Mirrored 1 : In Spades (12 page)

BOOK: Mirrored 1 : In Spades
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Abby went into her room to get some clothes together for the overnight party. She was a girly-girl through and through. She loved clothes and accessories. I liked to wear pretty things but I wasn’t much of a fashionista. I rarely wore matching clothes and I didn’t really like wearing jewelry or accessories. I was simple. I got a kick out of Abby packing her own bag and making sure to color coordinate outfits with her shoes and hair pieces. She was packing as if she was going for longer than the night. It was cute. I bought her a little pink Disney princess suitcase that she saw in the store the other day just for the occasion. She was beyond excited for her very first sleepover. She’s always slept in our home only since the day we bought it. Daxton played a rousing game of Guess Who with her while I jumped in the shower and got ready for the day. He left shortly after I was done so he could go grab a shower and change of clothes at his house. But not before I got my goodbye kiss. He quickly pecked me on the lips and headed for the door, swiftly turning around and coming back for one more. He was adorable. I dreaded when he was not around. I instantly missed him. It was becoming rather annoying.

In Spades was playing the bar tonight and I was going to be working until close so we wouldn’t be apart for very long at all. We briefly talked about me going to stay the night at his house which I thought would be an excellent plan since Abby was going to be staying the night elsewhere. I was looking forward to getting to know his bed a little bit better since I don’t really remember it very well from our first encounter. I have a better recollection of his toilet and his living room floor, not a great combination if you ask me. I was looking forward to creating some new memories with him. Nothing would ever trump our first time though.

I fed Abby a late lunch and went to drop her off at the Andersons’ around five. She was going to be getting pizza over there for dinner. Christina met me at the door.

“Why do you look so weird Ava, you know she’ll be fine with us. She’s going to have a blast.” she told me with no hesitation.

Abby tugged on my pant leg. I looked down at her and puckered her lips for a kiss. I gave her a kiss on her lips and placed one on top of her head. She heard the laughter of the other children that were already in the house and ran in with haste.

“Seeeee ya Mommy. Sweet dweams!” She didn’t even spare me a second glance. She was beyond exciting.

“Well looks like I’m not needed here” I laughed to myself. On the inside I was cringing. I hated this moment. My stomach was in knots.

“You’ll always be needed by Abby and you know it. Go have a chill night out. I’ll call you in the morning and see what time you want to come get her. I don’t have any plans for the weekend so I can watch her if you need me to.” She gave me a quick pat on the shoulder which slightly calmed my ever present nerves.

“Thank you. You’re seriously the best. I don’t know if I work tomorrow or not. We’ve been kind of slow lately but I’ll let you know. Thanks Christina!” I waved and began walking to my car before the tears could flow down.

I had never cried so much in my life as I had been in these past couple of months. All of these new experiences were sending me through strange mood swings. It was good and bad at the same time. I obviously wasn’t very good with change and this was all weighing heavy on my mind. I pushed it to the back, got in my car and headed home to change for work.

I took a long, hot bath and made sure to shave all of the areas that I normally neglected. I was a never shave above the knee kind of girl previous to this thing I had going on with Daxton. Truthfully, I wasn’t even sure how serious it was for him. It seemed like he was in this just as whole heartedly as me but I may need to bring it up to him tonight and see what he has to say. We had a lot of discovering to do about each other. I didn’t know much about his past or his family or anything. I knew all of the basics like his favorite color and food and where he worked but that was about it. Sometimes it seems like we communicate to each other without even using words. I washed my hair thoroughly and got ready in my normal uniform. I made sure to wear cute black lacey panties and a matching bra. Each of them had a little hot pink bow in the middle and the underwear had tie sides. I loved them and I knew Daxton would, too. I think any man that wasn’t gay would, though. Easy access and sexy. I was becoming somewhat of a naughty little minx. Daxton had that influence on me but I would never let him in on that secret. He had a big enough head already, thanks to me and his screaming fan girls. I had never been an extremely jealous person in my life but I was beginning to get a little green for time to time while looking at his face book page and all the crazy comments that woman liked. His picture was posted all over their pages and even as their cover photos. I was happy for him though and the exposure the band was getting. I know that he would rather be recognized for the music than his pretty face though. That’s just how the Daxton I knew was. I often wonder about the Daxton I had first crushed on at the bar though. He didn’t really make an appearance when he and I went out. He never looked at other girls and always ignored their advances without being a total jerk. He was very attentive to me.

