Millie's Second Chance (4 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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She picked up the phone and paused a moment. Frank was messing with her. He wasn’t due to be released from prison for another fourteen months. She should call Detective Flynn.

Scrolling through her cell phone contacts list with shaking fingers, she passed his name twice before finally getting her fingers steady enough to stop at his number. She hit call and waited as the phone continued to ring.

“Hello?” a gruff voice answered, and she swallowed hard, remembering what Detective Flynn looked like. He was in his late forties, salt-and-pepper hair, stocky, and a man with years of experience in the NYPD.

“Detective Flynn, it’s Millie Donovan.”

“Millie? Hey, how are you, honey? Is everything okay?” he asked, immediately seeming to know that something was up.

“Not really. I…I wasn’t sure who to call. I don’t know if it is a trick or something. Well, I mean, I just didn’t know what to do,” Millie rambled on. When it came to Frank, she was weak and scared shitless. He had nearly killed her and she would never forget how evil, manipulating, and abusive he was.

“Millie, calm down, honey, and tell me what’s wrong.”

She took a deep breath.

“I just came home from an event and my phone rang. It was Frank. He said that he missed me and that he was coming for me.” There, she said it, and a bit of relief in confiding in Detective Flynn made her feel a bit better instantly.

“Really? That is strange, considering that he’s not due to be released for another fourteen months. Let me make a phone call and see what I can find out. What else did he say?”

“That I was going to be his again. He said he was coming for me.” The tears hit her eyes and her voice hitched. She sniffled, trying to fight off the panicky feelings growing stronger.

“It will be okay, Millie. Let me make a few calls. In the meantime, lock your doors and stay put. I’ll call you soon.”

“Thank you.” She hung up the phone.

Millie paced her apartment. She looked around, suddenly feeling like Frank had been there, but knowing that it was most likely her imagination. He still had the power to scare her even from such a distance. He was behind bars, rotting for his crimes. This was just some extra added crap to her already incredibly crappy evening.

Chapter 2


Doctor Sheila Perkins watched Frank as he walked toward the bathroom. His ass was hard as steel just like the rest of him. He did things to her. Made her want things she shouldn’t want. He was sexy, wild, untamed, and manly. He was everything she wished for in a man but never caught the attention of. He served his time and was a changed man, thanks to her and their therapy sessions. She had not only learned a lot about Frank but also about herself and her inner desires.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It had been years since a man shared her bed. She ran her hands along the empty sheets where Frank had lain only moments ago. It smelled like fancy cologne. She imagined his bulging muscles and the way he took her so wildly and ravaged her body. Sure, it may have had something to do with his lack of having real sex for years, but part of her wanted to believe that it was her that brought it out in him.

She heard the shower running and debated about joining him. He was still somewhat reserved in his emotions. Sure, they had sex, but he still didn’t like to be touched unless he was the one who touched first.

They would work on that. She smiled to herself then slowly rolled out of bed.
Why not start right now?

Dr. Perkins stood in the doorway and absorbed the sight of Frank’s body as he washed the shampoo out of his hair. It was long, to his neck, and silky brown. She watched the water dripping down the dips and crevices of his perfectly muscular body. He was a work of art and he was all hers to enjoy. She felt her pussy clench and her nipples harden. He did that to her. He aroused her, turned her on like no other man ever had before. Brazenly, she walked closer to the shower. He abruptly turned toward her.

“I’ll be done in a minute,” he told her firmly and even his tone turned her on.

“No rush. I’m going to join you,” she whispered then reached toward him, anticipating the feel of stone beneath her fingertips. Her eyes darted toward his cock. He was a very large man in all aspects.

“Don’t!” Frank raised his voice and she immediately dropped her hand, shocked by his abrupt tone of voice. She looked up at him, suddenly feeling intimidated by his six-foot frame and the evil look in his gray eyes. This was not the same man that had made love to her or courted her in the months she spent as his therapist while he was in prison.

“Frank, I want to be with you. It’s okay. I would never hurt you.”

He turned off the water in the shower and chuckled at her. Turning to face her, he stepped out of the shower and glared at her. Instinctively, she took a step back. A tinge of fear hit her belly. She watched him carefully as he dried his body with the towel.

“I know you would never hurt me, Sheila. You couldn’t even if you wanted to.”

She didn’t like that comment. What exactly did he mean by that? Again her gut instincts kicked in and warned her to be cautious.

Then he smiled, and that intense-looking gray of his eyes now appeared brighter.

“Don’t push me so hard, Sheila. It was a lot for me to stay here with you and make love. Every step I take is difficult,” he admitted, but her focus was on his words. He had said “make love,” not “have sex” or even “fuck.” It was a step in a positive direction. She smiled then lowered her eyes. He was domineering and sexy.

“I’ll try not to, Frank. This is all new to me as well. You have come to mean so much to me. I just want you to feel confident and know how perfect you are. The past is behind you.”

He stepped closer and cupped her face between his hands.

“You are the reason I am free, Sheila. You are my new beginning.”

He kissed her deeply, covering her mouth with his own, making all her reservations and fears disintegrate with each stroke of his tongue. When he released her lips she felt faint and satisfied.

“The shower’s all yours. I’m getting dressed and going out.”

She watched him leave and she smiled. He was her beginning, too.


* * * *


Frank walked into the bedroom and grabbed his clothes. Sheila had brought him a lot of stuff. He smiled then looked toward the bathroom where he heard the shower running.

