Mistress of the Night (37 page)

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Authors: Don Bassingthwaite,Dave Gross

BOOK: Mistress of the Night
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The shadow mastiff darted forward.

Keph yelped and thrust out the book.

"Get back!" he yelled-

Except that the words that emerged from his lips weren't his. With a sudden, hideous rush, the whispers of the book came together, blasting through the weakness of his fear to tear across his soul, and out of his mouth. Keph shouted words that grated on his ears for a fleeting moment before vanishing like bad dreams.

The shadow mastiff let out a howling wail as its body smeared out against the darkness and evaporated into a wisp of dark smoke.

Burning pain seared through Keph's hand. With a howl of his own, he tossed the book back into his right hand and stared at his left. A silvery character branded his thumb—one of the characters from the black slates. He stared at it then at the book.

It seemed lighter than it had moments before. The whispers had receded slightly in his head.

He swallowed hard.


Feena stalked around to the east side of Moonshadow Hall. If Bolan had commanded the attack on the temple's south, it made sense that Variance should have commanded the attack from the east. When Feena fought the Sharrans on the rooftop, that had been the direction the dark priestess's prayers had come from as well.

"Variance!" she roared again. "Come out!"

Behind her, Julith raced to keep up. Feena moved just slowly enough to allow her the chance to keep pace. Prayers of moonlight overhead cast bright, colorless pools down onto the streets and alleys around the temple walls—but in the shadows between buildings, darkness lay deep. Feena stopped and spun around, her arms raised.

"Variance, come out! I know you're here!"

A sudden whiff of shadowstuff, much like the mastiffs, caught her nose. She whirled.

Shadows parted down a side street and a tall Calishite woman stepped into a patch of moonlight. Dusky pale skin, plain black clothes, long dark hair... the only color about Variance was the purple wink of the amethyst ring on one finger.

Though she held the sharp steel ring of a chakram in her right hand casually, her eyes were intense.

"Your continued interference is unexpected and unwelcome."

"So was your attempt to turn Yhaunn against me by sending a shadow mastiff to mutilate Cyrume's body."

Variance's eyebrows rose slightly and she said, "You guessed."

"With Keph's help." Feena jerked her head at Julith and the younger priestess nodded. She slipped down the side street, keeping wide around to one side of Variance. Feena began to circle the other way. "Where is Keph? What have you done with him?"

"He's performing a special service for Shar."

"You lie," Feena growled. "You kidnapped him. He wouldn't help you or Shar."

Variance's gaze flickered to Julith, then settled back on Feena. "You've broken my enchantment as well, then. You are extraordinary. You speak as a beast. And I saw you fight the shadow mastiffs—your form flows like water. Selune's touch is strong upon you." Her eyes narrowed. "New Moon?" she asked.

Feena caught her breath and growled, "How do you know about the New Moon Pact?"

Variance laughed and said, "Shar's archives hold many secrets—especially the lore of her enemies. And the New Moon Pact is an old enemy to the Mistress of the Night. It was old when Netheril fell." Feena caught the subtle movement as she tensed. "Your defeat will be a pleasure."

"You're already defeated, Variance," called Julith. "Your cultists are captured. Your beasts are gone."

"Girl," Variance hissed without turning around, "do you expect me to surrender to you? To seek absolution from your cold goddess? Or perhaps you think I'll flee and you can avoid a fight." She caught Feena's gaze. "Do you want that, Feena?"

Feena's hands tightened on the metal shaft of the mace.

Variance smiled and said, "I didn't think so."

She spun to spit a single, bleak word at Julith. The

young priestess screamed and staggered back, her eyes wide.

"Feena! I can't see!"

Even as Julith screamed, Variance was twisting back to Feena. Her arm flicked sharply and her chakram sliced through the air.

Feena snapped up the mace and swung hard. It connected with the chakram, sending it ricocheting away. Letting loose a howl, Feena charged at Variance. Shar's priestess just reached up to snatch the chakram out of the air as it hissed by, then stepped back into the shadows.

When Feena's mace thundered through the darkness, there was nothing there. The weapon swept empty air. Variance was gone.

No, Feena knew. Not gone. Her words had been cold. She wanted a fight. At the very least, she had no intention of leaving. Feena spun around.

