Midnight Dare (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas) (6 page)

BOOK: Midnight Dare (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas)
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"Choosing the next alpha tonight speeds up the time line of a decision he's already made. Darius has known who he would name alpha for a while now. By naming them now he ensures, that moving forward the golden pack has the strength of two alphas instead of one."

Georgia frowned at that.

"He plans on sharing power?"

Two alphas sharing power at once was unheard of.

Her mother looked away.

"He plans on making sure the pack is well protected."

"That's crazy."

"No honey, that's your Daddy."

A laugh trickled up her throat, but it sounded thin even to her ears.

"Come on and cheer up. It won't be all bad."

"Cheer up? You basically tell me that something wicked this way comes, and you want me to cheer up?"

Shrugging her shoulders, her mother turned and opened the closet door.

"Your father's mind is set and what will happen, will happen in whichever form we make it and it chooses."

"Definitely Morticia Adams," said Georgia shaking her head.

"It comes with the witch’s badge."

"Thank God, I'm a half breed or I'd walk around driving people nuts all day too."

Her words fell on deaf ears as her mother began to riffle through her closet.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting your dress out for tonight."

Trust her mother to be all doom and gloom one moment and party planning the next. Sighing she resigned herself to one hell of a Christmas Ball.

Lord help us.

"I'm wearing the black dress."

"Hmm, No. Too blah."

"I can dress myself you know."

"Of course you can darling."

Why do I bother?

Without looking up she knew which dress her mother would select—the turquoise one. Like clock-work the long dress had arrived on her doorstep a few days before she left for vacation. Every year before the holiday celebrations, her mother sent her a designer dress for the Christmas ball. Georgia never minded. More often than not, she wore her mother's selection. It saved her from doing the shopping herself and she could never fault her mother's taste.

But this year's selection had been surprising. Its long silky fabric flowed over her body like water dripping down to her feet. The neckline was deceptive in its modesty before curving over her shoulders and plunging down to the top curve of her ass leaving, her back completely bare.

The dress made her feel naughty and nice all at once.

"Got it."


Still not looking up, she leaned down and took off her boots, plopping them to the ground before standing and discarding the rest of her clothing. Walking to her bathroom as she spoke over her shoulder.

"I'm going to go take a bath."

"The ball starts eight sharp."

"I know."



"I love you baby girl."

She paused at the threshold to the bathroom and turned to look at her mother. She'd been right, the garment bag for the blue-green dress already lay on the bed.

Glancing at the thin-strapped gold heels in her mother's hands she smiled.

"I love you too."

Turning she set entered the other room and began preparing for her bath.

The long night stretched ahead of her and she wanted to take what little respite she could.


Marcus entered his cabin and walked to the bar at the side of his living room.

He took out a bottle of
and two heavy bottomed glasses.

Without hesitation he poured two fingers of the liquor into each glass and walked to his couch. Placing one drink on the coffee table he lifted the other to his lips.

After taking a deep sip, he stared down into the amber liquid and spoke.

"Is there a contract?"


A dark figure walked out of the shadows from the far corner of the room. Sergei.

"One of these days you're going to learn how to ring a doorbell."

His friend shrugged and made his way over to him.

"You weren't home."

"What do you know?"

If there was no contract for Sergei to take care of then why had the Council sent him?

Sergei settled into the large chair across form the couch, ignoring the whiskey on the table.

Marcus, watched him, taking in Sergei's large frame and pale, almost ethereal white skin with one glance.

Sergei was often referred to as the Ghost. The moniker had little to with his complexion and everything to do with his ability to come and go undetected. Even most shifters with their heightened sense of smell and hearing were unable to sense him unless he wanted to be found.

Marcus was an exception. He'd always been able to sense Sergei and as a result the two had become unlikely friends. Sergei had once told him, that he worried that one day he would just disappear. It was a sentiment that Marcus understood.

"All I've learned is that the alpha's woman has had a vision."

He nodded. That much he knew as well.

"It seems to have caused quite a stir."

"Has she shared it with anyone?"

"Only Darius as far as I know."

"Perhaps not."

"Is that why you're here?"

"I was told to witness the order of succession."

Marcus shook his head.

"Why send a
for this? Why not a usual emissary instead? An enforcer isn't needed to witness."

"I thought the same thing, but my orders were clear. Come to Golden Valley and serve as Council witness when Darius announces his successor. But I did learn one thing—Serafina is the one who assigned me."

Marcus froze at those words.

Serafina was the highest ranking member of the Council. For a directive to come directly from her confirmed his suspicions. Darius and his mate had shared the vision with the Council and whatever choice Darius was about to make would have ricocheting effects not just within the Golden pack but throughout the shifter world.

"This may get ugly," he said.

Sergei's lips lifted in a small smile.

"I had a feeling you'd say that."

"When are you scheduled to leave?"