Too bad I can’t keep her around. She is a pretty good fuck, but nothing compared to Millie. My plan is in motion and the fun is about to begin.


* * * *


Millie was pacing her apartment waiting for Detective Flynn to call. An hour later, her phone rang.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hi, Millie. It’s Detective Flynn. I made some calls and it looks like he was released on early parole.”

“What? How the hell can that happen? I mean, I wasn’t even informed. I would have gone there and fought that tooth and nail.”

“I know, Millie, and I would have been there, too. Apparently, his therapist fought for his release, claiming he was cured and was a new man. The jails are overcrowded, and if no one shows to fight and give good reason to force them to make the prisoner finish his sentence time, the parole board has no choice but to release him. He probably worked in there, too, and proved his changed behavior. I’m going to get a copy of the minutes from that meeting. I’m sorry, Millie, but there’s nothing we can do at this point in time.”

“He’s going to come after me. He already called and threatened me, Detective Flynn.”

“If he comes around, you call the police immediately. I can’t do anything until he’s made a move.”

“Yeah, well, if he does, it will be too late. I’ve been in this position before, detective. He wants me dead and he won’t be happy until he gets me, has his fun, then kills me. By then it will be too late.”

“I wish there was more I could do. Is there someplace safe you can go? Perhaps take a leave of absence from work and hide out for a few weeks?”

“I have to work. I need the money. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Call me if he calls you again or if he shows up. We’ll get an order of protection. In the meantime, I’m going to track him down and find out where’s he’s staying. He’s on parole. He can’t go far and has to report in to his parole officer. I’ll find out who that is and see if I can make him aware of the current situation. There’s not much more I can do unless he makes a move and commits a crime.”

“I appreciate anything you can do. Thank you, Detective Flynn.”

“You’re welcome. Now make sure the place is locked up. When you go out be sure to be aware of your surroundings and never go anywhere alone, especially at night, Millie. Got it?”

“Yes. Thanks.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Goodnight.”

Millie hung up the phone and fell to the couch. She covered her eyes with her hands and immediately saw images of Frank. He wanted her. He was free and out there, ready to come after her. She swallowed hard then began to cry.

Her life couldn’t get any worse.


* * * *


Millie felt like shit when she woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. The weekend brought her little sleep and constant panic. There had been no sign of Frank and she had decided not to venture out of her apartment after all. Clare had called her to tell her that she had her award and would give it to her at work. As Millie got dressed, she wished she could call in sick and not have to leave her apartment. She was scared and she was completely alone. A few minutes before preparing to leave, her cell phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, she saw that it was her boss, Vincent Arthur.


“Miss Donovan, it’s Vincent Arthur. Are you planning on coming into work today?” he asked, and she wondered why he would be calling to ask her this.

“Yes, sir, I’m on my way now.”

He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to inform you, Millie, but as you know, the company is making cuts and unfortunately, the first place we need to look is the fundraising department. There are two of you doing the same job, and Layla has been with the company longer. I need to release you.”

“What? You can’t be serious? I just brought in millions of dollars for the operation. You were there Saturday night congratulating me on a job well done. We spoke about upcoming events and I’ve worked my rear off all these months. Layla didn’t accomplish this and she has only been working for the company two months longer than I have.” The tears stung her eyes. Instantly, she thought about Stewart.
That lousy bastard. He did this.
He was a golf buddy of Arthur’s.

“I’m sorry, Millie, but I have no choice in the matter. If it’s any consolation, you’ll be greatly missed and I’ll even provide severance pay so you can handle things for a while until you get another job. I wouldn’t have any problems with giving you a recommendation on another job elsewhere.”

Millie was shocked. “I’ll have to come in and gather my things from my desk.”

“Of course. Once again, I’m sorry.” He hung up and Millie growled as she stomped her feet and felt the anger nearly come to boiling point.

Stewart is a piece of shit!

Millie was very upset as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself another cup of coffee. Now what? She was jobless, she had a psycho after her, and her ex-boyfriend just ruined her life.

She heard her phone ringing and picked it up off the counter without even looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” she answered with attitude.

“Hello, Millie. How are you this morning?” Stewart asked, and Millie swallowed hard.

“How the hell do you think I’m doing, Stewart? I can’t believe that you would stoop so low and get me fired.”

“Fired? Oh, dear, you mean Vincent chose Layla over you? Well, she is a lot better looking and has a lot more class.”

Millie wanted to rip his head off. She was so damn angry. “You are such an asshole, Stewart. I can’t believe that you did this. All I ever did was care for you and be the perfect girlfriend for you to show off.”

“You bore me, Millie. You may have a great ass and big tits, but you’re timid and weak. I needed a real woman. You flaunting your body last night was disgraceful. Just remember to never fuck with me. Have a nice life.”

“Go to hell, Stewart. And by the way, you may have a lot of money and be on some power trip, but your dick will always be small!”

She hung up the phone and growled in anger.

“Asshole, asshole, asshole!” she yelled.

Just then her phone rang again.

“What do you want now?” she yelled.

“Now is that any way to greet your man?” Frank asked, and Millie grabbed ahold of the counter with her free hand.

“Ahhh, now that’s more like it. There’s my submissive little angel. I missed talking with you. I can’t wait to see you, Millie.”

“I don’t want to see you. You belong behind bars,” she stated, filled with anger. She shouldn’t antagonize him. But she was in a mood. Her entire life was falling apart.

“How can you say that? You’re the only woman I ever loved, Millie. My life isn’t complete until I have you again.”

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