Read Minding Amy Online

Authors: Saskia Walker

Minding Amy (17 page)

BOOK: Minding Amy
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"This is our floor." She nodded her head back and to the right, where a doorway was marked with the number ten.

He liked the way she said "our floor" because right now he was glued to her side. He nodded, trailing his fingers along her jaw before allowing her to escape his grasp to unlock the door.

As she went in she switched on an uplighter and two lamps.

Sebastian followed and scanned her studio flat, taking in the details of bookshelves and framed prints and the quirky keepsakes that expressed her personality. His attention was soon back on her.

"Take a seat." She indicated a large armchair.

Sebastian undid his jacket and removed it before taking the seat she'd offered. She was in an adjoining kitchen area, pouring drinks by the sounds of it. A moment later she returned with two tumblers. "I hope brandy is good for you."

"If it comes with a side of Amy Norton, it's good for me." He took a mouthful of the brandy, savoring it, before he put the glass down on a nearby table.

She stayed in front of him, one hand on her hip, the other toying with her glass. He noticed there was an expectant, almost challenging look in her eyes.

That was like a red flag to a bull.

He lifted his foot from the floor and teased it under the hem of her skirt then gestured at her hips. "Lift your skirt."

She stared at him for a long moment then put her glass aside and shook back her hair, before she clutched her skirt and eased it up as far as her hips.

The sweet curve of her hips and thighs captured his gaze. He nodded approvingly. "Better."

He wanted to look at her but he wanted to be inside her too. His hands itched to wrap around those gorgeous hips and hold them tight while he penetrated her. "Take them off," he added, gesturing at her undies.

Hurriedly, she pushed the scrap of fabric down her legs so the flimsy knickers fell around her ankles. With surprising grace, she stepped out of them.

He ducked down and lifted them up, examining them. "Damp."

She nodded.

"You want me inside you?"

She flashed her eyes. "You know I do."

Sebastian gestured at her again, beckoning her closer. He pulled a condom packet from his pocket and offered it to her. "Show me how much you want it."

Her eyes widened. "You're so demanding," she whispered, but he could tell she liked the idea because her lips quirked as she responded.

With her hands on his shoulders, she leaned in to kiss him, her mouth opening and her tongue teasing against his. It was a lingering kiss, but when he went to touch her, cradling her breasts from below, she pulled away. With a provocative glance she took the condom packet from him then opened his fly. As she unzipped him, his cock poked free of his jockey shorts, eager for her.

Dropping to her knees, she stroked it.

"Careful," he warned. Her hands on his hot skin felt too good.

"No way," she responded, shaking her head. "You said to show you how much I want it. You'll have to grin and bear it."

When she took him into her mouth, his vision blurred. The moist heat of her mouth made his cock reach, his balls riding high. She began to kiss and lick his shaft, and he pressed his head back against the headrest of the armchair cursing silently. She rode him deeper into her mouth, rising and falling on his shaft, her tongue flicking at the sensitive underside, one hand locked around the base.

Too good. Too much. If she kept doing that he would come very soon, and that wasn’t what he intended. He reached for her hair, stroking it, trying to keep his head while it threatened to lift off. "Amy, I need to be inside you."

She lifted her head and nodded. "I know," she whispered. "I want that too."

He locked his hands over the arms of the armchair. Part of him wanted to grab her, roll her on her back on the floor and pin her there with his erection until he worked them both to a mind-blowing mutual orgasm. But she was responding to this, and he adored the way she glanced at him from under lowered eyelids as she tore open the condom wrapper.

With an appreciative sigh, she rolled the rubber over the head of his cock and down its length. Once it was on, she stroked it with her hand. "I think you're ready for me," she teased.

Sebastian snatched at her wrist, pulling her close. "Get up here, where I can hold you."

She rose to her feet and lifted her skirt as high as her waist, flashing her naked pussy at him as she clambered over his lap, straddling him. His hands immediately went to her waist and he held her tightly while she took his cock in her hand and directed it to her sweet spot.

Tension beaded up his spine.

Easing down, she took him in, inch by inch. "Oh yes," she blurted, "so good!"

Sebastian nodded. Her cunt was like a hot fist clutching him, making his cock throb. He had to catch his breath before he spoke. Gazing up at her, he wrapped his hands around her hips beneath her dress. "Let me see you." He nodded at the dress. "Take it off, please."

Settling on him, she grasped the fabric and pulled it over her head.

Sebastian watched as her breasts bounced free. Her nipples were erect. As she cast the dress aside her hair tumbled back down to her shoulders. She looked so good straddling him it made his gut tighten.

Latching her hands over his shoulders, she pivoted, his body her anchor she began to stir her hips on his, fast finding a rhythm and holding it.

Sebastian shifted his hands to cup her breasts and watched her expression change when he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. Her reaction was acute and it fascinated him. Her head tipped back. Breathless gasps issued from her open mouth and her eyes rounded. He felt it where her body clenched his cock too, each and every time she ground down on it. Lowering one hand to the juncture of their bodies, he stroked his thumb over her mound and into her slit.

Her clit protruded, and when he glanced down he could it was all rosy and swollen between the plump lips that framed it. She cried out when he made contact with it and gripped him so hard he had to close his eyes for a moment to stop himself coming. When he opened them it was to the sight of his rigid cock disappearing inside her while she worked up and down on him, quickly, and the sight triggered his need for release.

Instinctively, his hips forced up from beneath, in order to parry her thrusts.

