Midnight Heat (Black Phoenix Book 2) (18 page)

Read Midnight Heat (Black Phoenix Book 2) Online

Authors: Sarah Grimm

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Midnight Heat (Black Phoenix Book 2)
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“I suppose I did, but I…” A glance at her chest had her cupping her hands over her breasts.


“We aren’t doing that. Not here where anyone can walk in on us.”

“I’ll lock the door.” When that didn’t appear to change her thinking, he hit her with the other. “You can scream all you want down here. It’s soundproof.”

A hint of color pinked her cheeks. “Nice try. You already told me soundproof rooms don’t exist.”

He stalked forward. “The same techniques that were used in the studio were used out here.”

Her eyes flashed heat, hunger and desire and his dick swelled to attention.

She backed into the wall with a stuttered cry. Dom placed his hands on either side of her head and leaned in. “I was playing with a band called Blind Man’s Alibi when I first met you. Noah was just talking about bringing Black Phoenix back together. We were brainstorming on a new drummer since Danny’s death is what tore the band apart in the first place.”

She stared up at him, eyes warm. “Blind Man’s Alibi? What type of music was it?”

They were pelvis to pelvis, chest to chest, the hard points of her nipples pressed against his pecs, and she still wanted to talk music? He wanted to strip the clothes from her body and slide home. Right here, in the middle of place where his entire life was literally on display. “A bit harder rock than Black Phoenix. More growl.”

“Interesting name.”

He skimmed his mouth along her jaw. “I had nothing to do with the name.”

Becca settled her hands on his hips, then slipped them beneath his shirt. “What’s it like?”

He sucked in a breath as she traced his abs with her fingertips. “What?”


“Better than sex.” He nuzzled beneath her ear and she moaned. “Okay, not
. It’s thrilling. An incredible high that leaves you hornier than a three-peckered goat.”

She choked out a laugh. “That’s quite an image. And you, all you have to do to find relief is give a woman a look, talk to her in your low, sexy accent and her clothes come off.”

“Who needed to talk?” he asked with a smile that quickly faded. “I figured out a long time ago that’s not what I wanted. Women who knew nothing about me, who just wanted bragging rights. It leaves you feeling empty.” He ran the back of his fingers down her cheek, dragged his thumb across her lips. “I’ll never forget the first time I saw you.”

“You sauntered over, all confidence and arrogance. ‘The Stud’.”

“I wasn’t confident,” he confessed as he pressed his lips against the pulse point in her neck, and was rewarded with a shudder. “I was completely gobsmacked for the first time in my life. You were so incredibly beautiful. Heart-shaped face and big green eyes—curvy, the way a woman should be.” He slid one hand in her hair, the other down her hip. Her eyes darkened. “Then you looked up, totally unimpressed, unaffected while I stood there hard as a brick and struggling to form complete sentences.” It didn’t escape his notice that nothing much had changed.

“You failed miserably.”

Dom could only chuckle at the shared memory.

“You spewed cheesy come on lines at me.”

“Which you shot down by saying—”

“You don’t actually think that line will work, do you, Stud?” She laughed.

“Totally unaffected,” he repeated.

She slipped her hands out from beneath his shirt and he had to stop the moan of frustration from breaking free. Her voice dropped. “I was never unaffected.”


“No.” She brushed her fingers down his cheek, her gaze locked on his mouth. “I could tell you expected me to be impressed, to know who you were. You expected me to be just like every other woman there.”

“You’re not like any other woman I’ve met.” His brutal honesty surprised him. He wondered if it had the same effect on her.

“You don’t think so?” Her voice came low and throaty, incredibly sexy. “What if I told you that the whole time you stood there stumbling,” she leaned closer, until her lips brushed the shell of his ear as she whispered. “I stood there pinching my thighs together, pretending I wasn’t close to coming at just the thought of you touching me.”

“Jesus.” At her confession he lost it. He pressed in close and kissed her. Hard. And just a little bit rough. She had her hands fisted in his hair, he had his filled with her ass. He couldn’t get enough of her. He lifted his head as someone cleared their throat.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Noah said drolly.

