Midnight Squad: The Grim (30 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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It was just a great night of fun for everybody. Bobbing
for apples was a much bigger hit than you’d have expected. Penny was a natural.
She just speared apples with her fangs. We played other games, but nothing
stood out like seeing Penny’s fangs burying deep into an apple. When she withdrew
her fangs the apple looked like it had two eyes.

To wind up the party we put on The Rocky Horror Picture
Show. We sang the songs, and even danced The Time Warp. It is just a jump to
the left, and then a step to the right afterall. Janine became the highlight of
the whole movie. She could change her appearance, and so she changed into each
of the characters whenever she sang the songs. I was having the best time I’d
had in years. Therefore, you know someone had to screw it up.

Alhambra was dancing as if she didn’t have a care in the
world. She didn’t have rhythm, but there was an infectious energy that quickly
had all of us cheering her on. Then a strange expression slid onto her face.
The Jinn sneered and said, “Sergeant, I haven’t had this much fun since I got
to play with your old squad.” I froze. It was just out of nowhere. No rhyme or
reason to it. Before I could do anything Penny backhanded the Jinn halfway
across the room. That’s when all hell broke loose. Penny vamped out and went
after Alhambra’s throat. Danika went for the Jinn's ankles to hold her in
place. Katy was already ramping up to cast something truly heinous. DD was
screaming angrily, and crying a little. Even Elizabeth stepped back to get out
of the way, and fidgeted nervously with her necklace.

The Jinn was fighting the best she could, but she was
overpowered. All she could do was twist and turn to avoid Penny’s fangs, but
eventually it was just too much for her. Penny sank into her throat and started
drinking deeply. At this rate, Alhambra wouldn’t last long. For some reason all
I could think about was her expression right before she spoke. It didn’t make
sense. “Penny
!” I finally screamed, but Penny was
lost in her own bloodlust. My best guess is that Jinn blood must be like crack
because there was no reasoning with Penny. “Janine, get Alhambra out of here.
The ghost practically dove into the Jinn, and they phased through the floor to
safety. The Jinn was safe and would probably heal up within the next few

Penny screamed in frustration. Blood dribbled down her
chin. Her eyes had turned to black irises in a sea of crimson, and she turned
towards us. “Everyone, just slowly back out the door.” I said as I stepped
between the vampire and the others. They knew better than to stay. Each of them
slipped out the door leaving just Penny and me. The angry woman stalked me
around the room. “Now Penny…we can talk about this.” I stammered. If I had a
gun maybe I would have felt better, but one on one with Penny in hand-to-hand combat
was practically suicide. She hissed and darted towards me. My eyes could barely
keep up with her movements. I lunged out of the way, but her hand slapped my
leg, and spun me all the way around before I hit the ground.

Penny was on top of me almost immediately. Her fangs kept
getting closer to my throat. I pushed against her head with everything I had,
but it was like trying to push a tank. She just kept getting closer. The only
chance I had was our weight difference. As strong as she was, she was still
tiny. So I twisted and lifted her off the ground. With her off the ground, she
couldn’t brace her body to get full use of her strength. By the time I’d risen
to my feet things just things were getting desperate. Penny’s fangs were
starting to break the skin. I had to do something or she would drink me dry. My
mind scurried through every file I’d read on her, and all the reports given to
me on vampires in general. Finally, I remembered one little tidbit that just
might save me. One of the files had gone into some detail about how closely
tied a vampire’s sex drive was to its feeding instinct. I was out of time and
with that being my only chance. I did something completely
crazy. Quickly, I slipped a finger under her skirt and started rubbing her. I figured
one of two things would happen. Either she’d be even more pissed and rip my
head off, or it might be just enough of a distraction to buy me a few moments
until I could come up with something else.

for me, it was the latter. Penny gasped, but it was more from surprise than
pleasure. At least she pulled back a little from my throat, and desperately I
worked my fingers against her, and her body stiffened. It was like holding
marble. I could only guess that my fondling her had caused so much confusion
that she couldn’t figure out what to do. My fingers finally found her clitoris,
and she made a purring sound. Her body started to become pliant. I moved her to
a table, but never stopped moving my fingers against her. Her eyes were still
two deadly pools of blood. I worked faster, if you can call it work. My fingers
began slipping inside occasionally, and I used my thumb to keep pressure on her
rapidly swelling happy button. Her arms relaxed from my neck, and so I nuzzled
down into her beautiful cleavage. Penny hissed, “Yes!”

I nipped at a nipple, and she moaned. My fingers were
moving faster, and deeper. I could feel her creamy thighs trembling as the
arousal grew. Janine’s voice interrupted my concentration, “Grimmy! Are you ok?
Hey! Oh never mind. I’ll just go guard the door.” My best guess is that Janine
had come back into the room to rescue me, but I never got the chance to look
because as soon as my concentration broke I stopped rubbing, and Penny gave an
angry howl. Then grabbed me by the ears, and buried my face deep into her
wetness. I tried to talk some reason into her, but with my face buried into her
all I could do was mumble. Well it wasn’t all I could do. Luckily, I still had
something I could do, and I did that really well.

I licked, nipped, nibbled, sucked and continued probing
her. I could feel her legs twitching and her hips were pumping into my face.
She was almost there. I was afraid that when the orgasm would hit that she
might clench her thighs together and pop my head like a pimple, but she was too
far gone for me to stop now. I slipped a finger inside and kept licking. Penny
started violently bucking against my face, and all the while her insides kept
clenching around my finger. She was so close. I pulled my finger out so that
she wouldn’t finish just yet. Penny whimpered, and she was practically begging
so I did the only thing a self-respecting red blooded male that had just nearly
been eaten could do. I bit down and sucked against her pussy.
She howled. Her thighs wrapped around my head, and they wouldn’t let me go. I
stopped biting and resumed licking, trying to remember the old trick about
licking the alphabet. Orgasms tore through her like gunfire. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!
STOP!” I heard her hands
slap against the table, but I kept going. I caught a glimpse of her hand
crushing the corner of the table. It just splintered in her vice-like grip. I
did the only thing I could think of at the time. Obeying her instructions, I
kept licking, kissing, and teasing her opening, and prayed that every orgasm I
coaxed would keep me alive for a few more moments.

