Missed Connections (41 page)

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Authors: Tan-ni Fan

Tags: #LGBTQ romance, anthology

BOOK: Missed Connections
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With a moan Cassidy pushed her back, toppling her to the bedspread and clambering in over her. "You too," she demanded, reaching for the clasp of Vi's jeans. Vi barely had a moment to feel ashamed of her plain cotton briefs before Cassidy shucked her jeans, tossing them carelessly aside. 

"Hi," Cassidy breathed, hovering over her. Her beautiful face was open and flushed, her eyes wide and eager as she grinned down at Vi. She traced a delicate finger down the line of Vi's body, dipping into her navel before moving lower, skimming the edge of Vi's panties. 

"You're so gorgeous," Cassidy said earnestly, sliding her hand down and cupping Vi where she burned the hottest.

Vi's hips stuttered, pushing harder against Cassidy's touch,. Cassidy's long fingers gently caressed her and Vi's legs spread instinctually, allowing Cassidy more room to play. Settling on her knees between Vi's spread thighs, Cassidy rubbed lightly, her touch electric even through the cotton of Vi's underwear. Vi gasped shamelessly.

"So hot," Cassidy praised, stroking down to feel where the cotton was growing damp.

Vi fought the urge to cover her eyes; she had never felt so exposed, but she didn't want to miss a second of the way Cassidy looked above her. Instead, she hauled Cassidy down, tonguing her way into her mouth as Cassidy collapsed against her.

Vi didn't think she had ever felt anything better than the weight of Cassidy's body pressing her into the bed, warm skin touching every part of her. Cassidy was sleek and smooth and Vi trailed a hand up the length of her back, fingers catching on the clasp of her bra. Cassidy licked desperately into her mouth as Vi flicked it open, pushing the fabric aside. 

Rocking back onto her heels, Cassidy straddled Vi's hips and shrugged gracefully out of the bra, tossing it behind her with a smirk. The small mounds of Cassidy's breasts were perfect:  creamy white and crowned with sweet, pink nipples, already hard. Vi had seen plenty of breasts in her life, but never when she was allowed to look, or when she was expected to touch. She reached out with shaking hands, rolling the peak of a nipple between her fingers, feeling it pebble beneath her touch.

Cassidy leaned back in, kissing Vi sweetly as she skimmed a hand down her body. She stroked once over the cotton of Vi's panties and then returned to their waistband, worming her hand in under the elastic. Fingers brushed over the soft, trimmed hair between Vi's legs before dipping lower, touching Vi's slick folds oh so gently.

Vi groaned at the soft exploration, gripping Cassidy's breast harder as she fought not to buck into the touch.

Cassidy delicately stroked over her, pressing in between her heavy folds, and Vi arched into the touch as Cassidy found her clit, circling it gently with a single fingertip. Already it felt so much better than anything Vi had ever experienced at her own hands or others; the banquet of Cassidy's soft flesh coupled with her careful, gentle touch showed Vi what she had been missing for the past few years. 

After a moment, Cassidy slid her hand back up to Vi's stomach and Vi sighed at the loss of her touch.

"Can I take these off?" Cassidy asked, tugging lightly at the waistband of Vi's underwear.

"Absolutely," Vi gasped, not finding it in herself to be embarrassed when Cassidy giggled. Not when she was also sliding the material down Vi's legs.

Cassidy made a soft sound as she pushed up on her knees, placing insistent hands on Vi's thighs and guiding them back, opening her further. She glanced quickly up at Vi's face and then bent her head, licking into her. Vi cried out, her thighs clenching under Cassidy's firm hold, as she lapped over Vi's clit with soft kitten licks. 

Vi draped an arm over her eyes, overwhelmed by the heat pooling in her stomach. Cassidy's mouth was confident, her tongue and lips moving in ways that made Vi sure no one could ever do this better, no one could ever make her feel better than this. Cassidy licked further down, pressing her tongue inside, and Vi bit down hard on her lip to trap her desperate noises. As she lapped into her, Cassidy raised a hand to Vi's clit; the dual stimulation was too much, and Vi's orgasm crashed over her. A hoarse cry caught in her throat and her hips stuttered up, pressing herself harder against Cassidy's wet mouth. Cassidy eased her through it with quick flicks of her thumb and Vi dazedly thought she might have actually come again, still shivering with the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Finally her body relaxed, melting back against the bedspread as Cassidy pulled back. Her mouth was wet, moisture shining across her lips and chin, and Vi groaned, reaching to pull Cassidy close. She hungrily worked her tongue between Cassidy's lips, curious for the taste of herself in another girl's mouth. The sharp tang she found on Cassidy's tongue didn't disappoint. Vi rolled the flavor in her mouth, its bitterness sending heat flaring through her body, although her heart had barely stopped racing from her orgasm.

