Millionaire M.D.

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Authors: Jennifer Greene

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This month, in
by Jennifer Greene, meet Dr. Justin Webb—
premier surgeon in the Lone Star State. When Justin
is on a mission, nothing gets in his way, not
even…the stubborn heart of Winona Raye—the
childhood friend he's determined to make his wife!


Five wealthy Texas bachelors—all members of
the state's most exclusive club—set out to restore
the “Royal” jewels…and find true love.


And don't miss

by Sara Orwig
next month's installment of the
Texas Cattleman's Club: Lone Star Jewels,
available in Silhouette Desire!

Dear Reader,

Happy New Year from Silhouette Desire, where we offer you six passionate, powerful and provocative romances every month of the year! Here's what you can indulge yourself with this January….

Begin the new year with a seductive MAN OF THE MONTH,
Tall, Dark & Western
by Anne Marie Winston. A rancher seeking a marriage of convenience places a personals ad for a wife, only to fall—hard—for the single mom who responds!

Silhouette Desire proudly presents a sequel to the wildly successful in-line continuity series THE TEXAS CATTLEMAN'S CLUB. This exciting
series about alpha men on a mission is called TEXAS CATTLEMAN'S CLUB: LONE STAR JEWELS. Jennifer Greene's launch book,
Millionaire M.D.
, features a wealthy surgeon who helps out his childhood crush when she finds a baby on her doorstep—by marrying her!

Alexandra Sellers continues her exotic miniseries SONS OF THE DESERT with one more irresistible sheikh in
Sheikh's Woman.
THE BARONS OF TEXAS miniseries by Fayrene Preston returns with another feisty Baron heroine in
The Barons of Texas: Kit.
In Kathryn Jensen's
The Earl's Secret,
a British aristocrat romances a U.S. commoner while wrestling with a secret. And Shirley Rogers offers
A Cowboy, a Bride & a Wedding Vow,
in which a cowboy discovers his secret child.

So ring in the new year with lots of cheer and plenty of red-hot romance, by reading all six of these enticing love stories.


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Millionaire M.D.

To my fellow Texas Cattleman's Club authors, Sara Orwig, Cindy Gerard, Kristi Gold, Sheri WhiteFeather— you were all so wonderful to work with! I hope we have another chance to commit murder, mayhem and jewel thefts together.

Books by Jennifer Greene

Silhouette Desire

Body and Soul

Foolish Pleasure

Madam's Room

Dear Reader


Lady Be Good

Love Potion

The Castle Keep

Lady of the Island

Night of the Hunter

Dancing in the Dark

Heat Wave

Slow Dance

Night Light


Just Like Old Times

It Had To Be You





A Groom for Red Riding Hood

Single Dad

Arizona Heat

The Unwilling Bride

Bachelor Mom

Nobody's Princess

A Baby in His In-Box

Her Holiday Secret

The Honor Bound Groom

Prince Charming's Child

Kiss Your Prince Charming

Rock Solid

Millionaire M.D.

Silhouette Intimate Moments


Devil's Night

Broken Blossom

Pink Topaz

Silhouette Special Edition

The 200% Wife

Silhouette Books

Birds, Bees and Babies

“Riley's Baby”

Santa's Little Helpers

“Twelfth Night”

Fortune's Children

The Baby Chase

Montana Mavericks

You Belong To Me


lives near Lake Michigan with her husband and two children. Before writing full-time, she worked as a teacher and a personnel manager. Michigan State University honored her as an “outstanding woman graduate” for her work with women on campus.

Ms. Greene has written more than fifty category romances, for which she has won numerous awards, including three RITAs from the Romance Writers of America in the Best Short Contemporary Books category, and a Career Achievement award from
Romantic Times Magazine.


“What's Happening in Royal?”

—Royal, Texas, is in a state of shock! The plane that made an emergency crash landing in the nearby West Texas desert was carrying both a European contingent and some of Royal's own….

Just a few nights ago, all were reveling in the “Party of the Year” at the Texas Cattleman's Club to honor peace brought forth between archenemy European countries Obersbourg and Asterland…a feat our Texas Cattleman's Club members
have had a hand in. And to go from celebration to misery so quickly…can our boys come to the rescue once more?

