Mind Hacks™: Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain (24 page)

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Authors: Tom Stafford,Matt Webb

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Social Aspects / Human-Computer Interaction

BOOK: Mind Hacks™: Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain
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Discover Pitch
Why we perceive pitch at all is a story in itself. Pitch exists for sounds because our
brains calculate it, and to do that, they must have a reason.

All sounds are vibrations in air. Different amplitudes create different sound
intensities; different frequencies of vibration create different pitches. Natural sounds are
usually made up of overlaid vibrations that are occurring at a number of different
frequencies. Our experience of pitch is based on the overall pattern of the vibrations. The
pitch isn’t, however, always a quality that is directly available in the sound information.
It has to be calculated. Our brains have to go to some effort to let us perceive pitch, but
it isn’t entirely obvious why we do this at all. One theory for why we hear pitch at all is
because it relates to object size: big things generally have a lower basic frequency than
small things.

The pitch we perceive a sound having is based on what is called the
of the sound wave. This is the basic rate at which the
vibration repeats. Normally you make a sound by making something vibrate (say, by hitting
it). Depending on how and what you hit (this includes hitting your vocal cords with air),
you will establish a main vibration — this is the fundamental — which will be accompanied by
secondary vibrations at higher frequencies, called harmonics. These harmonics vibrate at
frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (so for a fundamental at
4 Hz, a harmonic might be at 8 Hz or 12 Hz, but not 10 Hz). The pitch of the sound we hear
is based on the frequency of the fundamental alone; it doesn’t matter how many harmonics
there are, the pitch stays the same.

Amazingly, even if the fundamental frequency isn’t actually part of the sound we
hear; we still hear pitch based on what it
should be
. So for a sound
that repeats four times a second but that is made up of component frequencies at 8 Hz, 12
Hz, and 16 Hz, the fundamental is 4 Hz, and it is based upon this that we experience

It’s not definite how we do this, but one theory runs like this
: the physical construction of the basilar membrane in the inner ear means
that it vibrates at the frequency of the fundamental as it responds to higher component
frequencies. Just the physical design of the cochlea as an object means that it can be used
by the brain to reproduce — physically — the calculation needed to figure out the fundamentals
of a sound wave. That discovered fundamental is then available to be fed into the auditory
processing system as information of equal status to any other sound wave.

So it looks as if a little bit of neural processing has leaked out into the physical
design of the ear — a great example of what some people have called extelligence, using the
world outside the brain itself to do cognitive work.

In Action

An illusion called the missing fundamental demonstrates the construction of sounds in
the ear. The fundamental and then harmonics of a tone are successively removed, but the
pitch of the tone sounds the same. Play the sound file at
, and you’ll hear a series of bleeps. Even though the lower harmonics are
vanishing, you don’t hear the sound get higher. It remains at the same pitch.

How It Works

The way pitch is computed from tones with multiple harmonics can be used to construct
an illusion in which the pitch of a tone appears to rise continuously, getting higher and
higher without ever dropping. You can listen to the continuously rising tone illusion and
see a graphical illustration of how the sound is constructed at

Each tone is made up of multiple tones at different harmonics. The harmonics shift up
in frequency with each successive tone. Because there are multiple harmonics, evenly
spaced, they can keep shifting up, with the very highest disappearing as they reach the
top of the frequency range covered by the tones and with new harmonics appearing at the
lowest frequencies. Because each shift seems like a step up on a normal scale, your brain
gives you an experience of a continuously rising tone. This is reinforced because the
highest and lowest components of each tone are quieter, blurring the exact frequency
boundaries of the whole sound.

End Notes
  1. There are other mechanisms, using neural processing, involved too, in
    reconstructing the fundamental from a harmonic. There are two main theories of what
    these are. One involves recognizing patterns in the activity level of the receptor
    cells over the length of the cochlea, and the other involves using the timing of the
    responses of the cells.
  2. McAlpine, D. (2004) Neural sensitivity in the inferior colliculus:
    Evidence for the role of cochlear distortions.
    Journal of Neurophysiology,
    (3), 1295–1311.
  3. The missing fundamental illusion is also found in motion perception
  4. Yoshitaka Nakajima’s “Demonstrations of Auditory Illusions and
    Tricks” (
    ) is a fantastic collection of auditory illusions, including examples and
    graphical explanations. A particular favorite is the “Melody of Silences” (
Keep Your Balance
The ear isn’t just for hearing; it helps you keep your balance.

Audition isn’t the only function of the inner ear. We have semicircular channels of
fluid, two in the horizontal plane, two in the vertical plane, that measure acceleration of
the head. This, our vestibular system, is used to maintain our balance.

Note that this system can detect only acceleration and deceleration, not motion. This
explains why we can be fooled into thinking we’re moving if a large part of our visual field
moves in the same direction — for example, when we’re sitting on a train and the train next to
ours moves off, we get the impression that we’ve started moving. For slow-starting movement,
the acceleration information is too weak to convince us we’ve moved.

It’s a good thing the system detects only acceleration, not absolute motion, otherwise
we might be able to tell that we are moving at 70,000 mph through space round the sun. Or,
worse, have direct experience of relativity — then things would get really confusing.

— T.S.

In Action

You can try and use this blind spot for motion next time you’re on a train.
Close your eyes and focus on the rocking of the train side to side. Although you can feel
the change in motion side to side, without visual information — and if your train isn’t
slowing down or speeding up — you don’t have any information except memory to tell you in
which direction you are traveling. Imagine the world outside moving in a different way.
See if you can hallucinate for a second that you are traveling very rapidly in the
opposite direction. Obviously this works best with a smooth train, so readers in Japan
will have more luck.

