Mirror in the Forest: Book One (9 page)

BOOK: Mirror in the Forest: Book One
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She wanted to face him finally, and see his reaction.


He walked by with the other boys laughing, and turned to her.


Like a slow motion movie a slow smile spread across his face, and he nodded to her.


“Nice,” he said and then walked away.


Jessica could only stand there with her mouth gaping as he continued down the hallway.


“Oh my God,” Tessa kept whispering to her over and over again as Jessica just stood there.


“About time,” Alex said with a grimace.


Jessica could not think of the words to say, and the bell ringing finally brought her out of her hypnotic state.


Jessica said goodbye to Alex and Tessa and went to her first class.


She sat down and talked to some classmates that hardly spoke to her in her four years in high school.


She noticed Mandy come into class with two of her entourage.


Mandy kind of jerked when she spotted Jessica, and sat down with a grin on her face.  


Class started and Jessica was barely paying attention to the lesson, because of the attention she was receiving.


“Psss,” a voice next to her whispered.  


Jessica jumped a little and was glad the teacher hadn’t noticed her reaction.


She turned to the boy next to her, and he quickly passed her a note.


Jessica looked at him confused, but took the note and hid it under her books. She waited for the teacher to turn back to the chalkboard when she unfolded it.


I love your hair, Mandy


Jessica smiled, and turned to Mandy and her friends. Mandy looked at her and gave her thumbs up before turning back to the teacher.


Jessica could barely pay attention the rest of the day, she was so happy.


Jessica went to leave that day, and spotted Danny again as he made his way out to the parking lot. Jessica stood on the corner waiting for her mother.


She froze because she knew Danny had to walk by her with his baseball friends.


Her palms began to sweat, and she felt weak in the knees. Her heart fluttered, but she noticed that it wasn’t the strong reactions she used to have. Suddenly, the young Sheriff flashed through her mind, but she disregarded it.


She knew she had to turn and say something, but what?


“Hey,” a male voice said to her right.


She turned sharply, and blushed at her reaction.


She was looking into the deep blue eyes of the guy she had been in love with for years. She was looking at a square jaw line, and whiskers covering it.


She thought she heard his buddies snicker in the background. He turned to them with a glare, and thankfully, they stopped.


“Hi,” she said. She blushed even more as her voice came out in a high pitch.


“Are you going to Mandy’s party Saturday?” He asked, smiling at her reaction.


Jessica could only stare for a moment, and finally she found her voice as the boys started to laugh again.


She shook her head finally gathering her thoughts.


“Yes….yes I am,” she said, her throat suddenly became very dry.


Danny smiled at her making Jessica almost melt into the pavement.


“Right on. I’ll see you Saturday,” he said.


“Cool, see ya then,” she answered, trying to be calm.


The other baseball players said bye to her, and Jessica could only stand there looking stupid.


As her mother pulled up she barely remembered getting into the car and driving off, with the thoughts of Sheriff McKenzie still coming back to the forefront of her mind.

Chapter 9


“I like that,” Mary said to Jessica as she came down the stairs Saturday night. Tessa had just called and said she was on her way.


Jessica had her hair curled a little for the party, and was dressed in light blue jeans, and a simple white blouse, and beige sandals. Mary wanted to put makeup on her, but Jessica wasn’t ready for that yet, but finally agreed on some lipstick and foundation.


“Do you like it?” Jessica asked, twirling a little.


“I love it,” Mary replied, barely able to contain her excitement.


Mary approached her daughter and said, “Alright time for me to parent again. If things get out of hand, I do want you to call us and we will come get you.”


Jessica knew she had to reassure her mother. “I will Mom, I promise.”


Mary smiled and remarked, “It’s not you I’m worried about.”


“I know.”


Mary hugged and kissed her daughter, and said, “I am so proud of you.”


Tessa pulled up and beeped the horn. Jessica grabbed her purse and said goodbye to her parents for the night.


“Look at you, you sexy thing,” Jessica joked, getting into the car.


