Midnight Eternal (8 page)

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Authors: NJ Cole

BOOK: Midnight Eternal
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“You didn’t hurt me,” I assured him. He stood and pulled me to my feet.

“I’d like to make love to you now. I’d like to see if my mark appears on your body.” My heart was racing fast as I stood and took a step toward the playroom. The fact that he hadn’t moved stopped me, our fingers still interlaced, arms now outstretched.

“No, my girl. I want to make love to you in my bed.” My eyes opened wide. He wanted to be with me as Bec, not just butterfly. I was both excited and nervous as hell.

I started to walk but he picked me up, kissing me as he carried me to his room. He’d told me that I was the only woman he’d ever brought here, so I figured I was the only woman that had ever been in his bed. Somewhere in my heart, I knew that I was the only submissive he’d ever taken to bed in this manner, too.

Our mouths stayed fused as he
laid me on his mattress. Only when I squirmed—fighting for air—did he release my lips and attack my neck with his mouth. “Your body is so fucking perfect,” he growled, kissing his way to the collar of my shirt. “I want to see all of it.” He undressed me so quickly I barely knew what was happening. “So hungry,” he murmured, kissing my neck once again but moving quickly to the apex of my thighs. “Please allow me to drink from you.”

“Mmmmmm, yes,” I sighed, lifting my hips slightly as an offering.

The first orgasm was fast. I didn’t think I’d be able to come without permission, but I guess, in a sense, the entire event was with his permission. Even though I wasn’t ‘serving him,’ I was ‘pleasing him’ and that’s what got me off every time.

As he dove in to clean up after my
earth-shattering climax, I stopped him for a moment. “My turn,” I giggled. “I want to see your sexy body and feed from you.”

“Compromise?” he chuckled, removing his clothing and lying on his back.

“What sort of compromise?” I asked, lowering my head and licking the tip of his throbbing cock.

“This sort.” He grabbed my hips and lifted me, setting me down so that my knees were straddling his face. He pulled me down and attached himself to my pussy. Sixty-nine had become a staple of our sex lives, each enjoying the feel of our lover’s lips on our throbbing organs.

When he emptied himself into my mouth I instantly felt alive. My orgasm followed seconds later, and after he finished dining from me, I wriggled around so I could lay my head on his chest. Looking up at him, I licked my lips in anticipation of what was to come.

“I love you, my girl…my mate,” he said reverently as he rolled us over and hovered above me. He entered me slowly and kept that pace as I ran my fingers over his back and through his hair.

“I love you, too, my Oliver…my mate.” I echoed his sentiment.

Our foreheads were pressed together, lips gently touching as he continued to cover my body with his, claiming me over and over with each long stroke. Wanting to pull him in even closer, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

At first I didn’t feel the sensation building, but with each gentle thrust of his length, he found that soft spongy place inside of me, winding the coil tighter and tighter. It was almost so much that I didn’t notice the other sensation—the burning one on my chest—right above my heart. I wanted to ask him about it, especially as the heat increased, but the way his cock made me feel had me literally speechless other than a few moans and one final scream.

“Mine,” Oliver whispered in my ear a moment before I felt him spasm inside of me. He held me tightly to him, despite the orgasm that was moving through my body like a tidal wave.

When I could finally breathe, I released him from the pretzel hold I had him in with my legs. “Tell me we’ll be together always.”

He pulled back just slightly and spoke into my temple. “We will be together for as long as you’ll have me.”

We kissed for a while before he pulled back and gasped. His eyes were staring at my left breast. It still felt warm, and when I looked down I instantly knew why. Right there, on my chest above my heart, was a mark—

“It’s so beautiful,” he said, bringing his fingers to it. The moment his skin connected with mine, it felt like jolts of electricity shot through my body. For some reason when I arched my back, Oliver let out a strangled cry.

I tried to hold back the orgasm, but with him inside of me, it was a battle I quickly lost. We were both panting for breath and I wasn’t sure why.

