Monster Hunter Conquest Collection #1 (7 page)

BOOK: Monster Hunter Conquest Collection #1
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indeed, I'm rarely wrong.” He cupped her cheeks, turning her
head side to side as if studying her in a new light. “Do you
agree, my little Hunter? Are you a dirty creature, as you called us?”

was dazed, she wanted to argue, to cry out that this was untrue.

she turned her cheek into that touch, nuzzling it with a light whine.
“Yes, I... I am, it's true.”

two rats smiled at each other, sharing an apparent moment of
entertainment. “Pleasure, indeed, seems to have been the
correct way to tame our dear predator here. Shall we continue?”

yes, Skarlo. Let's do so.”

blonde girl was adjusted once more, her figure lifted easily in the
hands of the older rat. Carefully, he laid back on the floor, his
tail swishing side to side. Her waist was so tiny in his palms, his
long fingers coiling around her entire center. Siena saw, then, what
was in store for her. The flexing member poised below the junction of
her thighs, glistening with her saliva, engorged to a frightening

he lowered her, and she felt his tip spreading her dripping lower
lips hungrily. The size was spreading her, straining her walls to
capacity, as she screamed out in passion at the sensation of being so
filled. It was distracting, so that at first she didn't notice the
other beast kneeling behind her, his touch grazing down over her
sensitive, firm nipples.

tweaking, he murmured in her ear what she was unsure were even
english words, her mind too far gone with the ecstasy. Finally,
amazingly, she settled onto the root of the giant rat's manhood, the
chocolate brown fur of his body cushioning her thighs. Her hands
lifted, grazing over to link with the fingers of Skeelo, and she
leaned back into his warmth on the outside, as Skarlo's heat filled
her quim.

bumped her rear opening, something as rigid as what was settling
inside her pussy. It became clear, as the inky eyed creature reached
back to ease himself, to spread her cheeks with one hand, that he was
about to pierce her arse.

knowledge made her tingle, like electricity coursed her figure, eyes
closing as the dual pair planned to enter both her holes.

was happy Skeelo had prepped her with the tail.

pain was sharp, but the true sensation was deep, dark, taboo. To be
so stuffed, from both ends, it was blatantly erotic and shameful. It
made her squeeze, made her tense, but the rat was gentle as he
entered her, careful not to harm her.

he went in to the base, he sighed loudly, hugging her closely to his
soft chest, embracing her from behind.

didn't think she could take it, couldn't handle anymore.

then they began to move.

pair stroked their cocks into her, in and out, a constant motion and
path of passion. It made the girl cry out, her breathing raspy, her
body straining to handle the feelings.

were everywhere, touching her breasts, gripping her thighs, petting
her belly and teasing her neck. It was too much, too insane, she
feared she'd lose her mind.

finger pad, she didn't know who's, brushed over her throbbing clit.
Small circles, casual grace, and it was the end of the line.

crescendo erupted, her scream loud and raw, her entire body rocking
in place on the double penetration. Skeelo sounded like he was
commending her, whispers in her ear and down to her soul. It seemed
like her climax would never end, like the colors flashing behind her
eyes were coursing through to her very being.

young Hunter thought she might finally come down from her
aftershocks, her walls still flexing and twitching around them both.
As if on cue, the pair began grinding into her faster, harder, intent
on their own needs. Their desire had gone past the line, they wanted

song they made, their breathing and heart beats reverberated into her
core, and she found she had buried her face in the side of the rat's
neck as he held her from behind, pounding into her ass almost
violently. The pulsing of them, the mixed swelling in both her holes,
the growing heat was too much for her.

she felt, another orgasm rippled through her. This time, the brothers
followed suit.

liquid milk exploded inside of her, dousing her entrances, filling
her up with spurts that set off her quivers again and again. It was
like she had become an earthquake, and they were the lava inside.

flexing cocks eventually slowed, and her pants in her ears were
drowned out by the rough, ragged ones of the rats. Her fingers
reached up, petting the muzzle of Skeelo, even as she felt Skarlo
taking her palm, kissing the base gingerly.

trio slumped as one, but it was clearly Siena who was the most

beast behind her coiled his arms around her waist, gently bracing her
so he could pull his spent member from her rear. She didn't fight,
not even as he lifted her from his brother, though her whimper was
soft and pitiful. Their seed dripped from her, thick as cream.

