Mirepoix (A Recipe Of Love Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Mirepoix (A Recipe Of Love Book 1)
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“I told you to get undressed first baby. The only thing better than unwrapping you myself is watching you do it. Throw your clothes on the couch and I’ll grab them on my way in.”

With him holding my hair I can’t bend over and have to improvise on how to get undressed. Luckily I’m barefoot like I always am when I’m inside, so I use my hands to pull leggings down to about mid thigh when I’m thwarted by the hand in my hair again. I carefully balance on one foot while using the other to pull the leggings down further. I painstakingly manage to get my leggings down my legs after switching legs a few times. My shirt has a boat neck that's wider than my shoulders so I pull my arm into the shirt and out through the boat neck before repeating the action using the other arm and let it float down my body to land on the leggings. I reach behind me to unhook my bra thankful I don’t have to worry about panties and doing my foot to foot dance again.

As soon as Joe releases my hair I rush into the bedroom to strip the bed and get into place. I don’t care if I seem overly excited or as desperate as I actually am. I love making him happy and pleasing him in the bedroom, and he always rewards me in delicious ways. I grab my bedroom doorway and whip into the room and dive onto the bed where I toss the pillows across the room into the closet for now. I hurry not knowing if he’s going to make me wait and anticipate him or if he will rush to hope I’m not done so he can punish me. After tossing the blanket and flat sheet into the closet to I lay down and rub my face on the sheet waiting for Joe to come in, with no pillows or blanket to play with I have nothing to do with my hands so I clench the sheet tightly in my fists and wait.




I finish washing the plates from dinner and put them away, I’ve already wrapped and stored the little bit of casserole that’s left in the fridge. I grab Frankie’s clothes as I walk quietly down the hallway, my anticipation rising. I love that I can let loose with her and allow myself to be the man I’ve alway been. I’m not a sadist but I love being in control sexually. I like giving Frankie exactly what she needs and knowing I’m destroying her sanity and making her explode. Yes I’m an egotistical bastard sometimes, no I really don’t care, I’m not selfish so I’m cool with it.

I walk into the bedroom and have to stop myself from giving away my excitement with a loud gasp of pleasure. She’s spread out on the bed, facedown with her hands clutching the sheet. I know by now it’s not that she’s scared but always needs to be doing something with her hands. She has the hardest time being still so what I’m about to do to her will be torturous.

I grab both of her hands and untangle them from the sheets before pulling them above her head. I reach between the headboard and the bed and pull out the ropes I put in here earlier. I installed 3 eye hooks to the bottom of the headboard so that I can tie her down so she can’t escape the pleasure. The position of the hooks makes it so that no one would be able to see them unless they’re under the bed. I’m just glad that she has this heavy wooden headboard, so I didn’t have to go buy an under the mattress rigging kit. I still might just for fun but I couldn’t wait any longer to get Frankie bound for our mutual pleasure. I carefully wrap her wrists together checking repeatedly that there’s no issues with circulation before feeding the end of the rope back through the eye hook and knotting it off.

I sit back on my heels and eye my handy work. Frankie’s arms are bound directly above her head, her elbows are tilted out to allow her head to rest between her arms with her face turned towards me. Her amazing mane of hair is still tied up into a ponytail on the crown of her head, the hair itself is lying across her back like a dark silken waterfall. I see her ink peeking through her hair, stretching up and down both arms and across her back. Her tits are so large that laying down on her stomach, I can still see the sides curving out. Her back tapers down to her waist that always seems impossibly narrow before flaring out to her hips and amazing ass.

“Are you going to take your clothes off now?” Frankie asks me with nerves in her voice. I can tell there’s no fear only a hint of uncertainty. We have talked previously about bondage and safewords. I know she trusts me implicitly and I will do everything I can to honor that trust.

