Mistress (29 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

BOOK: Mistress
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“What about them? Juliana’s parents will not allow her to marry my brother if they believe that I will cut him off. Their aim is to get their hands on a portion of the Masters fortune. I control that fortune, not Bennet.”

“Marcus, I do not think it will be as easy as all that. I saw your brother’s face tonight: He believes himself to be in love with Juliana.”

“He’ll soon discover that it will not do him any good. Dorchester will remove Juliana from my brother’s vicinity and fire her off at another target now that I’ve removed the primary one.”

“Rubbish. You and Dorchester are both idiots if you truly believe that you can control the lives of others in such a fashion. Juliana and Bennet are young, but they are adults. There is no knowing what they might do if you and Dorchester try to bend them to your wills.”

Marcus watched her from the shadows. “What are you saying? That they might run off to Gretna Green together?”

“It’s a possibility, is it not?”

“No. I’ll admit that in his present state Bennet might be foolish enough to suggest the notion, but Juliana is a very rational young woman. She is highly unlikely to do anything so impractical as to marry a man whose financial prospects are uncertain.”

“Meaning she will marry for money rather than love?”

“Precisely. Do not forget, I saw her in action last Season.”

“I suspect the people you saw in action were her parents. Poor Juliana was no doubt merely attempting to obey their instructions.”

“There is no difference.”

“Marcus, I hesitate to mention this,” Iphiginia said, “but you are not quite the great judge of human nature you perceive yourself to be. At least not when it comes to affairs of the heart.”

“Affairs of the heart should be handled in the same manner as affairs of business. They should be approached with circumspection and care.”

“You mean with cynicism, do you not? I understand what you are trying to do,” Iphiginia said gently. “You wish to protect your brother from an unhappy marriage. But I do not think that you are going about it in the right way.”

“This does not concern you, Iphiginia.”

“Nonsense. You have dragged me into it. If you wanted to keep me out of the thing, you should never have told Dorchester that you were about to announce a betrothal. Now we shall both have to deal with all the annoying questions and speculation. It will make everything vastly more difficult.”

“I do not see any great problem. I have a rule against answering personal questions.”

“But Marcus, people will expect you to announce your engagement to one of the young ladies who was brought out this Season. Not to your mistress, for
heaven’s sake. Even your own brother assumes that you are going to declare yourself for one of the eligible young women of the

“I am going to betroth myself to a young lady who is having her first Season,” Marcus said. “You.”

“You are the most stubborn man I have ever met in my entire life.”

“You may as well get used to it because I have no intention of changing.”

Iphiginia stifled a groan of exasperation. “Let us get back to the matter at hand. I advise you not to take such a hard and inflexible stand with Bennet and Juliana. I fear that by doing so you will only drive them into each other’s arms.”

“I do not recall asking for your advice on the subject.”

“Then why are we having this discussion?”

“Damned if I know,” he muttered. “It’s none of your affair. Bennet is my brother and I will act as I see fit.”

“Marcus, I comprehend what you are trying to do. You wish to protect him.”

“What is wrong with that?”

“Nothing. I understand your desire. You raised him. I suspect that in many ways you are more of a father than a brother to him. I was in a similar position with my sister. In some ways I was almost a mother to her.”

“I’m aware of that,” he said quietly.

“You and I both became parents before we had a chance to become mature adults ourselves. And we feel protective toward our charges, as any parent would feel. But as much as we would like to guard them forever, we cannot do so.”

“I can and will protect Bennet from Juliana Dorchester.”

“You are going about it in the wrong way.”

“What do you suggest that I do?” Marcus growled. “Give my blessing to the marriage?”



“Hear me out.” Iphiginia leaned forward earnestly. “Tell your brother that you will give the marriage your blessing if he will agree to a reasonable period for the engagement.”

“What do you call reasonable?”

“Many young couples in the
are betrothed for a year. Surely you can convince Bennet to go along with such a request. You can ask for six months at the very least.”

“And what happens when the engagement period is finished?”

“A year is a long time, Marcus. So is six months, for that matter. If Juliana is the wrong woman for Bennet, there will be ample opportunity for him to discover that fact.”

“Breaking an engagement is no light matter.”

“True, but it can be done and it is done. You can arrange for the thing to be handled quietly.”

Marcus’s expression darkened. “What if Juliana succeeds in compromising herself with Bennet before the year is ended?”

“You already face that risk. In fact, the threat is greater at this very moment because the pair will be feeling desperate. If Juliana does care for Bennet as much as he cares for her, they may see themselves as star-crossed lovers. They may decide to defy family and convention in order to be together.”

“Bloody hell. What you are saying is true only if I am wrong about Juliana’s feelings. But if I am right, the entire matter is finished. The Dorchesters, Juliana included, will decide that Bennet is no longer a suitable marriage prospect.”

Iphiginia sighed. “My lord, I doubt that you are right in your assessment of the situation. You are a man of science, probably the most intelligent man I know, but you are blind when it comes to dealing with matters such as this. Love makes people do very desperate things.”

He slid her an assessing, sidelong glance. “What makes you an expert?”

She refrained from pointing out that she was a living example of the desperate lengths to which love could drive a person.

“I watched my sister fall in love,” Iphiginia said instead.

Marcus’s gaze became even more intent. “With the man you had thought loved you?”

Iphiginia caught her breath. “You know about Richard Hampton?”

“Yes.” Marcus looked out at the street.

“You think you know everything, do you not, my lord?”

“It has been my experience that it is better to have all the information one needs before one makes a decision.”

“Well, then, as you appear to be all-knowing, you do not need any further explanations from me concerning Richard, do you?”

Marcus met her eyes for an instant. Then his gaze slid back to the night-darkened streets. “Did you love him?”

“The answer would be meaningless to a man who does not believe in love.”

