Midnight My Love (20 page)

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Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #betrayal, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romp, #alpha male, #traditional regency, #reunion story, #second chance at love, #friends to lovers, #secondary love story

BOOK: Midnight My Love
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Just at that moment, Jonathan burst from the
shrubbery. He slid onto the bench next to Robert. The child's eyes
twinkled mischievously and he giggled every now and then. Robert's
suspicions grew as everyone came out of the labyrinth and there was
no sign of Jenny.

He looked down at the small boy. "Where is
Miss Sedgewicke, Jonathan?"

The child squirmed on the bench, swinging
his short legs back and forth. "We're playing hide 'n seek, and I
thought it would be great fun to leave her in the middle. She's a
right one and game to a peg."

"Jonathan! You didn't!" Felicia cried, as
she walked up to them. She'd left Carlisle to perform his duties as
host. Smiling up at his new friend, Jonathan nodded. Suddenly, he
frowned. "I wonder why she's not come out yet? I thought she'd find
her way by now."

"Let's go rescue her, you silly imp."
Felicia held out her hand. Jonathan hopped off the bench and
grabbed hold.

Robert caught his jacket. "I'll fetch Miss
Sedgewicke, young man. You run along and play."

Felicia stared a second at Robert, then
turned quickly away. Bending down, she smiled at the child. "Do you
like to catch butterflies? I saw some lovely yellow ones near the

"Let's go!" Jonathan shouted, tugging
Felicia's hand, pulling her in the direction she'd indicated.

Robert shook his head as he rose from the
bench. Felicia seemed truly captivated by the child. Such a
contrast to how she acted toward himself. Damn! He must to find a
way out of this blasted entanglement.

He entered the maze and walked unerringly to
the middle. Jenny sat quietly on a stone seat, admiring the blue
sky up above. Her gray eyes widened when she saw her rescuer.

Smiling down at her, Robert dropped onto the
seat beside her. "I should have known you would be waiting
patiently, instead of fidgeting and panicking the way I envisioned

Jenny smiled back. She had a nice smile, he
thought. And lips made for kissing.

"That would have served no purpose," she
said. "I was sure someone would miss me and come to my deliverance,
so I stayed right here." Suddenly, she looked away, pretending an
interest in the nearby hedge. Robert wondered why she was suddenly
shy with him.

"I've never been good at solving puzzles,"
she continued, "and would have gotten impossibly lost had I tried
to find my own way out."

"The child should have known better than to
play such a trick on you."

Jenny laughed. "He meant no harm. I'm afraid
I set myself up when I agreed to play hide and seek."

"So why didn't you ring one of the bells
Carlisle has so conveniently placed throughout the maze?" Robert
asked, admiring her profile. Her skin was smooth and creamy, her
nose small and straight.

"I didn't want to bring attention to
Jonathan's little prank," Jenny said. "He was merely playing the

Robert grinned. "He said you were a right
one. The little devil was beginning to worry when he realized you
were still in here."

"He's an engaging child, though quite . . .
mischievous." Jenny's voice faltered, then she fell silent.

Robert longed to know what she was thinking.
And why was she avoiding him like the plague? "Have I offended you
in some way, Jenny?"

She shook her head and stared at the ground.
Robert stood and pulled her to her feet. "Look at me."

Lifting her face to meet his, he saw tears
well up in her eyes. He wiped the wetness from her smooth cheek and
held her gaze for a long moment. To his surprise, Jenny stood on
tiptoe and brushed a kiss across his lips.

She hurriedly stepped back, blushing
furiously. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't
have . . . Please forgive me."

"Don't apologize." Robert reached for her
wrist and drew her closer until her body was nestled against his.
"Jenny, my dear lovely Jenny."

Slowly and with infinite care, he tasted her
more fully. She melted beneath his lips, responding deliciously
when he plunged his tongue into her warm mouth. Moving his hand up
her arm and over her shoulder, he massaged the base of her throat
with his thumb. Robert cursed the loss of his arm. He wanted to
gather her to him, touch her all over, deepen the embrace.

Suddenly, Jenny clasped both arms behind his
neck. Robert grinned as she pulled him closer. Always the practical
one, his Jenny.

