Modern Rituals (32 page)

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Authors: J.S. Leonard

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Thriller

BOOK: Modern Rituals
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“You are free to do so. But now that the plan is set in motion, your unwillingness to participate will invariably result in the world’s demise.”

“So, we have no choice?” James said. “Unless we’re complete asshats, that is?”

“I am unfamiliar with this
you speak of, but if it is a derogatory term, then yes,” Anzabar said glaring at James, “I would say it is true,”

“Great. Well, I’m in then. It’s not like I had a long life ahead of me or anything.”

Olivia punched James in the arm.

“I’m kidding! Really, just because the world’s future is at stake everyone gets all up in a ruffle…” James said.

“You can count on me as well,” Olivia said.

“And me,” Trevor said.

“Good. And thank you—I often forget how removed this generation is from the atrocities of the Old Age,” Anzabar said, furrowing his brow, apparently losing himself in thought as he stared blankly into the distance. Then as if provoked by a faraway sound, he continued. “Your powers have awakened and will only grow. If we are to defeat the remaining six deities, we must become stronger. When you leave here, you must train the skills granted to you by your ancestors. The technique is simple,” Anzabar said and demonstrated a low-humming chant combined with a succession of awkward hand positions.

“Practice this as long as you can and stop when the world’s light grows unbearable.”

“Did you get all that?” James said, looking at Olivia.

She nodded.

“Good—can we review later?”

“If we get out of here? Absolutely,” she said.

“I have so many questions—” Trevor said.

Anzabar raised his hand and cast a gentle gaze on Trevor.

“Unfortunately, our time has come to an end. I promise we shall meet again. Your questions must wait,” Anzabar said. “And you may want to duck—now.”

They dropped to the floor as a string of bullets whizzed overhead, chipping away pieces of stone edifices and statues.

“Freeze!” a man said.

Armored men in black and red repelled down the elevator cavern, touching the chamber floor in a triangular formation.

“Hold your fire! We mean no harm!” Trevor said from the ground, hands on his head.

“On your knees now! Hands where I can see them!” the man said.

Trevor pushed himself onto his knees and placed his hands behind his head. James and Olivia did the same. Three guards, armed with long-barreled carbine rifles, approached them. One placed the barrel of his gun against James’ neck—the icy cylinder numbed his skin. The other two guards followed suit with Olivia and Trevor.

The commander pressed two fingers to his ear and said, “Control, we have them. The seal has been unlocked. I repeat. The seal has been unlocked. Awaiting orders.”

James’ bowels churned. The room shrunk, and he gasped for air. Death scratched the nape of his neck—an intimate encounter that terrified him to his core. Every second elongated, stretching into minutes, hours—he could bear no more. The commander spoke.

“Yes sir, all are alive except Participant One. Understood sir,” he said and gestured for the guarding men to stand down.

“Get up, you three. We’ve received orders to…
you to General Holmes.”


James looked around him for their fourth companion. Anzabar had vanished. The guards sheathed their rifles, filed between the group and door then twisted around—James realized they expected them to move.

“What about Colette?” he said.

“We’ll take care of it. Let’s go—”

James glared at the commander.

“Please,” the commander said through clasped teeth.

“Much better,” James said. “Thank you.”

James watched Colette’s body pass as they lumbered through the vestibule. Exhausted and silent, they collected in the elevator.


Laughter echoed in the hallway.

After a long walk, the commander deposited them before an office labeled “General Ethan Holmes.” He clicked his heels and fled. James felt sorry for the guy—he hadn’t gotten to kill anyone after all.

Trevor peeked through the cracked door and nudged it open like a cautious dog who’d shit on the floor and wanted the matter to remain secret. “You crack me up, Theo!” The general and the man he had called Theo howled. Theo banged his fist against the desk. Tea flew from Ethan’s nostrils. Both guffawed, boisterous and altogether in a good mood. Trevor mustered a meager, “General?” but it was lost in their “who’s louder” match.

Trevor rapped on the door’s window, to no effect.

“For Christ’s sake, Trevor,” James said. “If they wanted us dead, we certainly wouldn’t be standing here.” He flung open the door.

