Missy Meets the Marshal (Lone Star Love Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Missy Meets the Marshal (Lone Star Love Book 2)
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Missy cried and said the words. Grover brought the spoon down four times on her thighs. "Say it again."

Missy gasped from the pain and repeated the words as instructed. Missy felt like the punishment would never end, and her bottom throbbed fiercely and stung even during the breaks in between strokes when he lectured her.

Moving on, Grover spoke of her next transgression while spanking her. "In the future, you won't keep secrets from me about your plans. We'll work through them together, as partners, as man and wife. I've already spanked you for this, and I'm not too pleased to have to do it again. You promised never to keep important information hidden from me, and you broke that promise, didn't you?"

"Yes, sir," Missy moaned. "Oh, it stings so much, Grover."

Grover continued spanking. "I hope you don't expect me to do anything with that information, young lady. It's very much supposed to. Complain about it again, and I'll give you a strapping after we finish here."

Missy clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her protests as Grover inflicted a punishment for keeping her plan a secret. He did so just as strictly as he had for her other sins. Missy kicked her legs, careful not to allow her feet to get in the way of punishment, but trying very hard to relieve the sting in any small way allowed.

After she suffered her punishment for making plans without him and gave him her promise not to repeat it, he moved on to punishing and scolding her for taking his mare from the stable without his permission. "You do realize horse theft is a crime punishable by death, Missy? I'm glad it was my horse you hooked and not another's. I don't want to have to save you from another scrape with the law. I want you to obey it from here on out! That should go without saying, shouldn't it? My, but you have really earned yourself a walloping, Missy. I'm not pleased with you, not at all."

Missy wept and apologized for taking his horse. Grover finally set the spoon aside. Missy felt only a moment's relief before she felt his hand resume the spanking on her punished bottom.

"I want you to remember everything we discussed, Missy. Are you going to make better decisions in the future?"

"Yes, sir!" she cried.

The swats continued. "Sure about that? I'm not too keen on repeating this, and I'm betting you're even less keen."

"Yes, sir. I'm very sure."

He paused the spanking. "Stand up. Lay yourself on my lap facing up."

She whimpered and gingerly complied with the help of his guiding hands. Her bottom burned against the rough fabric of his trousers, but he didn't allow it to rest there for long. He lifted and positioned her so that her back spanned the width of his thighs. He pushed her knees to her chest so that her bottom hung over the side of his right leg and her sit spots and thighs were in perfect placement to connect with his punishing hand.

"Hold your knees to your chest, Missy," he instructed. "Wrap your arms around your legs to keep them there."

Missy obeyed and squeezed her eyes shut as he soundly spanked her thighs in this new and very embarrassing position. She felt so exposed to her husband now that he could see her face and plenty of other body parts during punishment.

She sobbed, unable to bear the shame. "I-I feel so embarrassed. Please will you not punish me this way, Grover? I beg of you."

"Look at me, Missy."

She opened her eyes and looked dolefully at his stern face.

He gave each thigh a sharp swat while he bore his eyes into hers. "You are being punished because you need to be taught a lesson. If you're embarrassed, remember how it feels so that it never happens again. Will I have to punish you again for any of the things we discussed?"

"No, sir." She whimpered and felt her bottom lip trembling. The added embarrassment felt harsh, and it hurt her feelings that he would make her endure it.

His expression softened and his hands turned gentle. He brushed away the tresses of hair that clung to her wet face, then took her face in his hands. He leaned forward and kissed her quivering lips, then looked her in the eyes. "Your punishment is over, and you don't need to feel embarrassed, my love. That's how naughty girls who disobey the marshal get spanked."

Missy's hurt feelings evaporated when she heard those words, which spoke to the love he felt for her from the very beginning. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he brought her to a sitting position on his lap. He held her against his chest and rubbed her back and her arms while she nestled her head against his shoulder.

"You took your punishment very well, sweetheart, and all is forgiven. Do you feel okay?"

She nodded and asked with a slight smile, "Are there other naughty girls, Marshal, or is it just me?"

He chuckled quietly. "I only see one at the moment. And she's sitting on my lap with a very sore bottom to prove she's the only one for me.






Later that day, Grover sat down with Missy and the Barnes and explained the events that took place after he and Carter parted ways. Grover's prediction had been correct. He and Nathan faced off, and Grover defeated Nathan in a shootout, sending him to hell with a single bullet to the heart as the sun disappeared into the horizon.

Missy and Carter explained to a surprised Grover how they stumbled across Henry's body on their way to the ranch. The deaths of Henry and Nathan solved Missy's immediate problems. No person alive besides the four of them knew the whereabouts of Elizabeth Matthews.

