Mistress Mine (4 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Mistress Mine
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This time, the intense pleasure doubled him over. He moaned
long and low. “God, yes,” he replied, trying to control himself, trying not to
come in his pants like a virgin. The foot pulled away. Recovering his breath,
he kneeled straight again.

“Well, you can’t have what you want, I’m afraid. You can
only have what I decide to give you. I’ll warn you right now that you will not
be coming in this room. It’s too soon for that.”

Trey closed his eyes briefly at the disappointing news, then
focused on what his Mistress said next. “If you and I decide to go ahead and
play together, then we’ll do a little restraining and light flogging, just to
break the ice. I’m willing to train you as a new boy.” She paused. “You did
mention you are new to all of this, didn’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“But you’re also used to being in charge in the rest of your

“Yes, ma’am. I was in the army for eight years as an
officer. Now I’m with the FBI.”

She blinked. “This isn’t a raid or something, is it?”

He chuckled. “No, ma’am. This is a man exploring what he’s
looking for in a woman, in a lover.”

“What you want is a woman to dominate you.”

It wasn’t really a question, yet he answered it anyway.
“Yes, ma’am.”

“A woman to discipline you.”

He closed his eyes once more, picturing what it was going to
be like to have the suede flays hitting his back, his ass, his cock and balls.
Biting his lip for control, he nodded.

“Because in your life, you’re always in control. You’re the
one with responsibility, and it’s a matter of life and death. People are
literally counting on you for their very lives. It’s difficult and it’s
stressful. You need some place, some time when you don’t have to worry about
making the right decision or the wrong one. You need someone else to take
control, tell you what to do and beat that stress right out of you.”

To have it said so plainly was like a minor miracle. He
could hardly believe he had spent so much of his adult life burying this
obvious truth. For a moment, he was overwhelmed emotionally. Opening his eyes,
blinking back tears, he said, “You understand.”

“Of course I do.” Her voice was soothing. “You don’t have to
worry about a thing in this room. I will take good care of you. That’s a
promise. But it will only work if you trust me. Do you trust me, Trey?”

“I-I don’t know,” he answered truthfully, afraid he might
ruin everything, but determined not to lie to this woman.

“An honest answer. I appreciate that. You don’t know me, so
how could you know if you can trust me? I have to earn that trust and it starts
tonight, if you are willing.”

“I am.”

She paused. He caught a hint of uncertainty in her
expression. “I’m older than you.”

He nodded. “I know. I like that. It makes it easier for me
to trust you.”

“Good.” She uncrossed her legs and leaned in closer to him.
The warmth of her body played on his arousal. He wanted to touch, yet didn’t
dare. He needed permission, even a novice like himself understood that. “Now
pay attention. Here are the rules. You do what I tell you to do immediately, no
questions unless I give you permission to ask them. You stop thinking the moment
you are in my presence. You watch and listen and obey. I will control you and
your body and I promise to take good care of you. I won’t demand anything more
of you than I know you can handle. But you have to leave the alpha man outside.
You have to relinquish control. Will you do that?”

Trey sighed heavily. “I’ll try.”

She shook her head. “There is no try. You do it or you

He stared back at her and saw the confidence and resolve in
her eyes. If this was ever going to be right for him, he had to jump in with
both feet and make a commitment. “I understand, Yoda, I mean, Mistress.” God,
what was the matter with him, cracking jokes at a time like this?

Her hand reached out but instead of the slap he braced for,
she merely patted his cheek. “You don’t have to check your sense of humor at
the door.” Standing up, she added, “Come.”


Juliette led her new boy over to the manacles on the wall,
not completely sure the scene was going to play out the way she wanted. Trey
had been truthful, and that had merit, and yes, the reference to
Star Wars
had been funny. Still, he was going to have trouble giving up decision making.
Not that anyone could jump into a BDSM lifestyle without some reservation. She
needed to take things slow and steady, fight the urge to ramp things up to her
own speed. It would help her, too. Her nervousness and doubt were enemies to
her goals.

“Take everything off,” she ordered, shutting down the more
analytical part of her brain and going into automatic Domme mode.