her tight, he saw that the girl had quickly fallen asleep, and he
shook his head in amusement. He went to speak, but a motion from
Skarlo, indicating he stay silent, hushed him. The pair tilted their
heads, observing the girl who had come to claim their skins, and now
seemed content to snore in the arms of the beast she once called a


sounds of birds chirping roused her, making her wince as she held the
side of her head. Dizzy, exhausted, the blonde was entirely confused
as she came awake by the the rushing water. Sitting up, she
discovered quickly that she was wrapped in a thick blanket, though
her main concern was her sword.

it beside her, she grabbed it tight, emerald eyes peering around

seemed she was sitting by the entrance to the sewer, where it poured
out from the city. Bit by bit, as she tried to focus, the memories of
her hunt came to light.

they had, her golden skin turned a bright shade of crimson, and she
jumped to her feet with a groan. Amazingly, the wetness and spent
essence of the brothers still seemed to seep from her, hours later,
and she bit her lip as she wiped it away with her palm quickly.

her boots were still in tact, as she realized the walk back to buy
some new clothes was going to be uncomfortable enough.

rattled by her foot, and she paused, stepping back to squint down at
the object.

a harsh reminder of her nightly escapades, was the fuzzy cat tail she
had worn so shamefully.

her mouth to stifle her groan, the blonde glanced around once, twice,
and finally kicked the toy into the river.

it would float away, the Hunter realized with a mixture of concern
and delight, that her memories of that night with the Rat Clan were
unlikely to vanish anywhere near as easily, or as fast.


to the Giant Slug


was damp, from toe to hair line, and down to her black mood.

was, bluntly, fuming over the fact that every monster she seemed to
track put her in the realms of soggy grounds and soaked walls. From
sewers to the Hyvar Forest, it was getting to the point she should be
used to the wetness. In comparison to all of that, though, the
Sinking Swamp seemed a whole different animal.

ground, what one could see of it, consisted of mud and moss,
driftwood making for poor stepping stones, and even poorer fire wood.
Heavy air, buzzing insects, and a pallid green and gray shadow over
everything... The place truly felt like a watery hell.

the blonde Hunter trudged on.

through the muck, she had adjusted her outfit to something more
fitting for the climate. While it was humid now, she knew it would
cool dangerously in a few hours, and she planned to be prepared. The
swamp reached up to mid thigh, brackish and dotted with lily pads.
Her heavy boots of thick rubber stretched to her hips, though they
had proven to be only barely useful at keeping the seeping coldness
from entering inside and swimming with her soaked pants.

young woman had been moving slowly, but determinedly, through the
deep quagmire for a few hours. Around her, in the ancient, forgotten
feeling place, coils of vines dangled from every surface, trying to
embrace her as she cut them away with her sword. Her long strands
were tied back in a tight braid, as she often preferred, and her top
was a simple long sleeved tunic of dark cloth.

prey this time was something she felt, compared to her last
adventures, should give her no real trouble. The worse part was its
location, but truth be told, the monster sounded like she could
throttle it with her bare hands.

was ever scared of slugs?

it was a
slug, but the girl still rolled her eyes at the
concept. It wasn't simply the ease that drove her, for she truly
liked a challenge, but she needed to succeed, for once. On top of
that, the creature was worth much to the alchemists in her home city,
so the plan seemed a win win.

fat beetle smacked into her cheek, making her squeak as she slapped
it away, watching it move like it could barely keep itself afloat on
shimmering gossamer wings. “Well,” she spoke to herself
in the heavy silence, “it'd be a win win if the stupid monster
wasn't apparently in the middle of a swamp.”

Siena pushed on, listening to the slurping steps she made each time
she gingerly set a heel down under the opaque surface of the water.
It was nerve wracking, to imagine the sinkholes that might lay
beneath her waiting feet. Places so forgotten, if she fell in one,
she'd be a mere memory soon enough.

as she rounded a huge stump, rotten and black as charcoal, the girl
spotted a sparse embankment. Forcing herself not to speed up, for
every time she had in the past, it seemed to throw her head first
into trouble, she edged along until she could touch one of the
gnarled roots protruding from the side of it. Stabbing her sword into
the soft earth, she used her grip to hoist herself from the mire,
groaning at the sickening way it seemed to want to hug her in place.

a loud 'plop', she rolled onto the moss and fungus, and lay there
staring up into the crawling, tangle of branches above. The canopy
was brown and green, alive as the very air of this place seemed to
be. It was unsettling, how everything she touched seemed to shift
away or towards her, even the mud below her seemed to be rolling.

she blinked, mind racing and sitting up her elbows. 'It... it

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