Also, there's been a sighting of Winona Raye doing her cop thing—with a baby in tow! Sources tell us the tiny tot appeared on Winona's doorstep. Hmmm…perhaps dashing Dr. Justin Webb—card-carrying Texas Cattleman's Club member—will help out his childhood friend!

Stay tuned….


sk Dr. Justin Webb, and “The Tennessee Waltz” was a downright ridiculous—if not insulting—song to play at a Texas bash, but what the hey. He didn't care what it took to get his arms around Winona. Never had. Never would. He didn't even mind having to wear a tux and be on his best starched behavior for an exhaustingly long evening, as long as he could catch some private moments with her now and then. Like this one.

“I swear, honey, you look good enough to marry.”

“Why, thank you, doc.” Wearing spindly tall dress pumps, Winona almost reached his cheek in height, but she still had to tilt her face to make eye contact. He marveled. Those eyes of hers were the same soft, wistful, breathtaking blue of a dawn sky—but her smile, so typically, was full of the devil. And that was when she was being reasonably nice to him. “You haven't proposed marriage to me in, what, two weeks now?”

Twelve days and six hours, but who was counting. “Give or take a few days.”

She nodded demurely. “And how many times do I have to tell you? If I'm ever in the mood to marry a hard-core womanizing bachelor with way too much money, I'll let you know.”

Justin grinned, since there was no point in taking the insult to heart. In the past, she'd dished out far, far worse.

Come to think of it, so had he.

Tightening his grip, he whirled her past the banquet table, the fiddlers, the receiving line of dignitaries and Asterland royalty. He wanted to waltz her past and out the tall balcony doors and into the star-studded night—where he'd have Win to himself—but the idea just wouldn't fly. Unfortunately, the January night was typical of west Texas, the temperature colder than a witch's heart, and the wind twice as bitter. “Well, shoot, darlin'. If I can't talk you into marriage tonight, how about a nice, immoral, amoral, down-and-dirty affair?”

“I'd love to, doc—with anyone else. But you've already done that with so many women in town that I'd just be one in a long line. Thanks, but no thanks.”

He winced—not from her comment, but because she'd just stepped on his foot. God knew, Winona was adorable, but she
have the grace of a coyote on a dance floor. A hand at the small of her back coaxed her physically closer to him. Close enough for him to feel the tips of her nipples beneath the monk-black dress that zipped straight and plain, right to her throat. Close enough so that he could see her light blue eyes dilate when her tummy rubbed against his satin tux cummerbund. Close enough to see the spare, soft gloss on her small mouth.

Close enough to see her scowl.

“Behave yourself, you dog.”

His eyebrows arched, trying out the charmingly innocent expression that had always worked on the softer sex. With
one exception. “Now, Win, you know I'm just trying to help. I'm afraid you're going to trip and fall. And I know you're not fond of advice, but if you'd just quit trying to lead, I swear you'd have a lot easier time on the dance floor.”

“You're trying to help? Said the wolf in the fox den. And
do you think your hand is doing on my butt? You think I won't punch you?”

Actually, he
she'd punch him—in public, in private, in church, at a black-tie gala or anywhere else. She'd been doing it ever since she was a furious, bad-tempered twelve-year-old, and he'd been a suave, worldly seventeen who'd known everything—except why the hell such a squirt-age girl had managed to wind his heart around her finger. “I've had my hand on your butt before,” he reminded her delicately.

“That was significantly different. I was hurt, I'd fallen on some broken glass and you were playing doctor—”

“And I'm so glad you brought that up. I never had a chance to tell you before how much I always loved playing doctor with you,” he said fervently.

There now. She had to choke back laughter. Winona never could keep that terrific sense of humor under wraps for long—but this time, she turned serious again all too quickly. “Cut it out, you. And this time, I mean it. The point is, you know I'd never be attending this fancy shindig if I weren't working. Just because I'm not in a cop's uniform doesn't mean that I'm really here to play. I'm here in a professional role—which means that you either put your hand where it belongs, or I really just might slug you—and I'm not kidding, Justin.”

