Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)

BOOK: Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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Copyright © 2010 by The Cartel Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission

from the author, except by reviewer who may quote passages to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, Organizations, places, events and incidents are the product of the Author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance of Actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2010928716 ISBN: 0-9823913-4-X
ISBN 13: 978-0-9823913-4-1
Cover Design: Davida Baldwin www.oddballdsgn.com Editor: Advanced Editorial Services Graphics: Davida Baldwin
First Edition

Printed in the United States of America


What’s Up Fam!!

I can’t explain how boosted I am right now! So much good shit is poppin’ off for The Cartel. But first, I have to speak on this book, “Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC”! Maaaannnnnn…All I gotta say is BRAVO T. Styles! I had the pleasure and privilege, of course, to read this trailblazin’ novel before it hit the press. I could not put it down! T., has weaved, literally, a novel together that is full of passion, drama, foolishness, love and lessons so great, you will be left wanting more. Where, “Black & Ugly As Ever” leaves off, “Ms. Wayne” picks up the ball, runs with it to the end zone and scores!!!” Fam, you in for a treat with this one so get ready!

Next item of business is what’s next for us, MOVIES! The Cartel Publications is on to movies! The first movie out the gate to be filmed is, “Pitbulls in a Skirt”. Yep, the story you fell in love with will now be put on screen. So make sure you look out for that one. It’s the first of more to come, but rest assured, they are comin’!

Aight ya’ll in keeping with tradition, with every novel you all know by now we shine a spotlight on an author who is either a vet or a new comer makin’ their way in this literary world. In this novel, we recognize:

“Jessica A. Robinson”

Jessica is a new author who has already penned two novels, “Holy Seduction” and “Pretty Skeletons”. The Cartel Publications applauds Jessica for wanting to become an author and actually completing her goal. Many people want to write and may even start a novel, but it takes true dedication and determination to COMPLETE one! Congrats Jessica, you did it baby girl and we see you. Keep ‘em comin’

On that note, I’ma leave ya’ll to it! Go head, call out sick from work, go grab your favorite snack and get ready to read greatness!

Be easy!


Charisse “C. Wash” Washington VP, The Cartel Publications

www.facebook.com/publishercharissewashington www.myspace.com/thecartelpublications www.facebook.com/cartelcafeandbooks


I acknowledge every one of my fans who stay with me, and support me as my career grows. I truly…truly do this for you.


I Dedicate This to A Community, Who’s Culture, Style and Influence More Often Than Not Goes without Credit.

Note to Readers

During your read of Miss Wayne & The Queens of D.C., please keep in mind that the characters often refer to themselves as women because in their heart they

are. Please don’t get confused during the duration of the storyline by the use of exchanging feminine to masculine references.


In gay culture, a House is an organization led by a house mother or father. Each house is unique and each has its own identity. Some houses are active in the community and others can be dangerous and violent if tested. One thing is certain, not mentioning its existence is to deny one of the

biggest vehicles of self-expression within the gay community. And I don’t intend on doing that.

People always wanna know when I knew I was gay. What kind of fuckin’ question is that? I am what I am just like they are what they are. Chile…I’m not in to answerin’ questions that can’t be answered. I’ve been Miss Wayne all my damn life! This all I know. What I would like to know though, is why didn’t I get my ass on that plane when I had a chance? Why didn’t I follow my instincts and leave the bullshit behind me? Oh well, it’s too late to think about the what if’s now. All I can do is face what’s comin’ my way, and hope I live to tell my story.

- Miss Wayne
UnwantedHouseguest, UnwantedProblems
jthe presentL

The taste of salty blood and metal lingered heavily inside Miss Wayne’s mouth. His eyes were closed shut and every part of his body was riddled in pain. He couldn’t remember how he got into the situation. All he knew was that he was in danger, grave danger. And at that moment that was all that mattered.

Lifting his head slightly, he tried to pull his bloody pasted eyes open. When he realized he couldn’t, he dropped his head back on the floor as the smell of feces and urine wafted heavily within his breathing space.

“Wayne! Wayne!” The heavy whisperer called above him. “Are you still alive?”
Finding not the energy to answer, he felt as if the room was spinning. And as he had several times that day, he drifted out of consciousness.

Mercy On Your Souls Miss Wayne
jsome months earlierL

Daffany’s mom looks bad.
Really bad.
No scratch that.

Really bad is Miss Tyrone sittin’ ova here next to me lookin’ a hot ass mess. Since I’ve known him, we’ve always had a love and hate type of relationship. So even though I told him he was dead wrong, he was determined to wear those black liquid legs stretch pants despite my saying that it was the worst thing to sport at a funeral. Before we continue, let me say this…in my entire life, I’ve never met anyone more scandalous than Tyrone. Trouble follows her around wherever she goes. So why do I keep him around? Because I know he’d never try no bullshit with me. The girl knows better.

We had only been here, at Stewarts Funeral Home in Northeast D.C, for only five minutes and Miss Tyrone had already scared the hell out of the boys choir and made the preacher forget his sermon. That’s not even the worst part about this mess! On the way to her seat she knocked over Ms. Hathaway’s brand new church hat and poked Miss Parade on the side of her neck with all that extra dick she’s smugglin’ between her legs. I don’t know why she doesn’t realize that twelve inches of basket crammed in stretch pants is not feminine. I don’t care how far back you
to tuck 'em! Trust me…I know.

I swear…sometimes I know exactly why I left the DC area and other times to tell you the truth...I don’t know why I left. My gay friends are different. They’re over the top and sometimes they could give a fuck about who they hurt. It’s all about the money to buy a designer bag, wigs, gear and sometimes a sex change. For what? To
in a ball, sugar!

Before movin’ to LA, I started the House of Dreams. A
in the gay community is like a fraternity or sorority, where membership is accepted but mainly rejected. I’m the overall Mother, which means I have to show the children of both the DC and LA chapters the way to live glamorously and get that money…but believe me when I say it’s easier said than done.

The ball circuit is the best. When I was here in the DC area, if I wasn’t hanging with Parade, Daffany and Sky before she was murdered, I was dressin’ in drag and walkin’ the walk, honey! Trust me when I say you haven’t seen anything like a gay men’s ball. Trophies are given and sometimes prizes awarded based on the winner for specific categories. I won many of them including the Drag Queen Realness category. Through it all I never won the one trophy I always wanted, the Legend Category. Do I feel deserving? Hell yeah! Nobody in DC has won as many balls as me, baby. So this girl is Legendary!

Oh shit, I done ran a mental marathon and forgot what I was talkin’ about. Anyway, this day is for Miss Daffany’s mother’s funeral. We’ll talk about all that other shit later. Where were we? Oh yeah! We were speakin’ about Miss Tyrone’s ape lookin’ ass.

“Girl, put this jacket on and sit down,” I tug on her silk pink shawl, which is far too thin to be wearing in the end of winter. My black insulated coat with the tiny red hearts inside the panel, swing from my hand. “You disturbin’ Ms. Stan’s goin’ away day. Don’t nobody want to see all that early this Thursday mornin’.”

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