Mission: Compromised Submissive (13 page)

BOOK: Mission: Compromised Submissive
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That night, Vice felt reborn. A freeness like no other took over, exciting and rejuvenating her soul. Dom pulled her against him and
sighed. “Alex, you’
re one of a kind. I knew you were amazing, but I never
expected you to be everything.” She was so exhausted she didn’t know if she heard him right, or if it was a dream. Either way, she fel
l asleep with a smile and a new
found sense of pride.



The next morning, Dom was up and gone when Vice woke. A single rose bud lie atop a neatly folded letter on his pillow b
eside her. “Who’d of thought
Dom, a closet romantic?” After a lanky stretch and
unlady like groan
from the delicious
soreness that shot through her body
, she picked up the piece of paper, and noticed immediately how it smelled of him. She couldn’t help but hold it to her nose and take in the spicy scent of his cologne. It was
an intoxicating wake up call to her senses

Vice couldn’t help but smile. Normally, she was anything but cheerful before half a pot of coffee and a hot shower. Even after all that, it took a strong will to prevent punching anyone who spoke in her direction until close to noon. Today, she was shitting rainbows.
Unable to resist, she flipped the
note open
more excited than a grade schooler with a check yes or no love note.
It read:



I’m sorry I couldn’t be the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes, but the General is coming bright and early and I need to discuss a few things with him in private before the goons all
show up. You have fresh clothes in the bathroom, and coffee hot and ready in the kitchen. Take your time, and come up to the house when you are ready. I thought you deserved a free profile slip after last night.
Send me a picture of your hot little ass when you get this.



Vice giggled. So, part of it was romantic. The rest was typical man. “How the hell am I supposed to take a picture of my ass?” The mirror. Damn. She had to get up. With a huff, she stumbled into the bathroom, spotting her clothes he had left when she turned on the light. Atop the pile was yet another note and a little pink box with a ribbon. “Another surprise? Let’s see what’s behind door number two!” She opened the letter first, grinning at the smil
face drawn at the top.


Glad you are following instructions. Remove the contents of the box and put it on before taking the pic. This is to stay on all day, no questions asked. Don’t wear anything other than what I have picked for you. See you soon.

3 Dom


Vice smiled, flipping the lid open. She almost dropped it when she saw what was inside. Perched neatly atop a tiny little silk pillow was
a powder pink butt plug and a tube of lube. Her smile faded.
“Sweet and romantic my ass,” she grumbled through clenched teeth. Debating whether to grab coffee first or just put the damn thing in, she cussed out loud. “Fucking-fuckity-fuck-shit-damn-whore.” Well, at least her morning was back to being normally asstastic…literally. No more shitting rainbows after this…
ith teeth clenched and daggers shooting from her eyes, she took the items out and looked them over, dreading what was to come. “This is gonna hurt,” she pouted.
Then, an idea struck. Last night, Dom had used a vibrator o
n her. It had to be somewhere.
She hustled into the bedroom and started rummaging through drawers, searching for the toy stash. Nothing. “The closet!” She ran over and opened the door, stepping into a damn sex shop galore. Where clothes wer
e intended to be hung
ere shoes were meant to be set out
instead held
very shape
and size
ever made lined in neat rows along the walls. Whips, paddles, crops, handcuffs, rope, sashes, plugs, beads, gags, spreader bars, chains with little hooks attached that she had no idea and probably didn’t want to know were. It was all kink.
“Lubes, vibes, and cocks, oh my.” She grabbed one of the simple massagers off the bottom shelf and hurried to the bathroom to plug it in. When it roared to life she felt embarrassed, but quickly dismissed it. “I’m shoving a cork in my ass, and using a vibrator is making me blush? Ugh.” Half excited and feeling naughty, she moved it over her still sensitive clit and jumped at the sensation. “Oooh. That’s nice.” When her body got warmed up some and she grew some courage, she squirted some of the lube on the end of the plug and smeared it around with her finger, coating it good. Little by little she pushed it against her tight ring, working the vibe good to help ease the sting. As it went past the tight barrier and slid in to the hilt she almost came. With her body tender from the
previous night

s events, it wouldn’t take much for her to orgasm. Should she? No one would ever know…temptation gave in. Five more minutes with the buzzing against her clit and a few jiggles of the plug sent her body into tiny ripples of release. Now
was how to start a day. “Ah. Better.” She hurried and returned the massager back to where she found it and hurried back to the bathroom mirror to take the picture. Finally turning
to a position she could get a decent angle, she snapped the pic and hit send, feeling more risqué than she ever had in her life. “Sexting. I have just had my first sexting experience. Lord help me. Coffee. Now.”

