Moirai (19 page)

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Authors: Ruth Silver

BOOK: Moirai
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“Oh, I see.” I grabbed my key and headed for my door,
unlocking it. “Thanks for walking me back to my room.” I knew it wasn't a
choice for Kelvin but I still appreciated it, along with all his answers.

“Get some rest,” he offered as I stepped into my room and
locked the door behind me. As much as I wanted to see Joshua, I was exhausted.
In a few hours I'd get up, knock on his door and see what trouble he'd gotten


I slept most of the afternoon and by evening I heard a
sharp repetitive knock at my door. “Just a sec,” I answered, finding the light
switch as I stumbled out of bed and opened the door.

Jaxon smirked, glancing me over. “You don't look ready.”

“Huh?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. “What are you
talking about?”

“Joshua was supposed to tell you, it's time to pack up.
We're heading to Genesis in an hour.”

I frowned. “He didn't tell me. Can I shower and grab
something quick to eat before we go?”

Jaxon showed me his packed duffel he swung over his
shoulder. “We don't have that much time. You shower; I'll bring you something
to eat up here. The line downstairs is pretty long. When you're done, just
knock on my door, okay?”

“Yeah, sure.” I found my bag on the floor, grabbed a
fresh change of clothes, and walked across the hall to my private bathroom. I
tried not to let the butterflies in my stomach take control. I glanced at the
counter, seeing a bottle of red dye. I knew Jaxon had left it for me. I colored
my hair, showered, and dried off. It was strange to see my reflection once again
from root to tip in red. I headed back into my room, packing up my clothes,
making sure I had everything before carrying my bag over to Joshua's door. I
gave a firm knock, wondering if he was in his room. There was no answer.

Kelvin watched from the hall, his back against the wall.
“He's in with Jaxon.”

“Oh, thanks.” I carried my bag over towards Jaxon's room.

Kelvin smiled. “Heading home?”

I glanced down at the bag in my hand. “Yeah,” I nodded.
“Something like that.” I couldn't tell Kelvin where I was going. No one could
know: it would put the entire mission at risk. I knocked once then twice on
Jaxon's door, hearing the handle as he pulled it back and glanced me over.

“You look better.” Jaxon smiled, giving me a hug. “I
heard you're in a world of trouble from Joshua.”

“What?” My eyes widened. “Why would he say that?” I
glanced past Jaxon. Joshua was staring out the window. He turned around, a huge
smile plastered to his face but there was something behind his eyes. Something
that told me he wasn't happy.

“It's true,” Joshua walked over, wrapping his arms around
my waist as he buried his face in my neck. “Call it all off. I don't want you
to go.”

“I can't do that.” I smiled, trying my best to pry myself
from his grasp. “You can come with us,” though I knew it wasn't possible. The
arrangements had been made for Jaxon and me to travel to Genesis. It could very
well be a disaster bringing Joshua along.

“And I can't do that.” Joshua leant in, stealing a kiss.
He hadn't spent time practicing a glamour. It would only take minutes before
we'd be caught. “I talked with Elsa. She had some concerns about you…” He
didn't finish the sentence; his look said everything.

I'll be more careful
. I promised him.

You have to, Olive. If anyone found out what we're
capable of
… He didn't have to finish his sentence for me to know what I'd
done was wrong. In some ways it had been selfish. Saving Drezden had been what
we were there for, but I couldn't save every woman in labor. It had been a huge
risk and could have been a bigger catastrophe.
Promise me you'll be smarter
in Genesis

“I will,” I acknowledged, not caring if Kelvin overheard
half our conversation. It wouldn't make any sense to him.

“Take care of her, Jaxon.” Joshua stared at him hard, his
gaze refusing to linger.

“Like she's my sister,” he promised, shaking his hand.

“I don't
looking after,” I emphasized, “but
thanks.” I planted one last kiss to Joshua's lips before pulling back. “When
are you heading home?”

“In a few hours,” Joshua whispered.
Elsa promised to
drive me back. She knows we're getting closer to the attack on Genesis and is a
little hesitant to be in Torv when it goes down. Besides, Collins’ orders were
for both of us to return to Shadow.

I grinned as I shuffled my feet and shifted my bag in my
hands. “You don't say.” I stepped closer, throwing my arms around him one last
time, knowing goodbye was inevitable.
I'm scared I won't see you again.

