Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends (22 page)

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Authors: Sandra Kynes

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft

BOOK: Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends
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Oil and Blending Information

Two oils are produced by steam or water distillation.

The oil from the seeds is colorless to pale yellow with a fresh, warm-spicy scent.

: 3
Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: As Above & So Below/Seeds

The oil from the leaves is also colorless to pale yellow but with a sweet-spicy scent.

: 3
Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: As Above/Leaves

33. Chevellier,
Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants
, 166

Essential Oil Profiles 153

Magical Uses

With a history of use in love potions, dill also helps to overcome love hexes. It is helpful for finding balance (
seed oil
) where lust and desire are concerned. Use dill in defensive magic and to avert black magic from the home. It can also help attract luck and wealth.

This oil protects against evil deeds and spirits, and functions well for general protection as well as purification. Employ it for success in court and any time defense is needed. Dill can help attract money, prosperity, and security. Use it to boost creativity (
seed oil
) and support divination. Dill is particularly effective in strengthening the mind for acquiring knowledge and wisdom as well as solving problems and determining one’s purpose (
leaf oil
). Dill seed oil is also associated with beginnings, changes, and renewal; the leaf oil with energy and growth. Both types of dill oil are associated with cycles.


: Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo

Solar System
: Mercury

: Walpurgis

: air, fire

: Adonis, Bacchus, Dionysus

: Kupala


Botanical Name
Canarium luzonicum


Reaching about 100 feet in height, this cousin to frankincense and myrrh has dark, oblong leaves and yellowish-white flowers. While elemi is indigenous to the Philippines and parts of Indonesia, it was known throughout the ancient world. Its common name comes from

the Arabic word meaning above and below.34 Elemi was mentioned as a spice for embalming in the Egyptian papyrus of Ebers (circa 1550 BCE) and in ancient Rome, gladiators rubbed it on their bodies for protection before entering the ring. Since the Middle Ages elemi has been used medicinally and as incense to enhance meditation.

34. Wilson,
, 67

154 Essential Oil Profiles

Oil and Blending Information

A colorless to very pale yellow oil is produced through steam distillation of the gum. It has a spicy, lemon-like and slightly camphoraceous scent.

: 2

Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: So Below/Resins

Magical Uses

Elemi is especially effective for promoting clarity and focus. Use it to balance the spiritual and mundane, and for grounding energy after ritual. It can be instrumental in spiritual development, opening oneself to mystical experiences, and enhancing psychic abilities.

Elemi aids in healing and overall vitality. It is also associated with control and purpose.


Solar System
: Mercury, Uranus

The Eucalyptus Oils


The genus and common name of these trees comes from the Greek
meaning covered or wrapped, which describes how the hanging seedpods almost cover young

flower buds. Indigenous to Australia, eucalyptus is the most widely known treatment for the common cold.

Eucalyptus, Blue Gum

Botanical Name
Eucalyptus globules

Also Known As
: fever tree, gum tree, southern blue gum

Absorbing great amounts of water, the extensive root systems of these trees were employed to rid areas of mosquito-infested wetlands in Australia. Its camphoraceous scent also aided the effort by functioning as an insect repellent. This huge eucalyptus species (about 300 feet tall) has narrow, yellowish-green leaves, creamy-white flowers, and pale gray bark.

Essential Oil Profiles 155

Oil and Blending Information

The leaves are steam distilled to produce a colorless oil that yellows with age. Its camphoraceous scent has a woody-sweet undertone.

: 5

Scent Group
: woody

Perfume Note
: middle to top

Plant Part
: As Above/Leaves

: orally toxic; may cause skin irritation; not compatible with homeopathic treatment; use in moderation

Eucalyptus, Lemon

Botanical Name
Eucalyptus citriodora

Also Known As
: boabo, lemon-scented gum, scented gum tree

This eucalyptus species only reaches about 100 feet tall, has narrow, tapering leaves, and whitish-yellow bark. With a species name meaning lemon-scented, the oil of this tree has been widely used to perfume linen closets as well as protect the contents against insects.

Oil and Blending Information

Steam distilling the leaves and twigs produces a colorless or pale yellow oil with a lemony, citronella-like scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: citrus

Perfume Note
: middle to top

Plant Part
: So Below/Twigs & Leaves

: orally toxic; may cause skin irritation; not compatible with homeopathic treatment; use in moderation

Magical Uses

Eucalyptus is best known for its powers of purification. This applies to clearing negativity in general as well as healing emotions after a quarrel. It is also effective in releasing sorrow (
blue gum
), finding balance (
), and developing a sense of well-being. Apply this oil on an amulet to protect against emotional upsets during past-life work. Eucalyptus supports dream and psychic work as well as communication with spirits. It is instrumental for pro-156 Essential Oil Profiles

tection and for banishing anything unwanted from your life. When seeking one’s purpose in life (
blue gum
), eucalyptus provides strength and determination. Eucalyptus is also associated with energy, growth (
), and security.