Vice poured a cup of hot coffee, mixing in the flavored creamer that had been thoughtfully set out neatly with cup and spoon. Before she could get the first delicious sip, her phone buzzed. The notification said ‘Dom’. “Shit.” Her heart thudded in her chest, buzzing with a sudden adrenaline from anticipation. “What the hell is wrong with me? Cowgirl the fuck up. Uuugh.” She opened the text and gasped. How the hell…?


So f
ucking sexy. Even better now that your ass is gonna match it. I didn’t give you permission to c
…naughty little sub.


Before she could reply, another came through.


The juices dripping from your sweet little pussy onto your thighs was a dead giveaway. Get showered and get up here.
Meeting starts in half an hour.


Vice tossed her phone on the counter and downed half her coffee before a quick refill and stomped to the bathroom to shower, feeling the plug shift and move with each step.

After a quick scrub and rinse, she toweled off and reached for her clothing, only to find it missing underwear. Great. Another awesome perk to accompany the rubber knob in her ass. Twenty minutes later, she was out the door.
It was going to be a long

Vice walked into the main house, doing her best to not look like she had a cob in her ass. Never would she have imagined how much effort and talent it took to not look like she had on a loaded diaper and walk
normally. Each step burned, but the shifting teased. She had been half horny since she
had put the damn thing in.
Thankfully, the main living area was empty, giving her time to adjust before walking in to the full dining area. The General sat at the head of the table, feasting on yet another breakfast masterpiece made by Mrs. Sanders the saint.
Maggie made Martha Stewart look like an
everyone. What’d I miss?

dear, are you feeling better?” Mrs. Sanders asked. Vice looked at her confused, not sure what to say.
“Dom said you woke with a bad headache and wouldn’t be in today. I was about to bring you breakfast and check your temperature.
” Vice glanced at Dom who sat smugly in his chair, waiting for her to

“Oh, yeah, thanks.
I took a hot shower and
some medicine down. It still hurts,
loads better.” She offered up a sweet sm
ile, only to di
scretely dart a glare at Dom out of the corner of her eye. He
only grinned wider at her references.
Coy bastard

Mrs. Sanders hustled back with her plate and giant glass of orange
juice. “Eat up
sweetheart. It’
ll make you feel better.” Actually, Vice was glad at the over heaping plate of food this morning. Last night had left her famished. She didn’t know what to dig into first.
As she ate, the General
discussed parts of their objectives that were suitable for the others to hear. Later, they would
to a more private location to go over the secret intimate details
First item up for discussion was the loads of Intel that needed combed through. “I understand we have a wedding to
and that is our top priority. Still, I need off time to be spent
the information we have. It is undetermined where or when we will deploy to next. It is vital we stay one step ahead of them at all times. We have reason to believe
the next three months they are going to make a move, and it’s going to be big. There is a meeting of government officials set in D.C. around that time. Our little covert operation has to remain just that until we have specifics and know what our next move is. As of yesterday at 0700, we received word from the
hitehouse that VP Kovak is flying to a press conference concerning the horrendous hurricanes that hit the coast of Asia. He is due out of country for a month. I am dispatching a team to follow him and report back any change or oddity in his routine. For now, keep a low profile.”

“General, are we focusing on off shore
manufacturing as well?” Romeo asked.

“No. We have bigger fish to fry right now. That can wait. For now, give that little girl a wedding fit for a queen. Then, we work.”

They carried on in small talk, discussing the different décor techniques Alaina had requested. The General
phoned Claire and
jumped in offering his assistance and resources, happy to participate. Before they had the dishes cleared, Clair
was knocking at the door
Alaina ran to answer the door, greeting the always crisp and sunny General’s wife. She had a Mary Poppins charm, with a genuine sweetness no one could resist.

“Hi! Oh my goodness it is so nice to see you again

“I have been looking for a reason to call on you and when
mentioned wedding
, I knew I’d found one! So, before I dive in uninvited, would you ladies like some help getting this show together?
I have to confess I already put a bunch of ideas down since the last time we talked. I can show you and see what you like, then make the calls!

That is so generous and thoughtful of you. I’m sure anything you have w
ll be perfect!” Alaina bounced excitedly.

“Oh no, I love this stuff! The General and I eloped. He was set to ship out the next day, so we never got my dream wedding. I get to live vicariously through you, my dear! We will make it a celebration kings would envy.” Claire looped her arm with Alaina’s, notebook tucked under her arm. Her purse had other books and magazines sticking out. She stifled a giggle at the woman’s enthusiasm.

Mrs. Sanders led them all into the more formal
living space where by lunch
time, Clair
had managed to schedule same day appointments for the florist, dress shop, caterer, and bakery. They were off to a day of bridal bliss.

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