He heard her. And he not only believed her, but he'd never have done anything to publicly embarrass her in a million years. A teasing pat was one thing, an inappropriate grope in front of others, another—not just because he respected Winona and her job, but because if he ever got a shot at really getting to Win, he wanted no audience around. Anywhere. Preferably for a several-hundred-mile radius.

Temporarily, however, it seemed that he was incapable of removing his hand from her fanny. It wasn't a choice. Normal honorable, ethical standards of behavior simply couldn't apply. His palm slid down the silky dress from the hollow of her spine to the fullest slope of her rump. He squeezed several times, because hell, he had to.

Said squeezing produced the obvious biological response in him—he was hard as a hammer in three seconds flat. Above the neck, though, his forehead produced a frown darker than a Texas thunderstorm. “What in God's name are you wearing under that dress?”

He would never have asked the question, except that the answer seemed to be nothing. Absolutely nothing. There wasn't a woman in the Club—except for Winona—who wasn't dripping diamonds and sequins. Jewels winked from ears, throats, wrists and fingers, all across the dance floor. Win's ears were naked and so was her throat; the long, soft black dress made all the pricey designer gowns look overdone and fussy. To Justin, she stood out as a hopeless beauty. Always had, in his eyes.

It was just…he couldn't feel any underwear. He certainly hadn't put his hand on her fanny
to feel underwear. But the silky dress was a thinnish material, so that his hand instinctively expected to find panty lines, a sense of fabric. And when they didn't, alarm bells clanged in his mind on a par with a fire truck's siren. There weren't too many reasons a woman would neglect to wear underwear to a very public, very fancy gig—especially Winona, who didn't reveal nuttin' to no one—normally. When it came down to it, Justin could only think of one reason she'd be running around sans panties. There had to be a lover she was trying to turn on.

A lover.

A man.

A man—who wasn't him.

“Justin, what the Sam Hill is the matter with y—”

He sensed her right fist clenching, preparing to punch him.

“Get your hand off my… The dress showed lines,” she hissed. “I couldn't wear anything underneath it. Not that I owe you any explanation, you low-down, overprotective, bossy son of a gun. Now you've got five seconds, max, before I—”

He was removing his hand. Really. Right then. It just took a couple seconds for relief to catch up with him, and for those few seconds he really couldn't seem to breathe. In the meantime—possibly because Win didn't realize he was sincerely getting around to behaving better—that small right fist of hers was still aiming straight for his solar plexus. That is, until a tall, handsome, dark-haired dude showed up on the scene, winked at Win, and smoothly lifted her clenched fist to his right shoulder.

“I'm cutting in,” Aaron Black announced, “before either of you come to blows. Besides which, I dance a ton better than he ever will, Winona.
I'm better looking.”

“Well, hell,” Justin grumbled. But he let Aaron take off with Winona across the dance floor. For one thing, the orchestra changed tunes to a rousing, foot-stomping bluegrass, so any cheek-to-cheek opportunities had abruptly disappeared. For another, Aaron was not only a fellow member of the Texas Cattleman's Club, but a friend that Justin would trust to the wall—and had. And for yet another reason, damn Aaron, but he was a diplomat in his professional life as well as his private one, and when he motioned a thumb toward the bar, Justin picked up the subtle, tactful clue that, just possibly, he needed to get out of Winona's sight for a minute or two.

He loped over to the bar, all right…but watching Win whirl off in Aaron's arms still gave him a case of the glums that a whole well of whiskey couldn't cure.

They'd always bickered like two toddlers in the same sand-box. Justin didn't specifically mind that, because they mutually enjoyed teasing each other. But she'd always treated
him like a friend, a neighbor, a loved but insufferable big brother. Never as a man.

He must have asked her to marry him fifty times—and all fifty times, she'd cracked up laughing, as if the idea of marrying him was the best joke they'd ever shared.

He got it, he got it. It didn't matter if half the women in town chased him nonstop. Winona just couldn't seem to imagine him as a lover. For several years now, Justin kept thinking if she could just
him. If he could just get a chance to show her a different side of himself. If something could jolt her into looking at him differently, maybe, just maybe, he'd have a serious shot with her.