Eventually my tongue started going numb, but thankfully,
she was also wrapping up. She wasn’t gripping the table in a death clench
anymore, and her body wasn’t shuddering from violent orgasms anymore. In fact,
she was like jelly. Her body just twitched, and jiggled a little. I’d heard the
expression fucked into a coma, but this was the first time I ever licked
someone into submission. Penny just made a happy little purring and cooing
sound. She wasn’t holding my head down anymore and I was finally allowed to
look up.

She looked calm, collected, and very relaxed. Then I
guess the whole situation caught up with her, because her expression suddenly
changed to panic and embarrassment. “This is awkward. Can we get up before the
others come back through that door?” I nodded. Not the reaction I was hoping
for, but the last thing I wanted to do was make her angry again. At least while
I still couldn’t feel my tongue. Danika burst through the door in full werewolf
form. “Don’t worry Grimmy! I’ll save you!” She froze in place. “Why does the
room smell like sex?” Penny sat up and looked at her over my shoulder. Danika
looked at us and it slowly dawned on her. Katy stormed in with the others right
behind her. She took one look at us and screamed, “Oh gross! I eat on that

“Funny, tho dith I!”
I tried to
make a joke, but my tongue just wanted to take a nap. I stepped back from
between Penny’s thighs. I turned around and tried not to draw any attention to
my straining erection. Meanwhile, Penny looked around at us all, and apparently
the awkwardness of the situation got the better of Penny because she stormed
out. As she walked past Katy, the little witch mouthed, “I want the dirty
details.” Penny stopped and gave her a look that would have curdled milk. Katy
just flashed a pair of puppy dog eyes and said, “Pretty please?” Penny grumbled
and stormed out of the room.

I tried to make my way past everyone with as much dignity
as I could muster, but it’s kind of hard to stay classy when everyone just
walked in on your own dear penthouse moment. I stumbled past everyone and
slowly started back towards my room. Katy snickered as I passed. “What’s wrong
Grim…nobody ever died from blue balls
” I
growled at her. I didn’t have any more of an effect on her than Penny did.

“If you people need me I’ll be in my room
I mumbled. The zipper was hurting me. I was painfully
erect with no relief in sight. Katy giggled, “What are you gonna do Grim?”

“What do you think?” I barked, and then slammed the door
behind me. I could hear them laughing and snickering. I reached the elevator.
When I got inside, I froze. Do I try to talk to Penny, or go back to my room? I
chickened out. There was a ding and the doors opened. I moved towards my room.
Maybe Penny and I could discuss this tomorrow. I was just about to go into my
room when I heard the doctor singing. I couldn’t make out the words, but the
melody was somewhat catchy.

I walked into the med lab, and a very drunk doctor looked
up at me. “Shouldn’t you be at the party?” Each word slurred worse than the one
before. I grunted, “It kind of ended early.” Dr. Nowitski sniffled and wiped
her eyes. They were puffy and red from crying. We weren’t close, but I never
could turn my back on a crying woman. “What’s up Doc?”

“I missed it.” The doctors choked back a sob.

“Missed it, missed what?” I asked. She looked up at me,
“October 20
, I got so busy that it passed by and I never noticed
it.” Ok that really didn’t answer anything. I took a deep breath. Getting her
to answer questions was a little like pulling teeth. “Doc, it’s no biggie. I
mean it’s just a day. There are 364 others.” My attempt at humor fell flat. She
just stared at me. Her eyes narrowed, and then she started to cry. “Oh crap!
Listen, Doc…Gina can you please stop. Listen I’ll do anything. I’ll even let
you give me blood tests. I’ll
on the table and let
you do all the doctor stuff you like so much. Just please stop crying.” I
hopped onto the table. “Gina? Come on! It’ll be fun. Surely, there’s gotta be
some highly
and potentially painful tests
that you can run on me. You can even do stuff to my butt. You know how much I
hate it when you mess with my pooper, but if you stop crying I’ll even pretend
I’m enjoying it. I’ll act like we’re on a new ride at Disneyland. Whoopee! I
can‘t wait to ride Butt-pirates of the Caribbean!” I started dancing and singing.
Gina glared at me as I pranced around while singing a bastardized version if
it‘s a small world:

“It’s a butt filled with knuckles, and that causes

It’s a strained sphincter muscle that causes me to

There’s so much awkwardness that we share.

When you ask me to pull down my underwear

Go easy or buy me dinner because

It’s a tight butthole after all

It’s a tight butthole after all

It’s a tight butthole after all

And you have big, big fingers

There’s just one exit, a place that’s never known sun

And it doesn’t just open for anyone

Though it occasionally stinks

And sometimes it winks

Don’t let that distract you because

It’s a tight butthole after all

It’s a tight butthole after all

It’s a tight butthole after all

And you have big, big fingers

Gina stared at me, and then her lip started to tremor. I
threw in an extra booty wiggle. Her eyes brightened, and the sides of her mouth
started to climb up into a smile. I figured I might as well go for all out to
cheer her up. I folded my hands together and let them rest between my knees.
Then I carefully pointed my butt at the doctor. I turned my head back over my
shoulder and did my best to look effeminate, doing my stripper booty shake.
Apparently it worked, because Gina started laughing, and just wouldn’t stop.

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