“You’re evading the question.”

“I’m merely adopting your own rule against providing the curious with explanations.” Iphiginia paused. “But I will make a bargain with you, my lord.”

“What bargain?”

“I’ll tell you the answer to your question if you will agree to answer one of my questions.”

“Very well,” he pounced. “But you will answer my question first. Did you believe yourself to be in love with young squire Hampton?”

Iphiginia struggled for an honest response. Odd how hard it was to recall her emotions during those days when she had thought Richard might ask her to marry him. Her feelings for Richard had been so pallid and bland compared to her feelings for Marcus.

“I believed that I could have learned to love him,” she said quietly.

“You believed that you could have
to love him?” Marcus scoffed. “What rubbish.”

“I do not think it’s rubbish. I am a bluestocking at heart. A former schoolteacher. I believe in the powers of the intellect. I am convinced that where the right factors are present and where there is determination, goodwill, and a degree of intelligence, it is possible that one can learn to love.”

“The poets would laugh to hear you talk of applying rational intelligence to love.”

“You are not a poet, my lord. Why are you laughing?”

“The whole bloody subject is laughable.” Marcus shot her a derisive look. “You said that the right factors must be present in order for one to learn to love. Were those factors present in Richard Hampton?”

“I believe so. Richard is a good man. A kind man. Strong, gentle, and constant. Yes, I could have learned to love him.”

“He sounds like a damned paragon. Do you honestly think that you would have been happy with him?”


“You would have been true to him?”

She frowned. “Of course.”

“Even if you had met someone else after the marriage? A man who turned your blood to molten fire? A man who made you comprehend the works of the poets? A man who tempted you to touch the stars?”

“You mean, even if I had met you, Marcus?”

He went very still in the shadows.

Iphiginia smiled wryly. “It is highly unlikely that you and I would ever have encountered each other had I married Richard Hampton. But the answer to your question is yes. Even if I had met you, I would have been true to him. I may not care for rules, but I do possess a sense of honor.”

“Passion is not always subject to the dictates of will, madam.”

“I disagree. And I think, deep down, you do, too. We are intelligent human beings. Temptation and passion can most certainly be controlled if one is determined to do so.”

To her surprise, Marcus smiled slightly at that. “You may be right. What does that say about you and me, Iphiginia? That we lack willpower?”

“No.” She unfurled her fan very slowly and then closed it. “It says that we are both free to indulge our passions and we have decided to do so. It is our prerogative, our right as unattached adults. If we were not free, honor would constrain us from giving in to temptation.”

“Ah. I see. We happened to be free to allow ourselves to be tempted, so we were tempted. An interesting bit of logic.”

“Perhaps we should return to the subject of your brother’s passions, rather than our own. You cannot control Bennet’s life, Marcus. Nor should you.”

“Don’t you think I know that? I don’t want to control his life. I want to protect him.”

“He will love whom he will. All you can hope to do is purchase some time for him to consider his actions. With any luck he will use the time to make certain that what he feels for Juliana Dorchester is genuine love and not a passing fancy.”

“I still think my approach is more likely to produce the desired results,” Marcus said. “I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I have nipped the entire affair in the bud this evening.”

“I think your approach will lead to disaster.”

“Hell and damnation. I detest this sort of emotional nonsense.”

“You, sir, have no patience with anything that does not conform to the laws of science.”

“Things were so much simpler when Bennet was younger,” Marcus said in a low voice. “He respected my
advice in those days. He asked me for help when he needed it. He sought my approval before he undertook an important task.”

“I understand.” Iphiginia smiled wistfully. “It was the same way between my sister and myself when she was a child. But everyone grows up eventually, Marcus.”

“Must they destroy their own chance of happiness in the process?”


“The cost of being wrong is too high. I cannot let him do it, Iphiginia.”

Iphiginia took a grip on her fan. “Sir, I have taught students for several years. I have discovered that they do not always learn the lesson you believe that you are teaching. Too often they learn something else entirely.”

“What is that cryptic remark supposed to mean?”

“You must believe me when I tell you that your way of dealing with this situation is fraught with risk. Bennet will learn much from how you handle this situation.”

“I should hope to God he will,” Marcus said fervently.

“But I doubt that he will learn the lesson you believe that you are teaching. In short, my lord, when all is said and done, there is every chance that he will become more like you if this business ends badly. Do you really want that for him?”

Marcus looked at her in cold amazement. “I beg your pardon?”

“You are teaching him the things that are likely to transform him into a copy of yourself in later years.”

“And just what sort of man is that?” Marcus asked in a dangerously soft voice.

“A man who lives by rules that are so rigid and so unbending that they do not allow room for love.”

A terrible silence descended inside the carriage. Marcus did not move so much as an inch, but Iphiginia nearly drowned beneath the silent waves of his fury.

“My lord, I do not pretend to know much about your
first marriage. I cannot help but conclude, however, that it was not a happy one.”

“It was a living hell.”

“I wish to claim my half of our bargain. I want an answer to this question. Could anyone who knew you at the time of your marriage have stopped you from going through with it?”

For a moment she did not think he would answer.

“No.” The single word was as heavy as a stone. “Very likely not. I thought I knew what I was doing. I thought that I was in love.” His smile was savage. “I believed that Nora loved me.”

“Perhaps she did,” Iphiginia offered tentatively.

“No.” Marcus’s hand closed briefly into a fist. “She needed a father for the babe she carried.”

Iphiginia froze. “I did not realize—”

Marcus met her eyes. His own were cold. “No one did. I have never told another soul that Nora came to me after she had got herself with child by another man.”

“Oh, Marcus. How terrible for you.”

He fell silent for a while. Iphiginia could not think of anything more to say. She was stunned by the realization that he had kept the truth to himself for so long.

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