"That's where it gets interesting. I've been told to remain in the area until further notice."

Marcus grunted.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Raising his glass in salute he smiled.

"Merry Christmas my friend."

Tilting his head back he drank the remainder of the smooth liquid, letting it sting his throat.

It's going to be an eventful year.



Georgia stood in the small alcove of the ballroom trying to decide whether it was safe to venture out in the open and snag another glass of champagne.

I should have taken a bottle.

Midnight was approaching and the last few hours had been draining.

Her mother had out done herself. The ballroom was swarming with the members of the Golden Pack dressed to impress along with several other shifters from neighboring regions.

A small jazz band played on a stage at the end of the room and waiters wound their way through the throng of celebrators carrying hors d'oevres.

She'd played the role of dutiful daughter in the beginning, making small chat and dancing with grabby handed men. She couldn't wait for her cycle to be over and done. Unlike what humans were taught to believe, a she-wolf's heat didn't drive all the men around her wild with lust. The pheromones released heightened their awareness and served to put them at attention, alerting them that the woman available for mating. But every wolf understood that it was an invitation only event. That didn't stop some men from trying to take advantage and every year Georgia had to fend off every pup who thought it would be cool to date the alphas daughter.

This year proved to be no different.

She smoothed her hand down the bright fabric on her hips. Her dress didn't seem to be helping matters either, but she didn't regret wearing it. The sexy sheath given her an added boost of confidence she'd needed to make it through the evening.

Sighing she watched as another waiter marched by with a tray of champagne just out of her reach.


She stiffened at the sound of Marcus' voice.

It looked like her reprieve was over.

He stepped into view holding two glasses bubbling with champagne and joined her in the alcove.

His scent engulfed her and she took a step back hoping to lessen the effect his presence had on her senses.

"Do you ever get tired of stalking me?"

He handed her a glass and turned to watch the room.

"Not really," he said.

She sighed and took a sip of the chilled liquid.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

Her hand clenched around the fluted stem.

"Several," she whispered.

He nodded.

"I'm glad. I knew you'd look stunning in that dress."

A prickle of dread skated down her spine.

"The dress?"

He turned to look at her and smiled.

"Merry Christmas."

His gaze flickered down her body like a caress, creating a trail of fire wherever it touched.

"I couldn't resist the idea of your draped in nothing but silk."

She swallowed hard and wrenched her gaze away from him.

"You play too many games."

"Only the best kind."

"Whatever you think this is Marcus, it's not."

He ignored her words and titled his head to the crowd.

"It's time," he said.

The music wound down to an end and Georgia watched her father step onto the small stage. Her mother stepped up beside him, her head held high and regal. As a pair they made stunning tableau. Her mother petite and dark, next to her tall father standing tall in his black tuxedo, his pale skin almost glowing beneath the lights.

The mood in the room changed in an instant. She felt a collective stillness fall across the pack as her father stood and raised his hand for silence.

"As you all know, no pack is whole without its alpha," he said, staring out into the crowd, letting his gaze rest briefly on everyone present.

The crowd murmured its agreement and her father continued.

"An alpha brings strength. An alpha brings wisdom. An Alpha brings protection. And as your alpha it is my duty to ensure the safety and future of the Golden Pack."

He tilted his head briefly to the right, acknowledging Sergei's presence.

"Today under Council witness I name my choice of successor."

Watching the audience, she saw the looks of surprise and anticipation flicker across their faces. A murmur spread through the room and her father held his hand up again for silence.

Nothing like a little drama to lighten the holidays.

"Choosing a successor is the hardest choice an alpha will ever make and I did not make this decision lightly. Our ranks are filled with strong abled candidates. Each one willing to sacrifice their lives for us all. However, might is not the sole virtue required to rule. You deserve no less than an alpha who is both strong and wise. "

He paused and reached a hand out to her mother, placing his palm on her shoulder with a gentle squeeze.

"Tonight, with Council witness I make my choice."

Her father's gaze swept the crowd searching. When it narrowed on the alcove where she stood, she knew.

He'd made the one choice she feared most.


She hung her head as his booming voice filled the air again.

"The next alphas of the Golden Pack will be Marcus Legrand."

Despite steeling herself for his words, her knees still wobbled at the announcement. Blood rushed through her ears, almost muting the final portion of his speech.

"And my daughter, Georgia Walker."

She gasped as his final words penetrated the buzz in her ears and her muscles locked frozen in shock.


The word echoed through her brain as she clenched her fists tight. Her father had named her alpha.

Lifting her head, she stared at her parents. Their eyes glittered with determination and resolve.

Daddy, what have you done?




Thank you so much for taking the time to read
Midnight Dare
, the second installment of my Golden Pack Alphas series. This story unfolds over the course of multiple short novels. Each release follows the continuing journey of wolf shifters and now alphas Georgia Walker and Marcus Legrand.

BOOK: Midnight Dare (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas)
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