“Nope. Now be quiet Pixie and let me play, I don’t want to have to gag you because I love all of your sweet whimpers and moans before I make you scream.” I tell her as I start running just the tips of my fingers up and down her back watching goosebumps follow the path of my fingers. “Your skin is so incredibly soft, I want to pet you all day.” I trace up and down sensitising her and keeping her on edge before reaching down and slapping her ass. She screams with the abruptness of the action before moaning as I rub the sting away. “I wish you could see how beautiful and clear my big handprint is on your ass, letting everyone know this is
perfect ass” I start trailing my fingers up and down her arms and watch with pleasure as my handprint glows pink against her pale skin.

I reach down between her trembling thighs and cup her pussy. “You’re so soaked for me baby, I can feel you dripping into my palm.” I’m careful to make sure I’m simply cupping her pussy and not putting enough pressure for her to rub herself to completion on my fingers. I want her mindless with sensation and begging before I shove her over the edge into an orgasm. I keep my hand tucked as she rocks her hips searching for contact, this is why I had her take everything off the bed. I wouldn’t put it past her to find a way of using the blanket for friction. I know by now every inch of her skin has been mapped by my fingers and every nerve is alive with sensation.

I pull my hand away and stand up to strip quickly watching as she lays before me panting. I hastily open a condom I put in one of the cubbies on the headboard and unroll it down my length. A light sheen of sweat covers her body while she eats me up with her eyes letting me know how worked up I have her. As soon as I’m naked, I climb onto the bed and pull her knees up under her leaving her head still on the bed with her ass in the air. I slide my knees along the inside of hers my movements still slow and gentle as I push her knees wider and wider opening her for me.

I run my hands along her thighs, up over her waist still just my fingertips. With no warning I grab her ponytail and wrap it around my wrist tugging painfully while I thrust balls deep in one shove forcing a scream out of Frankie. “Christ every time you’re just as tight. You fit me like a fucking glove Pixie. You’re so tiny I have no idea how you take all of me.” I use my other hand to hold her hips steady while I hammer deep into her over and over again. I let my hand move around her hip so that I can rub her clit before slapping it lightly. Her pussy clamps down on me to the point of pain and she lets out a keening moan as she falls over the edge into orgasm. “That’s it come for me babe, just let go and enjoy.”

I release her ponytail and trail my hand around her throat collaring her neck gently as I drape myself over her back. I love our height difference and how I can completely surround her and hold her immobile while I force pleasure on her body. I slow down and draw out her orgasm as much as I can when I feel the contractions in her pussy start to slow down I hammer into her as hard and deep as I can
. I know I’m battering her cervix but I know she loves it and it will force her into another hard orgasm. I can feel the flutters of it starting already. “Come for me again baby. I want you to soak my dick again while squeezing it so hard I’m afraid your greedy pussy will snap it off to keep it inside.” I put my hand on her little tummy pushing gently and can feel myself shoving in and out of her from the outside. “Fuck I can feel myself shoving deep inside you Pixie. It’s one of the hottest fucking things I’ve ever experienced. Can you feel me deep inside you? Stretching you and making your poor little pussy burn. Be a good girl and come for me. Now Frankie!” 

I let myself go and roar my own release as soon as she starts to come. I keep fucking her through her orgasm until she collapses under me when her legs give out. Chuckling I stand and grab a tissue and stick the condom in it until I get to the bathroom. I quickly untie Frankie, glad even with her squirming she didn’t manage to pull the rope in a weird way and make it tighten. I have paramedic scissors tucked in one of the cupboards in case I needed to cut her out quickly and am glad I didn’t need them. Once she’s loose, I drop the ropes back between the mattress and headboard before gathering her tight in my arms. She’s as snuggly as a kitten like this and is nuzzling my throat, practically purring.

“Come on Pixie, time for a bath. Do you want bubbles or a fizzy bomb?” I ask her as I carry her into her awesome bathroom with its claw-foot tub. I set on the edge of the tub with her on my lap and turn on the water. I don’t want to put her down at all. If I could carry her around like this all the time I would. I love feeling her warm breath on my chest and her hair trailing over and down my arm.

“Bubbles. You won’t get in with me if I pick fizzy, you said they tickle your toes.” She grumbles while curling up like she’s going to drop right to sleep. I chuckle and stand with her still held close while picking one of her “boy friendly” bubble baths as she put it. I liberally pour them into the running water and very carefully step into the tub before lowering my self to sit and turning Frankie’s legs so they don’t bump the side of the tub. “You still awake baby?”

