Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic) (34 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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“I need a job. Can we go get a paper so I can start looking? I need to start really soon.” Her voice sounded so small and quiet compared to how she normally sounded.

Morgan realized she was overwhelmed by all the men. They’d all been in close proximity for the last few weeks. She had another few to go as well. Until the paperwork was signed and in the lawyer’s hands, they would remain around her to protect her. She’d get used to it.

“Hold on. I think Tyler picked up a paper while they were out.” He grabbed Tyler by the shoulder and leaned in and asked him about the paper.

Tyler nodded and pointed at the table in the living room. Morgan found the paper and brought it back to Amanda. She looked relieved and spread it out on the coffee table, sinking to her knees on the floor, using a throw pillow from the couch to cushion them.

“See anything interesting yet?” Morgan asked a few seconds later.

“There are several positions open for waitresses, and a couple for office help. I’ll try for all of them. Something is bound to be right for me.” She continued looking through the want ads, circling a couple more before folding the paper into quarters.

“There is also word of mouth. I’m going to call a few people I know and put out the word that you are looking for a job. Do you have any special skills?” he asked.

“Not really. I can cook, iron, clean house, waitress, file, type, things like that.”

“We’ll find you a job before long, so don’t worry about that. All you need to worry about right now is relaxing and taking care of yourself while we wait for the paperwork to be ready.” Morgan sat behind her with his knees on either side of her body as she remained kneeling on the throw pillow in front of him.

He massaged her shoulders in a soothing rhythm and hoped to relax her enough she would rest all night. After a few minutes, she yawned and stretched. Using his knees to push off with, Amanda stood up and smothered another yawn behind her hand.

“Sorry, I guess I’m going to call it a night. I’m really bushed,” she said.

“Want me to run you some bathwater for a nice long soak?”

“No, I really just want to go to bed. I’m going to take a shower tonight.” She started to walk away, then stopped and turned back around. “Morgan?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Thanks for helping me.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Amanda had applied for several jobs over the last two days and finally accepted a position in an accountant’s office. There had been no word from Guy, and it was beginning to eat at her nerves. She was afraid that he wasn’t going to follow their plans and she’d end up having to go on the run again.

“What are you so tense about today?” Morgan asked as she stirred the spaghetti sauce.

“We haven’t heard from Guy. I’m worried he isn’t going to go for it.”

“It’s only been two full days as of today. I won’t be worried until we have the paperwork in our hands. Then we might want to up the stakes for him.” Morgan leaned in and kissed her behind the ear.

“How?” she asked, laying the spoon on the spoon rest.

“Leak a rumor to the press that he has some skeletons in his closet that someone might want to dig for.”

“Oh God, no! Someone will find the same thing Dodge found, and then we won’t have anything to bargain with.” She bit her lower lip.

“Don’t worry, Amanda. He’s going to call soon. He’s panicking now trying to decide what to do.”

“I hope you’re right,” she said.

“When do you start work at the accountant’s office?” Morgan asked her.

Amanda was excited to have found a job as a receptionist at a CPA’s office in town. The work was easy, and they understood she would be going on maternity leave in four and a half or five months. They were happy to save her job until she was allowed to come back to work. She’d just gotten back from the interview and started dinner.

“I start next Monday. They are fine with my being gone Tuesday and again another day for when we meet with Guy. They didn’t even ask why, so I didn’t have to make anything up.”

“I know you’re relieved to have a job that you can handle while being pregnant.” Morgan seemed preoccupied by something.

“Is everything okay, Morgan?” she asked.

“Yeah, baby. Why?” He squeezed her waist and turned her around to face him.

“You seem worried about something.”

“I’m not, just not used to sitting around.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I hadn’t thought about that you’ve been cooped up here like you have. I guess everyone is feeling that way,” Amanda said.

“Not your fault. We can go for a ride anytime we want. Maybe we will tomorrow for a couple of hours. Want to go with us?” Morgan asked.

“No, thanks. I’m going to use your computer to read up on accounting so I’ll know the language at least.”

“Good idea.”

Morgan’s cell phone rang. He answered it without checking the number and immediately motioned for her to be quiet. She knew it was Guy. He had finally called.

“I wouldn’t be making demands if I were you. We do have the advantage of knowing you like to be butt-fucked and spanked by women.” Morgan laughed into the phone.

Amanda bit into her fist to keep from saying anything. Morgan knew what he was doing, but she was so afraid for her baby. When he put a calming hand on her cheek and pulled her into his arms, she relaxed.

“Our demands are simple, really. Amanda wants nothing to do with you. She doesn’t want it ever to be known that you were the sperm donor for her baby. All you have to do to keep your little secret is to sign a form giving up all rights to the child and leave her and the child alone for the rest of their lives.”

