Mistaken Identity (15 page)

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Authors: Shyla Colt

BOOK: Mistaken Identity
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“Jett, you
want to help me bring out more meat?”


In the
kitchen a few minutes later his father leaned against the kitchen counter.

“You look as
nervous as a long tailed cat in a rocking chair, son. What’s on your mind?”

“I want to
marry Kansas.”

“Boy, that’s
not news. I saw it in your eyes back before you brought her here.”


“Smitten is
an understatement for what I see when you’re with that young lady. When will
the wedding bells ring?”

“That’s what
I wanted to talk to you about.” Jett fidgeted.
“As soon as
There are some … extenuating circumstances.”

plainly, boy.”


“I know your
mother and I taught you better than that.”

disappointment in his father’s voice made him hang his head. “Yes sir, it
wasn’t because we were careless. There was an issue with the condom.”

His father
nodded. “Well, at least you’re doing the right thing.”

“She’s had a
really piss poor example of marriage growing up, and she’s terrified. I want to
put her at ease and make this into a positive thing.”

“What do you
think actually bothers her? I mean she agreed to marry you, so there’s some


“And your
time frame?”

“I want to be
married before I leave for shooting.”

“You never
did do anything half assed, did you?” His father sighed. “Let me think on it
overnight. Can I tell your mother?”

“Please. It’s
like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders. Holding this in was killing me.”
The tension in his back eased.

“How long
have you known?”

a week.
It took us both by surprise. She got sick, and I jumped the gun, took her to
the hospital, and the diagnosis was more than either of us expected.”

His dad chuckled.
“I can imagine. I know this isn’t conventional, or planned, but
congratulations. Being a parent is one of the most important jobs anyone could
ever have.”

“I’m looking
forward to it.”

“I know
you’ll make me proud. Now we should get back out there before they send in a
search party.” His dad pulled a container of marinated steak out of the fridge,
and they headed back outside.


Seated beside Kansas he was happy. Things
were falling in to place with time to spare. The thought of leaving to begin
filming with nothing other than a promise to wed at
point between the two of them kept him up at night. Inevitably
the truth would get out, and when it did, he wanted to be in a position to
protect his family. Kansas was strong, but he knew how the public could rip a
person to shreds, especially one with a major case of hormonal imbalance. Last
night she’d cried like a baby over a cell phone commercial.

She peered over at him. “What? I feel you
staring a hole in my head.”

“Just admiring your
He bumped her shoulder with his.

“Oh, now I know you were thinking about
something mean.”

He chuckled. “Not mean, just something
that’d irritate you.”

“By all means, keep it to yourself. We
don’t want to start the water works again.” She rolled her eyes.

He snickered. “That’s what it was about.”

The side gate creaked open, and he
Who else would they invite tonight?
dark haired woman with peaches and cream skin made his stomach turn. His mouth
went dry, and his palms began to sweat.

Conversation around the table
an abrupt halt, and Kansas tensed beside him.

“That’s her, isn’t it?
?” she whispered.

I have no
idea what she’s doing here.”

“Oh, I have an idea. Her eyes say it

had the
grace to flush as the attention became focused on her. Her hand came up to
deliver a half-hearted wave.

“Hey. I just, uh, wanted to welcome Jett
back. I didn’t realize he had a guest.”

“Why don’t you come back another time,
Honey?” His mother rose from her seat.

He cringed. If she’d come looking to
patch things back up and
away from Kansas she was grossly mistaken.

“I think you should go handle that,”
Kansas whispered.

“What?” He frowned. “She knows where we

But I think
she’s hoping for more.
Best to shut it down.”

gaze was
fixed on Kansas. He fidgeted.
Should’ve known the amicable parting was too

I’ll take
care of it.” He rose from his seat. “Come on,
I’ll walk you out.”

A grateful expression crossed her face,
and hope flared the depths of her eyes.
Pump the brakes, chick. I’m not going
They walked to the front of the house side by side.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’d
brought your … lady friend.”

Keep it real
and to the point.

“You mean my fiancée, Kansas, who’s here
to meet the family?”

A sharp hiss came from his right. He met
her gaze and nodded. The pain that wrinkled her face and made her eyes glossy
with unshed tears cut him like a knife. Hurting her wasn’t his intention, but
he couldn’t give. He’d be damned if she made Kansas uncomfortable in his

“That’s not what I expected you to say.”
Her voice was wounded and barely audible.

“I’m curious to hear how you imagined
this scenario playing out.”

“Come on, Jett, we fight, we make up. It’s
what we do. Why would now be any different?”

