Misery Bay: A Mystery (31 page)

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Authors: Chris Angus

Tags: #Crime, #Fiction, #Thrillers

BOOK: Misery Bay: A Mystery
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“Any idea where they go?”

She looked at her friends, as if getting silent approval, then said, “Lloyd has a cabin back on a lake. He takes Reg there sometimes.”

“Know where it is?”

She grinned. “Sure. He took me and some others there a couple of times to do yard work, clean house and stuff. He’s a real pig and won’t do any work himself.”

She gave Garrett explicit directions, even drew him a little map. The place was at the end of a long dirt road that ran straight into the empty central wilderness of Nova Scotia, at least a two-hour drive. Garrett could see why Lloyd would go there. He’d feel secure in a place so hard to find, especially if he thought Lonnie might still be after him. But he couldn’t resist taking along his boy toy, which had been a big mistake. It reinforced Garrett’s opinion that old Lloyd wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

The aging Subaru knocked around the potholed road for a long time, until Garrett began to worry the vehicle might come apart. They grounded out half a dozen times and the gears began to make unsettling noises. Most of the third-degree roads that traversed the interior of the province were lined with spruce and little else. They didn’t pass a single house, crossed several rickety bridges over tumbling streams, and had to stop once to let a bull moose get out of the way.

“I just remembered why it was I moved to Halifax,” Alvin said. “I grew up on a road like this. My dad was a logger and he loved living out in the trees. I always hated it. No one around for me to play with.”

Garrett just nodded. He was uneasy about all the time they were wasting. Kitty and Sarah were in serious danger, and all he could think to do was chase down a sex pervert living in the freaking outback.

Finally, they rumbled across an old wooden bridge above a stream, banks overflowing from the wet summer, and pulled into an opening in the trees. A small log cabin perched on the edge of the stream, looking like something out of the movie

Garrett cut the engine and they sat in the car for a minute. The silence of the north woods was deafening. If anyone was here, it wasn’t immediately evident. There was no car anywhere in sight. If Lloyd was here, he would have heard the laboring Subaru for twenty minutes before it arrived.

Still, there was no other way out. Garrett got out of the car and walked over to the cabin. Someone had made a halfhearted effort to plant a few shrubs along the walls, and there was a small patch of yard that looked like it hadn’t been mowed yet this summer.

Nothing ventured, Garrett went up onto the small deck and knocked on the door. Alvin got out of the car behind him and stood with one hand resting on his holster.

There was no answer. Garrett looked at Alvin. “Did you hear someone say ‘come in?”

“Clear as a bell,” said Alvin.

The door was unlocked. Inside, there was only a single room. The space was furnished with about as much taste as a budget motel: a thin oriental-style rug on the floor, a queen-sized bed filled with tumbled blankets and sheets against one wall. Opposite the bed were cabinets, a sink, and a small refrigerator and stove that operated off of propane. In one corner, open to the room, was a chemical toilet.

“Not exactly the honeymoon suite,” said Alvin. “I’m going to look around outside.”

Garrett went over to the kitchen area. The little sink was filled with dirty dishes. A stick of butter, saturated with bread crumbs, sat on a small plate. On the stove was a cast iron frying pan with a residue of oil and bits of eggs. He put one finger into the oil and touched the bottom of the pan. It was still warm. Someone had been here in the last fifteen minutes at the most.

Suddenly, he heard a noise and scuffle coming from outside. He raced out the door and stopped. Lloyd was lying on the ground holding his cheek. Alvin stood over him with blood on his fist.

“Found him in the woods,” Alvin said. “There’s a little track goes back there. So he can keep his car out of sight.”

Garrett went over and looked down at Lloyd.

“Hell do you want?” Lloyd asked, getting to his feet slowly. “You didn’t have to sic your miniature schnauzer on me.”

“Where’s Reggie?” Garrett asked.


“Don’t mess with me, Lloyd. I’m about two seconds from letting Alvin get on with it.”

He shrugged, glanced at Alvin. “No need to get your nose in a knot.” He turned toward the woods and yelled. “Come on out, Reggie.”

A tall, thin boy came out of the brush. He had on jean shorts and nothing else and couldn’t have been more than fifteen. He had a tousled head of blond hair and good features. Garrett guessed it was his misfortune to have a look that Lloyd found attractive.

