Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (19 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” He rested his hands on her head.

She looked up at him and deep-throated him. He slammed his hand against the back of the shower.


She took that as a good sign and licked him up and down before sucking in just the head to tease with her tongue. She squeezed the base of him and met her mouth with her hand over and over until he was going up on his toes with each twist of her hand. She nibbled around the underside of his cockhead, then sucked him down her throat once again. She relaxed and breathed through her nose so she could swallow him deeper.

He dug his fingernails in her scalp and began pumping his cock in and out of her mouth. He thrust harder and faster until his rhythm faltered. He started to pull out.

“Easy, baby. I’m going to come.”

She sucked him deep, and he filled her throat with cum. She worked to swallow it all. When he was finished, she cleaned his dick with her tongue and looked up at him with horny eyes. Then she slid her fingers between her legs and dipped them in her hot cunt and brought them out for him to taste her pussy juices.

Gavin closed his eyes and hummed his appreciation. She held onto his hips and pulled herself up. He immediately reached down to help her.

“Better leave some hot water for Dillon,” Gavin said. “I’ll take care of you while we wait on the pizza.”

“Later, Gavin. The pizza will be here too soon. I don’t want to rush it when you have your mouth on my pussy.”

“Fuck, I want in that hot cunt of yours.”

“You can wait. Besides, you need a little recovery period, I think.”

“I don’t think so. What do you think?” He brushed his semierect cock against her belly, and it thumped against her as it grew.

“Wow. You’re resilient, aren’t you?”

“Only with you, baby. Only with you.” With those words, he finished drying off and walked into the bedroom where he said something to Dillon.

Briana wrapped the towel around her and hurried out of the bathroom to get dressed. Dillon smiled at her and popped her on the behind as she passed. She flashed him a wicked grin and grabbed up her clothes to slip into them before she froze. Gavin helped her with her socks and shoes.

“Looks like you might have a little bit of a baby bump, finally. Making it hard for you to bend over, huh?”

She popped him on the chest and growled at him. Then she hurried down the stairs to answer the door.

When Gavin caught up with her he swung her around and frowned at her.

“Don’t ever run down those stairs again. You could have lost your balance and fallen. And you don’t answer the door without being sure who it is.”

“Don’t come home and lecture me, Gavin.”

The doorbell rang again. Gavin huffed out a breath and answered it. He paid the man and carried the pizzas into the living room. When Dillon walked downstairs, he seemed to notice the tension in the room, because he cursed and glared at Gavin.

“I swear, she gives you a blow job that I happen to know from experience is superb, and you’re already pissing her off. What gives this time?”

“She ran down the stairs,” Gavin told him.

Dillon frowned and leveled a steady gaze at her. “Briana, you’re already off balance some from being pregnant. You shouldn’t be hurrying down the stairs, much less running down them. You know better than that.”

She sighed and nodded. They were right. It didn’t make her feel any better, though. She sulked up for a while, but managed to eat two pieces of the pizza after picking off the olives. She really was trying. She would eat a small snack before bed as well. They watched a movie then headed to bed.

The weekend passed quickly, and soon she was waving them off on Sunday afternoon. She hated for them to leave, but she needed the alone time from them. Together they were so intense. She knew they were right about most of the things they fussed at her about, but she didn’t do them when they weren’t around. Why did she do them when they were?
Because you want their attention. You’ve got it anyway. Why do you have to make things worse by acting out?

On Wednesday, she drove to the doctor’s office and waited her turn to see him. She’d turned down Brandy and Tina’s offer to accompany her. She wanted to go alone this time. The first time had been overwhelming between finding out she was going to have twins and dealing with two men hovering over her.

Unfortunately, she got fussed at because she had only gained two pounds. Her anemia was improved, but not as much as he wanted. He sent her to a dietitian to see if she could help her, and warned her of the dangers of not getting enough nutrition. She dreaded telling the guys the news. Still, she was doing her best. She drove home in tears and nearly ran a red light.

They called her almost before she got in the door. She snapped at them and then regretted it.

“I’m sorry. I’m just upset.”

Gavin immediately knew something was wrong. “What is it? Do we need to come home?”

“No. I’m fine. The babies are fine, but I only gained two pounds. He fussed at me. I’m doing the best I can. I snack all during the day. What else can I do?”

“Easy, baby. Don’t get so upset. It’s not good for you.”

“Good for the babies, you mean,” she snapped, and once again regretted it.

“Maybe I need to send Dillon home, baby. You don’t sound so good.”

“No, don’t do that. You all need to work so you can finish sooner. I miss you guys. I’ll be fine.”

“Here’s Dillon. He’s about to have a fit to talk to you. Take care, Briana.”

“Baby, what’s wrong? You sound upset even from across the room.”

She went back over what the doctor said and her frustration at not gaining weight. He was much more sympathetic. It soothed her spirits, but she knew Gavin meant well. He was just so much more serious than Dillon. And that was a good thing in most situations.

Dillon hung up telling her he loved her and they would be home soon. Briana put up the phone and dutifully pulled out the peanut butter and crackers she’d made up for snacks. She poured a glass of milk and ate as many as she could without making herself sick, and then she returned to the office and settled down to work.

* * * *

Dillon and Gavin pulled into the drive around
Friday night. This time, Briana didn’t meet them at the door like before. Dillon immediately got worried and hurried in the house, calling out her name.

“Briana?” Dillon took the stairs two at a time.

He found her sound asleep in the bedroom, oblivious to their having arrived. Gavin walked in right behind him.

“She’s asleep,” Dillon told him incredulously. “She didn’t hear us calling her.”

