Mistress to the Beast (19 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Mistress to the Beast
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Enjoy the following excerpt for
A Little Harmless Pleasure:

“You’re embarrassed to be seen with me.” He said the words, worried they might be true. He didn’t think Cynthia was prejudiced, but he was in South Georgia, the heart of Dixie. It was different from Honolulu. Her family came from old Southern money, the kind that didn’t like to mingle with people of color—unless they were being served by them. But besides the color of Cynthia’s skin, there was the added problem of her background. She’d been taught to be ashamed of her sexuality. Even as she frowned at him, he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.

She settled against his chest. Her golden hair contrasted against his dark skin. He drew in a deep breath. The hint of her flowery perfume lingered beneath the scent of sex coating her skin.

“You know I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you. In fact, I would probably gain points for the gossip it would cause.”

He heard the smile in her voice and responded in kind.

She shook her head. “It isn’t being seen with you that would bother me. It is everyone knowing…well, knowing.”

Resting his chin on top of her head, he gently rocked her. “What does that matter?

Everyone knew about you and Max.”

The sigh she released was filled with irritation. “Yes, they did. But, you see, I was marrying Max. A Myers doesn’t have one-night stands.”

He heard the scorn in her voice. He hoped it was more for what she’d had to endure than what had occurred between them. Glancing over his shoulder, he located a chair just a few steps back.

“Tell you what,” he said as he walked both of them to the chair. “Why don’t we have breakfast, and then you can go?”

When he reached the chair, he sat, pulling her down with him. She wiggled and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. Breasts he wanted to touch, lick, taste. Since he was nude, he knew she felt his erection. She stilled, looking down at him, her eyes simmering with passion.

“Chris.” She was trying to sound like she disapproved. It wasn’t working. Mainly because he could see the pulse in her neck jump and hear her breathing increase. “You would think…”

She closed her eyes as he grabbed hold of her hips and ground against her. “Think what?” He nipped at her earlobe.

She drew in a shuddering breath. “Chris…”

This time, there was such yearning in her voice it made him want to shout with triumph. She needed him like he needed her and playing fair was off the table. Knowing how sensitive her breasts were, he slid one hand up under her blouse and beneath the fabric of her bra. A few strokes of his thumb was all it took. Her nipple pebbled, and she moaned.

“Come on,
. Once more.”

And even though he said it, he silently acknowledged once would never be enough.

He’d never felt this connection with a woman, the need to bring her into her own, to teach her the things that would make her complete. He moved his hand to caress her other breast, and she relaxed against him.

“This is our one chance.” He didn’t believe that. He would figure out some way to make it work, even thousands of miles apart. “Why would we not enjoy ourselves?”

She shuddered, her rear end wiggling over his erection. As the blood rushed from his brain, he had to beat back the caveman who said to throw her down and show her just how good they were together.

He slid his hand beneath her skirt. As he skimmed one finger along her slit, he pinched her nipple with the fingers of his other hand. Her gasp was filled with surprise and arousal.


Her sex was so damp her panties soaked with her passion. She moved with him, her body taking over even if she still harbored doubts.

“That’s it, baby. So wet.”

In one abrupt motion, she pulled away from him and off his lap. He opened his mouth to argue with her, but she shook her head. She settled her hands on her hips, her

breath coming out in gasps. Licking his lips, he noticed her nipples pushing against the fabric of her shirt.

“You know, you like to tell people what to do. But I’m not sure I want that.”

Again, his mouth opened in protest, but she touched her index finger to the tip of his cock, spreading around the beads of moisture that had bubbled up. Catching his gaze, she lifted her hand to her mouth, licking her fingers. A simple act, but it was probably one of the most erotic things he’d witnessed in his life. She put her finger between her lips, sucking the rest of the liquid off.