Becca’s cheeks flamed bright red. She released her hold on his hair and pressed her face into the center of his chest. God, she was adorable. “So, why did you?”

“I thought you’d like to know I’m taking Isa to Lake Tahoe.”

That brought Dom’s head around to focus on Noah. Immediately, he noted the twinkle in Noah’s eye, the smile that was more than just him catching them in a compromising position. “Yeah?”

“We’ll be back in time for the photo shoot next week.”

“Sure thing.”

“Lock up when you leave.”

“Always do.”

Still grinning like a loon, Noah didn’t move.



“We’re kind of in the middle of something here.”

Noah pointed at himself. “You wanted me to leave?”



Becca started to shake. At first he wasn’t certain what was going on. Then he heard the first giggle. She pressed her face harder against his chest, attempting to muffle the noise but it broke free.

Dominic chuffed out a breath. He had a hard-on the size of California intimately pressed against the woman of his dreams, who happened to find his situation laughable, all while his best friend looked on like it was just another Sunday afternoon. She was right, they were a bunch of crazies. “
Was there something else?”


“Then sod off!”

Noah chuckled as he started up the steps.

Dom refocused on Becca, who was laughing even more hysterically now.

The footsteps halted. “FYI,” Noah called down. “Everyone else has left. And in case you were wondering, the couch there is very comfortable. I highly recommend it.”

“Tosser,” Dom muttered at the retreating footsteps.

The door clicked closed.

“What exactly is a tosser?” Becca voiced then squeaked as Dominic lifted her off the ground. “What are you doing?”

“You heard him, he recommends the couch.” After dropping her on the piece of furniture, he pulled his shirt off over his head while simultaneously toeing off his shoes. He removed a condom from his back pocket and stuck it between his teeth as he undid the top button of his jeans. Then he stopped. “You’re wearing too many clothes, Rebecca.”

She dragged her eyes over his body, igniting a fire inside of him. “Sorry, I got distracted.” She opened her mouth a little, then closed it. The sight of her pink tongue swiping across her bottom lip made his dick press against his fly.

“You don’t happen to still have those leather pants, do you?”

He shook his head, tossed the condom on the cushion next to her. “What leather pants?”

“The ones in the photograph over there. Very sexy. If I’m going to have an affair with a rock star I think I should get to see those leather pants in the flesh at least once, don’t you?”

He felt a little thrown. A feeling he was starting to get used to around her. “You like those, huh?” Her eyes went glassy with arousal, telling him she liked those leather pants. A lot. His blood heated. “What if I told you I still have them? What exactly do you want to do with them?”

“Take them off you,” she said breathlessly. “God, you are a beautiful man. I just want to lap you up.”

“You can’t use your imagination?” he asked, his voice thick and hoarse even to his own ears. “Pretend I’m wearing them now?”

“It’s not really the same, is it?”

He swore viscously.

Becca smiled. Then she snagged a finger in his belt loop and pulled him closer. She trailed her free hand down his abs, stopping where the tip of his dick peeked out the top of his jeans. Eyes still on his, she leaned down and bathed the head with her tongue.

He couldn’t hold back the low growl of pleasure even if he’d wanted to.

She unzipped his jeans, and eased them down his legs so he could step out of them, took his hard-on in her soft hand and kissed the tip a second time. “So beautiful,” she whispered. Then she took him into the heat of her mouth.

He buried his fingers in her hair, half of him wanting to hold her there and thrust deeper, the other half wanting to pull her away. She dragged her fingernails up his inner thigh and cupped his balls, squeezing gently before releasing. With a hard suck of his flesh she withdrew, then licked up his length, circled him in a wet sweep, and traveled back down again, this time taking him to the very back of her throat.

“Rebecca,” he groaned, struggling for control. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
Dear God, she’s reduced me to begging.

Her hands and lips devoured him, rendering him helpless. She commanded his undivided attention as she quickened the pace, swirling wetness over his head and adding her free hand to the mix. Every suck of her mouth was followed by a stroke of her hand and squeeze of his balls. Suck, stroke, squeeze. Faster and faster as she worked him closer and closer to the edge.