Trey’s hesitation was almost undetectable. She let it go and
concentrated instead on the tantalizing show he gave as he took his clothes
off. It wasn’t that he performed a striptease or anything. The efficient way he
pulled off shirt, sneakers, sox, jeans, and underwear had its own satisfaction.
A man of action, his movements were smooth, elegant even. He was obviously used
to doing a quick strip as a former soldier. If he was self-conscious about
being naked in front of her, he didn’t give any indication.

For her part, Juliette remained passive as she saw the
magnificent body unwrapped for her pleasure. At least she gave no outward signs
of how desirable she found him. The sight of his upper body alone with all its
finely sculpted muscles had her pussy quivering. Already hard, her nipples
tingled and ached within her bra. The urge to rub them against Trey’s smooth
chest nearly overwhelmed her. Her fingers clenched against her beloved flogger,
a distant second to their desire to clasp and squeeze the high, taut globes of
his ass. She had to bite her lip to hold back the gasp when his dark, rigid
cock sprang free. Her new boy was a damn fine toy. When he was done stripping,
he stood silently before her.

“Stand closer to the wall, facing it,” she ordered with a
weaker voice than she would have liked. Chastising her softness, she took him
by the wrist and secured it to one of the manacles. She crossed behind him to
do the same thing with his other arm and pulled the restraint tight. His arms
extended fully above his head, yet he could still stand comfortably on the flat
of his feet.

Now that he was contained, she gave into the temptation to
touch. When she ran the fingers of her free hand across his shoulders, his body
shivered. Good. She liked that he enjoyed it. Despite the warmth of the room,
fine goose bumps rose up from his skin. She detected them as she petted him
down his back and over his ass, his firm squeezable ass. He gave little
reaction except a small murmur of pleasure when she copped a feel. But when her
fingers wandered over to explore the crease between the globes, his body jerked
from her touch. His breath hissed out and not in a good way.

Juliette circled toward his side and studied his face. His
lips were set in a tight line. “You don’t like ass play, do you?” she ventured.

He shook his head once. “No, ma’am. Sorry, I’m not
comfortable with the idea of taking anything up there.”

Juliette cocked her head. “Well, most men are a little leery
at first. We’ll work on it.”

Trey said nothing, although his expression spoke volumes.
“Like hell we will,” was how she read it. Doubt crept back in. She couldn’t go
through another relationship where everything was a battle. This man might be
more straight-forward than Tom was, but still, it gave her pause.

“Stop it.”
She was looking for excuses to end this
relationship before it even started. Of course an alpha male would worry about
yielding his asshole to a woman, or anyone, really. She was getting ahead of
herself again. So she let it go and ran her hand down the smooth terrain of his
chest. Almost hairless, his skin stretched tautly over finely sculpted muscles.
She dipped her fingers in and out of the valleys of his abs, careful not to
touch his cock. His breathing turned ragged from this simple attention, and his
eyes drifted shut. His nipples jutted out, begging to be tweaked. With thumb
and forefinger, she pinched and tugged each in turn. He gasped. His eyes flew
open before narrowing in obvious pleasure.

Juliette was delighted at how responsive her new toy
appeared. She returned to standing in back of him. Instead of touching him more
with her hands, she used the flogger to caress his back and buttocks. She
weaved the soft flays across the expanse of his skin in a way designed to sooth
and lull. When the muscles in his shoulders relaxed, she flicked the flays at
him to lightly sting. He showed no outward reaction to the low-key pain, so she
continued the game of petting for a while and flogging. Each time she snapped
the flays against his body, she increased the force, until finally his body
jumped. A gasp flew out of his mouth and Juliette smiled at the sound. It had
been too long since she had known this pleasure. Her simple cotton slacks
molded to her labia from the wetness seeping from her core.

“How are you doing, Trey?” she asked coyly.

“Thank you, ma’am. May I have another?”

She chuckled at the response. The guy did have a fine sense
of humor. There was nothing inconsistent with laughing and BDSM. It was
supposed to be fun, after all. “You let me know if it gets to be too much.”