He wasn't grinning when she wiggled against
him, making him go rigid with desire. He backed her against a stone
pillar, his hard body pressing into hers. Robert trailed his lips
down her throat and kissed the top of one rounded breast. Jenny
moaned faintly, burying her fingers in his crisp black hair.

After several delectable moments, Robert
straightened. His breathing was ragged and he felt Jenny's heart
beating rapidly against his chest.

She stroked his lean cheeks with gentle
hands. "I love you," she said. "I've loved you for a long

"I love you, too." Robert kissed her again,
ravaging her mouth, relishing the feel of her soft body against
his, delighting in her honest return of passion.

"Enough," he said, trying to catch his
breath. He held her at arm's length and studied her face. "I've
been hoping you might feel something for me. How long have you
known? I only discovered my love for you these past few weeks;
though I've treasured your friendship for many years."

Jenny ducked under his arm and resumed her
place on the stone bench. She patted the seat invitingly. "I fell
in love with you when I was fifteen--on my very first visit to

He sat close beside her. "You've kept it
well hidden."

She folded her hands in her lap. "I was
always 'Alex's little friend' in your eyes, but I lost my heart to
you, just the same." Jenny's face glowed. "You're so big and
powerful, Robert--the embodiment of every young girl's dreams.
You're dashingly handsome, charming and kind, sensitive and--"

Robert placed a finger over her lips. "Hold
on, Jenny. You're making me sound like a hero out of some kind of
fairy tale. I'm a flesh and blood man--and one-armed, at that."

She smiled. "The more I've come to know you
this past fortnight, the stronger my love has grown."

Leaning over, Robert kissed her briefly.
"You've been my salvation, more than you know. When I was wounded
in Spain, I begged God to let me die. I had no desire to live. But
then, when I came home and started to mend, you were constantly by
my side. Your support and encouragement gave me strength to go on

He grinned. "And when I realized it must
have been your guiding hand that had coerced Sterling and Mrs.
Tolles to suggest the jeweled dagger for my use--that, my dear, is
when I knew I couldn't live without you."

Jenny blushed and he
laughed softly. "Yes, when I saw that knife, I knew my practical
Jenny had a hand in the plot. Sterling kept saying,
Someone noticed
Someone suggested
. I knew you had flung down the gauntlet and challenged me to
prove myself."

He set his lips in a grim line. "And then
there's Felicia. By the time she arrived, I no longer cared about
her reaction to my loss. All I wanted was to end the engagement so
I could tell you how I felt."

Taking her small hand in his, Robert kissed
the hollow of her palm. He felt her pulse race beneath his fingers.
"There's a fire in you, Jenny, lying dormant in your soul." His
voice roughened and he tightened his hold on her hand. "I want to
awaken that fire and stoke it until the flames engulf us both."

Never taking his eyes from hers, Robert
pressed her against the back of the bench and kissed her deeply.
Jenny responded with an abandon which amazed him, clinging to him,
drawing him ever closer--wanting him as much as he wanted her.
Arising from the whirlwind of emotion threatening to swallow them
both up, Robert resolutely broke the embrace. He wiped the tendrils
of brown hair away from her flushed cheeks as he tried to bring his
passion under control.

"I must find a way to cry
off from Felicia," he said. "You
marry me, won't you? I mean,
once I'm free?"

Jenny's heart thudded so loudly in her
chest, she thought it might burst with joy. She'd waited for this
moment her whole life. Or at least, from the first moment she'd set
eyes on Robert all those years ago. "Yes, I'll marry you! It's the
dearest wish of my heart."

She threw her arms around his neck and
kissed him again, thrilled with the exquisite new feelings coursing
through her body. The prospect of loving Robert and finally being
loved by him in return filled her with a happiness unequalled to
anything she'd ever experienced.

Holding him close, she marveled at the
tenderness and passion of his kiss. She loved how he tasted, how he
smelled, how strong and hard he felt against her body. And he was
hers now. Truly and forever.

He cupped her chin, angling his head and
taking the kiss deeper. Desire pooled low in Jenny's stomach. Her
breasts tingled with awareness. She felt naughty and bold and
wonderfully in love.