He fisted his hand in her hair and guided her head as she devoured him, relaxing her jaw and taking him deep. With his dick still touching the back of her throat she swallowed, working his balls to the contraction of her throat. He tried to hold back, to prolong the intense pleasure, but had virtually zero control when she touched him. His hips surged, as she swallowed again and then he was coming harder than he ever had before.

His breathing slowed and he gathered himself, muscles protesting every movement. His heart thudded in his chest, his dick jumped. Stunned by what he’d just experienced, he looked down at Rebecca and blinked. She remained fully dressed, lips swollen, face flushed. Her hands were still on him, one at his hip, the other stroking the inside of his thigh, and somehow that alone was enough to bring him back from the dead.

“My God,” she said. “Already?”

Pulling her to her feet he undid the fly of her jeans, pushing them and her panties to the floor in one sweep. The move back up her body took her shirt, which left her standing before him in nothing but a pale green bra. Simple enough to rid her of, only when he reached for her, she stepped to the side. “Becca?”

“You’ll like this, trust me.” She reached up, not to the back of her body, but between her breasts. With a flick of her fingers, her breasts sprang free, baring her to his gaze.

She was right, he liked it. A lot. Even more when she spun him around, centered her hand on his chest and shoved, dropping him onto the couch and effectively reversing their positions.

Then she was on him, climbing onto his lap so she straddled him. Fingers plowing into his hair, fisting the length. She pressed her mouth to his, tugging at his lower lip with her teeth, then sweeping her tongue inside when he moaned.

Shocked to discover he could taste himself in her mouth, he froze, then planted both hands on her back and pulled her closer, as his arousal shot into uncharted territory. She was like a fire that burned, yet left him desperate to feel the flame again. An addiction he feared he would never kick.

She wrapped her fingers around his erection, pulling a groan from deep inside of him. “God, Becca.” He covered her hand with his, and stroked himself along with her, showing her how hard and fast he liked it. Then he slid his hand up her smooth thigh and dragged his thumb over her wet flesh. “You feel so good.”

Her head fell back, mouth open, hair trailing down to brush his knees as a helpless whimper broke free. She couldn’t hold still, her body moved over him, her back arched, calling to him with her open thighs, her scent. He answered the call, closing his mouth over a nipple as he pushed two fingers inside of her. Her muscles began to tremble. She rocked her hips, grinding against his hand.

He slid his other hand over her hip, down the cleft of her ass to tease her from the other side. She was so hot and wet, so close to the edge she groaned in pleasure. In a bold move, he lightly clamped his teeth down on her nipple, pushing her into orgasm. She came with a scream, convulsing around his fingers and damn near taking him with her.


“I’m here, beautiful.”

“What did you do to me?”

He laughed, reaching out blindly for the condom he’d tossed on the couch. “If you have to ask, I must have done it right.” He used his teeth to rip open the package, then rolled the condom on. As he gripped her hips he lifted her up. Her eyes were closed, head still thrown back. “Open your eyes, Becca, look at me.”

She lifted her head and locked her gaze with his. A smile played across her lips as she took him in hand, and positioned him at her opening.

He let her down slowly, drawing out the pleasure as she sank onto him, taking him deep, deeper still. He didn’t move, allowing her to adjust to his size, taking his cues from her as to when she was ready. He didn’t have to wait long. One hand on the back of the couch, the other on his shoulder she rode him, her lush breasts against his chest, body pulling him in. His grip on her hips was tight, controlling her as she ground her clit against his stomach.

Through it all her gaze stayed on his, allowing him to see what he did to her. And then she was coming again, her body milking his, coaxing him to follow her over the edge.

Dominic groaned, then came with a whisper of her name in her ear. When he could stop trembling and blink his vision clear, he realized something had changed for him. He’d just given Becca more than pleasure. He’d given her everything he had.


Chapter Sixteen


“Tell me something,” Karmen said, placing her cafeteria tray on the table and dropping into the seat across from Rebecca’s. “Does he have that same just-had-the-most-amazing-sex-of-my-life look on his face or are you alone in this?”

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