Tessa scoffed. Her hair was teased, and she was wearing a tank top with makeup and jeans with boots.


“You look hot girl,” Tessa said laughing.


Jessica turned, glancing into the backseat. “Where’s Alex?”


“He decided to go with his team. You know he has to keep up the façade,” Tessa said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


Jessica nodded in understanding as Tessa pulled away from the house.  


“Do you have enough insulin?” Jessica asked.


“Plenty. Just stab me if I need it,” Tessa said smiling.


Tessa had taught Jessica how to administer insulin if they ever got into that situation. Jessica only had to do it once, and never wanted to go through that again.


The girls talked excitedly as Tessa drove them to Mandy’s house.  


“Do you think you will kiss Danny tonight?” Tessa asked giggling.


“Yeah, right. He could have any girl he wants. Why would he want me?” Jessica asked doubtfully.


“Did you practice on the pillow like
says to do? Just in case?” Tessa asked, ignoring Jessica’s doubts about herself, and then breaking out in a fit of laughter over her question.


Jessica laughed at the absurd advice that magazine gives, but had to admit she tried it.


“No,” she lied.


Tessa laughed again and said, “Liar, but practice makes perfect.”


Both girls gasped as they turned onto Mandy Cooper’s street and could not believe how huge the houses were. Jessica knew she had never been down this street before, because she never had a reason to come to this part of town.


There were cars parked everywhere, so the party was long underway.


The girls spotted the lit up house at the end of the street, and Tessa had to end up turning around to find a parking space, because so many people were here.


Jessica could hear the music coming from the house when they were close to it, and people were walking towards it talking to each other excitedly.


“So thrilling,” Tessa said smiling.


Tessa finally found a parking space, and both girls exited the car.


Jessica tried to calm her nerves, and tried to talk to herself to just relax and have a good time. She tried to convince herself that she was worrying needlessly, and that it was all in her head.


She grabbed her purse, and the girls started to walk towards the huge house.


Jessica noticed the home was older. Maybe, a Victorian style, though Jessica didn’t know much about those things.


All the lights in the home were on, and she could hear the beat of the music and laughter coming from the house as they walked closer to it.


Tessa smiled at her as they passed some classmates and said hello.


Some were genuinely shocked to see them, but said hi.


It did not get past Jessica that some were already drunk as they downed their beers, and other cocktails.


They came up to the door and Tessa asked, “Do we knock?”


“I don’t know,” Jessica said shrugging her shoulders.


Tessa was about to knock when the door swung open and Mandy stood there with a drink in her hand and a cigarette in between her fingers.


“Welcome ladies!” She said loudly over the music.


“Thanks!” Tessa answered, yelling.


Tessa went in and Jessica was hit with loud music, smoke, and the smell of bodies and booze. She crinkled her nose. She wasn’t used to these kinds of crowds. Her family always had parties, but they didn’t come close to this. It was huge, rowdy, loud, and there were smells that Jessica did not want to identify.


“What a great house!” Tessa said sincerely looking around.  


“Thanks!” Mandy said, shutting the door behind the two girls.

She took a drag of her cigarette. “You guys know everyone, and I invited rival schools so feel free to drink and mingle.”


“Thanks Mandy,” Tessa said.


Jessica could see kids dancing everywhere, and some hanging out and some making out on the furniture.


She was shocked at how blatant they were and turned her head to try not to stare.  


“Let’s get a drink,” Tessa yelled over the music.


Michael Jackson’s
was playing on the biggest stereo system Jessica had ever laid eyes on. There were stage lights set up around what was probably the living area. The lights flashed all kinds of colors, and moved in sync with the music. Jessica had never seen anything like it. It looked like an expensive setup.  


“The kitchen is that way. That’s where the bar is set up,” Mandy said pointing straight ahead.  


“Okay, thanks” Jessica replied.


