Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5) (17 page)

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Marcia said, “Well, that will be nice.  Once things quiet down, I’m sure Missy will be pleased … all her friends over at that Roseanne Fund will be safe and … ooh … umm …”  She suddenly lost interest in whatever she had been trying to talk about.  She could feel his hard erection pressing against her hip and as his hand covered one of her breasts, she focused all her attention on responding to what he was doing.

Their lovemaking ended all conversation and provided a very nice ending as well for that long day they’d just had.

Chapter Eighteen

Oct 31, 2019


Sami Massallah was in Islamabad, after meeting with some of his operatives there.  These were undercover informants inside the Pakistani Taliban group, an organization which traced back to what had formerly been known as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan or TTP.

That TTP group had been responsible for an attempted bombing in the U.S. several years earlier.  Fortunately, detonation of the car bomb had failed during that incident which had then received a lot of media attention.  Likewise, the same group had failed in its assassination attempt on a young school girl, an incident which also had received worldwide publicity.  Unfortunately, the group had succeeded in numerous of its other terrorist activities.

Since then, the group had evolved and was now closely aligned with the Afghan Taliban and al Qaeda extremists and was rumored to have strong links with WIJO.  Sami’s informants had confirmed all this and after arranging for his report to be sent back to the CIA by the usual satellite links, through yet another of his Pakistani operatives, he headed over to the airport to board his flight back to Kabul.

He’d been asked to provide his threat assessment and, after this latest info, he was very concerned about the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan being one of the stops for General Blake’s niece.  Captain Grimes had filled him in concerning the planned visits to three embassies.  Candace Axtell and her boyfriend Oliver Bessom, one of the witches who had rescued her, would be arriving in Islamabad in exactly four weeks on Thanksgiving Day.

Colonel Chory, along with several members from Team Twenty-Two, would be accompanying them.  The idea was to have them visit the embassy offices and be introduced to as many of the staffers as possible, so Oliver could determine if any of them might be supernaturals. 

This purpose, of course, was only known to those aware supernaturals existed and, “officially”, the purpose was merely so the young couple could enjoy themselves as tourists, with Candace obviously taking advantage of her uncle so they’d receive VIP treatment.  After two days, they’d all head over to Kabul where the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan was located.  Then, after another two days, they’d go on to Ankara for the U.S. Embassy in Turkey.  These had been chosen over embassies in Iraq, Israel, Syria, or Egypt which had all been considered.

Sami had been asked to use his sources to assess the threat since it had only been three months since WIJO had been holding Candace hostage and, due to her miraculous escape which had been a huge embarrassment for them, she was obviously a prime target.  There wouldn’t be any publicity for this tour, for that reason, but word was sure to get out and the Army would be providing security of the highest order.

Sami warned that even this high level of security might still not be enough in Pakistan since the Jihadist extremists there would surely be willing to sacrifice themselves and suicide attacks were quite likely.  His informants within WIJO and at other groups like this one in Pakistan were all describing a climate of increased hatred with a determination for vengeance.  Once they learned about Candace being anywhere within reach, it would be igniting them to drastic actions, for sure.


Missy got word from Robert Ulrey that “P” Branch had checked with numerous sources and was satisfied the mob war was truly ended.  Sal had deflected accusations he was responsible for starting it and had gotten all the families to agree on ending it.  There had been some trades with territories re-distributed and various other compromises made but, finally, everyone had been satisfied and the focus was on getting all their businesses back to being profitable once again.

The circumstances surrounding the complete massacre of the crew run by Sal’s capo, Vinnie Cappiello, would probably remain a mystery, as would Vinnie’s suicide.  He’d left no note and many assumed he’d not wanted to deal with the loss of so many soldiers, whom he’d been responsible for.  Failure was never an option for anyone in the mob organization.

The police and FBI had been chasing around in circles trying to deal with all the bodies and find witnesses willing to testify but those efforts were getting no results and the many investigations would soon end up closed, with no credible evidence leading anywhere.  While there had been a few arrests which might lead to convictions, those had all been for lesser crimes.  The war had just been so confusing, even the many informants inside the mob had been little help in sorting things out.

Missy told Robert he could have his FBI buddies up in Boston stop watching over Alice and Mark Mathews.  It didn’t seem likely they would be targeted now.  The great work Alice was doing with the Roseanne Fund could continue.

No date had been set yet for when Robert and Connie would have their wedding.  They were both more excited about the excellent progress being made with the FBI’s new Psychic Division, which was requiring a lot of effort and traveling but which was helping their relationship more than ever.  They’d already had success locating a young girl in Miami.  Being able to work on cases where a much higher percentage might turn out okay was what really made the difference for Robert.  That, and having Connie participate and assist him in so much of what he was doing now.  Yes, their life was good and they’d get re-married again someday.  Eventually.  Ha, ha.

Since Connie had kept her married name all this time, the marriage would mainly be a renewal of their vows.  They were actually enjoying themselves as though on a second honeymoon and were not interested in stopping that to go plan a wedding.

Missy no sooner finished talking on the phone to Robert when Mike called.  He had been contacted by Ben Marchitto who had called him on a burner phone rather than attempt contact with Missy directly.  Would it be possible for Ben to bring Sandy for a visit at West Point on Sunday?

“Wow, that’s an interesting request!  I assume she’s been told I had something to do with her rescue, right?”

Mike laughed.  “Oh, yes!  They explained you’re a witch and even told her how you brought down all that lightning a year ago.  They didn’t tell her
you did that, however, and Ben asks that you not get into those details.  They told her you forced them to establish this Roseanne Fund and are sort of letting her assume that was reason enough for what you did.”

“Oh, great!  I’m the evil witch who blackmailed them?”