Because Grover killed Nathan, a man who was wanted dead or alive, the substantial bounty was paid to him. As the weeks and months passed, Grover and Missy deliberated over how best to use it. They decided to hire one of the top criminal lawyers in the country and fight to get the robbery charge against Elizabeth Matthews dropped. It was a gamble, but they felt it worth the risk to be freed from the burden of deception. They set aside enough of the money to fund an escape plan if the lawyer proved unsuccessful in getting the charge dropped. In that case, they would head to California and start a new life.

As it turned out, the corpulent lawyer they hired was worth his weight in gold. Not only did he succeed in getting the charge against Elizabeth Matthews dropped for lack of evidence, he also steered all conversations about her whereabouts after the bank heist away from any mention of Grover. As far as the judge knew, Grover's only participation prior to hiring the lawyer was to kill Nathan and find Elizabeth, and thus he was hailed a hero. The judge listened to the respected marshal's testimony about Elizabeth Matthews' good character with great attention and regard, and Grover's words sealed the decision to release her from suspicion.

In a meeting with their lawyer, Grover brought the marriage certificate bearing Missy's false name. Worried, he asked, "What are we to do about this?"

The lawyer scanned the piece of paper and then ripped it into four pieces. "That's all that needs doing. Go and get married again, using her real name this time, and take your license to a court after to be certified. You may be married in the eyes of God right now, but you aren't in the eyes of the state."

Grover raised an eyebrow and remarked, "I reckon not a soul in Porter is lawfully married then. The nearest court is in Dallas."

The preacher and his wife, along with the other people in town who knew Elizabeth as Melissa, were at first confused but nonplussed about the name change when it came to light. They liked Missy, and that's what mattered. Most everyone in the town of Porter had a gritty story to tell of their past before moving west, and more than one person in town bore a false name.

Grover and Elizabeth wed, and many of the townsfolk attended. The bride wore her best dress, and Grover thought she truly did look like an angel, just as Dorothy said, assuming that angels looked soft and beautiful and pregnant. They recited their vows slowly, paying great mind to each word that spoke of their love and devotion to each other.

That evening, Grover carried Missy and Hannah Lou across the threshold. Once in bed, he pulled his lawful wife into his arms, and they made love, after which Missy said, "I love you, Grover Huntley."

Grover kissed her. "And I love you, Elizabeth Huntley. But that's the last time I call you that. You'll always be Missy to me. It's a good name for a misbehaving woman who lies with the town marshal."

Missy smiled at his play on words and sighed with contentment. Finding herself in her favorite place, which was in Grover's arms, she fell into a deep sleep and dreamed. She dreamed that her mother's brooch, the bird with spread wings, came to life. The jewels on her wings became feathers, and the silver carving under the bird's feet became a branch.

In her dream, Missy learned that the way everyone viewed the bird was wrong. The bird wasn't about to fly away. She was doing just the opposite. She was landing after years of flying with no branch to call her own. When she spotted the branch, she settled, flapped her wings once to steady herself, and then perched. In finding a place to stay, the bird discovered more freedom than in all her days of flight.


Amelia Smarts


I’m an avid reader and writer of spanking romance novels, usually involving a cowboy, always involving a firm hand and a scorched ass. If you were to peek inside my Kindle, you’d find plenty of spanking romances as well as books by John Steinbeck, Margaret Atwood, Gillian Flynn, and other authors from disparate genres. What all of my favorite stories share are complex characters who draw me into their struggles and successes. I’m drawn to reality TV for the same reason. I also enjoy horseback riding, short hikes, and long lectures. I live on the west coast of the U.S. with my musician husband, a sulcata tortoise, and two antisocial rabbits.

If you’d like to talk books with me or find out which of my pets wins in a race against the others, please connect with me via email, Facebook, and/or Twitter. Thanks for reading!

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Also by Amelia Smarts and Blushing Books:

The Unbraiding of Anna Brown



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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Misbehaving Woman

Chapter 2 - Much You Don't Know

Chapter 3 - Spanked for Your Blarney and Lies

Chapter 4 - Bent Knee Proposal

Chapter 5 - Grover's Plan

Chapter 6 - Married to the Marshal

Chapter 7 - A Husband's Attention

Chapter 8 - He Knows

Chapter 9 - What Fools Do

Chapter 10 - Dead by Sundown


About Amelia Smarts

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BOOK: Missy Meets the Marshal (Lone Star Love Book 2)
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