Mandy waved a hand, and walked off. She went and sat on a boy’s lap that Jessica didn’t recognize from school, and started to make out with him. Jessica had to turn away in embarrassment. One could never accuse Mandy Cooper of being the shy type.


Jessica and Tessa exchanged looks, and decided to make their way to the kitchen to get a drink. Thankfully, the kitchen was a little emptier and Jessica felt like she could breathe again.


“I’m just going to have one beer,” Tessa commented.


Jessica frowned and said, “Are you sure?”


“What are you my mother?” Tessa asked sarcastically, and getting some beer from the keg.


She handed Jessica the plastic cup, and then poured her own.


They decided to explore a little, and walked around. People were doing the
dance in the middle of the living room to a crowd cheering. Well, at least they were trying to imitate Michael Jackson’s now famous dance routine.


Jessica and Tessa watched and laughed at the dancers who weren’t very good or just very drunk.


So, this is a high school party, Jessica thought looking around and observing the partygoers.  It’s not so bad, she thought.


She also found she was not crazy about beer. It was just not her thing. She made a disgusted face as she tried to take another sip, but decided to abandon it.


Seeing her face Tessa yelled, “I don’t like it either, let’s try to find something else.”


“Okay!” Jessica yelled back.


They began to make their way back to the kitchen when Alex caught up to them. He had another guy with him that Jessica didn’t recognize, and he was already drunk. She almost laughed as he practically stumbled over himself trying to give them both hugs.


Alex introduced the other guy, but Jessica couldn’t hear his name over the music.


“Great party huh?” He yelled to them.


“Yeah,” Tessa said beaming.


Tessa pointed to their cups, and Alex caught on saying he would catch up with them later.


They went back to the kitchen, and Tessa found some rum and made them both rum and cokes.


“Cheers to a great night,” Jessica said lifting the plastic cup.


“Cheers!” Tessa said, doing the same.


They both made faces at the rum, but this time downed the whole drink.


Jessica hadn’t really eaten much the whole day since she had been so nervous coming here, and now she felt a little woozy from the liquor already.


She noticed the room swayed a little, but was still worried about Tessa who seemed to be fine.


They walked around again, and were introduced to some group from another high school by Alex.


Jessica found them to be really friendly and they all talked for a while.


Tessa needed some water, insisting she was fine, but that was enough for her.


“You have a good time, though,” Tessa implored to Jessica.


Jessica went to get her some water, and make herself another rum and coke.


She was feeling a little light headed, but shook it off. She was determined to have a good time tonight. Another opportunity like this one may never come again.


“Hey,” a male voice to her left said.  


Jessica turned to see Danny Davenport standing there smiling at her, that Jessica almost dropped the water.


He looked so handsome in his jeans and baseball T-shirt. Though, she almost frowned because the reaction wasn’t like it used to be when he came around her. This was the guy she was crushing on for years, and now she practically felt nothing.


Jessica blushed, but said, “Hi there.”


“Having a good time?” He asked with his wicked smile.


Jessica smiled back at him. “A great time. Can you excuse me for a moment? I have to take this water to Tessa, she’s diabetic.”


Danny looked over at Tessa in concern. “Is she okay?”


“Oh yeah, she just needs some water to help keep everything even,” Jessica answered, and began to head to the kitchen.


She noticed that he blocked her way a little. “Well, after you’re done there, wanna go talk?”


Jessica could not believe her ears, and she then blushed profusely.


“Sure….sure…I’ll be right back,” she said stammering.


Danny finally moved out of her way, and gave her a grin that just made her want to melt right then and there, but the image of a certain Sheriff was flashing through her mind again, making Jessica curse a little. She wondered if she could like two guys at once. Was that even possible?


Jessica flew past him, and met up with Tessa, who was grateful for the water.


Jessica took her aside and said, “Can you stay with Alex?”


“Sure. Why?” Tessa asked, sipping her water.


Jessica looked back towards the kitchen and said, “Danny wants to go talk.”


“Really? Oh…..oh my,” Tessa’s eyes widened when she realized what Jessica was saying.

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