Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3) (34 page)

BOOK: Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3)
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"I know I'm hard to talk to sometimes, but I swear to
you I'm always listening. You're my better half and without you, I'll never be
whole. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?"


You could hear a pin drop as Emily gazed down at Conall with
so much unwavering love.

"Yes!" she cried. "Yes!"

His smile was like nothing Liam had ever seen before. He
slipped the diamond ring he had stressed over onto her finger and lifted her in
his arms with a hungry kiss. She held his face in her hands and kissed him back

Cat calls sounded from the back of the reception hall and
applause exploded as the couple easily forgot about all the people around them.

Liam felt a sting in his nose as tears threatened. Seeing
his children so happy… it was what he and Isabelle had always wanted.

It was only an hour later that the crowd began to thin and
Liam found himself back at one of the tables with his family. Emily was in
Conall's lap, Luke and Ash were pressed close together, and Gus and Aiden were
laughing about whatever story it was they were remembering. Lily had gone back to
the house with Chad and a sleeping Aidy only minutes before.

"I wish mom was here," Ash sighed. "She would
have loved this."

Liam smiled, a warm tingle running through his blood.
"She's here, my beauty. She's always here."

"Will you tell us about her, Liam?" Aiden asked
quietly. "How did you two meet?"

Every pair of eyes landed on him, waiting anxiously for the
story he had only ever given vague details about at Izzy's request. The memory
of the first time he ever laid eyes on his Isabelle was one he would never

Gus was the only one that knew the few dark details Izzy
hadn't wanted to share with her children until they were ready. Not because she
felt it was a weakness, but because she hadn't wanted to taint their lives with
darkness. But the things they had been through together made their love for
each other that much stronger

Was it the time

"Go ahead, my love. Let them know our story. Help
them understand why my love for them will never falter, even in death."

He closed his eyes, the whisper of her voice in his mind. He
wanted to hold her, just one more time. He would. One day.

"The first time I saw Isabelle Moore was the first time
I realized that love isn't just a feeling… it's an action. She was




Read Liam and Isabelle's story in the next book of The
Brannock Siblings series:


Coming in 2015


Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please
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Jessica Wilde



About the Author


I live in Morgan Utah with my husband, daughter, and dog,
Kolo. I write as often as my active daughter will let me and my husband has the
patience of a saint. I find inspiration from dreams, people I meet, and life
experiences. When I write, I usually end up drinking one too many cans of Peace
Tea, eating three too many Fruit by the Foot fruit snacks, and accidently
kicking my pup and best buddy, Kolo, too many times since he loves to sleep
under my desk at my feet.

I started writing as a teen, but my fear of the unknown won
out every time and I threw everything out. After becoming a mother and deciding
to stay at home to raise my beautiful little girl, I tried again when I
couldn't stop thinking of ideas. I loved every minute, every hour of sleep
lost, and every character that came to life in my mind.

It's strange, but my favorite moments are when I have
writer's block because I can turn to my husband and find inspiration through
him by just doing what we do best together. Talking, laughing, and just being
in love. He doesn't like to read, but he never stops encouraging me to keep

Writing has become an important part of my life and every
book has a special place in my heart.

I enjoy reading all sub genres of Romance and especially a
good historical romance with a hunky Scottish highlander. If I'm not writing or
spending time with my family, I'm usually tucked in a corner reading a new
book. I LOVE when readers contact me and I have really enjoyed talking with so
many of them and have made some lasting friendships so I encourage readers to
contact me with questions or just to chat about their latest book boyfriend.


Connect with Jessica Wilde









This has been such a remarkable adventure and there are a
lot of people to thank for taking a chance on me and the Brannock siblings. I
love this family and their history that has come alive in my mind. Yes, Liam
and Isabelle will be telling their story in the near future. I have several
projects I am excited to finish first, but I promise you will hear more from
this beautiful family.

There are so many people that I have met on this amazing
journey, but I first want to thank my family.

My husband - you are seriously my rock. Always have been and
I hope you know how much I truly love you. Your patience and encouragement has
made it possible for me to fulfill my dreams and I will be forever grateful
that through this mess of life, I found you.

My sweet baby girl - you are beautiful. A shining light in
this world. Never forget that Mommy and Daddy love you fiercely and there will
never be a day that goes by that I don't thank God for giving you to me.

My families - your excitement and support keeps me going and
I thank you for taking the time to help out where you can. For the many hours
of babysitting and the questions about what will happen next that make me
always want to keep writing, thank you.

This is where I really,
hope I don't leave
anyone out.

Thank you The Book Nuts and especially Erica for all the
amazing work you have done to help me; cover reveal, blitz, reviews, etc... I
can't wait to work with you more and I can't begin to tell you how awesome it
has been to get to know you. You can expect more torture in the future from the
many secrets I will be sharing with you.

Tracie and Tara at Halos and Horns Book Blog - thank you for
your reviews, your enthusiasm, and your constant support. The Kiss & Tell
Author event can't arrive soon enough! I'm so excited to finally meet you both
in person and thank you,
thank you
, for the incredible opportunity you
have given me. 

