Midnight Squad: The Grim (22 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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Chapter 12

The rest of the week was straightforward. We trained hard.
Penny was a natural with that crossbow. Of course, it helps that the scope
practically aims for her. DD designed it to send out a laser to judge the
distance to the target. Then the crossbow took weather information from
satellites to make any adjustments. Then in the reticle, two dots appeared. A
green dot for targeting outside in the wind and rain, and a blue dot for
targeting indoors where weather wouldn’t apply. Moreover, the sight kept its
normal reticle in case the crossbow’s batteries ever died. At first it seemed a
little complicated, but after a few practice shots it became second nature for
Penny to spot the right dot and fire. I had to admit, DD is brilliant, but that
was obvious from the start.

We were still having difficulties figuring out what
Danika could use. We’d tried a shoulder mounted Gatling gun, but when she
changed into a wolf she needed help reattaching it. Also, if the gun got off
balance it just fired randomly in all directions…and scared the living shit out
of all of us when that happened. We gave up trying to use it after the third
time it sent all of us scrambling for cover. The only thing scarier than a
werewolf, is a panic stricken werewolf with an out of control Gatling gun
spraying bullets everywhere while the werewolf runs around freaking out like a
chicken with its head cut off.

DD then tried what looked like a backpack filled with
grenades. In theory it would have worked. In practice, it was noisy as the
grenades rattled everywhere. We might have kept trying, but one of the clones
got in a lucky shot that hit one of the pins on the grenades, and her grenade
pack detonated on her. It tore her up something awful, but by the next day she
was completely healthy, and there wasn’t a scar on her, not even a scratch.
Apparently, as long as the head and heart are intact a werewolf can just heal
back up, and from what the doctor’s files said, even the head and heart will
heal up as long as there isn’t too much damage. A bullet in the heart might
hurt, but if she didn’t bleed out before the heart healed then she’d be fine,
and basically anything short of decapitation wouldn’t keep her down. Because of
the failed grenade pack, Danika was leery of any other weapons, but fortunately
we stumbled across a compromise. A clone had gotten behind me while I was busy
evaluating Penny’s crossbow skill. Yes I was staring at her boobs, but I would
have noticed her crossbow eventually. I mean the thing does rest right beside
her cleavage when she gets ready to fire. Therefore, I’m still claiming that I
was doing my job even if it’s just to save some dignity.

The clone had gotten behind me, and really had me dead to
rights. Danika screamed, “Grimmy look out.” I turned around and it was like
slow motion. I saw the barrel of the gun pointed at me, and then the clone’s
finger began slowly squeezing the trigger. That’s when a rock the size of a
softball whizzed through the air and struck the clone right in the temple. I
watched his head deform slightly before it ruptured and exploded into a fine red
mist. I don’t know how fast she threw the rock, but it was clearly fast enough.
It burst like a watermelon at a Gallagher performance. That’s when we all
realized that if Danika wanted to she could make use of the environment. She
could tear concrete apart with her bare hands the way a normal person tears
paper. We just had to get her to think outside of the box, and it seemed that
it was just her nature to bite, rip, and tear into her targets. It’s as if
destruction is instinctual, and somehow coded into werewolf DNA.

first thing we did was give her a standing order that she couldn’t touch any of
the targets. She would have to throw something at them, or at least hit them
with something. It was slow going at first, but Danika started to catch on.
Eventually it was as if she was walking around carrying a howitzer. It’s a
shocking thing when you realize she can rip up a piece of rock the size of a
basketball, and throw it with the force
of a
Near the end, she was handling the clones single handedly. The rest of us were
relegated to handling the scraps, and trying to avoid being in her line of
fire. Once Danika realized her own potential destructiveness, she got a little
overexcited. She tossed rocks around like it was her own game of
well they were more like boulders. Janine and I
had to phase through a few of them when her aim was off. We were still working
on her showing some restraint. The little werewolf was grinning with joy as she
lost herself in her own potential destructiveness. I’d say it was a werewolf
thing, but I knew it was just the high you get when you feel as though you’re
completely dominating a situation. I’d felt it myself on a few battlefields.
The pure rush of adrenaline was a drug and after a while we all get addicted to
it. Now that she was feeling its affects, if we didn’t get her to show more
restraint in the future then just like any junkie she’d be a danger to
everybody. Soldiers get hurt when the thrill starts outweighing the results.
Today however, it was good to see that giant furball laughing and whipping some
ass. Tomorrow I’d start selling her on restraint.