“It’s okay,” Garrett said. “No one’s going to hurt you. You’re going back to the home, and old Lloyd here is going to have some explaining to do.”

The boy started to cry. “He brings me here and rapes me,” he sniveled.

“Shut your mouth!” Lloyd said.

Alvin punched him hard in the ribs. Lloyd gasped and doubled over.

Garrett said to Alvin, “I want you to use Lloyd’s car and take Reggie home. I’ll deal with Lloyd.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Garrett,” Alvin said. “I can’t leave you alone with him.”

Garrett took out his handcuffs and cuffed Lloyd’s hands behind his back. “I think we’ll get along all right. We have a few things to talk about. I’ll catch up and let you know how it goes later.”

Again, Alvin hesitated, but Garrett just said, “Get going.” Reluctantly, Alvin guided Reggie to the car in the woods. A moment later they drove off.

Garrett grabbed Lloyd by the scruff of the neck, dragged him over to the deck, and propped him up.

“I want to make sure you understand something, Lloyd. We haven’t been able to find Kitty yet, but someone, and I’m betting you have an idea who, has also abducted my girlfriend. So I’m not in a mood to hear anything but straight answers from you on this.”

Lloyd struggled to sit upright. The bruise where Alvin had struck him was turning purple. “What are you going to do with Reggie? Anything we did together was consensual.”

“Even a scumbag like you ought to know there’s no such thing as consensual sex with a minor. I can safely promise you your days exploiting those kids are over.”

“I … I took care of them. We saved a lot of those kids from a life of prostitution.”

“So long as they prostituted themselves to you, huh?”

Garrett reached over, grabbed his hair, and smacked his head against the porch railing. Hard.

Lloyd squealed. “Hey, you can’t do that. You’re a Mountie.”

Garrett did it again.

“Ow! Damn it, that hurts. I told the big guy all I know. He said he was working with you. Why don’t you ask him?”

“Here’s the thing, Lloyd. I don’t think you were entirely forthright with Lonnie. You made this personal for me. Now I’m the one asking the questions. Look around. You see anyone who is going to help you? Or maybe you’d prefer I hand you over to Lonnie? That’s why you came here, isn’t it? To hide from him.”

“You think I’m scared of him?”

“If you’re not, you’re dumber than you look.”

Lloyd struggled to sit upright. “You’re nothing,” he said. “You’re dealing with people who will squash you and your ogre friend like eggshells.”

“I assume you’re talking about our Mr. DeMaio.”

someone to be afraid of. Whatever you’ve been doing, you got DeMaio’s attention all right. Why the hell you think I’m up here? That son of a bitch has decided you’re too close. He’s cleaning up loose ends. He already did in Big Margaret. When I heard about that, I lit out.”

Garrett stared at him. So that was it. DeMaio was getting worried about Garrett’s interest in his special oil rig. It was the worst possible news. If DeMaio was ordering anyone who might spill the beans killed, then Lloyd was right to be worried. And Kitty and Sarah were at even greater risk.

“Where’s Sarah?”

“I don’t know anything about anyone named Sarah. Only thing I can tell you is if you’ve been looking for Kitty, then you probably pissed off the people at Global Resources and DeMaio in particular. They must be the ones who took your girlfriend. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with these people.”

Garrett stared at him. “Those people don’t want to mess with me.” He grabbed Lloyd, pulled him upright, hauled him over to the stream, and threw him in.

The water was only a couple of feet deep, but the current was swift. Lloyd went in over his head and Garrett let him flounder around for thirty seconds before pulling him out. He waited while Lloyd coughed and sputtered. His face was red.

“You can’t do this,” he said, still choking for wind. “I’ll have your badge. This is torture.”

“Glad you’re beginning to get the message,” Garrett said. He grabbed him and threw him back in the water. This time, he let him flounder around for a minute. Without the use of his hands it was very hard for him to get up on his feet against the current. Twice he got his head up and gasped for breath, then stumbled and fell back under again. After another while, Garrett pulled him out and put him on the ground.

“Where’s Sarah?” he said.

“I told you. I don’t have any idea.” Lloyd coughed and spat up some blood.