Morgan listened for a few seconds, then deepened his voice. “Either you follow our directions to the letter or not only will we put your video all over the Internet and TV, but I will personally show you what fucked up really means.”

She swallowed hard around the lump in her throat and prayed Guy would capitulate without a problem. She knew Morgan was dead serious, and she didn’t want him to get in any trouble because of her. She’d been the one to make the stupid mistake of trusting Guy, not him.

“Okay, this is what you are going to do,” Morgan began.

Amanda listened to him explain about meeting them at the bank and give him a time that was two hours after they picked up the paperwork from the lawyer’s office. She figured he wanted time to look over it and maybe get there early to be ready for him. She only half listened to him give Guy the directions as her heart began to beat hard in her chest. It was going to be over with soon. She would have that paperwork in her hands, and he couldn’t hurt her or the baby.

And that meant that her days with Morgan were numbered as well. It was a bittersweet victory. She would cherish her time with Morgan, but had known from the beginning it would only be temporary at best. The fact that he had stuck around as long as he had and helped her was proof of his being a true hero.

“Don’t be late, Guy. I love playing on the Internet.” Morgan hit “end” on the phone and snapped it back on his belt buckle.

He pulled her into his arms and then kissed her soft and easy. His lips sipped from hers before licking along the seam to request entrance into her mouth. His tongue slid along hers, teasing it into his mouth, where he gently sucked on it before releasing her from the kiss.

“Did he sound like he will follow the directions?” she asked.

“He’ll follow them. He’s scared to death that disc will get out.”

“Only two more days then,” she said.

“Only two more days.”

“Two more days till what?” Tyler asked.

Morgan didn’t let go of Amanda when the others walked into the kitchen. She noticed they sniffed the air appreciatively. It would be the first time she’d actually cooked for them. They seemed to be looking forward to it.

“What’s going on?” Dodge asked as he eased into the room between Tyler and Justin.

“Guy just called. The meet up is on for Tuesday after we pick up the paperwork from Buchannan.” Morgan rested his chin on top of Amanda’s head.

“Sounds like we need to make our plans to be in place when this all goes down. I don’t want him leaving without one of us watching him to see if he meets with anyone before he leaves town,” Jethro told them.

“That’s a good idea,” Tyler agreed.

“Well, I’m going to take a nice long bath. Someone needs to stir the sauce every few minutes to be sure it doesn’t stick until I get back.” Amanda eased from Morgan’s hold and walked toward the master bedroom.

She could hear the men in the other room already making plans. She didn’t want to know about them. Right now, all she wanted to do was relax and enjoy the moment believing everything would be okay in the long run. Guy would follow their instructions and sign the papers, and she would be able to live without looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life.

The only thing missing would be Morgan. Falling in love with him had been the second most stupid thing she had ever done. Still, she wouldn’t give anything for the weeks she’d had with him. He had taught her what love really was and how she should be treated. More than likely she would never find another man to even come close to the man Morgan was.

She must have drifted asleep because the next thing she knew, Morgan was sliding into the tub with her. She scooted forward enough to let him sit behind her and leaned back against his chest.

“You feel good,” she said.

“Hmmm. You smell heavenly.”

“Who’s watching the sauce?” she asked in a drowsy voice.

“Dodge and Tyler. I told them we’d be along in an hour or so.”

“Really? That long?”

“I have plans for you, baby.”

“Like what?”

He kissed her cheek and began playing with her breasts. His fingers teased and squeezed each lobe. She moaned as he went from drawing lazy circles around her nipples to pinching and pulling on them. She heated up even as his dick grew hard behind her, nestled between the cheeks of her ass.

“God, that feels so good.”

“How about this, baby?” He ran a finger down her abdomen, over the little baby bump, and down to her mound, where he drew lazy circles with his finger.

She soon found herself lifting her pussy up toward his questing finger. She wanted to feel it on her clit and deep within her womb. If he didn’t touch her somewhere soon, she was going to start begging. He continued pinching and pulling on her nipples with one hand as his other hand cupped her mound and massaged it for a few seconds.

Amanda whimpered, and he chuckled behind her. Finally, he eased a finger down her slit and circled her clit before delving deeper into her cunt. She tilted her pelvis to try to give him a deeper penetration, but it wasn’t enough.

“I need you,” she pleaded.

He growled as she pressed backward, trapping his swollen cock between her back and his abdomen. It pulsed between them.

“Get up on your hands and knees, Amanda,” he said in a growl.

She quickly crawled up on her hands and knees. He fit his cock at her pussy lips and slid in with the help of her pussy juices and the slick water dripping from his dick. She moaned when he reached a tight spot. He pulled out and pushed back in over and over until he was buried balls deep inside of her. She felt him at her cervix with each push, this position giving him so much more depth with his thrusts.

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