Once I felt comfortable that she had learned to use the
environment at her disposal, I removed the restriction on physically attacking
the clones. Then we all pulled back and let Danika cut loose. It was beautiful,
and horrifying at the same time. Each time she wound up to throw, we’d all
cringe. It was like watching a car crash. You know it’s horrible, but you just
can’t look away. The rock flew through the air and crashed into a clone leaving
at best a red mist, and at worst something so mangled and deformed that it was
barely recognizable. The worst part was when she’d miss, and the rock would
shatter against the ground. Then all the pieces flew out like a shotgun blast
in every direction. It tore the clones to bits. It was gruesome, but you just
couldn’t bring yourself to look away.

After our last session Elizabeth said proudly, “We’re
going to have to upgrade the clones. They aren’t much of a challenge anymore.”
I had to agree. We were already making it through the whole course in two
minutes. It would have been even faster, but Danika and Penny had to wait on
the rest of us. Hey, not everyone is superhumanly fast.

We finished training when my cell went off. The theme
song from Ghost drew everyone’s attention. It was completely mortifying. I
answered, “Hello?” I heard my sister’s perky voice on the other end, “Hey Bro,
I changed the ring tone. How do you like it?” She then punctuated it by what
can only be called an evil sister laugh. “Ok seriously, fix my phone. You do
realize how embarrassing it is to have that play, right?” I said, trying to
keep my frustration in check. “Do I realize it? I consider it a perk!” Again
her statements were followed by the obligatory evil sister laugh. Because of
super hearing both Danika and Penny were laughing while everyone else was
standing around waiting to be clued in. I know when I’m beat, and so I hit the
button so everyone could hear.
Are you there?
You’re very quiet. What are you thinking?” She questioned. “I’m wondering if I
could somehow go back in time and convince Dad about the benefits of condoms,
and a smaller family.”

“Hey, that’s just mean.” Niki’s voice had gone to full
pout mode. “Oh come on. You know I’m kidding.” Niki grumbled, “Real cute. So
anyway, have you given her my number yet?” I exhaled in frustration. When my
little sister got something in her head, she just didn’t let go. She was like a
particularly narrow-minded pit bull, or a squirrel with obsessive compulsive
disorder. “I haven’t gotten around to it.” I wanted to continue but Niki
interrupted, “So does the girl you’re sleeping with know you have a crush on
someone else.” I could feel my jaw lock as my teeth began grinding, “Now isn’t
the time to discuss it.”

and most of the others gasped, but still tried to be quiet. Meanwhile, Penny
tried to look bored, but her eyes said she was having a great time watching my
discomfort, and Niki just kept going, “So what? It’s not as if they can hear
you. So this girl you’re going to hook me up with, is she pretty?” I began
rubbing my temples. “Niki, you’re on speakerphone. They can hear you.” I

Niki screamed out playfully, “Hello hot girls! Whichever
one of you is doing my brother I want you to know that as far as I’m concerned
that is an act of pure mercy, and you are definitely a saint. I was just
kidding about the crush. He only has eyes for you, I promise.” My sister kept
rattling along. Nobody left the room. They all enjoyed watching me suffer.
Thankfully, Janine got close to the phone and said, “I’m not sure it’s a great
idea to discuss your brother’s relationship with me in front of all the
others.” Janine sounded patient, and almost motherly. Niki sulked, “I’m sorry.”