: Cancer, Pisces

: air, earth, water

Solar System
: Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Sun

The Fennel Oils

Botanical Family

Native to the Mediterranean region, fennel is an herb with a bulbous base, feathery leaves, and umbels of yellow flowers. Reaching five or six feet in height, bitter fennel tends to be slightly taller than the sweet. The name fennel comes from the Roman word for fragrant hay,
.35 In the Middle Ages the name evolved into
and then the plant became known popularly as fenkel.36 The ancient Romans believed it promoted longevity, courage, and strength. In Greek myth, Prometheus passed fire to humans using a stalk of fennel and it came to symbolize the knowledge of the gods. During lusty celebrations in honor of Dionysus, participants wore crowns of woven stalks and leaves. Fennel was widely used during the Middle Ages for culinary purposes as well as a magical herb to hang over doorways to ward off evil spirits. It was one of the Anglo-Saxon’s nine sacred healing herbs.

Fennel, Bitter

Botanical Name
Foeniculum vulgare

Also Known As
: common fennel

Oil and Blending Information

The entire plant is steam distilled producing a yellow to pale orange-brown oil with a camphoraceous, anise-like scent.

: 4

Scent Group
: spicy

35. Ibid., 71

36. Grieve,
A Modern Herbal
, 293

Essential Oil Profiles 157

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: N/A

: avoid during pregnancy; avoid use if you have epilepsy or other seizure disorder; hazardous if used on the skin

Fennel, Sweet

Botanical Name
Foeniculum vulgare

Also Known As
: Florence, French fennel, garden fennel, Roman fennel

Oil and Blending Information

Steam distillation of the seeds produces a colorless to pale yellow oil with a spicy-sweet, anise-like scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: top

Plant Part
: As Above & So Below/Seeds

: avoid during pregnancy; avoid use if you have epilepsy or other seizure disorder; may cause sensitization; use in moderation

Magical Uses

Fennel provides protection and boosts energy for psychic work. It also protects the home from unwelcome spirits providing strength and security. Fennel enlivens the mind encouraging creativity (
) and straightforward communication. Use these oils for blessings, purification, and support for divination. Additionally, fennel provides balance (
) and courage during times of loss and stimulates positive change (
). Fennel can aid in healing, longevity, and fertility matters. It is also associated with beginnings (
), cycles, knowledge, money, and renewal (


: Aries, Gemini Virgo

Solar System
: Mercury, Venus

: Walpurgis

: air, fire

: Adonis, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Prometheus

: Kupala

158 Essential Oil Profiles

The Fir Oils


While there is often confusion about the difference between fir and pine trees, there are two simple ways to distinguished one from the other by looking at their needles and

cones. Fir needles are attached to branches individually, whereas pine needles grow in clusters of two or more. Fir cones are somewhat egg-shaped and sit upright while pine cones hang pointing downward.

Fir, Balsam

Botanical Name
Abies balsamea

Also Known As
: American silver fir, balm of Gilead fir, balsam tree, fir pine Reaching about 180 feet tall, balsam fir has dark green needles and purplish-brown cones.

Native to northeastern North America, this is one of the few conifers that produces balsam. The word balsam evolved from the Hebrew meaning “aromatic tree resins used for

balms.”37 It was a medicine chest all its own for Native Americans who used almost every part of the tree for everyday objects as well as ritual items.

Oil and Blending Information

Steam distillation is used to create two oils.

The oil from the needles is colorless and has a sweet, soft balsamic, pine-like scent. It is often called fir needle oil.

: 4

Scent Group
: woody

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: As Above/Leaves

The oil from the oleoresin is pale yellow or green with a fresh, sweet-balsamic scent.

: 4

Scent Group
: woody

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: So Below/Resins

37. Bennet,
The Wild Woods Guide
, 273

Essential Oil Profiles 159

Fir, Silver

Botanical Name
Abies alba

Also Known As
: European silver fir, white fir, white spruce

Silver fir is an evergreen with silvery or whitish-gray needles and it grows to about 100

feet tall. Native to mountainous regions of central and southern Europe, it was highly prized as a fragrance as well as for medicine. The fir tree has been a symbol of rebirth and immortality for centuries, and in Romania boughs of fir were carried at the front of funeral processions. German Pagans took boughs into their homes to celebrate Yule and to provide comfort for visiting elves.

Oil and Blending Information

Two oils are produced by steam distillation.

Oil from the needles and young twigs is colorless or pale yellow with an earthy, woody, sweet-balsamic scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: woody

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: So Below/Twigs & Leaves

The oil from the cones is similar but with a slight hint of orange in its scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: woody

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: As Above & So Below/Seeds

Magical Uses

Fir is a tree of beginnings, energy, growth, and healing (
balsam, resin oil
). Focusing fir’s energy inward helps to clear the mind and restore memories. It also encourages communication and creative expression. Use it for purification before ritual and in preparation to receive inspiration as well as grounding energy afterwards. As an all-purpose purifier, fir provides protection and helps to overcome and remove hexes. Fir heightens awareness for divination and spiritual work, and is especially effective for connecting with forest spirits.

Its link with the Otherworld and death smooths the cycle (
) from life through death 160 Essential Oil Profiles

to renewal, while comforting the emotions of those left behind in this world. Use fir for money and prosperity spells, and to support channeling. Fir can provide control (
) and strength (
) for defense as well as fostering stability and security. These oils also enhances vitality (
) bringing longevity and overall balance (
). As an instrument of change (
), fir aids in establishing hope, happiness, and peace. Fir is also associated with purpose (
balsam, needle oil
) and transformation.

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