Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic) (20 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Are we sure that if she goes public he will sue her for custody?” Tyler finally spoke up.

“Nothing is for sure other than Guy is definitely after her and has offered a rather large reward to get her. That’s why The Skulls got involved, for the money.” Morgan ran a hand over his face.

“When’s the last time you spoke to Dodge?” Jethro asked.

“Yesterday. I haven’t had much time today to call. I just tried and didn’t get an answer. I figure he’s working on it and didn’t want to waste time talking. He’s like that,” Morgan said.

“Always was weird when he was working on the computer,” Jethro agreed.

“I’ll try him again in a little while.” Morgan walked over to the door and checked on Amanda. She hadn’t moved and still had her back to him. He watched her for a few seconds thinking about how tired she was and that things were only going to get worse.

“Earth to Morgan. Come in, Morgan,” Tyler was saying.

“What?” he asked.

“She’s going to be hungry when she wakes up. What do you want to do about food?”

“Best thing is to grab takeout and eat here,” Jethro said.

“What is she going to want?” Justin asked.

“I don’t know. It will depend on how her stomach is when she wakes up as to what she might be able to eat.”

“Then I guess we better wait to decide on food.”

“Are we going to change hotels tomorrow or go for two days in one hotel?” Morgan asked Jethro.

“I think we’ll be okay for two days. Next time, though, the hotels are in our names. That gang doesn’t know anything about us, so they can’t search for our names. Some underpaid desk clerk is going to eventually sell you out. Won’t matter if you do use an assumed name.” Jethro leaned back on the headboard of the bed.

“Okay, that’s a good idea,” Morgan said.

He checked his watch. She’d been asleep for a little over an hour. He hoped she would sleep another hour. He hoped they could come up with some way to free her from Guy before she woke up, but there wasn’t much chance of that.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Dodge’s number again. It rang four times, and he was about to hang up when Dodge answered.


“Got anything yet?”

“Nothing concrete, but I’m working on a couple of angles. Give me another day, and I should have something we can use. If I come up with anything before that, I’ll call you.”

“Doesn’t matter what time it is, call. We’re having to dodge a biker gang as well as Guy’s goons.”

“Shit, Morgan. How do you get yourself in these messes?” Dodge asked.

“Last one wasn’t me. That was Riley, and Logan before that. Don’t blame me for their problems,” Morgan said.

“Regardless, you were in the middle of all of it. I’ll call you as soon as I have something,” he said and hung up.

“Hey, I think she’s up. I heard the bathroom door close.” Tyler stood up and walked toward the door.

Morgan stopped him. “Hey, give me a few minutes with her. I want to see how she’s doing without everyone hanging over her.”

Tyler shrugged and went back to sit in the chair. Justin turned on the TV, and they started switching channels to see what was on.

Morgan waited until he heard the bathroom door open again before he walked into the other room. She was sitting up against the headboard with her legs crossed Indian style. She looked up when he walked in.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Much better. I must have needed a nap. I’m hungry, too. I hate to ask, but can we get something to eat?” she asked.

“Baby, whatever you want to eat, we’ll get it. What sounds good to you?” He sat on the edge of the bed and closed a hand over her knee.

She smiled at him shyly. She looked so innocent to be in so much trouble. Morgan couldn’t get past the idea that she was pregnant with someone else’s child. He was attracted to her, cared deeply about her, but that was all. He wasn’t getting in too deep with her. As soon as they found a way to get Guy off her back, he’d be sure she was set up somewhere safe and in good hands to help her with the baby.

“I don’t know. I sort of wanted pizza.” She looked at him with raised eyebrows and a shrug.

“Then pizza it is. What do you want on it?” he asked.

“Everything except olives and anchovies.” She licked her lips.

“Let me go tell the guys, and we’ll get it delivered,” Morgan said.

He started to get up when she grabbed his wrist. She smiled at him and reached up with her other hand to draw his head down to where she could kiss him.

It was just a brush of lips at first, but turned into a deeper kiss when she opened her mouth to his. He savored her taste and explored with his tongue until she pulled away to breathe.

“Sorry, I got carried away,” she said. “I just wanted to touch you for a few seconds.”

“You can touch me anytime, baby.” He stood up and patted her on the knee before walking to the other room.

“Guys, she wants pizza. Let’s get five large pizzas delivered,” he suggested.

They argued good-naturedly about what to get on them. Jethro vetoed having them delivered.

“Too big a chance they’ll check to see if anyone has ordered a big order like that for delivery. Justin and I will go pick them up. Like I said before, they don’t know us yet,” Jethro said.

“You’re the boss on this. I’m trusting you to know what’s best.” Morgan turned to Justin.

“You call it in. They won’t have your cell phone number. They’ve got mine and probably Tyler’s,” Morgan said.