Garrett grabbed him and began to haul him back to the stream.

“All right, all right. Enough. I’ll tell you what I know.”

Garrett waited.

“Like I told the big guy. DeMaio’s the one set up their whole Club Med operation with freebies for the potential oil rig investors. I don’t have any way to know for sure, but I’d bet good money Kitty is at Lighthouse Point. Your girlfriend is probably there too. If she’s good-enough looking, that is.”

“All right,” Garrett said. “It’s a start. Now, I want you to tell me everything you know about DeMaio, starting from the day he was born … or hatched. Whatever.”


set and the stars came out. It was a black night on the ocean, with no moon. The display of the Milky Way was the most intense she’d ever seen, though the stars blinked out near the horizon and she suspected a front was moving in. The spectacular heavenly display almost made her forget how hungry and thirsty she was. Another day and night at the most and she’d be forced to go in search of sustenance.

Then she heard the sound of another helicopter thundering in. She cringed back as someone turned on extra landing lights for the helipad and watched as the aircraft landed almost directly below her. She hoped it wasn’t DeMaio coming back to help look for her. Instead, peering through a slit in the platform, she gasped out loud as two men dragged Sarah out of the chopper and led her inside.

She fell back against the electrical panel and tried to think. Why the hell would they kidnap Sarah? A temporary replacement for herself to keep the investors happy? There had hardly been enough time for them to come up with such an alternate plan. At least DeMaio himself hadn’t been on the chopper. Maybe Garrett was getting close and they grabbed Sarah to have leverage over him.

She was scared and didn’t want to leave the relative safety of her platform. But she liked Sarah. She knew the feeling wasn’t mutual. Kitty’d had no close women friends in her life. They were always uncomfortable around her, especially if they had their own men they were worried about. It was just something she’d come to expect. Men liked the way she looked. Women, not so much.

If Sarah was here to service the investors, who were no doubt seriously pissed off at the delay in their fun, then she was going to be in trouble very quickly.

Kitty got up and began to work her way down the ladder as quietly as possible. She felt almost helpless but was damned if she’d just sit by and not at least try to help another woman about to be brutalized.

The helipad lights had been turned off. Evidently the pilot intended to stay the night. The oil platform was mostly dark, and the search appeared to be over for now, maybe even for the night. She was right in her evaluation that there were few men on the rig. Still, she had to stumble across just one and the game would be up.

Outside a door that she knew led to an inside corridor, probably where Sarah had been taken, were a bunch of hooks where the roughnecks or whatever they called themselves hung their heavy jackets and hardhats. Most of the hooks were filled. It was dinnertime. Her stomach rumbled. She’d had nothing to eat in thirty-six hours.

Maybe she’d write a diet book when this was over.
The Sexual Slavery Diet.
Had a nice ring to it. Catchy. Kind of a variation on
How to Get a Man and Keep Him
or, maybe more appropriately,
How to Get a Woman and Hide Her Away.

She put one hand on the door handle and hesitated. What the hell did she think she was going to do? How could she rescue Sarah? She couldn’t even rescue herself. If she got caught, there would just be two women to pass around. Make the SOBs happy as clams.

Suddenly, the door opened. She was so startled she threw her entire weight against it. The door snapped back into the face of the man coming out and knocked him out cold. Fortunately he was alone.

She stared at the body at her feet. It was one of the men who had pulled Sarah out of the chopper. Now what? He’d come around any moment and raise the alarm, even if Kitty ran and hid. The search would start all over again in earnest.

She hadn’t an iota of sympathy for these men. She was fighting for her life here, and Sarah’s too. The more of them she could disappear the better. She still had her heavy wrench. But it would leave a mess. Better to dispose of the body outright. Who knew how long before the fellow would be missed?

She dragged the dead weight twenty feet to a railing, cursing her slight frame and grunting at the effort. She quickly went through his pockets and could hardly believe her luck. He had a gun. She stared at the thing for a moment. She knew nothing about guns, except that they were the great equalizer, and that was something she could definitely use about now. She slipped the thing into her jacket pocket.

Then, with some difficulty, she hoisted the man up and watched as his body cartwheeled to the water far below. Unconscious, he would drown immediately. Good riddance, as far as she was concerned.

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