You will, Olive. You know you will.
He placed a
soft kiss to my lips, resting his forehead against mine.

I'll be fine
. I assured Joshua, though the nerves
were getting to me.

You don't have to do this.
He stared at me, his
hand reaching up as his thumb grazed my cheek.

Yes, I do
. There wasn't another option. We'd made
the arrangements; not showing up might alert someone in the system that we were
up to no good. I leant in, brushing my lips one final time to Josh's. I just
hoped we'd both come out of this unscathed. “Let's do this.”

“Stay safe.” Jaxon gave Josh a brief hug. I felt my
stomach somersault. Hopefully, all my glamour training and experience over the
last few months would pay off.

“So, how are we getting there?” I asked as Jaxon tossed
his duffel over his shoulder and handed me a bag of food.

“We're driving. Well, someone will drive us,” he
specified. “You'll just sit back and do your thing.” I wasn't sure which thing
that was but I guessed it involved pretending to look like someone else. “Come
on,” he urged as I waved a brief goodbye to Kelvin. Joshua poked his head out
from the room. Already, I missed him. Together, Jaxon and I headed down the
elevator. Once we were alone, he glanced at me. “I need you to glamour right
now.” I nodded slowly and focused my energy on Jacqueline. She was the easiest
glamour, the one I had the most training with and the most experience in
pretending to be. Besides, the Governor wouldn't recognize her, I was sure of
it. Jaxon looked me over. “I'm glad you used the dye. It'll last until we know
when the Governor's Ball is and it'll be easier for you to glamour. One less
thing to worry about: hair color.”

“Right.” I smiled, trying not to feel nervous: we
couldn't get caught. The elevator doors opened and Jaxon grabbed my elbow,
leading me towards a military vehicle waiting by the front entrance. “What are
we doing, Jaxon?”

“How else do you think we'll get inside Genesis?” he
asked me pointedly. I knew he was right but this seemed stupid.

“Just don't take off the glamour, got it?” Jaxon stared
at me. I nodded and followed as he opened the back door and I slipped inside. I
had no idea how this would work. Visitors didn't come and go from Genesis. How
they would get me inside and work in the Governor's mansion, I had no idea.


The guard who drove us into Genesis, I never did bother to
get his name. He gestured towards the trunk and a change of clothes that would
be appropriate for my position in town. I rolled my eyes and changed outfits in
the backseat just as we headed towards the stone walls of Genesis. I kept
glancing in his rearview mirror, making sure he wasn't watching me disrobe.
Although the pants were one size too big and the shirt one size too small, it
would have to do. Dressed in grays and blues, I would fit in for my position as
a servant. I fidgeted with the crest on my sleeve, Livery. Although I'd never
seen it up close, I knew what it looked like from school. My stomach clenched
and my hands bunched into fists as I felt my heart rate climb. I could do this,
I had to do this, I had no other choice. I swallowed the fear and uncertainty.
The guard dropped us off at the front of Governor Craynor's mansion and Jaxon
gripped my arm as he led me towards the entrance.

I glanced at him, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. He looked
nothing like the Jaxon I knew, clothes included as he wore the government's
standard-issue gray military uniform and carried a file in his hand; the game
was on. “This way.” Jaxon's voice was deeper than usual—he didn't even sound
like himself. His skin color hadn't changed but his eyes were a lighter shade
of brown and I couldn't make out his hair under the military hat.

“Did you grow two inches taller?” I whispered, unable to
take my eyes off him. It was still strange to witness a glamour: it didn't
matter that I was just as capable of performing one.

“Quit it, Jacqueline,” he rasped, reminding me of my role. I
stared straight ahead as we approached the front door and Jaxon gave three
knocks. A moment later the door opened and one of the servants stepped aside,
letting us enter.

“It's good to see you again, sir.” The young brunette closed
the door behind us. “The Governor is in his study, I'm sure he'd be happy to
see you.”

“Good.” Jaxon nodded curtly, leading me up the staircase,
familiar with the layout of the mansion. I knew he must have studied the
blueprints, gotten them from someone in the rebel alliance. How had the servant
recognized Jaxon? Who was he pretending to be? I had no idea where I was going
and knew Jaxon otherwise wouldn't have had a clue.