“Nope. Totally asleep. Hush before you wake me up” she whispers quietly with her eyes closed. I carefully shut the water off with my foot so I don’t disturb her. I decide to go ahead and wash her with the warm water and give her a gentle massage to make sure her muscles aren’t sore tomorrow from being tense so long. While I wash her, I let her use me as her own personal floatation device.

When I feel the water start to cool I tuck her close before standing up and grabbing a towel to wrap around her. I’ll dry off when I come back after getting my Pixie all tucked in. I lay her down in the center of the bed and she curls up looking for all the world like the kitten I’m always thinking of her as. I go to the closet and grab the rest of the bedding to cover her with while I put a few of the nine million pillows she owns on the bed. After I go to the bathroom and straighten up and throw the condom in the trash can, I climb in bed and Frankie wiggles over to me and goes right back to how I had been holding her. I chuckle to myself as I wrap her up in my arms and let myself drop off to sleep too. I literally fucked the snark out of her tonight.



Lindsay and I rush down the sidewalk holding hands giggling like little girls. It was definitely beyond chilly tonight but there was no way we were going to wear coats. Dracula’s Ball on Halloween is insanity with hundreds if not thousands of revelers letting loose to great industrial music. We got in line with everyone else waiting to go in as soon as we hit the front of the line I found myself lifted up of the ground in a bear hug.

“Big Papa! I missed you! I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight!” Big Papa is one of the bouncers that I always seem to run into around the city. I’ve seen him working security for over a decade but the man never seems to age. He is a massive mountain of a man at 6’6” and looks fat, but it is solid muscle. He keeps his head shaved, so I rubbed his gleaming ebony head while hugging him tight.

“I haven’t seen you out in the past few months baby girl. I thought something happened to you but Andy told me that you got a man and are settling down.” He rumbled out in a smooth deep baritone that never fails to relax me. His voice is why we’re so close, that and the amazing man that he is. I once had a panic attack at a club he works at, he saw it starting and got me out of public and talked me down using that amazing voice of his. It’s like a smooth rich chocolate ganache that you just want more of.

We have been friendly since then, I always end up spending at least a half hour talking to Big Papa when I see him, but like he said I haven’t been out recently. It’s not that Joe asked me not to go out without him, or I can’t have a life. Before Joe I normally ended up going out once or twice a month with my friends, we always went to the same places because we’re not exactly the normal night club type of people. We like our music and atmosphere a little darker than most people, luckily there’s a couple spots in Philly you can let your hair down and your freak flag fly still.

“Yep I’ll bring him by to meet you later tonight and then you can gossip with Andy about him.” I giggle and kiss his cheek handing him my ticket. He puts me down and waves me through to the woman doing the pat down weapons check before we can go in. I watch him give Lindsay a small hug before letting her go to join me, she’s so tiny and fragile looking it is always hilarious watching big men hugging her. I get the mental image of a black bear trying to hug a prickly hedgehog and have to turn away so Lindsay can’t ask me why I suddenly start giggling. After we get patted down, we join hands again before walking into a solid wall of sound.

The pounding bass line cuts right through to my soul and echoes in my bones. There is something about great music being played at ear drum shattering volumes that makes me feel alive. I could deal without the mass of writhing bodies crowding every square inch of floor but there is something freeing in that. It’s easy to hide from attention in a massive crowd with tons of other people to distract from yourself.  The dark lighting and smoke machines create an ambiance
that is perfect for Halloween, sinister and gleefully twisted.

Lindsay drags me over to a set of stairs and up to the bar after showing security our wristbands that verify we’re over twenty one. It’s too loud to talk unless we shout or get right next to each other’s ears so we rely on our own strange sign language developed after many nights together such as this. That’s another great things about having a best friend you’ve known for years, you can have an entire conversation without saying a word. A few hand gestures later we decide to start the night with a shot of tequila before dancing.

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