“Hi, Dr. Webb.” Riley Monroe, the Club's longtime caretaker, had a smile waiting even before Justin reached the bar. “You guys sure outdid yourself with the party tonight. This is quite a shindig. What can I get you?”

“Whiskey. Straight. And thanks, Riley.” Justin didn't have to wait thirty seconds before the glass of liquid gold was in his hands. Riley might be the Texas Cattleman's Club night caretaker, but he'd subbed as a bartender for formal functions for as long as Justin could remember. The ladies loved him—likely because he had a dose of flimflam in his character. Occasionally he could spread on the Las Vegas-type charm too thickly for Justin's taste, but that didn't matter. Riley was as dependable as the sunshine and as loyal as a hound. Good qualities in any man, and normally Justin would have chatted for a few minutes.

Tonight, he gulped down a big enough sip to feel the whiskey burn some new holes in his tonsils, then leaned back against the bar.

He spotted her, still out there, still high-stepping with Aaron…and damnation, looking like she was having a hell of a good time.

He looked around, determined to get his mind off Winona—and to keep it off. The party was in full swing, and although good taste had to be an issue with so many royal
guests, so was having fun Texas-style. Messy, finger-dripping lobster and Texas barbecue was set up on the same table as the fragile hothouse roses and elegant ice sculptures. The formal orchestra was all dressed in black tie—but naturally, it had a damn good fiddling section. The giant boar's head hanging on one wall looked down on more diamonds and rubies than the bugger had ever seen in the wild, for darn sure, but the blaze of firelight winked on the iron-studded plaque over the entrance door. Leadership, Justice and Peace was burned into the wood—the long-term logo for the Club that had a uniquely special meaning this night.

Justin gulped down another slug of whiskey, trying to ignore the short-haired brunette dancing past him yet again. He winked at a blonde instead. The Princess Anna von Oberland of Obersbourg—at least that'd been her title until she'd married Greg, who was plastered against her on the dance floor in total oblivion to the foot-stomping, sassy rhythm of the current song being played.

The whole purpose of this black-tie shindig was Anna. An outsider would surely find the situation confounding—what could a bunch of Texans possibly have in common with royalty from the small European countries of Obersbourg and Asterland? But months earlier, Princess Anna had been in grave trouble, and the Texas Cattleman's Club had stepped in to rescue her. Two days from now, twelve citizens from both Asterland and Obersbourg were returning to Europe via private jet—without Anna, of course, who was head over heels for her bridegroom and Texas both. But this party was it. A chance for Anna's family—and government—to say thank you to the Texas Cattleman's Club boys…and a chance for the Club to strengthen the ties between the governments.

Justin finished the last gulp of whiskey, thinking how unusual this whole shindig was. Not the party itself. Truth to tell, the Texas Cattleman's Club used any excuse to throw a formal brawl—and the bigger the better. But the group generally kept a low profile about their “quieter” activities. The
world was pretty damn lousy at protecting its innocents. It's not like the Club stuck its nose in a hornet's nest if there was any choice, but sometimes an innocent's life could hang in the balance—a situation where diplomacy either failed or where politics were so ticklish that tuning to normal channels simply didn't get results.

An edgy thought needled through Justin's mind, stealing the jubilant party mood and making him shift uneasily on his feet. He was the only Club member who didn't own a gun. He used to. His grandparents were big in ranching and oil both, and anyone owning a big spread who lived in that kind of isolated country knew how to handle a gun. So did Justin, but that was years ago. At this point, he was starkly aware that he was the only member who never shot anything but a hypodermic. The others had strong military skills in their background. He did his rescuing with a scalpel.

And there was nothing precisely wrong with that, but suddenly his mind was whirling, spinning down dark roads. He'd come home from Bosnia to abruptly and completely change medical specialties. No one had asked him why he'd switched to plastic surgery. No one had noticed that there were certain medical cases he no longer touched. And so far it hadn't mattered, because none of his private work with the Texas Cattlemen's Club had forced him into situations that he couldn't handle. But it could, Justin knew, and he feared letting his Club members down.

So far, thank God, the only one he'd let down was himself.

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