Jaxon paused momentarily before knocking on the closed
study. “Come in,” Craynor's voice echoed from behind the door. I tried my best
to relax, to not show fear, but I was terrified. Jaxon turned the handle and
pushed the door open, stepping in first. I followed close behind him.

“Sir.” Jaxon handed the manila folder to the Governor. “From
the city of Livery, Governor Sevean would like to lend you Jacqueline.”

Governor Craynor looked me over and gestured me closer.
“Jacqueline.” He tilted his head, examining me. “What is it you do, child?”

Jaxon answered for me. “She was a housekeeper and servant
for the Governor in Livery.”

Craynor laughed, throwing his hands on the desk. “And what
did you do to deserve coming to visit me, hmmm?” He watched me for a moment
before answering his own question, “I know he owes me one but this is beyond
preposterous. There are rules about travel between towns for a reason.” He
glanced me over. “You're okay—you didn't see anything frightening out there,
did you?”

“I'm fine, sir.” I was surprised he cared at all about me
traveling through the Gravelands. Or was he protecting himself, for fear of
what I might tell the others in Genesis?

“Very well.” Craynor closed the folder, not looking too much
at the details. “If Sevean says you're good enough to work under my roof, so be
it.” He eyed me skeptically. “Do you not have family back in Livery, a

“No, sir. He died from an unfortunate event.” I didn't
elaborate and hoped he wouldn't ask any more questions. I knew Jacqueline was
under eighteen but there was no way they'd have transferred a child between
cities. I had to be quick and think on my feet.

“I see.” Craynor answered. “Very well. We'll have to make
accommodations in the meantime for you here, if that's all right with you?”

“That would be fine, sir.”

“Good, good.” He stood up. “Take the young lady—Jacqueline,
is it?” I nodded in response. “To her quarters. Show her the work uniform and
then have one of the girls give her the tour. The last thing we need is you
getting lost before the Governor's Ball.” He laughed. “That would be something
else. I'll have to thank Sevean for bringing me such good company as well.”

I shuddered at the thought and didn't let it linger as Jaxon
grabbed my arm and led me out of the Governor's study, closing the door behind
us. “What was that?” I asked, glancing at him as he led me down the stairs to
the first floor. Jaxon didn't understand my question: he gave me a confused
look before I elaborated. “You don't think this other Governor will give it
away that he didn't send me as a gift?”

Jaxon laughed. “Hopefully it won't get to that and no, I
think he won't admit to not providing a present. It'd look tasteless, like he
forgot some momentous occasion.” He led me down the hall and gave a swift
double knock before opening the door. “Your quarters, ma'am,” he teased, taking
a step back.

“You're leaving me here?” I chewed anxiously at my bottom
lip. This was a bad idea, all of it.

Jaxon reached for my hands. “You'll be fine.” He gave them a
tentative squeeze before letting go. “Just stay out of trouble,” he warned me
before retreating out of my room and down the hall.

It wasn't long before one of the servants walked by the
room, stopping the moment she caught sight of the door ajar. “Hello?” Her soft
voice echoed as she knocked on the open door.

“Hi. I'm Jacqueline.”

“Lisa Vazquezanzua.” She returned the handshake twice as
strong. “You must be new?” she questioned. “How odd, we don't usually get new
employees until graduation.”

“I was a gift,” I said, knowing it would sound strange but
laughing to lighten the tension. It seemed to work as the curious look slowly
turned to a warm, inviting smile. Her deep caramel eyes looked amused. “I used
to work for the Governor in Livery,” I explained.

Lisa tilted her head slightly, taking my words in. “How,
interesting.” I knew I shouldn't have said anything since it could probably get
me killed, considering no one ever leaves their town, but it wouldn't take long
for questions to emerge when no one knew or remembered me growing up in

“Yes.” I smiled brightly. “Can you tell me where my change
of clothes is?” Although the uniforms were similar in style and design, each
city had a different emblem embossed on the arm. Seeing the mark of Livery, I
knew I could change it, but not with Lisa watching me.

“Of course, follow me.” She led me down the hall and towards
a storage closet. Opening it, she revealed an array of outfits situated with
their appropriate sizes by shelf. “You can take a few, they'll be replaced when
the next shipment comes in,” Lisa assured me.

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