When she finished, she slid her finger out and smiled. “I was right, Mr. Dupree. You are delicious.” Her voice dripped with seduction, arousal, her Southern accent deepening, turning him inside out. He moved to stand, but she stepped forward and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Uh, uh, uh. Mr. Dupree, I think we are having problems communicating here.” She trailed her fingers over his chest as she walked around the chair. Once she was behind him, she settled her hands on his shoulders, rubbing his tense muscles. “I think for once I should be the one to decide about this. True, you played along with me yesterday, but I don’t know if you suffered enough.”

He wanted to tell her that he had not been playing along. That he understood her need to dominate. She stole any rational thought as she moved her hands to his head, massaging his scalp. Chris closed his eyes and leaned his head back to rest on her breasts.

“You know, I have a feeling you enjoyed yourself last night.”

He chuckled. “How did you guess?”

She ignored that comment. “But you know what? I don’t think you ever told me what you like.”

Her hands skimmed down his face, past his chest and stomach, to his cock. He was held mesmerized watching her elegant, ivory hands contrasting against his darker skin as they moved down his body. Leaning against his shoulder, she draped her body over his and took hold of him at the base.

“It was all about making me happy, which is good. I don’t know if anyone ever thought about that before. But you know what would make me happy?” She nipped at his ear, then licked it.


She stroked him again, allowing her thumb to pass over the head. “I want to drive you crazy.”

“You’re doing a good job of it right now, Cynthia.”

She pumped him a few times. Tension gathered along his nerve endings, his body coiling, reaching for the pinnacle. His balls were so tight, he was amazed he had held on this long.

“Not good enough, in my opinion.”

Once more she stroked him, teasing him with the release he needed, then she was gone and walking around the chair again. His body was pulsing, clamoring to reach fulfillment, and she left him. He opened his eyes and found her in front of him. Without a word, she dropped to her knees. She placed a hand on each of his legs and leaned forward. Touching her tongue to the base of his cock, she licked up one side, swiped over the top, and down the other side.

“Sweet. You taste so sweet.” He didn’t miss the excitement in her voice. She made him sound like a tasty confection, one she would relish, lick by lick, until she had completely devoured it.

She wrapped one hand around the base, took him into her mouth. She couldn’t take his entire length, but she did her damnedest. Closing her eyes, she set to work, sucking, kissing, licking him, driving him out of his ever-loving mind. Again, the tension mounted. He curled his toes, trying to hold off. Just as he felt he might not be able to stop his orgasm, she pulled away.

He looked down and almost came at the sight of her tongue darting out over her swollen lips.

“Hmmm.” That was all she said before she leaned forward to lick and suck his balls.

Jesus. He’d created a monster.

One island…One woman…Two studs


© 2007 Eve Vaughn

India Powers is at the end of her rope. After dumping her cheating fiancé and having a falling out with her parents, she decides to take a much needed vacation. In route she meets two hunky fellow vacationers in the form of Rafe Santiago and Grant Thompson.

Though she’s not looking for love, India sees no harm in a little island flirtation.

Rafe and Grant have been friends since they were kids; both from broken homes, all they had were each other. Their closeness leads them to the discovery they enjoy sharing the same women. After surviving a stormy marriage that nearly destroys their friendship, Rafe vows to never let another woman come between them. To celebrate Rafe’s divorce, he and Grant take a vacation in hopes of finding Miss Right along the way.

Tragedy strikes when their plane goes down. In a twist of fate, the only survivors are India, Grant and Rafe. Stranded for weeks, their daily fight for survival turns into something much deeper when India falls for both men and they for her. However, when they’re rescued and returned to civilization, they fall under public scrutiny. Can their newfound love survive when outside forces step in to tear them apart?

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Stranded: Grant was anxious as they drew closer to the cave. He could tell India was nervous from the way she shook. He squeezed her hand in reassurance, giving her a smile of encouragement. She was so beautiful and he couldn’t believe they would finally have this ebony goddess just as Rafe said they would. In a way, he was glad Rafe had pushed the issue, otherwise they may have still been skirting around it, but he wondered if she was simply giving in to them because she felt she had no choice. As much as he wanted nothing more than to take her on the ground and fuck her senseless, he needed to make sure one last time that she was ready to accept both of them as her lovers.