"Jenny, we have to stop," Robert said, his
voice ragged with emotion. "If we keep this up, I'll be tempted to
ravish you right here in the maze and that won't do at all, I'm
afraid." He pulled back and stared down at her. Jenny knew she
would never get tired of seeing the warmth and affection shining in
his eyes.

She touched his cheek, relishing the feel of
his skin beneath her fingers. "No, that wouldn't do at all." One
more quick kiss and she stood, straightening her skirts and tidying
her hair. "Besides, it's time we got back. The others must be
wondering where we are. Shall we go?" She extended her hand to help
him to his feet.

Robert pulled her to him again. "Not quite
yet, my love. Even though we must refrain from kissing, I want you
to myself a little while longer. I know the back way out of this
maze. Let's walk awhile before we join the others. There's a
beautiful prospect over by the stream."

"I'd like that," she said, her cheeks

Robert held her hand as he led her out of
the labyrinth. They went slowly down the gravel footpath to a
quaint stone bridge. Stopping at the top, Robert held Jenny as they
looked out toward the winding stream and pastures.

Kissing her brow, Robert hugged her to him.
"I don't know what madness seized me last December, when I became
engaged to Felicia. Knowing I was returning to battle, I suppose I
was taken with her fragile beauty and her liveliness. I guess I
felt the need for some stability in my life."

Jenny shushed him. "It doesn't matter now.
As long as I thought you loved Felicia and she returned your
love--all I wanted was for you to be happy. But when I realized she
didn't care for you, couldn't even bear to look at you, I made up
my mind to try to win your love."

"And how were you going to do that, my
dear?" he asked, with a smile.

Her gray eyes twinkled. "I knew I'd think of
something when presented with an opportunity. The opportunity
arose, and here we are, my dearest Robert."

"You did kiss me first, now didn't you?
Somehow, I feel I've been taken advantage of."

"Not at all, my lord," she
answered saucily. "I saw a chance and took advantage of
, not you. Although, I
never would have guessed I could act so bold."

Robert laughed. "Neither could I, but I'm
glad you did. I'll speak to Lord Thane as soon as we return home.
Felicia must release me from the betrothal."

Drawing her nearer, he kissed her tenderly,
then hungrily.

Jenny broke away. "We really should join the

"You go on ahead," he said. "I need to plan
what I'm going to say to the earl."

She kissed him once more, then walked back
to the gardens.

Robert leaned against the stone balustrade
and stared at the rushing water below. Something caught his eye
near the bank. A lure was being cast from beneath the bridge. Lord
Thane waded out to the middle of the stream and glanced up at

"Playing fast and loose with my daughter, eh
Turlington?" he asked, then focused his attention on his fishing
line. "Yes, we shall have to talk when we return to Willowmede. Go
on, now. Can't have you hovering about--you'll scare my catch

"I'm sorry, sir," Robert said. "I don't know
what to say--"

"Not now, Turlington," murmured the earl. "I
think I've got a nibble."

"But, sir--"

"Shh!" whispered the dedicated angler. "I
have a bite!"

Robert shook his head and smiled as he left
the earl reeling in his catch.


Alexandra saw Jenny returning from the
direction of the stream. A joyful glow illuminated her friend's
face. Robert and Jenny must have worked things out. Alex was glad;
they were perfect for one another.

"Alex, dear," Aunt Haygood called. "I'm
ready to leave." She started gathering up her things.

Alex nodded and waved. She'd never found a
chance to talk to Carlisle. She was satisfied he wouldn't be
devastated by her rejection of his suit. Felicia had kept him well
entertained throughout the day, with her flirtatious ways and gay
laughter. The girl had also made fast friends with Jonathan. She'd
spoken the truth when she said she adored children.

Surely now Felicia would release Robert from
the betrothal. Everything seemed to be working toward her brother's
happiness. If only she could get her own life straightened out.

Rochdale had ignored her all afternoon. Lady
Marcella had attached herself to him, dominating his time. Alex
thought Damien was not entirely pleased with the woman's
attentions. Or was that wishful thinking? Marcella had cajoled him
into the orangery and they'd been gone now for almost an hour.

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