“She must be exhausted. Maybe she hadn’t been sleeping well with us gone,” Gavin suggested.

“Let’s let her sleep.” Dillon turned and headed back downstairs.

He was a little disappointed that she hadn’t been waiting on them, but even more worried that she was sleeping so hard. After the phone call earlier in the week, they’d keep in touch more often. She’d seemed fine, telling them that she was eating more and doing well. Had it all been an act?

“Don’t think so hard, Dillon. She’s going to be fine. We’ll see to it. If we don’t need to go back, we won’t go back. Cole and the others will understand.” Gavin slapped him on the shoulder.

“I know. I can’t help but feel like there is something wrong.”

“We’ll figure it out.”

They settled down to watch TV downstairs and waited for Briana to wake up. When she didn’t come downstairs by ten, Dillon got up to go see about her. About halfway up the stairs, she walked out of the bedroom and smiled down at him.

“I knew you were home since it was so late. Why didn’t you wake me up?” she demanded.

Dillon walked the rest of the way upstairs and pulled her into a hug.

“We figured you needed the rest, but you had us worried. What time did you lie down to take a nap?”

“About six. I got up early this morning and it finally caught up with me.” She kissed him and looked over his shoulder. “Where is Gavin?”

“He’s in the kitchen fixing you something to eat.”

“I am a little hungry,” she admitted to him.

Dillon rubbed a hand over her rounded belly. “Your baby bump is bigger than it was last week.”

“I know.” She frowned. “I’m going to have to start wearing looser clothes. I’m having trouble getting my pants on over it.”

“We’ll go shopping tomorrow and find you some comfortable clothes to wear,” he said.

She smiled and turned around toward the stairs. She stumbled and would have fallen if Dillon hadn’t caught her.

“Hey! Easy. What happened?”

“I turned too fast and got dizzy. I know better than to do that. I just forgot.”

“Do you get dizzy often?” Dillon held her still when she would have continued down the stairs.

“Only if I turn too fast or stand up too quick.”

Dillon helped her downstairs to the kitchen where Gavin had a piece of grilled chicken and some green beans warmed up. He smiled when he saw Briana.

“Hey, baby. How are you doing?” He leaned down and kissed her then ran a hand down her belly to rub it.

“I’m fine. Thanks for fixing me something to eat. I was a little bit hungry.”

Gavin kissed her again and led her over to the table where he sat her plate and a glass of milk.

Dillon refrained from telling Gavin anything about her being dizzy earlier and the fact that she was having trouble with it. He would talk to him about it later. Right now, they were all doing really well together. He liked that.

“You’re not working too hard are you, Briana?” Gavin asked her.

“No. Honestly, I’m not. I woke up really early this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep so I went ahead and ate then started working. I stopped for a couple of hours around lunchtime and took a nap. Then I started back and stopped when I got sleepy again at six.”

“You have circles under your eyes, baby. Are you not sleeping well?” Dillon finally couldn’t stand it. He had to know.

“No. I’m not sleeping as well as I should. I’m not sure why. I’m tired, but I’m not sleepy.” She continued eating while they talked.

Dillon was pleased with how much she was eating. She really had improved. Still, she hadn’t gained much weight at all since she had been pregnant. Maybe she would catch up now.

“I’m thinking that my hours are mixed up because I’m taking naps during the day. I was sleeping really fine earlier.” Briana took a sip of her milk.

“That’s highly possible. You were sound asleep when we got home,” Gavin pointed out.

“Anyway, how is everyone, and how is the job coming?” she asked.

“Everyone’s doing fine and the construction is coming along nicely. We’re thinking about staying home this next week with you, though,” Gavin said.

“Not that I wouldn’t love for you to be home, but no. You need to work with the others so they can get home sooner. I’m doing fine. If I get tired, I rest.”

Dillon wasn’t convinced that there wasn’t something else going on. He gave a little shake of his head at Gavin when she wasn’t looking so that he wouldn’t pursue the subject. He didn’t want to upset her. She needed to remain as calm as possible for her and the babies’ sakes.

They talked for another hour then wandered upstairs to get ready for bed. Dillon enjoyed helping her get undressed. Then he and Gavin both had fun talking to the babies and kissing her belly. Gavin blew raspberries on it until she was giggling. Then he stopped, a worried expression on his face.

“What is it, Gavin?” Dillon asked.

“I didn’t mean to get her out of breath. That can’t be good for her.”

“I’m fine, Gavin. Laughter is always good.” She reached up and pulled him to her for a kiss.

Dillon liked seeing them get along so well. If only she would believe them when they told her they loved her. He knew Gavin was at that point now. It was just a matter of timing now. If they said it at the right time, she might believe them.

“What are you so serious about, Dillon?” Briana smiled at him.

“Just thinking that we all need to get some rest. It’s nearly

“Maybe after you let me suck your tasty cocks. I’ve wanted you all week.” Briana licked her lips and reached up to unfasten Gavin’s pants.

Dillon shook his head. She was incorrigible when she was horny. They wouldn’t be going to sleep anytime soon with her in that mood.

She pulled out Gavin’s cock and gave it a long lick. He groaned and wound a hand in her hair.

Dillon pulled off his shirt and slid to the foot of the bed to partake in something sweet himself. When he went to remove her panties, he found that she had bled on them. He stilled, trying to catch his breath.
She is bleeding. Fuck!
He swallowed and carefully got off the bed.

“Baby, we need to stop. You’re bleeding, baby.”

She stilled and then let go of Gavin’s cock. “What?”

“You’re bleeding. We need to call the doctor and see what to do.” Dillon reached for the phone where he’d put a copy of the clinic’s on-call numbers under it.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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