Mistletoe and Magic (Novella): A Loveswept Historical Romance (12 page)

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Authors: Katie Rose

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Mistletoe and Magic (Novella): A Loveswept Historical Romance
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“It was thanks to your hard work that he got any time at all.” Jacob nodded approvingly. “It’s men like you who will lead this country. Men of morals, character, and fortitude. Why, I mentioned to Senator Kernan just last week …”

Jared fought a yawn as the man was happily heard out by his father. Glancing out the window, he saw the snow glistening against the pane and a chill went through his heart.

He’d read and reread the letter from Penelope, but he still couldn’t fathom what had changed her mind. It was very polite and simply pointed out that a marriage between them would never succeed. She wouldn’t see him and mysteriously had disappeared from the social engagements they’d shared. He’d confronted his father, but the old man insisted he’d done nothing to induce her to break their courtship. Instead, he implied that Penelope had come to the conclusion on her own.

Why? It didn’t make any sense. As he stared at the evergreen sugared with snow, he thought of Susan Parks. The woman was beautiful, elegant, poised, and articulate. All through tea she’d worked hard to demonstrate her knowledge of current literature and the theater. She shyly even offered to play the pianoforte when her mother indicated she was quite an accomplished musician. She had all the qualities of an excellent wife, and yet …

He felt nothing for her.

Was this what his life was to be like? Jared glanced around the rich room, at the paintings and leather-bound books, the chairs made of supple burgundy leather, the crystal lamps and the comfortable sofa. His father had ensured they had the best of everything, and yet it all seemed so hollow. He was bored out of his mind and couldn’t
help but make the comparison.

Penelope never made him feel lethargic. Furious, yes. Enchanted, always. Desire, he felt that in spades. But bored? Never.

As he studied the opulent yet somehow empty room, a slow realization dawned. This was not his life—it was his parents’. Jared knew they barely tolerated each other and had slept in separate rooms for as long as he could remember. Never had he seen a kindness exchanged between them, or a shared joke, a smile, or a kiss. Instead, their relationship was more like a business arrangement than a marriage.

“I have to go.” He rose abruptly to his feet.

His father stopped talking and gazed at him in astonishment. “What do you mean? It’s freezing outside. And it is expected to snow through the evening …”

“I can’t stay here. I’m sorry. Good day, Mr. Parks. Please extend my excuses to your family.” Striding into the hallway, he saw the butler, Bennington, waiting for him with his hat and coat, which he gratefully donned.

He had to escape.

Penelope sat upstairs in her room watching the snowfall. She could hear Aunt Eve fussing about downstairs, wanting everything to be perfect for the holiday. She had helped as much as she could, but the sadness that permeated her was overwhelming and she needed some time to herself.

. She thought of him for the thousandth time, tracing his name in the steam on the window. She missed him terribly, something that didn’t surprise her. Other men seemed to pale in comparison, and she could experience no pleasure in their company. It was only with Jared that she felt alive, accepted, and truly … loved.

Yet a sense of impending doom pervaded her when she stared at his name, and the feeling seemed to grow stronger by the hour. But what could she say to him, especially now? How could she warn him without appearing ridiculous?

Squeezing her eyes closed, she once more envisioned the brick walk where the shooting would occur. Was there a way to identify the street? It looked like a shopping
area, though not because she could recognize any of the storefronts; it was more a general impression. There was a streetlight with a wreath at the corner … she noticed that now, forcing her attention away from the man who was falling and the blood. Nightfall and snow. Then came the newspaper headline …

Her eyes flew open as a detail she’d forgotten fought its way into her consciousness. The date. She could see it now as the paper hit her step and fell open … 
December 24!

That was it! That was why the feeling was growing, filling her with dread. Oh, perhaps he would listen, perhaps she could make him stay inside for just one night, even if he thought her insane! Hope sprang up into her breast, and she ran for the stairs. Although discovery at his place of residence would ruin her reputation once and for all, she had to go and warn him, convince him to listen to her. Even if he could never be her husband, at least she’d know he was alive …

“Dear, are you all right? Where are you going?” Eve questioned as Penelope grabbed her cloak.

“I’ll explain later. Bertha, will you call for the carriage? I won’t be long, Auntie, I promise!”

“I will come with you, you must have an escort …”

“There isn’t time!” Penelope pleaded. “Please, don’t worry. It’s just something I have to do on my own.”

“All right, dear.” Eve nodded to the servant, who rushed to order the carriage.

“Quickly!” Penelope handed the driver Jared’s address. Sinking into the seat, she realized that she might walk in on him while he was engaged. His parents might be there, or his friends. Any of the above would destroy her …

The carriage lurched into the night and Penelope’s heart was in her throat. She had no choice. She would never forgive herself if Jared died and it had been within her power to help him.

They arrived at the white marble townhouse in record time. Looking both ways, Penelope was thankful to see that the street was empty. She disembarked the coach, ran up to the door, and knocked as hard as she could.

A butler opened the portal, astonished to see the beautiful young woman on the
landing. “Please,” Penelope glanced down the street, aware that at any moment someone might come out. “I am here to see Mr. Jared Marton.”

The servant looked at her with distaste, assuming the worst, she supposed, but he led her into the study. “Wait here. I will see if the master is at home.”

Penelope cringed as she thought of the times Jared had come to see her and she’d refused him. What if he chose to retaliate? She couldn’t blame him if he did. And yet …

A moment later, he came into the room. Penelope averted her eyes as she realized he was in a dressing gown and slippers, obviously enjoying a quiet evening at home.

“Penelope?” He stared at her as if she were an apparition. “Is it really you? What are you doing here?”

“Jared, you must listen to me. Tomorrow night, please, do not go anywhere. You must promise me you’ll stay home, secure in your house, especially after nightfall.”

