Monroe, Marla - Belonging to Them [Men of the Border Lands 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Belonging to Them [Men of the Border Lands 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Brandon and Bolton were appalled at how women were treated now. They were humans just like men. They felt that they should be cared for and made to feel like the most important person in their lives because there were so few of them.

Brandon looked over at Bolton. His brother was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of her. They didn’t really know anything about her other than what she’d told them, and he had no idea how much of that was true. Like it or not, she was theirs now to take care of. As much as he would like a female in their lives, Brandon knew they would have to protect her, and he wasn’t sure they could handle the farm and watch out for her.

He hoped she would be able to help around the house. It would remove some of the burden from them if she would. Brandon wasn’t sure what to expect from her.

All Bolton saw was a female who’d been used and abused. Brandon didn’t have the heart to fill him in on the reality right now. He’d figure it all out on his own soon enough.

“Do you know anything about gardens or canning food?” Brandon asked.

“Yeah, I’ve always had a garden and put up vegetables. I can take care of a house and know how to raise chickens. I can’t milk a cow, but I could learn.”

Brandon was impressed. She might be of some help after all.

“We’ve got a garden, a few cows for meat and milk, and chickens. Got a few horses as well,” Bolton told her.

“I’m a hard worker. I’ll help however I can if you’ll let me stay with you.” Heather finally looked up at him.

Brandon sighed and nodded. “Like I said, you belong to us now. We won’t send you back.”

She seemed to relax at this, though she still didn’t smile. Brandon wondered what it would take to make her smile. First thing though, she needed a bath and some clean clothes. She could bathe and dress while he and Bolton unloaded the trailer. It would be late, but he didn’t dare leave it loaded. Thieves were everywhere now. They couldn’t trust that they were too far north and out of the way for someone to bother them.

“Heather, when we get to the house, you can go ahead and take a bath and clean up. We have to unload the trailer. I’ll bring your things in.”

“You’ll feel better after cleaning up,” Bolton added.

Heather looked up at Bolton from under her dirty, matted hair and nodded.

“Can I have something to eat first? Just a piece of something? I haven’t had anything all day.”

Bolton cursed and looked out the side window before turning back to her.

“I’ll get you something when we get home.”

“Home? Will it be my home now, too? Or will you keep me locked up?” she asked, fiddling with her dirty dress.

Chapter Two

They pulled onto a gravel road several hours later. Heather was starved and tired. She had been hiding from the man running the brothel all day, and the stress of trying to stay hidden had drained her energy. Right now, she would settle for molded bread and a blanket on the ground. Not that what she had before had been much better. Now she had escaped the brothel to belong to two men she knew nothing about.

After another twenty minutes of driving the dark gravel road, they pulled into a clearing. The headlights from the truck illuminated a structure she couldn’t quite make out. It looked vaguely like a house, but she wasn’t sure.

Brandon stopped the truck and cut the engine. Bolton jumped out of the cab of the truck and held out his hand toward her.

“Come on. I’ll get you something to eat and show you the bathroom. The water will be warm, but not hot, since we haven’t been here to run the electricity.”

“You have electricity out here?” Heather was surprised. Very few places had it anymore.

“We use solar energy with batteries to run the house.” Bolton helped her down from the truck, then urged her toward the shadowy structure ahead of them.

“I’ll be right in with her things,” Brandon called out to them.

Heather turned to look over her shoulder at him, but the darkness swallowed him up. She nearly stumbled on a set of steps.

“Easy there. Watch out.” Bolton caught her before she fell.

She followed his lead onto a porch and then inside the house. He picked up a lantern on the table by the front door and lit it. The flame threw shadows around the room, but she could see quite well. The inside of the house appeared to be an open floor plan. She could see all the way through to the kitchen from the front door. A set of stairs led up from the entrance hall, and a small hall curved around to the other side of the stairs.

“This way. Let’s get you something to eat first.” Bolton pulled her by the hand toward the kitchen in the back of the house.

He settled her in a chair at a table and disappeared from sight for a few seconds. He reappeared with a jar of peanut butter and a sleeve of crackers. He grabbed a knife and handed it to her.

“This should tide you over for now. I’ll be back in a few minutes to show you the bathroom so you can get cleaned up.”

“Thanks, Bolton.”Heather attempted a smile despite still being a little afraid of him.

He just nodded and left her in the kitchen with only the light from the lamp in the other room. While she fixed peanut butter crackers and ate them, she heard the men unloading the truck and trailer. Several times, they came through with boxes or bags of stuff and sat them on the kitchen cabinets.

Once she had eaten all she felt she needed to, Heather cleaned up her mess and waited for Bolton to return for her. She didn’t have long to wait. He appeared with the plastic bin containing her clothes and accessories.

“Follow me and I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

She followed him upstairs where he turned on a hall light as they stepped onto the landing. He then led her into a large bedroom through to a massive bathroom. He turned on a lamp in the bathroom on the counter and sat her things on the floor near the tub.