“I thought we went over this,
. We’re done. No amount of therapy could put this broken
relationship back together, and to be honest I wouldn’t even want to try. I’ve
been straight up with you from the time I came to see you in the hospital. I
thought you were, too. You said you understood.”

“I thought you were trying to give me

“By lying about having a
He inclined his head.

“No.” She shook her head, looked up, and
released a deep breath. “I didn’t think it was that serious. I thought maybe
you were biding your time. I don’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders, ran a
hand through her hair, and bit her lip. The action used to drive him wild. Now
it just grated his nerves.

“You’ll always have a special place in my
. We’ve been through a lot together. Don’t
tarnish that by choosing the wrong path right now and alienating not only me,
but my family.”

Her lower lip trembled. “You expect me to
sit here like everything is okay and it doesn’t bother me to see the two of you

“I don’t care what you do as long as you
bite your tongue and keep your distance.”

Her eyes grew wide. “You’re serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

“I-I hope it works out for you!” She
turned on her heel and all but ran to the car waiting in the street.

He felt removed from the situation. When
it came to
he was at the end of his emotional
tether. Going to hell and back over and over would do that to a person. The
best thing for them now was time apart to gain some clarity and move forward
with their lives, separately.

Rejoining his family he spoke. “We won’t
be seeing
for a while.” He took his seat beside
Kansas, and she leaned in, placing a hand on his thigh.

“Are you okay?”

“Never better.”

She studied him.

“I told you that relationship was over. I
made my peace. She had things twisted. Now she doesn’t. I’m not letting anything
come between us.” Brushing a loose strand of hair back from Kansas’s face he
connected their lips in a searing kissed to reassure them both.



Chapter Eight


Kansas dialed
her best friend’s number, holding her breath as she waited for her to pick up.
Jett had been planning something special for a few days, and in an hour she’d
find out what it was.
Since the man
didn’t know how to do things on a small scale she was just as nervous as she
was excited.

“Hey girl,
how’s Eaton treating you?”

“Good, I
Kansas toyed with the tassels on
the pillow beside her.

“What’s wrong?
You sound odd?”

“Jett’s been
cooking up some sort of surprise, and I’m really worried.”

“Is that
laughed. “You are so paranoid! Most people
would say that makes Jett a stellar catch.”

“I know. I’m
awful.” She covered her face with her hand.

“No, you’re
just a journalist. Being left in the dark doesn’t sit well with you. It’s
pretty much the antithesis of your job. ”

“I just feel
like the bottom is going to drop out from beneath me at any minute. He’s too

“Stop it.
He’s exactly what you deserve. You have to stop expecting things to not work
out. That’s your bitch of a mother talking.”

right, and I’m trying. I really am.” Kansas nodded her head.

“I know you
are, sweetheart. Just hang in there.”

She heard
people talking in the distance.


“Sorry, the
shop is picking up today. Can I call you back?”

“Of course,
thanks for listening.”

“Always, love
you, girl. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Love you,

Thank God for
Her stomach rumbled. “Mommy hears you loud and
She rubbed her belly and went to
the kitchen.

When the door opened an hour later she peered
up from the couch and got hit with a cast of
Jett stood in the frame in a charcoal-colored
suit, white button-up, and a black bowtie.

“You look
edible … and I’m under-dressed.”
faded blue jeans and white tank top weren’t going to cut it, wherever he was
taking her.

“You look
A cocky swagger altered his
stride he came toward her. “All you need to do is bring yourself.” Bending down,
moving away before she could deepen it.

“Hey, I
wasn’t done.” She pouted.

“We’re on a
time constraint,

I know you’ve been working hard on whatever it
is you have planned, so I’ll play by your rules … this time.”

“Trust me,
you won’t regret it.”
He kissed her
hand, tugged her to her feet and tucked her hand in his elbow. “Your chariot

Guiding her
outside like a date for the prom he walked her to the car, opened the door and
helped her inside. There was something almost solemn in his serious
Studying his face as he
slipped into the driver’s seat she ran through a list of places he could be
taking her. When none matched she broke down.

“Are you
going to give me a hint?”

“Funny you
should ask that. Look inside the glove compartment.”

Wrinkling her brow, she opened the door. The deep blue, velvet box that greeted
her made her heart pound.


“Open it.”

Her hands
shook as she removed the box, set it in her palm, and opened the case.
A ring with a thick, gold band that looked
like the veins of flowers that led up to a cluster of mid-sized, light brown
diamonds made to look like a bouquet of daises.

my God!”
She placed a hand on her mouth. Warmth spread down into her
belly like a glass of brandy.

“Do you like

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