He stopped just before they entered their shelter. Grant turned to her. “Is this what you want?”

India hesitated for only a second. “Yes. I do want this. I don’t know why I was fighting the inevitable so hard. You and Rafe were right, this was meant to be.”

Relief flooded his chest. Grant didn’t know what he would have done if she’d changed her mind. His cock was straining painfully against his pants, and right now all he could think about was driving into her tight sheath.

“Then what the hell are we waiting for,” Rafe growled, propelling her forward. Once inside, Rafe grabbed India to him and placed an urgent kiss against the curve of her elegant throat.

Grant refused to be a spectator on the sidelines. Moving behind her, he cupped her shoulders, reveling in the silky smoothness of her mocha skin. He pushed her straps down before raining kisses over the exposed flesh.

India groaned against Rafe’s mouth and then hooked an arm around Grant’s waist.

She wiggled her bottom against his cock, making Grant’s throbbing more painful than before. He needed her.

“So beautiful,” he murmured against her skin, raising her dress to run his fingers between her thighs. Already she was wet and ready.

“Oh,” she sighed, resting the back of her head against the crook of his shoulder.

Grant slipped his fingers inside her panties, encountering a soft patch of curly hair between the juncture of her thighs. “You’re so warm,” he murmured, pleased at her arousal.

He noticed Rafe reaching into her bodice and freeing her full breasts.

“Perfect. I haven’t been able to get these lovelies out of my mind since I last had the pleasure of tasting them the first time. By the way you’re squirming for it, you want my mouth on you. Don’t you, India?”

“Yes,” she groaned.

A smile curled the corners of Grant’s lips. There was something arousing about seeing Rafe and India interact. If she was turned on now, Grant planned on turning up the heat several more notches.

Grant dropped to his knees behind her, taking his hands from inside of her panties.

“Part your thighs for me, darling,” he commanded softly, prying her legs apart a little further.

India complied, wiggling her delectable backside in the process. Grant wanted no barriers between them. Grabbing the edge of her panties, he pulled them down her shapely thighs and legs, admiring how supple and soft she was. He couldn’t help running his hands along her rear and down the backs of her thighs. Even the contrast of his pale hand against her dark skin was an arousing sight.

Helping her step out of her panties, one foot at a time, Grant tossed them aside, careful not to throw them too close to the flame.

The soft mewling sounds she made in the back of her throat were driving him crazy.

Grant stole a brief glance up at India to see her dig her fingers into Rafe’s dark hair as he suckled one taut nipple, before returning to his task.

“Good God, you’re wet,” Grant whispered in wonder upon seeing the trail of moisture drip from her pussy. Placing his head between her thighs, Grant licked at the stream of moisture, savoring the tangy flavor on his tongue. “Delicious,” he murmured, before planting kisses on her ass and inside of her legs.

“Grant,” she groaned, practically shoving her rear in his face. Parting her damp labia, he found her throbbing clit slick with her juices. He rolled the hot bud between his thumb and forefinger, applying pressure and then releasing.

“Do you like that, India?”

Grant already knew the answer to that question from the way she moved against him, silently begging for it, but he wanted to hear her vocalize the affirmative.

“Yes! Oh, yes!” Her shout of ecstasy served to increase his arousal. He shoved a middle finger into her slick channel. Shit, she was tight. Grant could only begin to imagine how it would feel to have his cock buried in her cunt, gripping him like a vise.

Squirming her bottom, she moved with him as he fingered her.

“That’s it, darling. Don’t hold back. Give me everything you’ve got.”

“Rafe…Grant. This feels so good. Ah!” she cried out.

Grant slipped another finger into her pussy, stretching her for his cock. He wasn’t a small man and neither was Rafe. With a pussy this tight, he’d have to prepare her first.

He squeezed her luscious ass with his free hand before giving it a playful smack.

“Oh!” Her momentary gasp of surprise became a satisfied purr. He couldn’t take it anymore. Grant had to be inside of her now. Slowly, he eased his fingers from her damp channel and brought them to his mouth, slurping every bit of her essence from his skin.

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