Molon Labe!

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Authors: Boston T. Party,Kenneth W. Royce

BOOK: Molon Labe!
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Molôn Labé!
by Boston T. Party.

Common Law Copyright 1997-2014 by Javelin Press.

With explicit reservation of all Common Law Rights without prejudice.

"Boston T. Party" is a Common Law Trademark of Javelin Press.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

A hardcover first edition (only 500 printed) of
Molôn Labé!
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Molôn Labé!
by Boston T. Party (Common Law Copyright 1997-2014, Javelin Press. All Rights Reserved.

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Molôn Labé!
January, 2004

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ISBN 1-888766-07-7


I thank the myriad of Wyoming officials and citizens too numerous to list who variously helped with me information and advice since 1998.

Huge appreciation goes to my several local proofreaders, one of whom was also my graphic artist and produced the stunning cover. Thanks for working so hard under such a cruel holiday deadline! I'm vastly in your debt.

I'm very grateful for the help of Doug and Ancha Casey, Jim Gibbons, Lobo and Sunni, Hunter, and the many good friends of Pablo, Tony, Dr. K, and Mr. Stubbs.

Muchas gracias
to the two Marks (and their families) in Wyoming for their editing, and for converting bedrooms (spare and not) into "Boston T. Party Suites" during my visits. The state is in great hands with such men as you!

Science-fiction author Fran Van Cleave in particular was a huge help, and often went above and beyond the call of duty.
Molôn Labé!
became a much better story because of her invaluable assistance in training this fledgling novelist. Some of her many suggestions are personified in Chapter 2011's character Louella Davis.

Thanks, Fran, for often urging me to "show it" versus "tell it"! (Not that I still don't need gobs of work on that...)

Finally, I thank the support and interest of my dear readers and valued distributors, who waited
long for
Molôn Labé!
to come out. I hope you'll deem it worth the wait.


I dedicate
Molôn Labé!
to the many freedom-loving Americans in Wyoming, present and future. See you there!

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Nach dem Spiel
After the game
ist vor dem Spiel.
is before the game.
   — S. Herberger

The big things in life can't be seen if you're standing too nearby. The dots can't be connected if you're still seeing dots. The opthamological term for this phenomenon is
neural lateral inhibition
. Not that we seem to notice, as it's something we were born with. Unless you happen to have been born an historian.

For the historically astute, the years 1992-2020 evoked an eerie, though unmistakable, sense of
dejα vu
. For the keen mind capable of standing back from the current events swirling about him—calmly contemplating an abstract painting across the gallery floor — two dates clearly materialized from the haze. From an historian's ethereal perspective, it was, all over again, 1775 and 1929.

Both dates resembled tidal waves which left behind great swathes of destruction, forever altering the social, political, legal, and economic landscapes. Such is the nature of tidal waves, but ironically, both waves seemed to take the people of their day by nearly total surprise. Perhaps it was because they'd had so many years of gathering swell behind them. The people of 1775 had suffered a lean decade of increasing governmental rules and oppression, while the people of 1929 had rejoiced during a fat decade of swollen false prosperity and bacchanalia.

After each wave crashed, things would get worse—much worse—before they began to get better. But when you're stunned with the weight of the crash and roiling about in its foam, you don't know that then.

In retrospect, the waves of 1775 and 1929 were a sort of cosmic regurgitation—timely aspirations of festering toxicity which threatened the national
. But, it didn't last. Proverbs 26:11 was amply demonstrated:

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

The fool of 1775 eventually returned to political despotism; the fool of 1929 inexorably returned to economic witchcraft. In 1992 the dog had returned to
strains of vomit, simultaneously. The heaving was unparalleled. By 2014 a return to political despotism had summoned economic witchcraft, and a return to economic witchcraft had beckoned political despotism.

Will 1992-2020 simply become yet another tidal wave only for future historians to recognize through their unique lack of neural lateral inhibition? Probably, not that this will make their events less surprising, less poignant, less terrifying, or less hopeful for those who lived them.

have seen all this coming, but since we could, we did not. The human blind spot is the same for rabbits—straight ahead. To see the obvious, we mustn't look
at it. And this is why we miss the obvious, the looming, every time—because we're always staring right at it. The harder it runs us over, the more determined we become to
focus on it the next time, so that we don't miss it again.

Which is why it will keep hitting us smack in the face, forever. Unless. Unless we learn to step back and use peripheral vision.

Unless we take hockey great Wayne Gretzky's fine advice:

. . .
skate to where the puck is
to be, not where it has been.

The Nazis lost WWII with the best mechanical computers of the mid-1940s. The Allies won WWII with the best
computers of the mid-1940s. The Nazis skated to where the puck had been. We skated to where it was going to be. The battle goes not just to the swift or the strong; it goes to whichever side first arrives at the next juncture.

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