Justin nodded and grabbed a phone book to look through the
Yellow Pages
for the closest pizza place.

“What did Dodge have to say earlier?” Tyler asked when Jethro and Justin were busy arguing about pizza.

“He says he has a couple of things he’s working on, to give him one more day and he should have something.”

“Man, this could all be over in the next thirty-six to forty-eight hours. Hard to believe. It feels like we’ve been on the road for weeks instead of a few days,” Tyler said.

“Yeah, it does.”

Morgan and Tyler walked back next door to where Amanda was watching TV. She looked much better than she had earlier. It was odd how fast things changed with her.

Tyler grabbed the bed by the outside door and sat down to watch TV. Morgan slipped behind Amanda so that she could lean back against him. Her scent teased at his nose. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her. She felt good there. For a fleeting moment, he thought about how good it would feel to hold her when her belly was round with the baby. Then he shook his head and dropped his arms for a minute at the idea.

“Hmm? What is it?” Amanda asked, leaning her head back so she could see him.

“Nothing. Just thinking”

“You know, I’ve been thinking.”

“Uh-oh,” he said.

She popped his hand. “Hey! Really, what if I let him catch me and you guys follow so you can get proof that he’s trying to hurt me?”

“Are you crazy?” He hugged her tighter. “There is no way we’re going to risk you like that. Something could go wrong, and we wouldn’t be there to help you. Hell no.”

“Well, it was an idea,” she sighed. “I’m tired of not doing anything but running. I know your friends aren’t going to want to hide me for another six months, Morgan.”

“It’s not going to come to that, Amanda. Just relax, and don’t worry. It’s not good for the baby. Let us worry about keeping you safe.”

He heard her sigh. She was right, though. They couldn’t keep running for the next six months, and what happened when she had the baby if Guy was still after her? If it came to that, the twins could help him get a false ID and set her up somewhere safe. He’d stick around long enough to be sure she was settled and able to take care of herself and the baby.

He realized he had his hand over her belly. It wasn’t his child, but he felt protective of it just the same. It had to be an extension of how he felt for her. He cared about her, so he naturally would care about the baby, as well. That was all there was to it. He carefully removed his hand and settled it on her arm instead. If she noticed, she didn’t let on.

Justin stuck his head in the door. “We’re going to pick up the pizza. Going to stop by a convenience store to pick up drinks. What are your faves?”

Tyler and Morgan both said beer. Amanda shook her head and told him she wanted milk and juice of some sort. He nodded and said they’d be back in about thirty minutes.

“Lock your side of the door in case someone comes in over here for some reason,” Justin cautioned them.

Tyler nodded and jumped up to lock the door. He stretched, then walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

“Morgan?” Amanda asked.

“Yeah, baby?”

“I’m sorry I dragged you into my mess.”

“You didn’t drag me. I walked in of my own free will. Now stop worrying about it. Everyone here is here because they want to be.” Morgan nuzzled her neck.

“Tyler and the twins are only here because of you.”

“They are here to help. They didn’t have to come.” He kissed her neck and then drew in her earlobe to try to distract her.

She was quiet for a long time, and Morgan thought at first she’d fallen asleep. Then she turned in his arms and looked up at him. Her eyes were the bluest of blue, and he looked deep into them for some sign of what she was thinking. Then he realized that she was searching his eyes, maybe to see if he was telling her the truth about wanting to be there. Whatever she saw, it settled her, and she smiled and turned around to watch TV again.

Tyler walked back out and climbed back onto the bed again and resumed watching TV. Amanda wiggled free of Morgan’s hold and disappeared into the bathroom.

“She thinks that she’s gotten you into something you didn’t want to be a part of,” Morgan told Tyler.

Tyler’s brow furrowed. “If I didn’t want to help, I wouldn’t be here,” he said.

“That’s what I told her.”

“So are you doubting me now?”

“Nope. Just thought you should know that she’s worried you’re only here because of me.”

“That may have been why at first, but not now. Now I’m here because she deserves her freedom. She’ll never be free as long as Guy is looking for her.”

Morgan nodded and looked over at the bathroom door. He didn’t know if she would have that luxury anytime soon. If Dodge came through, then maybe she could. If he couldn’t come up with anything…well, he’d help her disappear. Maybe, he’d disappear with her.

Chapter Sixteen

The twins were back in thirty-five minutes and divided the pizzas up between them. Amanda ate three pieces and declared herself stuffed. She loved the pizza and hoped there would be some left over for breakfast, but didn’t dare mention it, or someone would do without to make sure that happened.

She watched Morgan eat. He managed to cram five pieces down, and she couldn’t figure out where he put it. He was lean, with washboard abs and a narrow waist. She just shook her head and laughed.


“How can you eat so much and look like you do? I eat three pieces and will gain five pounds overnight,” Amanda complained.

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