Blythe at Beautiful Book Blog for being my first Fan Girl! I
still smile every time I think about you. Thank you for your compliments and

Loraine and Wicked Women Book Blog - Loraine, you are
incredible! Thank you for your beautiful reviews and for your friendship and
encouragement. You will always be on the top of my list and I'll never forget

Jess and Weet Weets Bookshelf Services and A Truly Great
Review - your excitement to spend time with the Brannocks is greatly
appreciated. Thank you for your many shares and likes and for taking a chance
on me from the very beginning.

Amie at We Stole Your Book Boyfriend - THANK YOU for your
amazing reviews and for being so willing to help me get the word out. More
teasers are coming!

Sleepless Readmore from Goodreads - I'll never forget what
your reviews did to me. Tears of happiness! I know how much time it takes to do
what you do and I adore your style. Thank you so much for your compliments and
for sharing your love of the Brannocks. Get ready for more!

Everything Marie - You ladies are amazing! Jamie, thank you
so much for the beautiful reviews and for falling in love with the people in my
head. For loving Andrew and Charlie as much as I do.
I am excited to work with you more in the future and I have
so much more to come.


 To the many other bloggers and reviewers who have taken a
chance on me and been so giving of your time. Thank you! Please send me your
reviews if you haven't already, I would love to read them. All of your
constructive feedback helps me so much. I value every single one of you and I
hope you know how very grateful I am for all of your help. I know without a
doubt, without all of you, I wouldn't be where I am today.

And finally, to all my readers!!

I may not know many of you personally, but I can honestly
say that each of you hold a special place in my heart. Your love and support,
your words of encouragement, excitement, and love for my writing makes all of
this a dream come true. I encourage you to contact me. Tell me what you think,
ask questions, share your reviews (I try to read them all), share what you are
reading, or just say hello. I am so grateful for all of you. I have so much
more to share and I hope you all continue to enjoy it.

Without you… Let's just say I hope there will never be a day
without you!

Thank you for taking that chance on me and I hope you take a
chance on other authors as well. There are so many spectacular writers and
stories out there and you make it possible for all of us to follow our dreams.
To do what we love most and share what our minds never stop creating.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times over!!

Here's to many more words to devour, many more books to fall
into, and a few surprises along the way.




Find other titles by Jessica Wilde


Leverage (The Brannock Siblings, #1)

Print ISBN-13: 978-1495276989


eBook ISBN: 9781311640024


Adventure. That's all Aislinn 'Ash' Brannock wanted in her
life. Her dad and two brothers - all cops - got to see it all, but their
over-protectiveness made her feel like she had been locked away in a tower with
three fire breathing dragons watching her every move. Yes, it was that bad. The
only silver lining? Lucas Shade. Her brothers' best friend growing up, and
apparently the only man she will ever love because let's face it, none of the
others even come close. After an unfortunate mistake lands her back in her
father's home, her world is turned upside down and Lucas is there in a tightly
wrapped package of serious with a big red bow on top. Life just got
interesting, but it comes with a price, one she never wanted to pay.

 Detective Lucas Shade never had a real family, but the
Brannocks took him in as one of their own and he never took it for granted. Ash
was a big reason for why he stuck around, but in order to save himself the
beating of a lifetime from her two older brothers, he kept his feelings for her
hidden. When the case he has been working on for months takes a turn, Ash could
become the leverage the bad guys have been waiting for, but keeping her
invisible may destroy everything Lucas has worked so hard for. Good thing Ash
is the only person he would give up everything to protect.



Conned (The Brannock Siblings, #2)

Print ISBN13: 978-1499363180


eBook ISBN: 9781310302473


Conall Brannock takes his job seriously. He doesn't get
attached, he doesn't ask questions, and he protects his family at all costs.
Nothing will change that. Not even the sweet, green eyed witness that just
burst into his life and shifted his world. He has one job to do; protect Emily
until she can testify. He can't let his interest in her get in the way, but the
more he finds out about her, the more he can't help but wonder how the beautiful
broken girl got into this mess in the first place. And the longer he takes to
learn the truth, the deeper he falls for her.

 Emily Dawson has a job to do. Stay off the grid, testify,
and hopefully get her brother back. He's all she has left of the family she
struggled so hard to hold together and she would do anything to keep him safe.
Even if it means she has put herself in harm's way or that she has conned
everyone into believing she saw something she didn't. She knows where her
loyalties lie, but her stoic yet gentle protector and his crazy family makes
her question everything she once knew.

Loyalty can be one sided.

Family isn't always blood.

And honesty can destroy everything she has come to love.



Our Time

Print ISBN13: 978-1494310219


eBook ISBN: 9781311364517


Jocelyn White's only priority in life is her daughter,
Olivia. As a single mother, with no family and the only friends she had now
hours away, life isn't easy. But the last several years taught her what is
truly important and she plans on spending the time she has loving her little
girl and keeping her safe and happy. She doesn't plan on her new gorgeous, blue
eyed neighbor turning out to be the one thing her and Olivia have been missing.

Andrew Carter has been waiting his whole life for a woman
like Jocelyn. After his parents died years before, leaving him to care for his
little sister, Madison, he spent years patiently waiting for a family of his
own. When Jocelyn and Olivia completely steal his heart, he knows his patience has
finally paid off and it's time for his life to finally start.

What he doesn't know is that Jocelyn is keeping something
from him. Something she learned a few years ago.

Life is short and sometimes, time isn't on your side.

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