Mists of Velvet

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Authors: Sophie Renwick

BOOK: Mists of Velvet
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Praise for
Velvet Haven
“Steeped in dark dangers and blistering sensuality, Annwyn is a world not to be missed! Renwick rocks!”
—National bestselling author Sylvia Day
“Sophie Renwick has created a sexy cast of heroes and loads of intriguing story twists.”
—Joey W. Hill
Velvet Haven
] scores a trifecta as fantasy, romance, and erotica. Four and a half stars. A top pick!”

Romantic Times
“Sophie Renwick dreams up an enthralling new world with this deliciously sexy paranormal . . . an unforgettable tale.”
—Fresh Fiction
“For those who love paranormal romance, who love suspense and good mystery, who love the world of the Fae, and who long to find a way into the world of dreams and visions, this multilayered story is for you. . . . The twists and turns were completely unexpected. FOUR AND A HALF STARS!”
—Book Binge
Books by Sophie Renwick
Mists of Velvet
Velvet Haven
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First Printing, February 2011
Copyright © Sophie Renwick, 2011 All rights reserved
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Renwick, Sophie.
Mists of velvet/Sophie Renwick. p. cm.—(The Annwyn Chronicles; bk. 2)
eISBN : 978-1-101-47855-4
I. Title.
PS3618.E64M57 2011
813’.6—dc22 2010039715
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To all the fans who have embraced this magical world—
thank you.
And to my daughter, Olivia, who first gave me the idea of an
angel falling from the sky . . .
A book is never simply written—it’s rewritten until it comes together as it should. While an author writes the story, so many other people are part of the process that turns a story into a book.
I have to thank my wonderfully patient editor, Tracy Bernstein, for always making my writing stronger—and for keeping me on track when Suriel wants to take over! As well, I have to thank the art department for the gorgeous covers they’ve given to my Annwyn world. Finally, kudos to the copy editors who make me look like I know what I’m doing and to the marketing department for getting the word out about this series.
Thank you for all your hard work. I really, really appreciate it.
Once there was peace. Now there is war. In the past, Annwyn was filled with light, but now only shadows reign.
The Dark Times have come.
As foretold, Annwyn is at the mercy of a Dark Mage who seeks a flame and an amulet that have been hidden away for centuries. Into whose hands these fall will dictate what will come—peace once more, or annihilation.
This master magician has a prophesized apprentice called the Destroyer whose identity remains carefully hidden. It is known only that he is an immortal who will possess the ability either to save or to destroy both Annwyn and the mortal realm.
These Dark Times that surround us will bring betrayals, deaths, and utter blackness before the dawn of light may once again creep between the trees of the forest.
I have seen Annwyn’s greatest weapon—the sacred nine, bringing the beginning and ending of all things. But their future is not fully told. That, I cannot see, for one among them is the Destroyer.
The time has come. The nine shall gather. When they find the amulet and bring it back, our roles in this prophecy may be set forth.
To aid the nine immortals, the Sacred Trine will be revealed—women whose virtues are Healer, Oracle, and Nephillim. Their powers complete the prophecy. Yet it is not only the warriors who wish to find the trine, but the master magician whose powers continue to grow stronger with each ritual of dark magick. The warriors must find and protect this Sacred Trine if they are to have any advantage over the mage. For if the mage finds these women, all will be lost.
Thus far, the mage is winning, but in times of darkness, there is light, and with that light there is still hope.
The Scribe of the Annwyn Chronicles
The king was coming.
Bronwnn sensed it. The trees whispered of his presence. The winds sang of his strength, and the evening air tasted of his power. Annwyn was alive, humming with the magical aura of the great Sidhe king.
His approach was slow, deliberate, like a wolf stalking a stag. Without haste he came, seeking any and all advantage as he traversed the hallowed groves to the temple—a place he well knew would not fully welcome him; a place that would try to bend the king to the will of the leader of their ancient order. All this Bronwnn knew, for she was one of them—a member of the order of the goddesses.
Long had the goddesses ruled Annwyn. For thousands of years, Annwyn’s many races had been united in their awe, enthralled by their beauty and mystery as well as their powers. But Bronwnn knew something her sisters did not. The order was changing. The Dark Times would see to that. Soon the old ways would change—out of necessity—to make way for a new order.
Closing her eyes, Bronwnn focused on the elements that surrounded her. They spoke of this change, too. They showed her the shadowy image of a new and powerful being who far surpassed the magic of Cailleach, the Supreme Goddess. Did Cailleach know? Bronwnn wondered. Or was it yet another mystery she must keep hidden?
A strange vibration hummed along her skin, and she opened her eyes to see the mist shrouding the sacred temple shimmer, then part, allowing the king’s progress toward the inner sanctum where the Supreme Goddess held court.

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