Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) (39 page)

BOOK: Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)
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Chapter Twenty-Six

She gracefully slid the covers back and inched her way into bed. She rolled onto her side to face me. My nightstand’s light was still on.

“I started my period.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, and she looked at me, amusement filling her eyes.

“Yes. I have had it before, and I know the signs.”
She thought this was funny and I was crushed. I don’t believe her

“Maybe you’re spotting.”
That’s a thing right?
My sisters would say shit like that all the time. Her eyes went back and forth between mine intensely, attempting to read my mind.

“Jason, did you come in me?”
Oh shit, the way she said it made me instantly horny
. She had said my name in the same sentence as ‘come in me’.
Fuck, she had the best mouth. Pull it together, Riggs. She is not playing
. Her eyes narrowed, and I thought my best bet would be honesty.

“Yes, and I thought for sure you were pregnant.” I watched her, trying to gauge how mad she was when I felt a sting followed by a loud smacking sound echoing in my ear.
Oh fuck
. She had struck me across the face. I immediately grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. I wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of surprising blows.

When I was young, I was first introduced to the club by a dominatrix who called me a pretty-boy and wanted to break me in. I was new to everything, and sex was sex, or so I thought. The minute she restrained me I became someone else. She attempted to punish me for my outbursts by slapping me, just like Katarina had. I came unglued, used
my safe word, and when she undid the restraints I nearly broke her arm. I did have sex with the dominatrix after that, just with
limbs restrained. I had grown since that day.
, I had grown in the last four months. Katarina was not like anyone else. I squeezed my eyes shut and repeated it in my head. She must have sensed my battle, because there was a long moment of silence.

“Risky game, Riggs. That could have backfired.”
What the fuck was she talking about? It did backfire

“When?” she asked. I was quietly trying to think of ways I could fix this.

“The day of the hike, after you gave me the gift, we were in the shower. It happened fast, I was just going to feel you. I wanted to know if you were as soft on the inside. Once I was in you,” I tried to swallow, my throat drying up, “I should have felt guilty, but instead, everything was clear. Katarina, you belong with me. This whole time, I’ve pictured my seed in your belly, and it was intoxicating knowing a piece of me was in you.”
It’s still intoxicating
, I wanted to say. The Dom in me wanted to hold her down and put my seed back in her.

“You would want me pregnant that bad? You would trick me?”
It wasn’t a magic trick, princess. It was your surrender. I gave you what you and I both wanted

“Honestly, I am a little confused right now. Talking about this makes me hard, and I really want to have sex with you again. I know I shouldn’t, but it does.” She glanced at me, and frustration and viral anger filled her eyes.

“Are you trying to chase me away? Maybe without even realizing?”
What? That made no sense. Doesn’t she know that her being pregnant would only drive us together?

“I don’t know. I don’t want to use a condom with you, and I have never said that before, with anyone. Fuck, Katarina, with or without a condom, I had never came inside anyone.” It was the truth, but she was no longer listening. I had lost her. I knew this day was coming, and now I could count the seconds until she disappeared.
Fuck that, fight I would fight for her

I reached out, pulling her snug to my body. She didn’t struggle. She was too busy with her thinking face and it was breaking my heart. “I don’t regret it. I want this with you, all of it,” I whispered as I squeezed her tightly, wanting to savor this one moment. It drove me insane that I had no clue what she was thinking about. “Don’t think…not right now. I know the way you think, Katarina. Stop.” She took in a deep breath.

“Jason,” she inhaled again, “I can handle rough sex. The passion you have for me makes me feel…alive. That’s how I feel when I am with you, and everything seems new. I spent most of my life numb, just existing, but it’s not like that when I’m with you.” She was quiet for a second, and I wanted to tell her that was how I felt when we touched. “I can’t handle the dishonesty.” My body embraced her with a powerful force, and again she didn’t resist, letting me smother her for this one moment.

“I am so sorry. I have so much to tell you,” I whispered.

“Shhh, we will talk later.” Her voice grew louder, and I knew whatever I said would not be heard anyway. So I lay there all night holding my princess, making a plan to fix what I had just broken between us. Trust was a hard thing to fix, though. I would need to call Stewie in the morning and ask him for his pussy-whipped advice, because I was that desperate. She fell asleep and I listened to her shallow breathing for the rest of the night. Katarina was smart. I had to let her think this out. She needed space. I wanted her to come back to me of her own will.
What the fuck?
I was loving something, and letting it go free. Maybe there was something to that. I was putting all of my trust in our love, our insane connection.

My body grew stiff throughout the night, but my arms wouldn’t release her. It was weird. It was like my body didn’t like my mind’s decision and the two were at odds. I buried my nose in the crook of her neck, smothering myself in her smell until the morning alarm clock went off.