Theo spun around in an obscenely expensive fiber-mesh chair and locked eyes with James.

“James Bixby, my boy!” he said. “So good to see you. The name’s Theo Watson III, at your service.” Theo stuck out his hand.

James peered down, suspicious that Theo’s hand might contain a grenade or laser weapon or magical ring of power, but it was just a hand. A plain old hand. He shook it.

“Um, hello…”

This greeting caught James off guard, and he grew leery. Words failed him. Trevor stood silent, meek. Olivia sauntered in after them and glowered at Ethan and Theo. Theo’s wide smile created an awkward tension—a hyperbolic friendliness considering these men had just conducted a ritual designed to kill two of the room’s occupants—one that had killed five others.

“You wanted to see us sir?” Trevor said, but Holmes ignored him.

“Well, I guess that’s about it for me then, eh?” Holmes said, clapping his hands against his lap and standing. He faced Theo. “It’s been a pleasure. I will see you in a month—maybe two. Who knows! Never taken a sabbatical before—this is new territory for me.”

“Likewise my friend! Listen, no hard feelings about you locking me up and almost ruining the ritual,” Theo said. “Really, it’s all good. Keep yourself together and be safe. Learning how to relax can be a challenge!”

Holmes’ faked a shiver, grinning.

“Trevor, Theo will fill you in, but I’m taking a leave of absence. Today marks the first grave mistake I’ve made in years—it’s time I reevaluate a few things,” Holmes said and slapped Trevor’s back as he moseyed from the office.

A second later, Ethan popped his head through the open door and said, “Oh, and Trevor, good work today. Theo’s taking over now—make me proud.”

“Uh, yes sir…?” Trevor said.

Olivia collapsed against James, and he leaned against her, exhausted.

“Close the door behind you, will you?” Theo said.

“Yes, right away,” Trevor said and closed the door.

Theo’s demeanor darkened and he scrutinized the three of them as Trevor turned around. A poignant pause followed—James yearned to hear something, anything, to fill the void between his ears. Theo locked his gaze on Trevor, whose cheeks flushed.

“Well, Trevor, you’ve outdone yourself,” Theo said. “And you two—James and…Olivia is it? I must say, I’m impressed. Not only did you survive the ritual but you defeated Amida. Unprecedented.”

“Sir? May I be frank?” Trevor said.

“Drop the bullshit soldier act Trevor—when have you ever not been frank with me? You must have gone through some real shit down there.”

James watched as a wave of relaxation flowed from Trevor’s face through his neck and into his body.

“You have no fucking idea,” Trevor said and plopped down in a chair beside Theo. He slumped into the fiber-mesh chair, squeezing his temples.

“Had a run in with ol’ Anzabar, eh?” Theo said.

Trevor’s head bobbed up. “How did you know?”

“C’mon, I haven’t run this show for twenty-some-odd years without learning a thing or two,” Theo said. “We knew there was an eighth entity present in the blood chambers—we just didn’t put two and two together, which was kinda stupid really, considering he was the one responsible for sealing them in. I had thought his soul degraded, eaten away. So, it
Anzabar. I’ll be damned…”

“Yeah,” Trevor said. “Theo, Anzabar not only returned, but is up to something
. Like,
big. Like ending Magnus and its rituals once and for all.”

Theo’s eyebrows shot up and he smiled.

“Is that so? Incredible,” he said. “After all this time, eh? Jesus, why now?”

James cleared his throat.

“If I might add, apparently he was waiting for three…special ritual participants to come together.”

Theo cast his cold eyes on James, and he wished he had kept quiet.

“Special, you say? Well, I count two participants here and the rest are dead. Where’s the third?”

James and Olivia looked at Trevor.

Theo slapped the desk.

“You? But you weren’t even a participant—and why are
special?” Theo said.

“Um…well, it turns out that the three of us are descended from warriors who fought next to Anzabar. Apparently these warriors were also oracles, gifted with the ability to see where Anzabar could strike down the Gods. I know, it’s crazy. I’m not even sure I believe it—but how can I not? The
himself came to us in the flesh and gave us the lowdown,” Trevor said.

Theo scrunched his left eyebrow and lifted the other.