"Julith!" she ordered. "Stay still and keep low!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Julith grope for the nearest wall then sink down, her shield pulled up high for protection. Feena turned and turned again—then spun around as prayer welled out of another shadow.

Variance's hand stiffened and thrust toward her. Darkness lanced from her fingertips. Feena howled as the black bolt pierced her flesh like despair given form. She staggered under the foul magic, but forced herself to her feet and charged again.

Variance unleashed a second bolt, then flung her chakram as well. Feena flung herself into a long roll across the ground. Both magic and steel passed above her and she rolled back to her knees before Variance, swinging the mace in a flawless, powerful continuation of motion.

The dark priestess stepped back into the shadows less than a heartbeat before the mace would have hammered into her. Feena's mighty swing carried her around and left her sprawling. Variance's chakram hit the wall above her and fell to the ground with a ringing clatter. Feena rolled away from it and flipped herself back up onto her feet, mace ready again.

"Stand and fight!" Feena screamed. "No."

Movement in a shadow.... Feena spun, and another black bolt of despair caught her full in the chest. The pain seemed even worse, stealing her breath and leaving her doubled over.

Soft footsteps fell on the stones of the street. Feena forced herself upright as Variance stepped out into the light once more. Feena raised her mace and met the Sharran's dark gaze. Slowly, silently, they moved against each other, keeping their distance.

Halfway between them, Julith shuddered in the silence.

"Feena, what's going on?" she gasped.

Variance's gaze flickered toward her.

"No!" growled Feena.

Variance just smiled and took another step—into a patch of shadow.

The darkness swallowed her.

"No!" Feena howled and spun around. "Moonmaiden guide me, where is—"

A whiff of shadowstuff. Feena whirled, and hurled her mace into shadows not three paces from Julith.

It slammed into Variance's shoulder. She grunted and stumbled, twisted around by the impact. Feena growled and rushed at her, powerful legs pumping then kicking her into a leap. She hit Variance in a hard tackle that sent them both tumbling along the street. Feena snapped and tore at the dark priestess, but Variance was unexpectedly strong. She caught Feena's clawed hands in her own and forced them back. Her legs came up, threatening a double kick. Feena thrust herself back.

Variance stayed close. The black and purple disk of the Mistress of the Night was clenched in one hand and she shouted a prayer as her other hand darted out to touch Feena.

"Shar take you!"

Darkness closed on Feena's heart like the fist of doom. She couldn't breathe. No, she wasn't breathing. Agony tore through her, cold so bitter it burned. Shar's magic

was killing her, dragging her from life into death—

Feena forced a snarl through clenched teeth. "For Selune's sake, I have held death itself at bay." Her eyes snapped open to stare at Variance. "For Selune's sake, I deny death!"

The dark prayer shattered, leaving both priestesses reeling, Variance with an expression of shock on her pale face, Feena trembling with the memory of pain. Gasping and panting, they faced each other. Feena's claws spread wide. Variance's fists clenched tight.


Variance froze, then turned and looked up. Feena turned as well. Higher up on the slope of the street, stood Keph Thingoleir. The young man's face was flushed and his clothes and hair were drenched in sweat. His entire body trembled, but he held his arms high above his head.

Clutched in his hands and seeming to shimmer as moonlight fell upon it was a strange black book. Keph took a slow step forward, passing out of moonlight and into shadow and the book seemed to change, silver sparks of writing emerging upon it.

The very sight of that book set Feena's teeth on edge. A tremor of unease writhed through her gut.

"Keph..." she growled in a low voice.

Variance stepped away from her and held out her hands.

"Give it to me!" the Sharran ordered. Keph didn't move.

Variance's face tensed and she shouted, "Give it to me!"

"Feena," Keph asked, his voice cracking, "is Moon-shadow Hall safe?"

Feena nodded, and Keph lowered the book and looked at Variance.

"Call off the creatures in the Stiltways," he told her. "Rax leads them now." "Then call off Rax! End this!"

Variance's eyes narrowed, but she raised her voice.

"Rax!" she called into the night. "Rax, your task is done. Take your pack and return to Shadow."

The savage howls that had been echoing from the Stiltways vanished.