“What?” He looked at her as if she’d lost her mind.

“Please, I beg you. I know it sounds insane, but I have good reason. You see …” She bit her lip, reluctant to confide in him, but knew he wouldn’t understand otherwise. “I am psychic.”

He stared at her as if trying to make sense of it all. “Like your sister, you mean? A medium? Is that what you came to tell me?” He waved a dismissing hand. “I know all about your past, that you and your sisters were spiritualists …”

“No.” She shook her head. “I can see visions of the future. I never told anyone about this, but when I met Gabriel and Charles, I knew that they would wed Jennifer and Winnie. I saw Eve at the altar with Mr. Darling, down to the dress she will wear.”

“I don’t understand …” Jared shook his head.

“On the night of the Christmas ball, I foresaw your death.”

“What? You’re joking!” But Jared’s thought went back to that evening, when she’d fainted in his arms …

“I wish I were. I saw the street where it will happen. It’s paved with brick and there is a gaslight on the corner with a wreath. It looks like the shopping district near your office. In the vision it’s dark outside and the snow is falling. I saw a man walking down the alleyway. Shots rang out and he was murdered, left to lie in a pool of blood. And then I saw the morning headline, and that it is you, Jared Marton, who was killed. I only
remembered today that the paper was dated December twenty-fourth.”

“I’ve never heard anything like this.” He stared at her as if seeing her for the first time.

Penelope nodded. “That’s what I saw that night of the ball. I tried to warn you. I even sent you a note. But that is why I struggled so hard to avoid you. I was afraid of what you’d think if you knew, scared that I would love you and you would die. Please, please, promise me that you will stay inside tomorrow after nightfall, and avoid that street at all costs!”

She was deathly afraid. Jared saw it in her eyes. Now, her past reactions all made terrible sense …

“My poor darling.” Jared took her in his arms to comfort her. “You’re trembling. Of course, if it means that much to you, I won’t go out tomorrow night.”

“Thank you,” she exhaled in relief. “Thank you for believing me.”

“Is that why you came here tonight? To warn me?”

“Yes.” Penelope suddenly seemed to understand the precarious nature of her position. She was alone with him in his house, and he was barely dressed. The situation was frightening and strangely exciting at the same time.

“That can mean only one thing.” His voice was filled with wonder, and Penelope swallowed hard even as her eyes lifted to meet his. Their green depths had turned dark even as he lightly touched a curl that had escaped from her bun. “You love me. No woman would have risked what you did coming here for any other reason.”

It was no use; she couldn’t hide the truth anymore. She did love him, more than she could bear. She loved him enough to face her fears and to put her own dreams at stake to save him. It was that simple.

“Yes,” she said softly.

At her response, his mouth took hers in a tender kiss and she sighed, helpless. The pleasure, allowed to ferment, was more intoxicating than she remembered. Penelope came eagerly into his arms with a poignancy that touched him to his soul as he held her tightly.

“My darling. My sweet darling.”

He took her mouth again, this time increasing her pleasure as his tongue met hers,
fully tasting her sweetness. His hand traced enticing patterns down her back, and then molded her closer to him. His gown had fallen open and she could feel the heated length of him, his hard muscles, and his arousal.

“My God, I want you so badly. I don’t know if I can stop this …”

Penelope saw the truth of his words in his eyes. Desire burned there, and the fire was almost out of control. She didn’t know if her instinct to come here had been right; she also didn’t know what the next twenty-four hours would bring. This might well be the last time she’d ever see him if somehow the vision came to pass. It would be so much more painful to lose him if she let him make love to her tonight, but the alternative was unbearable.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, lifting her arms and threading her fingers into his hair. “I want you, too. Make love to me, Jared. Please.”

“Are you sure, dear?” Jared caressed her and lifted her face, looking deep into her eyes.

“Yes.” She smiled and turned around so he could access the buttons on her dress. “Very sure.”

Gently he undressed her, taking his time, savoring every inch of the satin skin he revealed. When she was naked, he caressed her in wonder, feeling her nipple harden as he brushed it with his fingers. Pressing his lips down the length of her, he got down on his knee and adored her with hot kisses. “My God, you are so beautiful.”

Penelope blushed, but felt no shame as he lifted her effortlessly and carried her to the sofa. “What about your servant?” She remembered the butler and looked fearfully at the door as he placed her on the couch.

“Gerald will not disturb us, but I’ll lock the door just in case.” He slid the latch into the bolt, and then returned to her and removed his satin brocade robe. Penelope gasped at the sight of him and her eyes grew round with wonder.

“You are like a god,” she breathed, touching the hard chest, letting her fingers move slowly downward as he leaned over her.

“If you touch me like that, I won’t be able to restrain myself.” He laughed, taking her hand and holding it, and then kissed her thoroughly. He caressed her, taking his time to arouse her. Penelope sighed, lost to the sensual web he was weaving. His hands
seemed to be everywhere at once, instinctively knowing when to linger, where to increase pressure, and where to tease her until she was practically begging.

“Please,” she whispered. Her body felt as tight as a violin string and seemed to cry out for release. “Please.”

He groaned and gave into her entreaty. As he entered her slowly, he was not at all surprised to feel that tight resistance. He’d never doubted that the notorious Miss Appleton was unsullied and, after tonight, needed no additional proof. Gasping, she pulled back a bit in surprise, and he waited, letting her body get used to him. Taking his time, he withdrew and pressed hot kisses along her torso, deliberately seducing her, stoking her desire once more. He lingered at her breast, teasing her, making her squirm beneath him until she was once again his as he gently entered her again. He allowed their passion to build until she cried out his name in pleasure. Only then did he give in to a shuddering climax.

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