“Anzabar also said his final plan is now in motion,” Trevor said. “He wants to end the Gods forever, and needs our help.”

“Well, without rituals, Magnus has no reason to exist. It loses its purpose. There are members of this organization who won’t want to see that happen, considering the influence they swing around the world,” Theo said. “We need to be careful about this.”

“About what?” Trevor said.

“I’m assuming you three are the only people on this planet who can do whatever it is you do to take down a God,” Theo said. “That means you need to be involved in the rituals, am I right?”

Trevor nodded.

“So, you need to be ‘selected’ as participants from here on, yes?”

Trevor nodded.

“I can make that happen,” Theo said.

“But doesn’t that put you in danger?” Trevor said.

of us in great danger,” James said.

Olivia elbowed James in the ribs.

“Trevor, you and I both know that the rituals are a terrible thing. Each one destroys a part of my soul. I know you feel it,” Theo said. “If we can put the nail in the coffin and end this for good, I’m in.”

“But wait, what happened with Holmes? He won’t stand for this,” Trevor said.

Theo grimaced.

“Yeah, well, about Holmes…” he said. “We had a bit of an accident. I’m afraid General Holmes is dead.”

“What?” Trevor said.

“Didn’t we just see him leave the room? Oh—and hello—but I can’t say it’s nice to meet you,” Olivia said.

“Allow the pleasure to be mine then. And yes, you saw someone—
—leave the room, but it wasn’t General Ethan Holmes. My fault, but it can’t be helped now. Trevor, are you familiar with the dally—”

“The dallylander? Are you kidding me?”

“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Theo said. “I swear to you. As you know, Susan sent the distress signal. I was in a bind. Holmes had it out for me. Took over the ritual, sent me to detention, trumped up a bunch of ludicrous charges… Given the state of your ritual, I needed to do something, so I broke out of the detention center and called in a favor with Clayton.”

“Clayton? He’s an accomplice?”

“Yes and no. That guy is solid—he was against the whole thing, but I guilted him into doing it,” Theo said. “Listen—no one else knows. Holmes thought he was interrogating me and instead he roughed up a dallylander. Shit luck. It must have been a terrible way to go.” He lost himself for a moment in a distant spot on the wall, then continued. “Anyway, I put things together when Holmes was the only one to exit from my detention cell. They thought I’d somehow escaped again, with the cleanup job the dallylander performed—it never leaves a trace! When that happened, I got hold of the dallylander and gave it new commands.”

“Commands?” Olivia said.

Trevor leaned his head toward Olivia and said, “It has to obey the person who releases it.” He sighed, then propped his forehead on his hands and fell silent.

“Anyway, I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, but Holmes was a dick—a nuisance to this organization. And now I have full control over Purgatory 8,” Theo said. “Had him drop all charges against me and put in for immediate leave. Will he come back? Probably not. The dallylander will soon return to its original shape and I will return it home.”

James added Theo to the day’s list of people not to fuck with.

“Now we need to worry about the executive council, especially the executive minister—she can be a right bitch,” Theo said. “Though I’ve gotten quite good at pushing her buttons. I doubt they will replace or relocate any other military officials to our post—not while I’m around.”

James understood little of what Theo said. The day slowly turned into a dream as exhaustion overtook his sensibilities. Trevor offered him and Olivia a seat.

They accepted.

“Well, I suppose now we need to get you all home,” Theo said.


On. Off. On. Off.

A cursor panned in and out of view on a Raspberry Pi terminal. The Pi, a computer no larger than a credit card, sat taped to the rear of a ten-inch monitor. Joe had built the rig himself, and his heart fluttered when he laid his hands upon it—not for its hackneyed construction (strips of duct tape held it together here and there), but for its discreet footprint: a jam-packed, fully loaded Linux terminal awaiting his behest. And if Joe knew how to do anything, it was wreak havoc with a trusty bash prompt.

It lived in the MIT computer lab, hidden inside an unfrequented nook and out of sight. While MIT provided its students plenty of computing horsepower, Joe enjoyed a private machine to hack on from time to time—when tact trumped thunder.

And it had just received an email from an IP address he couldn’t trace.

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