“Fuck,” he gasped like he’d run a marathon. “How the hell do you squeeze my dick so hard?” The question was rhetorical, and he laughed long before I could be worried he didn’t like it.

As I came down from my high, the tingling on my chest brought my attention back to the mark. “Can you see it?” Oliver asked as I stared down between us.

“Yes,” I murmured, though a lump was forming in my throat. I didn’t want to cry for fear he’d think I was upset, but the tears came anyway.

“Oliver, I’m not upset,” I started to explain.

“Shhhh.” He wiped a tear from my cheek. “I und
erstand. I feel the same way.” I looked into his eyes and saw that they were glassy, too. “I never thought this would happen.”

“Me either,” I whispered. It was true. I’d always just thought I’d be alone my whole life, and I’d even started to accept it. I didn’t know what I’d been missing.

There were no more words as his lips found mine in a slow, loving kiss. While our mouths explored, tasted, and loved, our bodies began to move together again.

We made passionate love to each other slowly and for hours. When we were temporarily satiated, Oliver insisted that I have dinner. I really wasn’t hungry but I agreed to eat at bit.

When I finished the grilled chicken breast and salad, he walked over to me and turned my chair around so I was facing him. Because he was standing, I had to crane my neck to see him.

“I am so glad we talked and made love, and of course words can’t describe how I feel about your mark, but there is another matter to deal with. Today you didn’t do as you were instructed and caused me to worry.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” I began, automatically slipping into my submissive roll. He put his hand up to stop me.

“I’m sure you
sorry and that means a lot, but that doesn’t make up for the punishment you’ve earned.”

I nodded, and despite the word punishment, I felt my pussy getting wet.

“You will be in the playroom, nude and in the waiting position in five minutes.”

I scrambled, but I was ready in plenty of time. When he inspected me, he started with my pussy. I knew it was still pink and slightly puffy from the waxing. “Does this hurt, butterfly?” he asked, cupping the tender flesh roughly.

I squeaked out, “Yes, Master.”

“But you don’t want me to stop, do you, butterfly?”

He gave a gentle yet commanding slap to my pussy. “No, Master. I don’t want you to stop.”

“It’s your bottom I want to spank anyway. Up onto the table, on all fours.” I climbed up as instructed
 and assumed the position. “Head down. Keep your forehead on the table.” I was quick to obey. “That’s it, little one, offer that ass to me,” he said as he ran his finger around the rim of my puckered hole. “It’s a shame we haven’t trained you here yet.” I involuntarily clenched my cheeks together.

“Don’t even pretend that you don’t like it. We both know that you’re a naughty little slut. Don’t forget that I used to watch you pleasure yourself, and quite often you played with this little rosebud.”

I felt the heat of embarrassment cover my body. “Oh, yes,” he whispered as he continued tracing his finger around my back entrance. “You’d like to have my cock in your ass, wouldn’t you, butterfly?” I knew not to answer. “You’d like to feel it stretch you.” He pressed his finger against my hole and I whimpered, causing him to chuckle. “Tell me, little one, has any man fucked you here before?” I wasn’t sure if I should answer or not, but a moment later, he slid the tip of his finger into my ass, causing me to lift my head, arch my back, and cry out in surprise.

“Head on the table!” His command was harsh. He still hadn’t removed his finger from my ass, but I complied and went back to my original position. “Let’s try that again, although I’m pretty sure I know the answer. Have you been fucked in the ass my little butterfly?” He wiggled his finger slightly and I held back my moan at the foreign feeling. “Speak.”

“No, Master. I’ve never been fucked in my ass.”

“But you would like to be. You don’t need to answer. I can tell. You are a dirty girl.” He slid his finger in slightly farther before pulling back and then removing it. “We shall begin preparing you next week.”

My heart raced at the thought. I’d never been fucked in the ass because, although I like the feeling of touching it while I was masturbating, the idea of someone fucking me there scared me a bit. I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me, and very likely—just like everything else he did to me—I’d end up loving it.