Cassidy wriggled atop her, pressing her groin against Vi's thigh. Wetness smeared against Vi's skin and she wanted more. Pulling Cassidy close, Vi rolled them, sighing as Cassidy's legs spread beneath her, allowing her to settle between their long lengths. She rutted down instinctually, rubbing their groins together as Cassidy gasped. The long line of Cassidy's slender throat beckoned and Vi lapped at her, salt bursting on her tongue.

She wanted to do everything to Cassidy, but her decision was made as Cassidy grasped her hand, guiding it to press tight between her legs. 

The silky material of Cassidy's thong did nothing to hide her arousal; her lips were puffy and wet around the edges of the silk. Vi nudged the material aside, needing to feel more. Everything was slick heat between Cassidy's legs, and Vi pushed up into it without a thought. 

The feel of Cassidy's tight walls around her finger was a revelation, and Vi bit at the skin of Cassidy's long throat to anchor herself. Cassidy was completely shaved, leaving everything bare to Vi's touch. She skirted her thumb along the silky folds, feeling her way, and paused when Cassidy groaned. The hardened bud of Cassidy's clit seemed to pulse beneath her touch as Vi thumbed it insistently, touching Cassidy the way she liked to touch herself. She pumped her fingers in and out, trying to coordinate the motions to make Cassidy feel as good as possible. As good as Vi did.

She must have been doing something right, because Cassidy trembled beneath her, her hands tracing restless patterns over Vi's back. "Keep going, keep going," she encouraged, locking her legs around Vi's hips and rocking up into her touch. 

Vi raised her head to watch, redoubling her efforts at the sight of Cassidy's flushed, desperate face. 

"Oh!" Cassidy's hand shot down, holding Vi's fingers hard against her as she shuddered.

Vi stared down in rapt wonder. She had made Cassidy come. She had touched a woman's most intimate — most forbidden — place, and had brought her to orgasm.

Vi knew there was no going back. No more hiding in the closet, no more awkward dates with men she would never be interested in. Even if this was just one night for Cassidy, even if they kissed their goodbyes and never saw each other again, Vi knew she could never go back to how things had been before.

Cassidy's eyes fluttered open and a sunny smile broke over her lips as she released her grip on Vi's hand. "That was great," she breathed, reaching up to cup Vi's cheek.  Her hair was mussed, her makeup smeared, and Vi knew she had never seen anyone so gorgeous.

"Thank you," she said.

Cassidy laughed, tugging Vi to lie at her side. "Me? I should be the one thanking you."

Vi flushed, suddenly shy. Cassidy gave a delighted laugh.

"You're cute when you blush, little Rose." She pulled her close, allowing Vi to hide her face against her neck. "Stay the night?"

Vi's heart quickened. "Yeah?" she asked, her words muffled in the curve of Cassidy's shoulder.

"I'd like you to," Cassidy said softly. "There's this great brunch place around the corner.  We could sleep in, go get some breakfast, and you can tell me all about yourself."

That sounded very much like a date to Vi. 

"I'd really like that," she said, raising her head to grin down at Cassidy. It felt like a beginning, one Vi was finally ready to take.


The sound of the shower woke Vi. She blinked in confusion at her surroundings before remembering that she was in Cassidy's apartment—in her bedroom, in her bed. She felt her face flame and was grateful that Cassidy had slipped silently out of bed instead of waiting for Vi to wake.

She had never woken up with another person before—outside of sleepovers and hangovers with Greg—and she wasn't sure she could handle it with the grace she longed for.

As it was, she had a moment to blush furiously as the memories of the previous night flooded through her—Cassidy over her, under her, between her legs—and compose herself before she had to face the other girl.

She heard the shower shut off and dragged the sheet up, draping it modestly over her naked body, as if Cassidy hadn't seen everything she had to offer the previous night.

"Juniper! You're awake." Cassidy poked her head around the doorway, wet hair slicked back from her face.

"Juniper isn't even a flower," Vi said, grateful for the chance to slip back into lighthearted teasing.

