down and watch me. Don’t take your eyes off me. Don’t touch yourself until I tell you.” Nadia had no idea where this dominant side of her was coming from, but she liked it a lot.

“I thought you wanted to watch me as well,” Jackson said as he did exactly what she asked.

“Oh, believe me, I do. I want to see you lose control and come when I do. But first, I want you to see how much the thought of being with you, Greg, and Steve turns me on. I have thought of nothing else since the day I met you guys.”

Nadia finally started to move her hands. She started by rubbing them in small circles on her inner thighs. She parted her thighs farther by draping them over the side of the tub and lifting her lower half out of the water. The cold air felt good against her pussy, and Nadia had to fight to keep from going directly for her clit and ending the show before it got started. She wanted this experience to last, so she held on to her self-control, but only by a thread.

“Do you like to have your nipples played with?” she asked, trying to buy herself some time.

Jackson swallowed hard before he answered, and Nadia watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down. God, how she wanted to lick and suck on that. There was nothing about this man that didn’t turn her on.

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