“Do I need a safe word, ma’am?” he asked, his voice thick
with passion.

“You can have one if you want. Personally, I don’t use
them.” Not any more, not after Tom, but she didn’t explain that to him. No need
to spook him with her emotional baggage. “I’m careful to monitor your
condition. Subs have a way of getting so into the zone, into sub space it’s
called, that they don’t have the good sense to ask their Domme to stop. It’s my
job to take care of you, so I’ll decide when it’s time to end our play. If you feel
at any time that you can’t take what I’m doing, then ask me to stop.”

“It’s that simple? Aren’t you worried I’ll say stop too

“I trust you to say it only when you really mean it.”
Otherwise they were doomed before they started.

He took a deep breath and let it out in a rush. “I won’t say
it. I’ll take whatever you choose to give me, Mistress.”

The last word alone nearly sent her over the edge. God, how
she loved having a man in her control again. “I’m glad to hear it. The lesson
will continue.” Juliette went back to the petting and flogging for a few
minutes more before beating his ass in earnest. Setting a horizontal figure
eight in motion, she flayed his ass cheeks, occasionally whacking her boy with
extra force to see his fine body jerk. He couldn’t withhold his grunts of pain
any longer and those sounds morphed to more of a yell when she hit him hard
enough. A fine red glow covered his skin.

The rhythm of her effort was hypnotic, mellowing her,
setting her arousal at a constant high. The muscles of her left arm, so used to
the movement, moved without conscious control. She could have worked her boy’s
ass all night, but the need for vigilance overrode her pleasure. Stopping the
beating, she touched his forehead. A fine sheen of sweat covered his brow and
his palms were cold and clammy. Although his eyes were closed, his mouth was
open to accommodate his heavy breathing. He hadn’t said as much, yet she knew
he had had enough.

Juliette unbuckled Trey from his restraints, careful to
avoid touching his cock. It hadn’t lost any of its hardness during the
flogging, testament to how much he enjoyed the pain. She wished she had packed
a few items after all, like a cock ring to make sure he didn’t come. Oh, well,
next time. And as she rubbed his arms to help the blood flow, she knew there
would be a next time. He remained passive while she ministered to him and his
eyes opened a bit to stare at her. He gave her a small, knowing smile before
shutting his eyes again. He was a happy man at that moment, to be sure. Pride
swelled her chest. She had done it, she had taken the first step back to the
way of life that gave her joy. And orgasms, lots and lots of orgasms. In fact,
she wanted one before the night ended. Unfortunately, she had a firm policy not
to let a boy touch her the first time out. Boundaries needed be established and
denial was good for a sub. He would learn to yield his pleasure, all of it, to
her command. She had no rule about touching herself, however.

“This way,” she ordered walking back to the chair, a firm
grip on one of his arms. Although he seemed steady enough, she never took
chances. It could take a while for a sub to come down from wherever they went
when in sub space. She wouldn’t let either of them leave the room until she was
sure he could manage on his own. When they arrived at the chair, she gently
pushed him toward it. “Sit down and rest.”

He looked up at her with a quizzical expression for a second
before remembering to lower his gaze. “I’m fine, Mistress, really.”

She smacked his left ass cheek with the palm of her hand,
making him grunt. “I said, sit!” He did as ordered, although he sat gingerly on
his reddened backside. His hands he rested in the tops of his thighs, too close
to his erection by her reckoning. “Put your hands on the arm rests. Do not
touch your cock. Look at me,” she ordered. When his eyes flew up to meet hers,
she added, “Watch me and don’t move a muscle.”

She stepped back a bit and slipped off her jacket, letting
it slide to the floor. Shifting her flogger to dangle from her right wrist, she
lifted her left hand and opened her blouse, one tiny button at a time. Her gaze
stayed on Trey’s face, watching him watch her. As she revealed her lacy, black
bra, his eyes widened and a small smile played across his lips. She left her
shirt tucked into her pants, but slipped her hand under the gaping front to cup
her right breast. Her nipple pressed against its confines, hard and needy. She
rubbed her finger around it and hummed as a tingling sensation radiated out to
engulf her entire breast.

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