How It Works

Any change in our velocity causes the fluid in the channels of the vestibular system
to move, bending hair cells that line the surface of the channels (these hair cells work
the same as the hair cells that detect sound waves in the cochlea, except they detect
distortion in fluid, not air). Signals are then sent along the vestibular nerve into the
brain where they are used to adjust our balance and warn of changes in motion.

Dizziness can result from dysfunction of the vestibular system or from a disparity
between visual information and the information from the vestibular system. So in motion
sickness, you feel motion but see a constant visual world (the inside of the car or of the
ship). In vertigo, you don’t feel motion but you see the visual world move a lot more than
it should — because of parallax, a small movement of your head creates a large shift in the
difference between your feet and what you see next to them. (Vertigo is more complex than
just a mismatch between vestibular and visual detection of motion, but this is part of the

This is why, if you think you might get dizzy, it helps to fix on a moving point if
you are moving but your visual world is not (such as the horizon if you are on a ship).
But if you are staying still and your visual world is moving, the best thing to do is not
to look (such as during vertigo or during a motion sickness–inducing film).

I guess this means I’d have felt less nauseated after seeing the
Witch Project
if I’d watched it from a vibrating seat.

— T.S.

Detect Sounds on the Margins of Certainty
Can you sort the signal from the noise? Patterns and regularity are often
deeply hidden, but we’re surprisingly adept at finding them.

Our perceptual abilities and sensory acumen differ from one individual to another,
making our threshold for detecting faint or ambiguous stimuli vary considerably. The brain
is particularly good at making sense of messy data and can often pick out meaning in the
noisiest of environments, filtering out the chaotic background information to pick out the
faintest signals.

In Action

A sample of Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” has been hidden in the sound file on our
book web site (
; MP3
). The sound file is 30 seconds long and is mostly noise, so you will
have to listen carefully to detect when the song starts. The song will start either in the
first, second, or third 10 seconds and will be very faint, so pay close attention.


You’ll get more out of this hack if you listen to the sound file before knowing how
the music has been hidden, so you’re strongly recommended not to read ahead to the next
section until you’ve done so.

How It Works

If you managed to hear the strains of Bing Crosby in the noisy background of the sound
file, you may be in for a surprise. The sound file is pure noise, and despite what we
promised earlier, “White Christmas” is not hidden in there at all (if you read ahead
without trying it out for yourself, try it out on someone else). Not everyone is likely to
detect meaningful sounds in the background noise, but it’s been shown to work on a certain
subset of the population. An experiment conducted by Merckelbach and van de Ven
reported that almost a third of students reported hearing “White Christmas”
when played a similar noisy sound track.

There’s been a lot of debate about why this might happen and what sort of attributes
might be associated with the tendency to detect meaning in random patterns. In the study
mentioned earlier, the authors found that this ability was particularly linked to measures
of fantasy proneness — a measure of richness and frequency of imagination and fantasy — and
hallucination proneness — a measure of vividness of imagery and unusual perceptual
experiences. If you, or someone you tested, heard “White Christmas” amid the noise and are
now worried, there’s no need to be. The tendencies measured by Merckelbach and van de
Ven’s study were very mild and certainly not a
marker of anything abnormal (after all, it worked in a third of people!), and
we all hallucinate to some degree (not seeing the eye’s blind spot
Map Your Blind Spot
is a kind of

However, there is evidence that people who believe in certain paranormal phenomena may
be more likely to find patterns in unstructured information. Brugger and colleagues
found that people who believe in ESP are more likely to detect meaningful
information in random dot patterns than people who do not. Skeptics are often tempted to
argue that this sort of experiment
ESP and the like, but
the other finding reported in the same study was that meaningful patterns were more likely
to be detected if the random dot pattern was presented to the left visual field,
regardless of the participant’s belief in ESP. The left visual field crosses over to
connect to the right side of the brain, meaning that random patterns presented to be
preferentially processed by the right hemisphere, seem to be more “meaningful” than those
presented either to both or to the left hemisphere alone. This demonstrates another aspect
of hemispheric asymmetry
Use Your Right Brain — and Your Left, Too
but also hints that
people who have high levels of paranormal beliefs may be more likely to show greater
activation in their right hemisphere than their left, an effect that has been backed up by
many further studies.

This pattern of hemispheric activation is linked to more than paranormal beliefs.
Researchers have argued that it may be linked to a cognitive style that promotes “loose”
associations between concepts and semantic information, a style people have if they often
see connections between ideas that others do not. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as
this tendency has been linked to creativity and lateral thinking. Detecting patterns where
other people do not may be a very useful skill at times. Although it may result in the
occasional false positive, it almost certainly allows genuine patterns to be perceived
when other people would be confused by background perceptual noise.

End Notes
  1. Merckelbach, H., & van de Ven, V. (2001). Another White
    Christmas: fantasy proneness and reports of “hallucinatory experiences” in
    undergraduate students.
    Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
    Psychiatry, 32
    (3), 137–144.
  2. Brugger, P., Regard, M., Landis, T., Cook, N., Krebs, D., &
    Niederberger, J. (1993). “Meaningful” patterns in visual noise: Effects of lateral
    stimulation and the observer’s belief in ESP.
    (5–6), 261–265.

— Vaughan Bell

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