Her eyes drifted up to mine, and a great smile filled her face. She was quiet. I laced my fingers through hers and led her to the shower. I stepped in and she moved to the toilet. Moments later, she tiptoed in, kissing me as soon as she reached me. It was weird. It was as if the argument had never happened. I felt relieved; maybe all she needed was a good night’s sleep. I looked in her eyes as she pulled away, and the bright
blue signaled clear skies. She lathered herself with soap, and I couldn’t resist joining in.
I’m doing it for her
, I told myself,
and I can see the spots she’s missing
. I knew how clean she liked things. I dipped my fingers inside her, needing proof of her period. I could tell she wasn’t into it, but my princess surrendered her body to my research. I withdrew my finger and stared at it, the coating of red covering it. She watched as I smelled it and put it in my mouth.
Yep, it’s blood, but very sexy blood
. She moved to get out of the shower, and I quietly stepped back in to wash myself. I felt her watching me and couldn’t resist giving her the show I knew she was dying to see. I stroked my hard cock with my hand, eyeing her in the process. She liked it, so I continued, and to be honest, her real life blue eyes were far better than any imaginary fantasy ones I had masturbated to, so I knew this process wouldn’t last long. She stepped closer to me, and I closed my eyes and moved my hand faster. Her hand traced the muscles in my shoulder, all the way down to where my hand covered my cock. She took my mouth at the same time she took my rod in her hand, and it was so erotic. I placed my hand over hers, instructing her on how to glide it. My other hand cradled her face as she kissed me and jacked me off at the same time. I felt the normal stirring telling me I was close, and couldn’t resist taking full possession of her mouth as I came. It was sensual, and her hand stayed on me until every drop was done spilling, and then she was gone.

I exited the shower, and her face mirrored mine. She was in on my secret and she loved it. I dressed with her, and watched her blow-dry her hair for a while before going downstairs. Bo was my first priority. Once he was fed, I started breakfast for Katarina and me. She appeared in the kitchen and moved to the sink, cleaning dishes and wiping down counters. When breakfast was ready, we both ate in silence, thigh-to-thigh. I grinned over my coffee, and she did the same as she ate. I walked her to her car and watched her adjust her seat before I leaned in, giving her a very passionate goodbye kiss.

When I got to work, I saw Jessie’s minivan in the parking lot. I grabbed Bo and headed inside. When I got to my office, the door was open. I stood and observed a very nervous Jessie seated behind my large oak desk.

“Where are the kids?” She looked up, and her big green eyes jolted from the screen to me.

“Jason, we need to talk.” I walked into the room, scared from the look on her face. “It’s about your girlfriend. It’s about Katarina.” I rounded the desk to see what she found out. The screen was open to the reward page. I had already seen it when I did my original research the first day I recognized her. The site had upped the reward offering,
. It was now $750,000 for her safe return. Owen Douglass was Katarina’s bodyguard; the body guard who pleaded with her to stay when her grandfather died. I couldn’t help but think that Katarina was somehow in danger from someone and that he wanted to find her first.

“She has family, Jason, family that misses her. Has she mentioned an Owen Douglass?” I was silent. I was literally stunned silent.

“Maybe she had a boyfriend or a fiancé. I think we should call him to let him know she’s safe.” She was rambling and fidgeting, and it appeared as though she was on a coffee high.

“No, Jessie, it’s not her boyfriend.”

“You don’t know, Jason. He could be worried sick, wondering what he did wrong.”

“Jessie, it’s definitely not her boyfriend. I know because I was her first.” I made eye contact with her. “At
, Jessie, she was untouched before me.” There was no way anyone would ever know she was raped. It was private, and as well-known as Katarina was, I was not going to attach rape to her name. Her face grew angry.

“There are millions of twenty-something girls out there, and you,” she pointed a shaky finger at me, “you picked a virgin?! With your experience, you could have had anyone, and you chose her?” She looked at me as she grew visibly angrier, and then I saw the light bulb come on and her look turn towards realization. “You knew who she was before you pursued her, huh?” She stood, crossing her arms over her chest, and I wasn’t sure where she was going with this. “You are that desperate to punish yourself for what happened to Jacy. You pick the one girl who is unattainable.” She quieted, and I just stared at my furious twin sister. I wasn’t sure if she was mad at the fact I pursued a virgin, or if I pursued Katarina knowing I would get hurt in the end. I sent her a look of
confusion. She was in her own world though, and continued her high-pitched ranting. “What’s worse is you let us fall in love with her. You let my kids and Janie’s boys fall in love with a girl who will disappear. Did you see them last night? They were all fighting for her attention, and you just sat back and let it happen.” I heard someone approach the desk, but I couldn’t break my eyes from hers.

“That’s enough, Jessie.” My dad stood there, his voice tired and angry. Jessie huffed and started to retreat from the office.

“If you don’t call this Owen Douglass, I will.” She spat her words out as she threw death glares at me.

My dad spoke before I had a chance. “You will do no such thing, Jessie. You will go home to your family and stay out of Jason’s business. He’s a big boy, Jessie, and he will take care of his own messes. Do you understand?” His voice was loud, and commanded even my attention. She tossed out a yes as she stormed from my office. I ran a nervous hand through my hair and glanced at my dad, who calmly took a seat across from my desk.

“Take a seat, son.” I did, and quickly clicked off the website. “Your mom and sister did some digging last night after we got home. It’s been a long, long night. Your mom is worried sick. She thinks she’s going to lose you again.” I placed my face in my hands, not wanting to deal with this.

“Do you think this Owen Douglass is the one who abused her?” I removed my hands from my face, stunned once again. “Son, she is very timid and jumps at the sound of a threatening voice or face. I have known for a while. It’s amazing…you know. You are always edgy; your looks and the sound of your voice, they take the breath out of everyone, but not her. She is drawn to you. She sees you as her protector, and your aggressive nature doesn’t faze her at all.” It was ironic to me too, but Katarina was still such a mystery in so many ways. I just stopped questioning and was grateful—grateful for her trust, and grateful for her patience.

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