Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You can even work from home with a job like that,” Dillon added.

“I’d like to eventually, but I figure I’ll have to put in my dues first and work in an office, but I don’t mind.”

“Are you planning on sticking around here?” Dillon asked.

“No. I’m leaving here as soon as I can, and get a job in
. That’s where I plan to move. Hopefully as soon as I graduate.” Briana crossed her fingers. She really didn’t want to hang around Round Rock any longer than she had to.

“Got family in
?” Gavin asked.


“Too bad, you could stay with them while you got on your feet.”

“Well, you never know. Something might come up,” Dillon said.

“So, what do you two do?” She decided to find out a little about them.

“We do construction. We work with a crew that travels around to different job sites,” Gavin told her.

“Have you been to a lot of different states?” she asked.

She would love to travel. She hoped to do that on her vacations, once she had a job, that was.

“Seen a good bit of the nation. Mostly small towns, though. Not many larger cities.” Dillon grabbed her hand to hold while they walked.

“Have you ever thought about traveling?” Dillon asked.

“Oh, I would love to travel. Maybe once I get a job, I can travel some on my vacations. I’d go to a different state every time.”

They had reached the end of the runway now, and Gavin stopped and looked around. Then he turned around and took her hand in his, and they started walking back the way they came. By the time they had finished walking the runway, Briana knew more about them. They rode with the same crew all the time and had been in the army together. Dillon and his brother were twins, and they planned to settle down in one place one day soon.

“You ready to head back now?” Gavin asked her.

“Yeah, I need to. I have school tomorrow,” she said.

She rode back with Dillon. He kept up a steady stream of chatter all the way back to her place. When Gavin helped her off the bike, he helped her with her helmet. Then the two of them walked her to her door. Gavin waited while she unlocked the house before handing her the carryout bag with her burger in it.

“I had a great time. Thanks for the burger, too.”

She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she invite them in? What then? She had no idea how to handle two strangers who rode bikes. Well, technically they weren’t strangers anymore.

“Do you work tomorrow night?” Gavin asked her.

“Yeah, I work every night except Sundays,” she told him.

“We’ll see you home tomorrow. You can tell us how school went.” Dillon smiled.

“Really, I hate for you to wait up so late for me. I’m sure you have to be at work early every morning.”

“Wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway knowing you were alone up there.” Gavin stepped closer to her.

Were they going to kiss her? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Then Gavin swooped in and took her lips. He pressed gently against hers then licked along the seam. She opened to him almost without thinking. He pulled her lower lip into his mouth where he licked it and nipped at it before snaking his tongue inside her mouth to explore. He teased along the roof of her mouth before sucking in her tongue.

Briana felt almost light headed when he finally released her mouth. So caught up in what he was doing, she hadn’t even realized that Dillon was behind her nibbling on the back of her neck until Gavin had released her from his kiss. Dillon turned her in Gavin’s arms toward him and kissed her as well.

His kiss was much more playful where Gavin’s had been more intense. Dillon kissed the corners of her mouth then her nose and pulled back.

“Unlock the door and let’s get you inside before I lose my good intentions,” Dillon said.

She quickly unlocked the door and opened it. She turned as she walked inside and found herself in a fierce embrace from Gavin before being gently pushed inside the house.

“Lock up,” Gavin said, a little out of breath.

“I will.” She closed the door and set the locks.

She heard their steps on the porch then the sound of them starting up the bikes and pulling out of her drive. She touched her fingers to her lips, still remembering the feel of theirs pressed against them. What was she going to do about them? They planned to see her again. Then she asked herself, why not?

Have fun while they’re here. It’s not long term. They’ll be moving on soon anyway. What can it hurt?

Chapter Four

Every night they showed up at closing time to walk her to her car. She hadn’t had any further trouble, either. Each night, their kisses had become more intense and more suggestive. When Saturday night came and they didn’t show up, she figured they’d gotten tired of her putting them off and given up their post.

She climbed out of her car and walked up to the door, but before she got her key in the lock, the sound of bikes had her turning around. Dillon and Gavin pulled up behind her car. They quickly cut the motors and climbed off the bikes.

“Are you okay?” Gavin immediately asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.” She turned to put the key in the lock again. Only this time, Dillon took it from her.

“We’re sorry we weren’t there. We got tied up meeting with our leader. I’m sorry.” Dillon looked really worried.

“Really, it’s no big deal. You both have been so nice this week making sure I got home safely. I don’t quite understand why you’re doing it, anyway.” She stood with her hand on the door waiting for Dillon to give her key back.

“We like you, Briana. We want the chance to get to know you,” Dillon said.

“I’m flattered, but I don’t really have a lot of spare time to date, guys.”

“Neither do we. We work from sunup to sundown, six days a week, so we’re pushed for time as well. But we think you’re worth it,” Dillon told her.

Gavin stepped in closer and pulled her into his arms. Briana knew a moment of worry that soon turned to arousal by the time he was finished kissing her. He took advantage of her parted mouth and slipped his tongue inside to explore. When he sucked on hers, she moaned, knowing they were seducing her.

Dillon nuzzled her neck from behind, pulling her hair aside so he could reach her skin with his lips. She shivered when he licked then nipped at her tender shoulder area. She could feel his hard cock pressing against the small of her back as he nibbled at her jaw while his brother plundered her mouth.

Gavin finally pulled back leaving her unsteady on her feet. Dillon held her back against him, his hands encircling her waist to keep her from falling.

“Let us in, baby. We want to take care of you,” Gavin said.

“I–I—” she began.

“Don’t say no, Briana.” Dillon turned her around and kissed her where Gavin had left off.