“There’s no reason to be sorry. It’s just a little
awkward discussing any of this in front of everyone. Your brother and I enjoy
one another’s company, but we aren’t really in a relationship. The rest we’ll
just have to discuss later when we have more privacy. No harm done and
sure given enough time your brother will find a way to
get you back. If two siblings can’t have some fun tormenting one another then
what is this world coming to? By the way, my name is Janine.” Janine then
introduced everyone in the room.

When she reached Penny, my annoying sibling gave a
slightly embarrassed squeal, “Hello Penny. You do realize how hot my brother
thinks you are right? You must be really beautiful to get his attention like
this.” Penny just shrugged her shoulders and joked, “It is my cross to bear.
Niki darling we simply have to get together and compare notes on Grimmy,
preferably any embarrassing moments, or at least some good blackmail material.”
I tried to give her my most stern look, but Penny only stuck her tongue out at
me and blew a very loud raspberry. I wanted to tell them all to mind their own
business, and stop stomping all over my ego. Unfortunately, I was clearly
outnumbered and it was an obvious losing battle, so I just gave up. I turned
the phone over to Danika and sat down to wait until they finished. It was like
I wasn’t even in the room.

Elizabeth, Alhambra, and the doctor both got bored early
and left. The rest of the girls just chatted. It wasn’t very long before they
knew enough about my family to qualify as distant cousins. Finally, it seemed
like it was Niki’s turn to pry, “So what exactly is my brother doing with all
of you?” Danika responded, “Well that’s kind of complicated. He’s training us
to better use our abilities, and at the same time work together more
cohesively. Basically he’s turning us into one big well-oiled ass kicking

“I’m sure that’s probably not all he’s trying to do…the
little hornball.” All the girls giggled and stole glances my way. I’d finally
had enough. I waved goodbye and grumbled, “Just bring it back to me when you’re
done. I’m sure you all will have more fun chatting about me when I’m not here,
and Danika, merry early Christmas.” She looked confused as I walked out the
door. I figured it killed two birds with one stone. I know Niki would catch the
hint, and even better, I wouldn’t have to listen to anymore. As the door closed
I heard Penny chuckle, “Well it’s about time he left. Now give us the dirt on
the big lummox.”

Three hours later Danika came bounding into my room, and
launched herself onto me in a big bear hug. Of course she‘s 5‘6
“ and
115 pounds soaking wet so I guess it‘s more of a koala
bear hug.
“Oh you!
Janine said you were sweet, but she
didn‘t say how sneaky you could be.” She kept nuzzling me and hugging like an
overly friendly puppy.
Not that I’m
complaining, but what the hell is going on?” Two little black eyes looked up at
me with far more appreciation and gratefulness than I was comfortable. “Your
sister is amazing. She’s so funny, and smart, and…and…she’s perfect.”

“Niki isn’t perfect, but she is pretty great. Now can we
please discuss the hugging, the rubbing, and the potentially awkward feelings
that I’ll be getting for my little sister’s new girlfriend if you keep this
up.” Apparently, my words struck a chord because Danika hugged me again and
started bouncing up and down.
She was
clearly smitten. With each bounce, her shirt rose higher and higher on her tiny
breasts. Regrettably, I had to stop this before I got a free show. As
interesting as a peek at Danika’s sweater kittens in human form might be, I’m
pretty sure my sister had called dibs, or at least it was implied. You gotta
respect the dibs, or else society will fall into chaos. First you lose dibs,
then people quit respecting the rule for calling shotgun, finally…zombie

“Danika, while my boob wrangling skills are well above
average, Niki will kick my ass if I see your nipples before she does. So please
stop before I get a show!” It took her a moment to piece together what I was
saying. She finally looked down, and the shirt had ridden up to just below the
swell of her tits. “Eep!” She squeaked while jumping off me, knocking the wind
out of my lungs, and accidently hitting me in the crotch on the way. “Sorry!”
Danika hung her head down.

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