“Basically, yes!”  Mike laughed again.  “Ben says if you’ll agree, Sal will put an additional five million into the Roseanne Fund.  They don’t want Sandy to ever know about the girls you stopped Sal from selling to Brunei but, after the way you saved Sandy?  Killing that guy with your magic?  They now have to explain that and how you’re somehow involved with them.”  Mike laughed.  “Ben actually makes it sound like it’s really your fault they have to tell Sandy about you so it’s only right that you help out with their explanation.  Sandy has promised to keep everything secret, which might be difficult for her, but Ben thinks if she can actually meet you, that’ll help.”

Missy laughed at that.  “Okay.  I sort of see where they have a point.  And, I really don’t mind helping Sandy.  She’s been through a lot and they probably aren’t letting her talk to anyone.  That’s what really is going to be difficult … she needs someone.”

“Why not ask Alice to help her?  She really helped Candy deal with what she went through, right?”

“Yes and that actually works on several levels, especially if the Roseanne Fund will be getting such a big increase.  Great idea, Mike!  Let’s see if Alice and Mark might join us down here Sunday afternoon for this.”


Charles Winword called the Secretary of Defense and briefed him on what Sami Massallah had reported.  It was late, approaching midnight, but they often would call each other that late on secure lines to review sensitive issues.

The Defense Secretary said, “So, basically, you’re saying no amount of security will be adequate.  Once they learn about General Blake’s niece being in Pakistan, the terrorists there will use suicide bombers to succeed at what WIJO failed to accomplish last August.”

“Yes, the Pakistani Taliban are the greatest threat of all right now, since their leaders are looking to prove their organization can be part of WIJO.  It’s practically become a competition over there with each terrorist group trying to establish itself as the one to be feared the most.  They’ll have no problem finding volunteers for this.”

“As if we didn’t already have enough to deal with, now that WIJO is spreading like a deadly virus.  I know that’s exactly why General Blake wants one of our supernaturals touring through there, checking if any of these crazy groups have supernaturals on their side.  He’s worried about them somehow infiltrating into one of our key embassies.”

Winword laughed, saying, “That’s because he’s always planning for all the worst case scenarios he can think of and, now that he knows what supnats can do, he’s made it top priority to screen through those places where we might be most vulnerable.”

“True, but he’s really not willing to risk his niece.  This whole thing is due to her wanting to fight back.  And, that’s not just because of what happened to her but also because her father was killed by the Taliban.  She’s determined to do her part, only in other ways, since she’ll never be a soldier.  She wants to help with this so our soldiers who need to do the fighting are better able to cope.”

“What about her boyfriend, the witch?” asked Winword.  “He’s not any soldier.”

The Defense Secretary had talked at length with General Blake about both Candace and Oliver.  “No, but he’s the one who can identify supernaturals and, since that’s what Candace wants him to do, he’s all in.  When this embassy tour thing first came up, it was only because they were looking at that as maybe a future career they both might want.  You know, becoming embassy staff members.  Then, after someone mentioned searching for supnats, Candace really liked that idea.  She’s been insisting that her uncle let them do this ever since.”

“So, you’re saying General Blake isn’t really pushing all that hard for this?  Interesting.  Of course, if he’s still willing to let them go as planned, he’ll need to do more about their security.  I’m providing him with the same Intel as what I’ve just given you and I’ll continue to update all of this with whatever else the CIA can learn.”

“Good.  Make sure you’re also sending everything to Drew Martinson over at “P” Branch.  I’m pretty sure that’s who General Blake will contact about increasing security.”


As midnight approached … the “witching hour” … Missy grew more and more restless, unable to sleep and simply not at all “comfortable” in her own skin.  At least, that’s how it seemed.  She sensed Mike had managed to fall asleep, back in his college dorm two hundred miles away, so she stopped bothering him.  And, her close friend Tracy was also asleep, in spite of her being a witch.

Missy was aware most witches used and controlled energy but did so drawing upon that energy from all around them.  Long before she herself had learned she was a witch and able to do that, she had learned she had this incredible energy source
herself, part of her, which she was able to tap into whenever she Changed.  She had grown and matured a great deal since that first Shift had happened, forcing her to Change involuntarily.

Since then, having spent years training herself, often using her power and energy to extremes, she was well aware of all the growth her energy had experienced.  She also could now manage all this energy of hers due to having worked so hard at her controls.  Only rarely did she feel as though she might explode, her power and energy ready to burst from within once again the way it had for that first Shift.  While she was fully able to control that, such instances made her grow antsy and the more amped up she felt herself getting and the more these power surges increased within -- as was happening on this Halloween Eve -- the more she sought ways to find some release.

If Mike had been there, of course, she’d find that release making love with him.  She then would be able to relax
her controls, with the great sex merely one of the many wonderful ways her soul would find what it needed with him.  But, Mike wasn’t there and she was now way,
beyond being horny.  No, this was much more than merely wanting to satisfy her libido.  She needed
of some sort and lying there in her bunk was not going to solve this.  No, she needed to be

Trusting that Tracy would understand and cover for her, if necessary, she Shifted.  She Changed into her spirit form.  She then went wandering about, staying within the boundaries at West Point but avoiding anywhere her classmates might be, not wanting to invade their privacy.  And, for two hours, she prowled.  Being a “free spirit”, quite literally in this instance, was indeed providing her the release she needed.

Since the Mess Hall was one of her favorite places, she eventually found herself drawn over to Washington Hall.  But, as soon as she arrived, she became aware she was not alone.  There were two others there also.

Washington Hall was huge, with many rooms above and below the Mess Hall.  These were needed, of course, in order to put meals together for over four thousand cadets every day.  Missy sensed two people were somewhere in an upper level, having sex in one of the storage rooms or offices.  Only, the sex was not consensual.

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