“Think you’ll be okay by yourself for a while?” he asked.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. I need to clean up, and that might take some time. I’m filthy.”

“Take your time. I doubt we’ll be finished before two or so anyway.”

“Okay.” She turned on the water in the tub and heard the bathroom door shut behind Bolton. She resisted the urge to lock it. They probably wouldn’t like it if she did.

As soon as the water was deep enough, Heather stripped and climbed into the tub. It felt good to be able to sit in the water and just soak for a while. She leaned back in the tub and let the water cover her body. She knew she needed to bathe and get out, but she couldn’t help wanting to enjoy the luxury of taking a real bath again for the first time in months.

She thought of the two men who had rescued her. Brandon stood well over six four, with shaggy brown hair that reached past his collar. His chocolate brown eyes didn’t miss anything, and seemed to see right through her. She had no doubt that he would be the disciplinarian of the two men. His broad shoulders and wide chest thrilled the woman in her, but it also scared her. She had also noticed that both men had impressive cocks, if the faded white spot at their groins were anything to go by.

She couldn’t help the way her body reacted to that bit of knowledge. Her pussy wept at the thought of all that male flesh filling her. She had little doubt that they would expect her to have sex with them. That was one of the main reasons men wanted women. Well, that and to clean up after them.

Her thoughts turned to Bolton, and how he seemed so different from Brandon despite their similar looks. He had black hair that appeared to be just as long as his brother’s, and stood a little shorter than Brandon. They were both broad and muscular. Physically, they appeared alike. Their reactions and personalities were very different. Where Brandon was all business and serious, Bolton seemed to have more empathy, and appeared to be the more relaxed of the two.

Heather dunked her head and then worked shampoo into the matted ends. She scrubbed and threaded her fingers through her hair until she was satisfied she’d gotten all of the dirt and mats out. Then she dunked her head once again and let the water from the tub. Her hair reached just between her shoulder blades for the first time in over a month. She wrung it out then stepped out of the tub. Heatherused a towel to dry her body and then her hair.

Searching through the bin, she used the deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and brush. By the time she had dressed in a gown and her hair was well on the way to being dry, Heather was worn out and ready to go to bed. She didn’t have a clue where she would sleep. She cleaned up her mess before shoving the bin from the bathroom to the bedroom. Then she climbed up on the bed and curled up. She would rest for just a few minutes, then go downstairs and offer to help the men with their unpacking.

The next thing she knew, Brandon was picking her up. She shrieked and struggled to escape his arms.

“Whoa, Heather. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just putting you under the covers so you can sleep.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s just after three in the morning. Bolton is showering and will be here in a minute.”

“If you’ll show me where you want me to sleep, I’ll let you have your bed.” Heather tried to pull from his arms.

“You’re sleeping in here. This will be your room.” Brandon pulled back the covers and slid her easily beneath them.

It was then that she realized he was nude. She quickly averted her eyes and shivered. She had been right. His cock was huge, and it jutted out as if looking for her. Surely they didn’t plan on having sex with her right then. Was she in any better place than the brothel? Reluctantly, she acknowledged that she was. At least here she only had two men to please, and it would always be the same two, and not lots of different ones. How hard could it be to take care of them?

Resigned, she sighed and huddled beneath the covers as if it were cold in the room. She watched as Brandon climbed in on one side. He turned toward her and pulled her closer to him. Heather expected him to start undressing her, but he only wrapped an arm around her waist and tucked her head beneath his chin.

“Get some rest, Heather. Tomorrow will be a long day. We have a lot of unpacking to do, and the farm to take care of.”

Confused, she tried to relax, but a noise from the other side of the room let her know that Bolton had walked out of the bathroom and headed for the bed. She nearly jumped when the other side of the bed dipped, and heated male flesh came in contact with her legs.

“Easy there. We’re not going to hurt you. Calm down and relax. You need to rest,” Brandon said again.

“I don’t understand.”

“Don’t understand what?” Bolton asked in a weary voice.

“I thought, I thought you would want sex.”

“Not tonight, that’s for damn sure. I’m too tired.” Bolton chuckled.

“That monster you call a cock is poking me in the stomach.”

“Do you want to have sex?” Brandon asked from behind her.

“No! I mean…” She couldn’t think what to say.

Did she want to have sex with these two men? Honestly, yes, but because she wanted to, and not because she had to. She doubted they would understand that.

“Just go to sleep, woman.” Brandon yawned and pressed tighter against her.

She was surrounded by male bodies. Still, somehow she managed to fall asleep.

* * * *

Heather woke alone in the massive bed. She had no idea what time it was, or where the men were. By the amount of light outside the window, it had to be late morning. She hurried through her morning routine and dressed in a pair of new jeans and a T-shirt that actually fit her. She pulled on socks and the boots she’d been wearing the night before.

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