She locked eyes with him and nodded, then moaned loudly as she reached her peak, her cunt clenching and unclenching rhythmically, milking him off. The release barreled through him, his balls burning, his cock jerking violently as he shot his load.

She dropped into his arms, and he held her tightly.

When she shivered, he stroked her back, soothing her.

Neither of them said anything, they didn't have to. Sebastian knew he had never had sex like this before, this incredible intimacy and the bond between them was opening up the possibilities for pleasure beyond anything he'd ever experienced. He sensed she felt the same, but he didn't want to ask because he didn't want to break the spell. He wanted the moment to last forever.

Chapter Eleven

Amy was right—Jake Brent did resemble a weasel. A thin, sandy comb-over and small, close-set eyes gave him a feral look. Sebastian regarded the man with curiosity. His reaction to Sebastian's questioning had been odd. He'd been eager at first, to chat, and yet right now he looked like an uneasy weasel, one that had been cornered by an enemy predator.

"No, I haven't got any information." He looked at Sebastian's ID as if it carried traces of the plague itself. Why? Why had he been eager to give Amy information, and not him? Amy represented the media. A whiff of serious investigation and he didn't want to be involved. That was an interesting conundrum. Jake had to be after publicity for his speculation, but why?

"You said he was a friend," Sebastian quizzed. Sebastian had tracked him down in the bowels of the studios, and said he'd appreciate a quick chat. The man had claimed to know Quentin well at first. Presumably because he thought Sebastian was another journalist.

"Yes, we worked together on the set, and we sometimes had drinks after the filming." He turned away from Sebastian and began to fiddle with the stack of equipment he'd been working on in the sound room, avoiding eye contact. "Doesn't mean I know where he is right now."

"Any idea why he might want to leave London?"

"No, none at all."

"Is there anyone else missing from the crew?"

Jake's head shot up. That touched a nerve. Interesting.

"No." He looked decidedly uncomfortable. "Not that I know of, but pretty much everyone is away right now, making the most of the studio closure, you know."

"Sure," Sebastian smiled, trying to put the man at ease. "Did you have a chance to get away yourself?"

Jake stared at him, his mouth tight. "No, I like to stick around."

It was curious, and somehow revealing. Sebastian wasn't quite sure what it was telling him, but he was glad he'd squeezed the visit in. He glanced at his watch. He had to be at his office in under an hour to supervise a staff meeting.

"I appreciate you talking to me." He held out his hand.

Jake shook it, briefly, again not making eye contact.

Why set the press off on a red herring about a missing friend, Sebastian puzzled, as he headed back to the studio car park. It was a shame there wasn't anyone else other than Jake and a lone security guard at the studios, someone to bounce similar questions off, for an alternate view. This Jake character was cagey and inconsistent. He had to have an ulterior motive or an axe to grind.

As Sebastian climbed into his Land Rover and flicked the air conditioning up a notch to combat the growing heat of the day, he realized he'd have to find a way to bring it up with Amy again. Finding an unobtrusive way to do so was going to be the hard part. This hidden agenda thing he inadvertently had going on was a pain. He regretted hiding his intentions. He should have admitted he was doing some groundwork for her earlier on. She might have been okay with that. Instead, he'd started to do his own thing and now he had a guilty conscience.

He got through the city as fast as the traffic would allow him and made it to the City Investigations office just in time for his staff meeting. He couldn't afford to cancel it if he was to keep tabs on everyone. Stella, the secretary, stood up and shook her head at him as he rushed into the office.

"Cutting it fine again, huh?" She tapped her fingers on the desk and looked at the clock. Stella ruled the place like a mother hen. It was what made the company office homey and kept it functioning at all times.

"You know how I like to live life on the edge."

She gave him a stern shake of her head. "Speaking of living life on the edge, Scotland Yard called. They wanted to make sure you would be there for your award presentation a week on Thursday. Shall I give confirmation of your attendance?"

That had slipped his mind. The agency was to receive an award. It embarrassed him, but he would have to attend. He nodded, saluted, and shot past her toward the meeting room. The door stood open and he could see Gary and five other personnel had assembled there.

A loud whistle emanated from behind him. He turned around. Stella was standing there, hands on hips.

"Haven't you forgotten something?" She put her hand out.

Of course he had. He'd made a policy that no phones should be taken into company meetings, but he often overlooked the ruling himself. He cursed silently. Luckily Stella kept him his toes. "Whatever would I do without you?"

She pursed her lips, giving him a look that said 'don't bother trying to flatter me because it won't wash.' From his pockets he pulled out two phones, his personal and his work contacts, and dropped them on her desk, next to the others she already had lined up there, before he saluted her again, and left.

* * * *

Amy straightened the skirt of her fitted peppermint dress and sat down in her office chair. She'd had a busy morning. Everything was all set for her and Sebastian to head north, the next day. The budget would easily cover the fuel and two nights stay at Tall Gables. They would be traveling in Sebastian's car this time, he'd insisted, so at least she didn't have to worry about booking a pool car and having some old banger let them down in the middle of nowhere.

She'd already drafted the body of her feature and with a bit of luck she could round it up with the information she gleaned at Tall Gables, then e-mail it back to headquarters for the deadline at ten o'clock on Thursday morning. The paper went to press before noon, without fail, so that it was on the streets for the evening commuters. All that remained was for her to pop home and pack a bag for the following day, before meeting up with Sebastian for dinner that evening.

BOOK: Minding Amy
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