I decided to do something different and put some big, Hollywood style curls in my long blonde hair. I kept the makeup simple and understated though. If the bar was busy, I would be sweating it all off while slinging drinks. I made sure to pack a bag with some champion shorts and a tank top for bed and a pair of jeans and cute top for tomorrow. I packed my own toothbrush so my breath wouldn’t be smelly in the morning. I sometimes had the worst morning breath. I usually slept with my mouth open and even drooled about from time to time. Sexy, I know. I don’t remember drooling all over Daxton’s pillow the first night, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t just sleeping. I had been in an alcohol and good sex induced coma. Hopefully tonight I would just be tired from good sex. I didn’t even want to have a single drink. I wanted to remember every single detail.

Eight rolled around quickly and I was out the door with my bag in hand. I was anxious and overly excited so I completely forgot to eat anything for dinner. I would grab something quick when I got to the bar. I got in my car and took off, getting there in about fifteen minutes or so. I had driven much quicker than I usually did.

I walked in to find Faith already behind the bar, looking as gorgeous as ever. She was practically glowing. She and Tripp had been seeing quite a bit of each other and I had been so caught up in my life lately that I haven’t had a chance to talk with her and see if everything had still been going well between the two. Faith had changed her hair color to include some blonde and pink strands also. She had the coolest hair I had ever seen. I wish I could be as daring as she was when it came to appearances. I had never dyed my own hair, leaving it the same blonde I was born with. No tattoos on my porcelain skin and no cool piercings to account for. I was pretty much boring. I would have to ask Daxton where he got his tattoos at. I would love to get some work done. Probably nothing huge. Needles scared the shit out of me but not because of the pain. Pain, I could handle that. It was more of the fact that there’s this big metal thing puncturing into your skin. I was getting cold chills just thinking about it.

I walked over to the bar and plopped a seat where the other patrons were seated. It wasn’t time for me to start my shift yet and I was really craving some chili cheese fries. I waved Faith over where she was staring aimlessly at the stage, which had nobody on it by the way. She was just daydreaming, twirling her crazy hair around her finger. She snapped out of her current state and meandered over to me.

“Hey girlie, get your butt behind the bar!” She all but shouted at me over the loud thumping of dance music blaring out of the speakers hung around the bar.

“It’s not time for me to clock in yet. Can you go put an order of chili-cheese fries in for me? Pretty please. A side of ranch!” I shouted back. She rolled her eyes at me and walked over to the kitchen window to put in the order. It only took about seven minutes to make and get to me and I scoffed them down with quickness. They were delicious. I loved dipping them in ranch.

I went around behind the bar and threw my stuff away and clocked in for my shift. It was going to be a long night. The bar was already starting to get packed. I noticed one girl with Daxton’s face on her shirt instead of the normal “In Spades” ones I was used to seeing. His eyes were right on her boobs, literally. It was actually quite comical. The back read “Daxton makes me happy in the pants.” I needed to have that shirt. Daxton would surely get a kick out of it.

Faith came strolling over as I was tying my apron over my waist.

“You look great tonight. I’m digging the hair chica. That boy is a good influence on you.” She smirked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe I just wanted to do something new.” I smirked back.

She laughed out loud, “You’ve been “doing” something new alright.” She threw air quotes around the word doing and winked at me.

I smacked her arm with the towel I was using to dry off the blender I had just washed out. “You’re ridiculous. Who are you to even talk missy. I saw the way you were daydreaming earlier. “Oh Tripp, I love you Tripp.” was written all over your lovesick face.” I smiled innocently.