His tongue teased along the roof of her mouth then settled in to slide back and forth against hers. When he let go of her lips, she sighed. She was going to give in to them. There was no way for her to say no now as turned on as she was.

Gavin took her sigh as a yes, and picked her up to walk inside with her. Dillon closed and locked the door behind them.

“Bedroom,” Gavin said.

“Through that door and to the right. There’s only one bedroom.”

Dillon squeezed between them and the door to go first. When Gavin carried her into her bedroom she saw why. He’d pulled back the covers from the bed and moved the pillows aside. When she noticed that Dillon was already undressing she knew a moment of trepidation.

What am I doing? This isn’t like me to take up with strangers. But they aren’t really strangers.

Evidently Gavin could tell she was second-guessing herself, because he eased her down his body so that she slid slowly against his massively engorged cock. It drew her breath tight in her chest. All of that could be hers for the taking. She opened her mouth to speak, and Dillon reached around from behind to massage her breasts. When his hand touched the one her attacker had bruised, she yelped and reached to stop him.

“Aw, hell, baby. What’s wrong?” Dillon quickly let go and moved around to look at her face. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know.” She attempted to cross her arms, but Gavin had his hands there unfastening the buttons on her blouse.

“What the fuck?” He pulled back her blouse, revealing the bruising over her breast.

“That bastard from last week did that to you, didn’t he?” Dillon said.

“I should have beaten him within an inch of his life,” Gavin fumed as he carefully unfastened her bra.

When he removed her bra, the distinct fingerprints could be seen marring her breast in the fading bruises. Gavin bent down and carefully kissed her breast. His lips were tender and his hands soft where his expression was one of intense anger.

“Gavin, don’t scare her,” Dillon said.

Gavin made a visible effort to rein in his rage at the other man for hurting her. Briana knew he was angry, but he hid it well now.

“I’m sorry we didn’t get there before he hurt you, Briana,” Gavin said instead.

“I’m just thankful you were there at all. He might have killed me.”

“Let’s not think about it anymore. It’s over with.” Dillon smiled into her eyes.

Then he knelt in front of her, between her and Gavin, and began to unfasten her jeans. It was then that she realized he was already totally nude. His cock jutted out in front of him, touching her pant leg. It throbbed with each beat of his heart.

When she panicked and brought her hands up to his to once again stop him, Gavin took them and placed them under his T-shirt.

“Touch me, Briana. I want to feel your fingers on my skin.”

She drew in a deep breath and slowly began smoothing her hands up his chest under the shirt. When she reached his shoulders, Dillon had her jeans pooled at her feet and was urging her to step out of them. She lifted each foot as he pulled her pants away from them. Then he moved out of the way so that she could pull Gavin’s shirt over his head. Gavin bent over and helped her.

“Sit on the edge of the bed, baby,” Dillon directed her.

Briana felt self-conscious about her body. She knew she weighed more than was stylish, but she had never been one to worry obsessively over her size before. Now she worried and tried to cover herself with a pillow. Dillon frowned and pulled it out of her lap.

“Don’t cover yourself. You’re beautiful, Briana.” He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her, then guided his thick dick to her lips. “Suck me, baby. I want to feel that hot mouth on my cock.”

Briana eagerly accepted his dick into her mouth, having it stretch her lips wide to encompass it. Then she sucked on it like an all-day sucker until he pulled back from her. In the meantime, Gavin had removed his jeans and was standing waiting his turn at her mouth. She grinned and reached for him. He stopped her from grabbing his dick.

“Let me, baby. I want to see how much you can take.”

She opened her mouth and sighed when he finally began pushing his massive cock into her mouth. He made short, slow pushes until he was bumping the back of her throat with each thrust of his hips. His rhythm began to falter. She held on to his thighs as he face-fucked her, loving the feeling of power it gave her to know that he was slowly losing control.

He abruptly pulled out of her mouth, but held on to her head as he panted. Then Dillon was there again with his dick at her lips. She licked his cockhead then sucked in just the head of him before swallowing him to the back of her throat. He threw back his head with a shout as she swallowed around him, tightening down on his cock. He, too, pulled out panting. She smiled, pleased with herself.

Dillon smiled with her, but Gavin’s expression was intense. It almost scared her, but she really didn’t think he would hurt her. He’d been too careful of her ever since she had met them. She bit her lower lip, watching Gavin watch her. He made her feel naughty just by looking at her. She slid back on the bed some. Dillon climbed on the bed and pulled her further back until her feet alone hung off the edge of it.

“You have the prettiest blue eyes, Briana. I love how they sparkle when you smile. I want to see more of your smile, baby.” Dillon leaned down and kissed each breast, being careful of the bruised one.

He began sucking and licking the other one, drawing a moan from her. She loved having her breasts stimulated and often wondered if she could come from that alone. Now, she only had one they could work with, the other being too sore to touch. That thought flew out the window when Gavin ran his tongue down her pussy.

Dillon spread openmouthed kisses around her breasts and down her belly before traveling back up her cleavage to her neck where he sucked lightly. Gavin lapped at her wet pussy lips and down the inside of her thighs where she’d dripped while sucking on their cocks. Her cunt ached to be filled, but he seemed to be ignoring it at the moment. Instead, he was focused on her pussy lips, sucking them in and licking around them.

He made several passes close to her clit, but never actually touched it. Briana tried to tilt her pelvis to line it up with his questing tongue, but he easily avoided it. Gavin pressed a hand lightly on her lower abdomen to keep her still while he tongue-fucked her cunt. It felt so good to finally have something of substance inside of her, but it wasn’t enough and didn’t go deep enough to suit her. She reached down to grab his head.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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