"Isn't it?" At Vi's headshake, Cassidy shrugged, coming through the door in only a small, white towel.  "Ah, well. It is a plant, though!"

"Does that mean you're going to call me maple, next?"

"There's a world of possibility," Cassidy agreed. She stood next to the bed, fiddling with her towel. "We still on for breakfast?"

Vi knew she could make a quick retreat, plead plans for the rest of the day. But why would she want to, when she had a beautiful, funny, talented woman waiting to take her out for brunch?


Cassidy beamed. "Great! I left a towel out for you if you want to shower. The restaurant is just around the corner."

It was all surprisingly easy:  easy to slide out of bed, despite her bare skin, easy to let Cassidy grab her hand and reel her in, pressing a quick kiss against her lips, easy to ignore the fact that she probably had terrible morning breath when Cassidy kissed her like she didn't mind.

It was easy to navigate Cassidy's small apartment, hearing Cassidy getting ready behind her, humming happily. Vi felt like humming, too. The shame and guilt that she thought would hit her this morning had yet to materialize. Instead, she felt fantastic—relaxed, content, and desired.

She fumbled her phone out of her discarded jeans, quickly tapping out a text to Greg before nerves got the better of her.
Hang out later? I've got something important to tell you

She smiled down at the screen before dropping the phone back to the floor and heading for the bathroom.

When she stepped out of the shower Cassidy was waiting, dressed in skinny jeans, ankle boots, and a purple top that brought out the depths of her dark hair. She looked perfect, and for one moment Vi felt her usual mortification at not measuring up. But then she remembered this wasn't a competition; she didn't have to be as tall or skinny or toned or well dressed as Cassidy, because Cassidy seemed to like her just as she was.

"Do you want to borrow anything?" She asked as Vi stooped to gather her discarded clothes from the floor.

Vi laughed—but not the bitter, self-conscious laugh she normally gave the world. "I doubt your stuff would fit me. You're a beanpole."

Cassidy shrugged. "I've got some shirts. Actually!" her face lit up and she darted into the bedroom, rummaging through a drawer. "Here!" She returned, thrusting a bright green shirt into Vi's hands.

It wasn't a color Vi normally wore, but when she shook it out she saw it was emblazoned with Poison Ivy's face. She barked out a laugh. "What are
doing with this?"

"I'll have you know Poison Ivy has always been my favorite. She's a feminist, she's a badass, and she's got amazing hair."

"I would never dream of arguing with you about Pamela's virtues," Vi said, when she was really thinking,
how on earth did I get so lucky?

Vi shrugged into the shirt, pulling on her own jeans and lacing up her Converse.


Vi knew the question held more weight than merely asking if she was ready to go, or ready to eat. Was she ready for her first real date with a girl? Was she ready to be out in public with Cassidy? She thought of her text to Greg and the conversation they had coming.

"Ready," she said.

They strolled out onto the street, walking close, their steps aligning on the sidewalk. People were out, walking, jogging, and pushing strollers. Vi took and deep breath and reached out, catching Cassidy's hand in her own.

Cassidy glanced down at the touch and then back up at Vi, a smile on her face. It felt good; no one looked at them, or shouted at them, or told them they were wrong. And even if they had, Vi felt like she might be able to weather it, because she knew that the opinion of a stranger didn't matter half as much as what Cassidy thought.

Cassidy didn't comment on the touch; she just squeezed Vi's hand and continued walking. "You'll love this place; it's my absolute favorite. They have biscuits that will make you weep."

They rounded the corner and Vi stopped short, laughing. In front of them, a sign proclaimed the restaurant name: "Magnolia's".


"Hey, now, Azalea. I won't have you judging Magnolia's. I swear:  it's the best."

"If this wasn't literally the closest restaurant to your front door, I'd think you planned it."

"Nah," Cassidy grinned. "It's just good luck. I seem to be having a lot of that lately."

Vi knew she was blushing and she didn't care. They were seated at a little table in the window, where anyone could see them, and she didn't care about that, either. Cassidy held her hand across the table, and asked her if she wanted to see a movie the next weekend, and really, that was all that mattered.

Mina MacLeod

The sound of trumpets catapults Clef from a deep sleep to confounded panic. He sits up on his pallet, his heart in his throat. He glances around his small room, looking for some sort of explanation. Outside, the trumpets are still sounding. As the camp wakes, the pandemonium of war-torn confusion joins the high-pitched notes.

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