He left me for a moment, and when he returned I felt him spread my pussy lips wide with one hand and insert something with the other. The click and familiar buzzing confirmed that it was the small silver egg.

“You are not to come. I will take from you what I want, but you are not to allow your release.” I’d felt this before. He’d get my body to give him liquid, but without the pleasure of coming. It was a hard feeling to describe. The best I could think of was like when you held in a sneeze, but still sneezed anyway. It happened, but there was no big release and could sometimes be painful.

“This,” he said, running his fingers over my pussy
lips, which had already begun to collect moisture, “is what you denied me for lunch.”

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out.

His hand came in contact with my ass cheek. “I didn’t tell you to speak. I already know you are sorry, but it doesn’t make me any less hungry.”

He turned up the vibrator and I felt the wetness flow from my body. His hand was merciless as he used it to spank my ass, and after half a dozen or so hard contacts, he would pull my pussy lips apart and begin to lap from between them. It was at that time his hands would roam, pinching and squeezing at my tender ass before finding their way to my nipples. On one pass, he grazed my mark which caused me to scream out when what felt like a thousand volts of electricity shot through my body, expelling the small vibrator. It lay, buzzing loudly, in a pool of my wetness on the table below me.

“What a naughty girl. You
keep this inside of you.” He pressed the vibrator back into my body and continued lapping at the increased wetness. Moments later, he resumed spanking my ass, then before going back to drink from me, he touched my mark. Once again, I screamed and expelled the vibrator.

“I’m starting to think you don’t want this inside of your pussy. Do you want it here, perhaps?” He circled it around my asshole. I held my breath, waiting for him. I couldn’t help the racing of my heart.

“If you push it out one more time, this is exactly where it’s going.” I sighed at the temporary reprieve and decided to concentrate fully on keeping it inside of me.

It was a difficult task. Between the spankings, the touching of my mark, the vibrating of the toy, and his expert tongue, my body was trembling as fluid rushed from my pussy.

Occasionally, he’d put his fingers inside of me next to the buzzing machine and press on a spot that would cause me to squirt painfully. “Good girl,” he’d murmur as he swallowed repeatedly.

He eventually turned off the toy and pulled it from my body. Lapping slowly, he cleaned me off and then ran his hands up over my thighs to my now burning ass cheeks.

“Kneel before me.” I scrambled off the table and dropped to my knees on the floor.

“Open,” he commanded.

I opened my mouth and he told me to stick out my tongue. The moment he placed the tip of his cock on it, my mouth began to water. The problem was, he didn’t do anything else; he didn’t begin to fuck my face. He just left his cock there, resting on my tongue.

The saliva that was building up at the thought gathered and spilled over, making a mess. I wanted to swallow, but I didn’t dare.

“Keep waiting until I give you permission,” he told me.

Minutes went by as I drooled all over myself while he just stood completely still. Finally he spoke. “You know I love you, right?” I didn’t dare speak. “Nod if you know.” I nodded. “And you know that I respect you, right?” I nodded again. “But you must also know that I am so attracted to you that my needs are insatiable, and I expect you to be around when I need a release or when I need to feed. You know that as much as I love and respect you, I also need to use you.” I nodded a third time. “And now, I will do just that.”

His hands grabbed the back of my head and he began to fuck my face. It wasn’t slow and sensual, either; he was fucking my mouth so hard and fast, all I could do was open wide and try to control my gag reflex.

“Look at me,” he commanded without slowing for even a moment. I looked into his eyes as he pounded into my mouth. It felt like he was about to come, but unlike usual, he pulled back and came all over my face and chest.

I knelt there in shock as the liquid slowly began to drip down my flesh. He turned and headed for the door of the playroom. Walking out, he left me covered in come and unsure of what to do. I knelt there for several minutes before he returned with a magazine. He didn’t say a word, just sat in the armchair and began reading.

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