We were both in deep. She grinned from ear to ear and didn’t deny nor confirm my statement. Her silence was all I had needed though. Faith was never one to be quiet when she needed to verbally bash someone she had been seeing. I knew in that moment that they were still going strong. I was sincerely happy for her. Tripp seemed like an awesome guy from what I could tell and he was sexy as hell, which definitely didn’t hurt.  The next couple of hours seemed to pass by quickly. I had been making some awesome tips. The bar was extremely busy tonight. I think that was attributed to In Spades playing tonight. They were becoming a fan favorite. You could barely even recognize faces, people were smashed up against one another. The dance floor had people no more than a couple of inches apart from each other all the way up to the stage. They were jam packed together like a can of sardines.

I had not saw Daxton come into the bar yet and I’m sure I would have heard the screaming fan girls if he had. There was a big group of them sitting up at the bar. I went over to take their drinks, which most of them ordered water and nothing else. Damn, taking up seats of paying customers. I was a little bit perturbed at that but went to work making them their “waters” anyhow. I didn’t really have too much of a choice. The girl with the Daxton shirt on came over and sat a couple of seats down, by herself. I went over and explained my need to have the shirt the girl was wearing and of course Faith went over to try and talk it out of her before I could stop her. I looked over at them out of my peripheral vision and I’ll be damned if Faith didn’t have the girl stripping down, left in only a hot pink tank top and very obvious polka dotted bra. I was shocked. Faith came bolting over, Cheshire cat-like grin on her face.

“How in the f----did you manage that one?!!” I stared at her with adoration.

“You just gotta be slick me, Ava. One day you’ll learn.” She left it at that and walked off to go and serve some guys that sat all the way at the end of the bar. They were dressed curiously in all black with notepads firmly attached to their hands. They even had sunglasses on. In the middle of the bar. It was weird as hell but who am I to judge. I tucked the Daxton shirt safely under the counter where it wouldn’t be bothered until I was ready to leave. I was definitely going to surprise Daxton with that beaut tonight.

I was in the middle of making a strawberry margarita when my boss came strolling up. She had a tan, handsome man following closely on her heel. Bleach blonde hair, styled much like the models you saw in the pacific sun clothing ads. He had gorgeous, bright green eyes and kissable lips. He was definitely mouthwatering. I tried to pull my attention away and focus back on the task at hand. I already had strawberry drink dripping down the side, all over my hand. I shut the blender off and wiped the back of my hands on my apron. My boss, Molly, rarely made an appearance at the bar. Her husband Chase had originally owned the place but passed away in a horrific motorcycle accident the year before. She didn’t really like to be here, you could tell. Must still hold some sad memories for her. I couldn’t blame her for looking ready to bolt but someone had to run the place. I don’t think she had it in her to sell it. We had a night manager whom normally worked on the weekends to help out, Chrissy, but she wasn’t here tonight. I didn’t even realize until just now. My head has been in the clouds.

Molly was a beautiful girl. Tan skin, long dark hair and piercing in nose. She was younger than I and sadly widowed. I hated how depressed she always looked. I needed to make it a point to invite her out for a girl’s night with Faith and I, now that I was actually trying to live my life. She deserved to go out and meet someone new. Chase and she didn’t have any kids but they were in the process of trying which makes it even sadder. Molly was 21 years old and Chase had been 26 if I’m not mistaken. They have known each other all of their lives though. Their families raised them together. They were inseparable.

Molly tapped me on the shoulder and brought my attention back to the present.

“This is Kailer Schultz. I just hired him on to help with bartending. He has some experience behind his belt but he’s going to be shadowing you and Faith tonight to make sure he gets the hang of how we run here. Please help him with any questions that he has.” With that being said, Molly sharply turned around and left him with me. My eyes still lingering on his belt where they traveled at the mention of it.

BOOK: Mirrored 1 : In Spades
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