Variance looked at Keph and said, "Now give me the tiles!"

"No." Keph's flushed face was hard. "Now take off your ring."

Variance hissed.

Behind Keph, shadows shifted.

"Keph!" yelled Feena in warning as two more shadow mastiffs stepped out of the darkness.

She started to leap forward, but Keph was already whirling himself. Grasping the book in his right hand he poked his left thumb out at the nearest mastiff and shouted... something. The words tore at Feena's wolf ears and left them flat against her head. Even Variance gasped. The shadow mastiff howled in terror and seemed to bleed away into nothingness. Snapping his arm around, Keph pointed at the second beast, repeating the tearing words.

It vanished as well, though its whine of fear lingered in the night. Keph looked back down at Variance.

"Take off the ring!" he commanded. "Give it to Feena!"

Eyes fixed on Keph, Variance brought her hands together and pulled the amethyst ring off her finger.

Feena's fur rose at the transformation that swept over the priestess. Fine, narrow Calishite features vanished, replaced by a broader, rounder face. Dusky pale skin turned dark... darker... black like night. Even Variance's eyes turned black, becoming deep, colorless pits of shadow. Her hair and clothes didn't shift, but when she spoke, her voice had a strange, ancient accent.

"Take it, Selunite," she snarled. "Wear it if you dare."

Feena reached over and snatched the ring from her fingers, holding it gingerly. The smell of shadowstuff was very strong.

"Now," Keph said, "get out of Yhaunn."

Variance's altered face twisted. "We had an agreement!"

she said. "The tiles for your friend's life. If you break that agreement, I swear that he will not be the only one to suffer!"

"What good is fixing one mistake if I make another?" Keph replied. He paused for a moment then looked down at the book in his hands. "I hear whispers in the dark, Variance. Whispers from the slates. I don't understand them, but I hear them." He looked up and raised his thumb. Silver glimmered on the pad of it. "The whispers did this and you know what I can do with it." His eyes

hardened. "What would happen ifl started repeating the

whispers? Started speaking them out loud?" Feena's heart went cold.

Whispers in the dark... whispers that could be heard, but not understood. She'd heard those whispers. Dhauna Myritar had heard them as well.

Selune's warning, the truth of it, the New Moon Heresy, the New Moon Pact—clues, tools, nothing more—stones on the path to that moment.

Feena stepped forward numbly, letting her hybrid form fall away so that she stood in the form of a woman. She felt as if she were on the edge of a cliff that could crumble under her feet at any minute.

"Keph," she said, "don't do it. Whatever you want, whatever you're thinking, don't speak the whispers."

Keph looked at her. His eyes were shot through with red. His face was tired.

"Feena," he said, "you don't understand..."

"Keph, you have to trust me," Feena replied. "For your family's sake, believe me. Some things should never be spoken. The whispers must not be spoken."

"She understands better than you do," said Variance. The dark priestess took a slow step forward as well. "And she's right. In Shar's name, I swear it. Your friend will be safe. I will leave Yhaunn. Just give me the book and I will lock it away."

Keph's face tightened and he asked, "What if I give it to Feena and she locks it away?"

Variance stiffened. "Give it me. It's no weapon."

"Then what is it?"

Variance hesitated, then took another step forward as she said, "It-"

Out of the corner of her eyes, Feena saw moonlight fade from the dark priestess's face as she moved into a shadow. Her gut leaped.

"Keph, look out!" she shouted.

Too late. Shadows folded around Variance—and unfolded behind Keph. In less than a breath, Variance had stepped between shadows like a piece of living darkness. Her hands closed on the book and wrenched it out of Keph's grasp.

"—belongs to Shar!" she cried triumphantly, stepping back and clenching the book.

Feena's stomach twisted in rage.

"Here's something else that belongs to Shar, then!" she howled.

Variance's chakram lay only feet away. Lunging, Feena swept it up. Her form changed with her anger and the arm that hurled the disk was furred and knotted with muscle. Razor-sharp steel screamed through the air just as shadows wove around Variance.

Shar's priestess gasped, staggered—and vanished. The scream of steel ended abruptly in a ringing screech. The chakram quivered in the stone wall behind the spot Variance had stood.

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