Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“What are you doing?”

“Taking care of you.” He sat her on top of the bathroom counter so that the towel was spread out beneath her.

“Lean back for me, baby. I want a taste of that sweet pussy.”

“Allen, you don’t have to do this. I’m fine.” She leaned back when he just looked at her.

“There’s no reason for you to be frustrated. Especially when Shane is the one who started it.”

“He told you what he did?”

“Yeah, said I might need to clean up his mess.” He waggled his eyebrows. “It’s all my pleasure.”

Then he bent and licked her pussy the entire length of her slit up to her clit. She shivered. Nothing felt as good as a mouth on her pussy, unless it was two mouths with one of them at her breast. She reached up with one hand and rolled her nipple with her fingers. It was so sensitive that it didn’t take much to send signals down to her clit, the very clit that Allen was circling with his tongue.

“God, you taste like spicy honey. I could drown in your juices when you’re all revved up, baby.”

Parker leaned back until her head rested against the mirror. Allen sucked in her pussy lips then stabbed her cunt with his tongue. He licked up against the front of her pussy over and over again. When he spread her wide for his mouth to eat at her, she groaned and tightened her finger on her nipple. The need to climax was growing with each lick of his tongue.

When he added two fingers to her cunt, she nearly cried out at the wonderful pressure he was supplying. He curled them and stroked the spongy flesh that was her sweet spot. The more he rubbed over it, the closer she grew to orgasm.

The next thing she knew, he was pumping his fingers in and out of her pussy while he sucked on her clit with diabolical precision. With each stroke of his fingers, he rubbed over her hot spot. Parker felt her body gather for the plunge. She grabbed hold of his head as he devoured her flesh. With one last gasp for breath, she screamed her climax to the ceiling.

“Hell, yeah, baby.” He slowly brought her down from the euphoric high with light touches and rubs along her body.

“Now don’t you feel better?” He grinned and picked her up off the counter.

Instead of letting her down, he carried her to the bedroom where he sat her on the bed and searched through her case to find clothes for her. He came out with her jeans, a pair of matching underwear, and a navy blue blouse.

“Need help dressing?”

“I think you’ve done enough for now.” She couldn’t be angry with him though after he gave her a heart-stopping orgasm.

“I’ll be downstairs guarding your breakfast from Shane.”

Parker quickly dressed and pulled her hair back in a ponytail. Then she applied a light amount of makeup and called herself ready for whatever the day brought on. Walking downstairs, she entered the kitchen to find the guys patiently waiting on her.

“Your breakfast is getting cold. You should have gone ahead and eaten.”

“We weren’t going to eat without you, baby,” Shane teased.

“It looks good.” She cut up her egg and took a bite. It was a little salty, but otherwise not bad.

“Is it edible?” Shane asked.

“They’re good. Let me try my bacon.” She broke off a piece and put it in her mouth.

It was a bit crunchy, but she liked hers crisp. This was just a little bit crispier than what she liked.

“I like my bacon crispy. This is fine, Shane.”

He breathed out a sigh of relief and high-fived Allen.

“I was afraid I’d screw it up.”

“Well, you didn’t. Um, can I have something to drink, coffee maybe?”

“Right.” Shane grabbed the coffee and poured her a cup.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today while we wait for the meeting?”

“We lay low until after the meeting. I think we should spend our time talking about the baby and what our plans are. Then once we know about what the others think, we can decide from there.” Allen handed her a napkin.

“And, we need to get groceries so there’s stuff good for you when you’re here,” Shane added.

Once they had all finished eating, Shane and Allen shooed her into the living room while they cleaned up. She wasn’t sorry, either. Shane had made a mess cooking. She smiled. He’d been so proud of his eggs and bacon. She checked the time and frowned. It was already nearly eleven. There was less than seven hours before the gang would descend on them. She was nervous of meeting all of them. What would they think of her? She was so used to making people think the worst of her that now she didn’t know how to act to make someone think better of her.

Would they resent her for her money or for causing them to be put in the spotlight? She hated that she would be the cause of their discomfort.

“What are you thinking about over there that has that pretty face all serious-looking?” Allen walked over and sat on the couch next to her.

“Just wondering what your friends are going to think of me.”

“They’re going to fall in love with you. You’re easy to like, Parker.”

“Yeah, but I’m bringing shit down on their heads. They didn’t ask for it.”

“Don’t go blaming yourself for something that none of us had any control over.”

“Yeah, well, we might have refrained from fucking a half dozen times.”

“I don’t regret one of those times, and I think it was more like eight,” he said with a grin.

“Eight what?” Shane walked in.

His T-shirt was wet in two spots. Parker hid her grin. He was the serious one, and yet he’d gone to the extent of cooking her breakfast then cleaning up. Somehow she couldn’t see him compromising his bad-boy persona by trying to cook.

“Nothing,” Allen said. “Do you want to watch a movie to let our meal settle?”

“Good idea.” Shane grabbed Parker’s hand and pulled her to her feet. “You get to choose.”

“Somehow I don’t think that’s all that big a deal. I bet you only have two types of movies, porn and action thrillers.”

“Hell, you’ve already peeked, haven’t you?” Shane asked.

“I didn’t need to. I know what men like.” She walked over and perused their collection. It was an impressive one, at that.

“I’ll go for
Die Hard
The Fast and the Furious
.” She pulled both out and smiled.

“We’ll start off with
Die Hard
. I haven’t seen that one in a while.” Shane popped the DVD into the player and turned on all the various remotes that men seemed to always have.

They watched the movie with Shane on one side of her and Allen on the other. They each commandeered a hand to hold but didn’t push for anything else. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. After the climax in the bathroom, she had expected them to want sex. Now that they hadn’t initiated it, she was beginning to feel uncomfortable with her decision to keep them at a distance.

Parker realized that she enjoyed their company as much as she enjoyed when they brought her to climax. They were fun, good-natured, and interesting men. So what was it that held her back from moving in with them? Well, besides the fiasco with Michael.

She wasn’t sure that she could handle being involved with two men at one time. One man took a lot of effort to keep happy. Two would seem to be impossible. Another issue was that she was in the public eye so much that there would be no hiding her relationship. Who was she kidding? The men would never go for being sequestered in the background. Was she ashamed of the relationship? No, maybe a little uncomfortable about it, though.

The more she turned it over and over in her head, the more confused she became. Did it really matter what anyone thought? She’d been bucking that horse ever since her father got remarried to the bitch. What was one more scandal?

“You okay, Parker?” Allen squeezed her hand.

“Yeah, sorry. I guess I was off in another world.”

“One that it didn’t look like you were too happy to be in. Come back to this one. We can make you smile.”

She laughed. “You sure can.”

Parker stood up then stretched. She realized that she was sleepy. She hadn’t done anything to be tired. Being pregnant was kicking her ass. She seemed to need more rest than she had before. The guys caught her yawning and grinned.

“Someone needs a nap.” Allen teased.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I stay tired.”

“Your body is changing getting ready for a baby. You’re bound to be tired a lot now.”

Shane stood up and pulled her into his arms. She didn’t push him away. She really needed the contact. He hugged her tight before brushing a light kiss across her lips. She wanted more, but he pulled back and dragged her toward the stairs.

“Let’s take a nap. We’ve got plenty of time before the guys get here. You’ll need all your energy tonight. They will all be curious about you and want to talk.”

Allen laughed. “Probably all at the same time, too.”

They walked into the bedroom, and Shane immediately picked her up and laid her out on the bed. He removed her shoes. Then they pulled off their boots and climbed up on either side of her. Allen pulled her back into his arms. Shane cuddled up against her front and kissed her eyes when she closed them.

She loved the feel of them close to her, holding her, touching her. She missed this when she’d been home without them. She enjoyed having them surround her. A peace settled in her soul with them near. She needed to think more about it, but later. She drifted off but thought she heard Allen say he loved her.

Chapter Eleven

Shane lay in bed with Parker draped across him still sound asleep. Allen had gotten up to cook them something before the gang showed up at six. With the curtains pulled against the afternoon sun, only wisps of light shown under them. They had left the bathroom light on in case she had to get up in a hurry. The silence of the room seemed accented by her soft snores as she slept.

He didn’t want her to wake up any time soon either. He enjoyed having her all to himself even if it was only when she was sleeping. He couldn’t pretend to himself that he didn’t love her. He did, and because he did, he felt vulnerable since she didn’t seem to feel the same way. There had to be some way to move her in with them. He felt sure that if she lived there with them, she would soon grow to love them as much as they loved her. Allen was so head over heels it was almost funny.

He stilled when Parker moaned in her sleep and jerked. He ran a soothing hand up and down her back. She settled down again. What had her so antsy? She’d been doing that off and on for the last twenty minutes. He looked over at the clock. Dinner would be ready in another ten or fifteen minutes. He should wake her up so she could freshen up. Still, he hesitated to lose her. Once she woke up, she would instill a distance between them once more.

The fact that Allen had sucked her sweet pussy earlier drove him to distraction. He wanted a taste. Maybe tonight he could talk her into letting him taste her again. He had seen the hunger in her eyes when he’d masturbated earlier. Surely it wouldn’t take much to stimulate her into bed with them. Once they got her back in bed, they would keep her there.


“Hey, Parker. How do you feel?”

“I don’t know, yet. I need to get up, though.”

“Here you go.” He rolled them over and helped her sit up on the side of the bed. Her knee grazed his cock, and he stifled a moan at the stimulation.

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